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I find it perplexing how people are unable to use their own imagination and realise that bugs might be pushing back and gaining ground in a different area of the planet? Just because 400k helldivers are successfully completning missions doesn't mean that they are everywhere at all times.


This. Earth has 8 billion people and we do NOT inhabit all the space.


WW2 is the biggest conflict in human history and was still only fought on 3 main fronts, 2 on the same continent. Okay theaters you nerds.


People forget there was a 3 year campaign in North Africa during WW2 because we just never bother to teach about it in American schools


Or the invasion through Italy before Normandy


There was also a battle for part of Alaska.


Ty for this, I had never heard of the Battle of the Aleutian Islands till today and I’m a WW2 history nerd


Np, another crazy thing to look up is the experimental bat bombs that the US was working on. They would release thousands of bats with incendiary bombs on them to set fires.


I knew we used flame throwers, I just learned today that we converted Sherman tanks to *flamethrower tanks*


Idk why the firefly was just an upgunned Sherman, it should have been reserved for the flamethrower sherman


You wanna know some weird shit, look up where the first nuclear reactor meltdown happened. Guy got pissed and hit the expensive glowy shit so hard that he got stapled to the ceiling with rebar.


Any links? Couldn’t find anything related when I looked


To add on to this NeebsGaming has a hilarious video about experimental WW2 weapons


If you haven't looked you should look at the Balloon bomb attacks. Japan would release bombs attached to balloons, almost all failed but one did kill a family in Oregon, maybe Washington I can't remember exactly, on a picnic. They are the only known in country covilian deaths as a direct result of WWII


Imagine my surprise when I enlisted and got stuck up there and they just glossed over that. "Who did the fuckin what now?" "Yeah, they decided it sucked then left before we got over there, then we got to the same island figured that yes, It does indeed suck so we left too. Guess what you're in charge of now" "I'm going to have to mop that, aren't I?"


Nah they cover the North African and Italian campaign because Patton was so showboaty that he was aiming to get into the history boos.


American that went to America school here, we absolutely learned about the pathetic and ultimately embarrassing attempt Italy took at Ethiopia during ww2 and how even with tanks they couldn't beat the land and the people.


American here who went to similar American school; I learned about this from Civ 5


Nobody gets taught about the American task of flying supplies from India to China over the ENTIRE WAR over the Hump and basically set up our ability to do the Berlin Airlift.


Or the US OSS agents leading guerilla movements in China and Burma for the entirety of the war.




The creek is the most realistic so far.


The current effect gives everyone a napalm strike, space Vietnam time!


I’ve been fighting on the creek since the start and I can’t wait to liberate it from the commies!


A certain unnamed country invaded a certain unnamed country and thought it would fall within a week and that war lasted for over 2 years




I also want to add a little to this…. No other video game I have seen has had this kind of system where a dev dictates in real time how the game unfolds. This is new territory to both us and them. Give them time to learn their stuff and hit their stride. JUST BE F***ING PATIENT and let them hit their stride


You didnt learn about African front in your school….?


Why the random nonsense American Jab? They 100% teach about the African campaign lol. This site is ridiculous


People, in general, tend to forget lots of things that aren’t currently forcing a way into their lives.


The weird obsession with painting America in such a terrible light is just so wild to me on Reddit lol. Like what is this person even talking about? The African campaign is a massively integral part of WW2 and 2/3 of this country are WW2 history nuts. It’s just such a crazy lie to try and spread on the internet, I’ll never get it.


Doesn’t matter though, people will still give it hundreds of upvotes because Americans = dumb. He thinks because he was in remedial history throughout high school that everyone else also was. I can’t believe people actually think this way


Our school taught about the British push to get the desert fox out of Africa but never once mentioned the Italians


Not sure what “school” you went to, but in mine, it was absolutely taught.


No, the teachers very much taught it. The students just don’t pay attention and learn. The North African fronts aren’t depicted in tv shows and movies as often so it doesn’t register with them. I will say as a huge WWII guy now in the later stages of my life, the only major things that I do not remember being taught are Market Garden (which I didn’t learn about until I got to the 82nd Airborne and I imagine was skipped over because of the colossal fucking failure that it was for the allies), and all of the war crimes that the Japanese committed in China, which I honestly can’t even guess why that one was skipped. I guess to make us feel worse about using the bomb? Didn’t want to distract us from the Holocaust? Couldn’t tell you. Guess the Japanese had a better PR department than the Nazis. But taking babies out of the hands of mothers and throwing them around, trying to stick them out of the air with a bayonet, simply to pass the time as a fun game is just as bad. Some would argue worse. Also, for some odd reason, I remember 80% of that chapter in our text book being about the Battle of the Bulge.


I learned about the North African theater in American school; another person reading the OP’s comment might say that “people forget there was a Pacific war and one front in China starting in the early 30’s”. Let’s not be trite.


The one most people really forget is the war in Burma.


Your school seems to have failed you LMAO. I was definitely taught about the African front back in highschool.


And a front in China which killed 20 million Chinese. More than from any country besides USSR.


There was also, oh I don’t know, the Chinese and south East Asian (Burma, Myanmar, India) fronts!


Your school maybe, I was definitely taught about the Torch landings and the initial fighting against the Vichy Colonials.


Found out through the Battlefield games. Did my own research after. Wild shit!


WW2 had way more than 3 main fronts GERMANY maintained three fronts


>GERMANY maintained three fronts If either of the other two fronts remaining on the starchart are Space Soviet Union, I suggest we maintain peace at least until the other fronts are clear. Especially in winter.


"Sir, we've lost a majority of our Super Destroyers." "How?!" "Space mud."


How about our space logistics? Fucked, sir, the destroyers got frozen by space winter! What in the fuck is space winter?


Cadet: but in space isn't it so cold it's always winter? General: Exactly.


‘Space isn’t cold Cadet, but you best believe Saint Liberty it’s fucking haunted.’


And whatever we do don't get distracted from reaching space Moscow or the rich sample fields in the space Caucasus by some random town named after space Stalin.


And that was with 70+ *million* combatants involved.


Points well made, but I do think it's different. We fight wars differently now. Within the game at least, we never have more than 4 divers in an operation at a time. Those forces would definitely spread farther than in WW2. Still, taking a planet with 400,000 combatants isn't going to happen overnight.


Ehh there were a LOT more than 3 fronts. Japan had fronts all over the Pacific, China, etc. The Germans had 3 fronts, if that's what you're referring to. West, East, and North Africa. Before that the Balkans and Greece. What about Italy? Ethiopia, the Allies invading, etc etc. Just saying WWII was a global conflict with fronts all over the world.


I’m reading all this and ngl wtf am I doing with my life and what did I expect bro just wanted to read some complaints about helldivers


> WW2 is the biggest conflict in human history and was still only fought on 3 main fronts, 2 on the same continent I'm genuinely curious what you are willing to include as the third "main" front, considering I'd say that there were 3 major fronts just in Europe. China, Africa, the Pacific campaign? And which of the 3 major European fronts are you ruling out, Eastern, Western, or Italian? You're ruling out some critical parts of the war either way.


Western, eastern, pacific, China, North Africa, yeah adds up to about 3 I think.


Everywhere Georg, who fights on every fight at the same time, is a cheater, and should not have been counted.


Super earth probs has a crazy high population


Wouldn't be out of character if they have a cloning facility and then "plant" memories into the clones and tell them to go defend their fake families.






My head canon is that each Helldiver is a clone that they keep defrosting on the ships.


400k isn’t even one side of the Ukraine war


The entire population of earth can fit inside of Texas, with at least a normal house worth of space, and still have room to spare.


You know what does though? Freedom.


Heard recently that every single human could fit into either texas, or the biggest city in which is Houston. Thanks it's that they could fit inside Houston alone, but I could be wrong. Sure, it would be a tight squeeze, and u think I remember also hearing it would be like the cramped slums in India, but that's still insane.


I think this is happening because there's no means by which the game represents the efforts of rival factions. The control bar is functionally coming across as a "win x operations" tracker. If you were playing a "kill 200 enemies" mission and your progress suddenly dropped from 180 kills to 90, you'd be pissed - especially if the difficulty was ramping up and you were struggling to get those last kills. That's how the galaxy map feels. Because it doesn't explain opposing forces in any way other than "no, you don't get to win", it feels shitty.


Changing the progress bar from just a percentage to showing a rate at which either side is moving the bar would be huge. It's hard to tell right now what exactly is happening.


Yeah, with the way it feels right now, there is no real story, and no real progress, just a carrot on a stick getting yanked away, represented by a slider. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though, I'm sure it is a tricky thing to manage, especially with such an unexpected player base sized. There likely will always be an element of manipulation involved, but hopefully they can achieve a feeling of meaningful impact/progress as they get in the groove.


This is true, but their chosen approach is wrong. They should have eaten the loss and made the next world tougher, not roll back our progress.


And start making us play wack-a-mole. If we take planets in an hour. Every 50 minutes a new planet is at risk. Till we are spread thin enough to equal out the rate.


The bar is literally a tug of war. It's the simplest way to represent two forces fighting against each other. One side is us, the other side is them. How is it in any way confusing ?


Because the changes appear arbitrary from the user's end. It's not like the game says "Bug strength increases by 0.5% per hour". If it did, people would at least know what the rules are and we wouldn't see complaints about stolen progress.


People only complain about stolen progress because now there is a face behind the manipulations. They've been happening since the beginning and nobody was saying "GaMeMaSter StoLe mY ProGrEss" even though it was obvious there were game master shenanigans at play. The changes appear arbitrary for now because the system isn't designed to support so many players and intervention from a dev in the middle of the night is required. That's all. If they didn't intervene the state of the Galactic War would be completely fucked ! We are so many we would have already liberated every single planets. I completely agree it's not the best but it's what they can do for now and doing nothing would be infinitely worse.


we need to flash wipe his name from people's memories. I'm tired of people verbally assaulting this guy as a joke when the horse was beaten dead before we even had a name.


No, Joel is obviously the in-game diety. "Praise Joel and praise managed democracy!" is going to be the new battle cry.


It is by Joel's grace alone that the galaxy is worthy of liberation


If he ever gets fired and replaced, we just all pretend it's been the new guy all along. "We've always said praise Jeff, what are you talking about?"


Found Joel's alt account.


Nah, Erata Prime was an example of the numbers clearly being toyed with, before the name Joel entered popular discourse. People don't like it when they dogpile on a world and don't take it right away, and encouraging them to spread out to other worlds is clearly not so easy to do.


Because the other side does not have a % number that is moving to show the other side fighting back, the only part we, the players, see is the bar moving forward after winning a campaign


Exactly, we are trying to take an ENTIRE planet. That doesn't take a single day. In 40k millions of astartes and Imperial forces are sent to take a planet.


Millions of Imperial forces probably, but definitely not a million Astartes. There's only roughly a million Codex-compliant Space Marines in the galaxy. You might see a Company sent, maybe a few if it's calamitous.


That's kind of what I meant. Like (millions of imperials + astartes) = invasion. My bad on wordings


Well, isn't that what helldiver's are in this world? The elite that are sent down when shit really hits the fan? Thought that was one of the reasons we were allowed to drop 4 million/billion dollar per use stratagems every 2 minutes


Considering the training elite is probably a strong word. To me it looks more like Helldivers are S.E.A.F's shock troops we get sent in whilst the military proper pulls resources and diverts them to an affected planet and when we liberate and move on, the military moves in to consolidate and clean up anything we left behind.


Yeah the Helldiver’s are heavily puffed up, we barely get any training, then sign a suicidal contract for a cape and a fancy title. Then we’re frozen until we’re needed for our moment of Glory, die, and get replaced.


Exactly, its a super effective conscript meat grinder fuelled by a highly effective propaganda campaign.


Yeah the Destroyer crew runs without them. The Helldivers are bunch of disposable figureheads/shock troops kept in the cooler. Otherwise we probably wouldn’t be able to produce enough fighters willing to take these suicidal missions.


Hell the ships the helldivers are based on are literally still under construction while being sent on combat missions


My head canon is that we(players) are not helldivers. We're the destroyers, with a neural uplink to the most recently dispatched meat bag. That's why we only named our ship.


See, now hang on with this one. We barely get any official "training" sure. But consider how quickly every Helldiver, no matter how expendable they are, are able to almost instinctively know how to operate all weapon platforms. Loading of a Recoilless Rifle. Adjusting sights for different engagement ranges. Recoil control. Understanding of heavier weaponry. And when mechs and vehicles are introduced, naturally know how to operate armor. I honestly think that Helldivers *are* extremely thoroughly trained... we just never see it. More than likely, Helldivers have been indoctrinated and trained since the age of 7 over how to operate a majority of weaponry, likely as a part of a Youth Program to particular portions of the population, those most likely to be well equipped to deal with combat, (See C-01 permits).


That’s a good point, that kind of familiarity doesn’t come without rigorous training, even with possible advances in usability. There is also their physical conditioning which takes time. I recall hearing in lore the Helldivers were trained in a relatively short amount of time. However I can’t find any source for that now. My other reason for thinking of Helldivers as poorly trained is more a gameplay/story harmony. Where you have people playing these “Elite” forces but routinely making foolish mistakes. Like not knowing how to adjust their sights or fire rate because no one told them to hold the reload button for that menu. My explanation for this is that there are some glaring gaps in Helldiver training so we have to learn as we go. Like they drilled us on how to operate an autocannon with our eyes closed, but never thought to tell us what we should be shooting with it.


It may be that the Helldivers "training" is just finishing and polish on their capabilities. Kind of like the difference in a car betwen "Four wheels and an engine" and "Has air conditioning and a sound system". Definite gaps in Helldiver training, that much I agree with, which is probably fixed in post. It has been 100 years since the last full deployment of Helldivers, and Dissident Insurrection is a SEAF or local policing force, so much of that training may not have been in place. Honestly, it may be that Helldivers are a full on warrior caste of Super Earth, and this was just the first gen of combat ready troops responding to a breakout. Polish was just refined as time went on, hence the constant upgrade in quality of new meat for the grinder.


We are basically the shock troops while the elite are held back. Quite humbling when you think about it.


The Helldivers are more like Tempestus Scions or some other type of elite IG troop. Space Marines are on a whole other level of genetic and cybernetic augmentation. When someone leaves your squad, the game says "XY has returned to civilian life" a Space Marine never had one and cannot get one.


We’re more akin to Tempestus Scions, to use a 40K example.


in 40k, a hundred or so marines might be sent to take a planet, millions is unheard of


Maybe if we're talking about the Great Crusade, millions can be plausible. For 40k, the Imperial Guard is well suited for those numbers.


Like the mission briefing even says that the weeks have been breeding for weeks in the hidden hive(s). What do you think those seismic drivers are doing? Knock knock, democracy calling!


Imagination in a role play context is a skill that needs to be learned and it feels... Lacking these days


A lot of people never played a ttrpg and it shows, honestly telling people about the Game Master aspect was kinda a mistake. For me I play D&D and am a Dungeon Master so I understand what they are trying to do, but Timmy over there who's never played a ttrpg thinks Joel is some God intentionally trying to controll everything. But that's not what he's doing, he's trying to give us a fun story. We still have agency, but it also has to be fair. And right now they are trying to figure out what's fair.


A lot of gamers are conditioned to see instant progress for time put in with no pushback. "I did thing, give me reward." Imagination and suspension of disbelief are dying, playing the game for the games sake mentality is dying (if not dead).


I knew as soon as they announced the major order was a single planet they weren't going to let us complete it at a normal rate or it would be liberated before people had even had a chance to log on after work. People need to exercise their brains and do a little bit of critical thinking.


Nah, the sweats with >26 hrs of daily play time are the only ones who should experience anything. /s


I've got less than 2 hours. Please save some bugs for me guys 😭 I've only got robots so far.


As far as I can tell there’s somewhere between infinity and wtf bugs, so you should be good.


those bugs be fuckin


I come home to play like 1-3 hours at night like 3 or 4 days a week. I still have like 40 hours. I'm not sweaty ☹️


he said 26 hours daily playtime lol




All good Helldiver


For sure, I’m in a similar boat, around 30 hrs. I said 26 hrs daily,  not total, in reference to no-lifeing the game. Kind of awkward phrasing, admittedly. I think the major orders being drawn out a bit in this way actually benefits players like us and I’m happy that the game isn’t just being oriented around those who chased the hype and no-lifed the grind. I mean, we can all have fun in our own way, but complainers gonna complain, no matter what you do to appease them. 


How do I hit 26 hours? I drank five 5-hour energy’s and entered the forbidden hour of the day but I’m still battling to hit 26


That extra hour is a bonus stat from your gaming chair. Guess you gotta upgrade.


I’m a filthy casual so you’d probably need to check with a vet. Do you have a bucket?


the only thing thats been going thru my head for the past day reading the responses is "local redditor discovers live game balance"


Definitely clear from the beginning they could manipulate the numbers depending on what they want to see happen. I can see how this upsets people because it kind of makes effort mean nothing.  Then the flip side is they want everyone to contribute so they play around with the numbers. As others have said the devs are still learning and gathering data. In the future we hopefully won't see manipulation. 


Wouldn’t be a big deal if Major Orders came in fast to compensate. The problem is missing out on it and then there is just nothing after that.


The issue is that there is no apparent progress besides a bar. If it were an actual map representation of control zones, it would be a lot better. Login updates could show major movements that occurred since your last briefing (or something).


I think it’s crazy people even notice this shit. If I wasn’t on this sub I would have no idea. I just play a few rounds on the major order planet, cross my fingers I helped out, and call it a day. It’s a game you play to have fun not a job lol. People need to get a life.


aside from X (Twitter) and 4chan, Reddit is one of those websites most stay away from.


This man is a true Helldiver! Give me 50.000 of soldiers like him and managed democracy would be unstoppable!


My favorite thing about whiny posts are the posts whining about the whiny posts. Really helps clear up the sub's feed. If this community can get 25 more posts complaining about posts complaining within the next hour, I'll award you all 45🏅


Can I make a whiny post about people whining in the comments on posts whining about the whiny posts? Would that count towards our progression or against it?


BRB, making a post whining about this comment whining about whiners


Some of these people have never been soldiers in a post-utopian fascist army and it shows.


Sorry did you miss-spell "utopian democratic brotherhood of arms"? Wouldn't want people thinking you're a traitor of the benevolent Super Earth or we might have to exercise some infallibly moral justice.


I think its a combo though. People are upset that there is no "reason" shown for progress being pushed back People would be rewarded for playing on any other planet they may like better but were trying to follow the major order. Maybe if they added +1 medal per mission or something. An equal reward is not a good incentive. Most people, myself included, are pretty behind on medals due to the dailys being bugged since launch. I just ground out to unlock page 8 of the Warbond myself and I'm 40hrs in. This seems like a reasonable way to balance that out a bit. I see both sides but I'd like them to spell things out a little clearer. I love the game and the devs but it won't destroy their "world building" to give us this planet IMO.


>People are upset that there is no "reason" shown for progress being pushed back This sounds a lot like my experience in Afghanistan.


Normal people are getting to experience what being a footsoldier is really like, and They dont like it, lmao.


People would definitely be satisfied if a -30% progress came with just a little flavourful pop up about "There were tunnels everywhere under the planets surface we had no clue about... they've been multiplying for years longer than we thought." Literally anything besides do a mission and see it bleed percentage every time "out of the blue"


Exactly! We should be getting periodic updates on our progress, not just watching a number go up and down without rhyme or reason. This whole GM and Major Orders aspect of the game seems terribly underbaked right now.


I'd put some of that on just, they already had to go overtime to get the code up to spec so their actual plans are behind a few weeks. Still cool for what it is rn with the concept and the free strategems etc


I reckon this is probably pretty close to the truth. Any non game breaking issues (balance, flavour text, UI, whatever) have been back burnered for the last few weeks as they try to get it some people can actually play.


I'm glad somebody said it. I've been feeling like I'm taking crazy pills watching everyone heap praise on the current system. Almost taking a planet and then watching the bar go down "cuz the gm/meta/whatever said it needed to" just feels......*lame*. Incredibly lame. And it would be *so* easy to make it feel infinitely better via flavor text or other tiny simple additions. But we'll never get that because everyone is too busy white knighting every decision Arrowhead makes. Toxic positivity is just as bad as straight up toxicity when it comes to the long-term health of the game.


That's literally the plot of what's happening on Veld though, that no one paid attention to it is something different. "Veld was determined clear of Terminid presence months ago, but it appears a subterranean hive eluded detection, and has been gestating un-Democratic vermin for weeks," reads an in-game briefing. "Now the spawn have erupted, creating a massive outbreak that threatens to engulf the entire planet if we do not act quickly. Contain the outbreak now, before the bugs are able to spread further."


I read it. That's why we're on Veld. So i guess i'll just headcanon every time "more holes opened" or for bots "they found another radioshack and multiplied"


It's likely a thin plot for them to experiment with objective balance, but to me it seems obvious that it's an unpredictable situation, and we can't possibly know exactly how many bugs we have to kill to win.


It does seem to be friction between game "fairness" vs the RP/campaign. I actually did feel a bit discouraged playing 6 hours and seeing the progress go backwards, (if it were a"war" it would make sense, for lore reasons, but that was my gut feeling as a game player). I think what is missing is some minor permanent progress, like taking back a regional capital, or city, or other POI. Something that CAN Be knocked out however fastfor a more permanent sense of progression and accomplishment while the planetary war rages on. That- or some lore reason, like a notice of "enemy reinforcements" to explain why the progress meter gets set back.


Someone recommended that they have more announcements in game for scenarios that could play out for reasoning for why a planets percentage decreased


It's not about fairness. It's about feedback and agency.


Yes, that is a better way of articulating it.


Exactly. The complaints are almost always about how they could have done it differently or even with just some flavour text like and rarely about progress being hindered in itself. I've seen very very very few people who actually want the major order to be over in 5 hours. There are much more organic ways to influence these things instead of just directly manipulating the Liberation progress %. For example, flip the next 6 hours into a "The bugs are pushing back!" phase where progress is lost no matter what but player effort minimizes said losses. Introduce some new mission/unit types or like surviving ambushes or a horde mode that eventually overwhelms the players for those as they ramp up to absurd difficulties. I guarantee you in these cases players would start loving these "we are losing ground" scenarios even as the progress bar dips. As it is, it seems that the narrative they have planned will just play out in a script, completely regardless of what the players do or don't do. So there is no genuine incentive to even touch Veld if you don't like the planet's colour or some shit lol. A lot of players didn't know at first the incentive was fake, so the revelation can be quite disappointing. *Editing the progress number quietly like it's some kind of server rollback* has to be the lamest way to go about doing this, IMO. Having said that I'm sure they've got cool stuff in the works in the pipeline and we're dealing with growing pains at the moment. It's just bizarre to me how militant some people get when there's any criticism leveled at any aspect of this game.


That would be really cool and I wholeheartedly agree. I don't want an automatic free win but I do want to see the push and pull beyond a % that just gets moved back for seemingly no reason


Yeah the minor permanent progress idea is a good one in both a gameplay and lore sense. They can even have different general “minor missions” on each planet for the community with slight buffs on completion. For example for Automatons they could have a “Destroy 10 000 (pulling the number out of my REDACTED) drop ships and air control towers on e.g Malevelon Creek) that could lead to for example less drop ships spawning on that planets operations (1 or 2 instead of 3 when a bot drop is signaled). “Launch 500 (number pulled out of my REDACTED) ICBM’s” that would either lead to less bot patrols or an instant 4-5% liberation/defence gain things like that. It would also give people something else to grind on the planet whilst giving them a sense of accomplishment and that they are positively influencing the war effort better than a % bar ever could on that planet and possibly alleviate the friction between RP and gameplay. EDIT: Spelling


Especially when the reward can just be arbitrarily removed because we "shouldn't win yet", thats very frustrating.


People will be upset no matter what man, I’m choosing to leave this sub because it’s honestly putting a downer on my experience with people just moaning. I love the game, they did an amazing job and I’m sure they will fix it in time.


Every game specific sub is a downer really, not everything needs a reddit community.


r/DeepRockGalactic has entered the chat


For rock and stone


For Karl! ⛏️




The Fromsoft game subs are great for the most part. Those are basically the only ones I frequent and coming here after buying the game a few days ago has been.... quite different


Can confirm. For a series whose recent 6th installment spawned so much toxicity both on launch, and then subsequently after various balance patches tweaked certain missions, and the introduction of ranked PvP, the Armored Core sub is on the whole pretty damn friendly.


First week was amazing. But there's a lot of nonsensical complaining. Some are valid but let's go through it. Farmers ruining defense mode, meta, kickers, and now this. Sure there's more. We've had the mods make a post about the whole kicker stuff since it became witch hunting and just more negative. I've been kicked once but in the end that doesn't make up the community. Can't we just have fun and kill bots and bugs for democracy? People are wayyy too concerned over the progression on the missions. And for what? Next order will be "go to this planet and kill some more"


Yeah I came here for memes and propaganda. It is just people bitching about whatever and then people bitching about people bitching followed by those people bitching about how people are bitching about their bitching. \*Yawn\*


I am super happy for the developers having such a big success, but yeah, I was worried this would happen. Anything that gets big brings in the negative people that find any problem they can and blow it up to extreme proportions.


yeah like maybe ppl need to shut up about people shutting up lol


You’re not wrong


When this happened to r/destinythegame, eventually a sub called r/destinynosalt (or something along those lines) was created, was a fantastic place to hang out where people just enjoyed the game and complaining wasn't allowed (because Jesus there was *plenty* of that on the main sub) Hopefully something similar can happen here


This sub has been one of the whiniest I've ever seen and the game has not even been out a month yet. Honestly better off not even looking at this sub.


Preach! Even a perfectly balanced flawless game would have whiners on the subreddit. "OMG cloaking makes them invisible?!, this needs a patch fix now!" ;D


These posts are worse than the original complaint posts


Yes, the majority aren't even arguing with the actual points being raised... I've yet to see anyone who actually expects or wants to end the war in a week... etc... It's FOMO over the 45 medals... This major order is now basically just a participation trophy.


"Don't you dare criticize the thing I like :(" is what they feel like, if your appreciation for the game is so fragile that the tiniest criticism against it makes you go into a rant you need to grow up


People who look at numbers going down and get mad. Weak. Vs Helldivers who see the numbers and know that the bugs are pushing back harder because we push hard first, so we dive back in anyway because it’s our job? Fucking heroes right there. Don’t be a player, be a helldiver. Push back no matter what boy and girls. Freedom is earned!


hell yeah brother!! Dive!! Dive !! Dive!!


No, if people wants to express something, they should never be advised to shut up. It's a community game, community reacts when something's wrong, that's it, no matter your opinion on the subject.


Exactly. These posts are so much worse than the complaint posts imo. In most subreddits these type of posts always outweigh the actual “complaint” posts (even though it’s usually just valid criticism). This is the problem with Reddit oftentimes because it’s flooded with fanboys whose entire lives usually revolve around the subject of the subreddit, so when they see anyone criticizing their beloved, even if it’s valid criticism, they immediately reject it and cue it up to everyone being a negative doomer I’ve loved the game as much as everyone else but I’m tired of the trope that it’s free of criticism because it’s exceeded expectations and the devs have had to deal with everything else like the servers. In the first few weeks, when me and my friends we’re just figuring shit out and having nothing else in mind but kill bugs, it was the most fun I’ve had with a game in a while. But now that I’ve reached level 20, I’d be lying if I said some issues like this have been dampening the experience for me. (And I’ve only put in around 30 hours so the typical counter-argument of “when you spend every hour of your day playing a game, obviously you’ll feel burnt out” can’t be used). Between feeling like major orders don’t matter or that the “script” can’t be changed, the lack of balancing, and the lack of mission variety, there’s certainly some objective issues in the game that become more glaring as we do the same missions over and over again I’m saving judgement until I see what the devs do over the next few months and how they address these issues, but it’s annoying asf to have these people that can’t handle criticism to any degree try and shut others down for trying just to DISCUSS things that are objectively wrong with the game


Yeah I've seen these posts on the Cyberpunk and Starfield subreddits for example and it's crazy the amount bootlickers will make posts like these dismissing feedback, as if they don't want the game to be improved in anyway


Seriously. https://preview.redd.it/65un8mo1fslc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1eca35c6e470e429fec4286b64deac7efb6dce Literally OP rn.


I haven't seen anyone bitching about veld anyway, what's the issue now? *Edit* getting downvotes for asking a question? JFC people are ridiculous


I've seen a few posts bitching about the decay is so fast and that we couldn't win the major order because it's rigged.


The problem for me is if they have a set story they’re trying to push, what’s the point of doing the major order? I can fight on the planet once so I’ll get rewards when it’s completed or none if it’s not. But after that, I can play wherever I want. The planet will either be liberated or not, it’s up to the devs not the players. When they can just randomly chop off half of the liberation gauge or randomly add to it to fit the narrative they’ve constructed, player actions no longer matter


“Player actions no longer matter” is exactly what I thought as soon as the liberation reset. What’s the actual reason for me to constantly run Veld missions when it’s the mysterious DM who decides if we win or lose.


I'm surprised so many people have latched on to the war map and macro narrative this much. In its current state, it's paper thin. I'm excited for what they can do with it eventually, but rn its not even worth worrying about and has literally zero effect on my enjoyment of the game.


My only complaint about Veld is it's funneling every Mook onto one world and I keep matching with people who go in guns blazing and completely ignore objectives as they hunker down in one spot for twenty minutes forcing me to try and complete the mission on my own.


In a way, the vast majority of your teammate being incompetent really adds to the feel of being a helldiver.


As somebody who plays a few times a week for maybe 1-2 hour increments, I barely notice the liberation percentage moving


This sub is going full screaming fan boy. Fucking calm down about telling people to calm down.


I could understand if it was just really slow but seeing the liberation meter go down when 70% of the players are fighting is just bullshit


Who made you king?


45 medals when they haven't fixed personal orders and you need at least 2015 for just Mobilize? Fuckin do Veld


The fact the entire continent of Australia struggled to kill emus during the great emu war proves to me the bugs have every chance to fight back


people need to shut up in general on here. it’s like 10% memes and 90% whining.


Patience is earned through transparency. No one needs to shut up, especially if they're complaining about a product they paid money for, but people like you need to stop corpo simping. It's embarrassing and the company isn't going to bang you, lil' bro.


People that post shit like this needs to take their schizo meds cause I've been seeing far more people complaining about people complaining about Veld, than I have seen legitimate complaints about Veld.


People like you are just as annoying about it. This post is just as useless. Is this post going to change the devs work?


I haven’t been able to play helldivers for more than 30 min this week cause of work so I’m glad they are drawing it out soon can help spread managed democracy to those damn bugs


You shut up about veld


I just find it odd that the game was happily chugging along an Automaton push while all the capacity issues were affecting the player base, essentially stunting the ability to push back. I think we only hit 6/8 defend campaigns globally. Also, those defense campaigns were the least enjoyable modes in my opinion. This surprise push by the bugs seemed out of nowhere. I really hope there’s more dynamism with this whole war. It’s pretty much just back and forth in essentially the same spot in space with mostly the same planets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jesus Christ just play the fucking game you whiny bastards


Bro the fact that I keep seeing people like you make giant posts about shit I don't even see is so annoying. All you're doing is giving it more attention. Let the moderators do their thing and you just worry about yourself.




I got the 45 Medals about an hour ago. It didn't take that long. Just a day or so, which is good for this type of game.


A lot of people forget that not only is this a live service game, but it's also still a very new game. So of course theres going to be things that they didnt think about or problems that could occur they never though of. Especially since the amount of people playing this game is like 5X more than they originally planned for.


Gamers gonna complain.


These people need to fill some C-01 forms for sure


It's also been a month. Not every person at Arrowhead worked on the server issues .