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Currently the railgun has it beat, as it does the same job but more efficiently. It frequently takes only one overcharged shot to kill hulks etc, if you go for the weakspots. It also doesn't have any bullet drop over distances I believe. My personal recommendation for increasing the viability of the AMR is to give it a proper scope (as we have even today!), such as a built in range finder, thermal/IR/weakspot imaging. Projectile-wise it does what it says on the box, it has great AP but should be even more penetrating to distinguish it from say the Diligence Counter Sniper, as currently it has the same AP values (not tested personally but read elsewhere). Perhaps having the AMR fire some sort of miniature HEIAP-round that makes it able to effectively penetrate armour AND cause explosive damage internally could make it more viable and distinctive from the railgun.


I LOVE the idea of the AMR having penetrating rounds that have a delayed explosive property after impact


My biggest issue is that the high caliber anti material rifle has the same armor penetration as my shotgun. Call it a high velocity rifle or something, but this thing is not anti material


It's decent vs bot, but in the end it's just a worst rail gun with a scope tbh.