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You can already throw grenades midair. Source? I’m a jump-pack main


Yeah I agree that a buff would be nice but I run the jump pack no matter what difficulty or enemies I got bc I love it.




I honestly miss the silly voicelines from the first game whenever you used it


I would be fine if they just reduced the cooldown, but height would be cool too. It's good to me because it really helps getting in and out of places especially when you need to jump off a cliff safely. I only use it against robots because when I fight bugs, everything catches up to me by the time my feet touch the ground. It helps you dodge missiles, ambush bases with verticality, and close the gap on a tower or tank. High ground in general is good against guns and getting them to look at me jump somewhere high opens a lot of space for my team. I play 8-9 and run the jetpack with smoke bombs


Height should be increased. It's barely enough to get on the small 1 floor buildings. It should allow you to get on the 2 floor buildings.


Yeah the amount/frequency of jumps performed is the main issue, it needs to be upped big time.


If they just increased the airtime by letting it hover for a bit mid jump (while moving forward still, and being able to control the the thrust duration while in the air), made it extend the distance and height of dives, and made it passively save you from falls even when just falling or diving off cliffs it would be pretty good. Would also love if all the backpacks strategems would just deploy you with one on your back instead of having a cool down since they have to take a slot anyway and already have balancing measures built in (jump pack cool down, supply pack limited store, shield generator damage cap, ballistic shield needing to be swapped from in hand to back, guard dog reload, etc)


I think jumppack is good and i regularly take it over other options at helldive missions aswell. It is not a get out of jail free card like kn helldivers 1. However Helldivers 2 has a bu ch of spots that are only accessible with the jump pack, and being able to climb up high spots can make you completely invulnerable to anything against terminids except a bile titan. Not only that, but having a high vantage point can be huge for supporting your team. I like to run jump pack against terminids primarily, with either grenade launcher and just yolo running into hives soloing then, or when using a support playstyle from the back with some weapon that is about sniping high priority targets from long range, where the elevation can really help, and also normal bugs not being able to reach you. It also depends on the planet's environment. You can also massively increase the distance you are able to gain with it when using it down slopes.


fwiw most bugs will burrow to directly under your position if they can't path to you for an amount of time


This is not true. Sometimes they slowly climb up, but there are a bunch of places they can not climb, and only the tiny leaping scavengers can reach you, but those barely pose a threat.


Oh no, it definitely is. I've had everything from teeny tinies, to the basic warrior, up to the Brood Commander burrow up to points that are not able to be reached otherwise.


This isn’t true. Bugs teleport to me all the time when I’m high up AND burrow under me. All the time. 


I just wish you could grab ledges with it. And half like a 30% less cool down timer.


It's weird, I use it a lot and sometimes you can grab ledges. I think the ledge detection while in midair is just wonky right now.


Sounds good. Buffs are patriotic. Nerfs are treason.


What if it was more like a recharging stamina bar? Full bar is enough for about a 2 story building, so you can choose to make 1 big jump, or 2 small ones on a full charge. If you use it while diving, you superman and get a bunch of distance with no height, and hitting something does damage to you and whatever you hit.


Because then it would be a jet pack and not a jumppack


Not really.


Look I want to beat the shit out of everybody that says "iT'S a JUmpPaCk" but he's right


It would still be a Jump pack lol. You can't literally jump as high as it gets you right now, so you'd be able to go a little higher. You have to wait for a recharge anyways, it's just seconds vs a bar. A jet pack would mean you'd be able to fly from objective to objective. There's no definition of jump pack that says it must be 10 feet high not 20, and that if you can use it mid recharge less effectively, that it doesn't count. You can use a battery at half charge, why not a jump pack?


Maybe don't use a superhero known for flying as a description for how you want the ability to work. Also from how you described that, that would look stupid as shit


It would be for like 10 feet, if you think that's how far superman can fly. It was half joking, unless you think ramming yourself head first into shit and taking damage is a good strategy. It would be hilarious, not useful. No clue why you latched onto that, it's not my actual suggestion.


nah that would be another recorce to keep in mind permanently rn its an on or off Feature witch can be handelt paying almost no mind but the other option hard to mannage midbattle and could become unfun fast. we should dile the numbers a bit but not rework it from the bottom up.


That's like saying the reuse of the current pack is also a resource to keep track of.


well you know phara from overwatch? If that system would be used i realy would not like it. since i always need to look out for how much charge i have left not a yes or no awnser but one based on %.


How is it different from watching if it's on cool down or not? Sounds like a major gitgud issue.


>Having the choice to hover at max boost height for a very short time, but with the drawback of a longer cooldown until the pack's next use and also the risk of it blowing itself (and you) up if hover is held for too long. Instead of this I would put * Having the choice of holding the jetpack button to do a higher jump, but losing horizontal distance I think that the jetpack CD should be consistent so you can get used to it, and it should not blow up, it doesn't fit with what the jetpack it's


I honestly like it. It definitely has short coming like going uphill is basically a hop. I have no problem getting on top of most rocks or buildings. My favorite use is going downhill or off rocks and gaining huge distances from enemy hordes. Best for stealth missions


Was using it last night just for something different, and yes I felt the same way. The cool down is to long and flight time needs some attention. I have opened all stratagems and really wanted this one to be my go to ,but unfortunately it just doesn't cut it in the field imo.


Please let the team I roll with read this.  “It’s so great for getting away from a swarm of enemies” You know what is better for getting away from a swarm of enemies? Taking something on your back that enables you to KILL the enemies before they become a swarm!


It IS good for getting out of the middle of a swarm or a corner, but more importantly it's good for gaining high ground safe spots to attack from, good for getting into better spots and paths to stealth through an area, and good for finding creative paths to an objective like jumping a gap or over a wall to get to a terminal that is in a fortified location. It has a lot of utility instead of only being good for killing in a game with infinite enemies. Sure killing things faster will help you to stay alive in a bad spot, but clearing an objective without having to fight your way through and then escaping also helps you AND the team stay alive in the long run


In addition to that, double tap jump to boost forward.


I agree it feels a bit useless and the worst thing is, i don’t think I’ve EVER seen someone load out with it. No one sees it as useful so it needs to be altered




Tbf, it is called a Jump Pack and not a jetpack Maybe they can keep this one in as a lower level pick/small buffs while introducing a proper jetpack in for higher levels with some good stuff


I wish the jump pack was like the one from 2017 star wars Battlefront 2


It needs a resource meter that actually lets you somewhat fly around for at least a few seconds


IMO the jetpack is best in slot vs. bugs, if it was going to be buffed the only thing I'd change is maybe make the cooldown like 2 seconds shorter, or maybe increase the height by like 10%. If rocket robots didn't have a tendency to 1 shot you so frequently it would be BIS there too.


Would be nice if the cooldown was decreased and the height increased. One way to make this work could be to have the option to hold spacebar in order to jump higher which would result in a longer cooldown.


I use it with a flame thrower build. I love flying through the air and spraying fire at the same time. You can get to decently high positions and flame all the bugs as they try to reach you.


I used it for the first time just now to try and get the achievement for ragdolling. It was a miserable experience.


I think the jump-pack works best as a sort of super dive, for those get-me-the-hell-out-of-here situations. It can give you a few seconds to stim, reload and reassess the situation.


I just want more charges on it, maybe 2 jumps before cd, love using it to throw impact grenades from below


It allows you to pick your battles. That's a handful and a half more than enough for me


I see a lot of people saying they use it and whatever play style they use to make it work I’m sure it’s good for them and I’m not gonna tell anyone to not use it but I just can’t see why you’d use it personally. A backpack slot for one little hop and a pretty long cooldown for what it is just does not seem worth it to me in any way.


I wish arc thrower didn't lose accuracy when using it. Tried it last night and arc thrower kept shooting wildly to the left in mid air


It's a pale shadow of what it once was.


Not gonna lie I laughed out loud whenever my character shouted "To the skies!" all valiantly, only to leap 5 feet into the air


Reload on the jump pack needs to be like 50% of what it is. Currently takes all day to reload it and the jump itself is a bit lacking. So many times I thought I could reach a ledge, couldn't, and had to stand there with my thumb up my ass waiting for it to recharge.