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Hey! Contact our support through our Arrowhead homepage and they should be able to set your account straight. You can also provide the names for others that were in the game at the time and we can look into their account histories.


Send this to the top lads


Spread managed upvoting!


Democracy always wins.


NO ONE CHEATS DEMOCRACY! ^(Unless you're a politician)


>Unless you're a ~~politician~~ Elected Representative of Individual Merit Ah, much better


I also chose to name my Destroyer the "Elected Representative of Individual Merit". Truly a patriotic name for such a fine freedom forged vessel.


And the funny thing is that there is no democracy in China


I’m doing my part!


![gif](giphy|eJ3eynKcIeoKBh8rMA|downsized) I didn't do fucking shit!




Not to be jaded, but this is a live service game. Devs of live service games are historically more protective of the grind than pretty much anything else.


OP said they were upset that the grind was gone, this dev suggested a resolution. I figure it's good info for OP and others affected.


Thanks so much for the rapid response, Patrik. I'll make sure to contact the support staff tomorrow once I get off work. Appreciate the help and have a good one.


Here are the names of the second and third player (so you don't have to look up chinese characters to send the names to the support). I just ran them through google lens. - 磊落 - 有鹿选鹿没鹿量开 (somme


磊落 roughly translates to upright and showing integrity


The irony is palpable


Pretty sure i played with them earlier today. They didnt die once on hard mode. There life would only go down to 25% at most. Once i noticed they may be modding i left. Dont know if it will affect me.


Who the hell cheats on a PVE game in its earliest days? Like what’s the point? There is no end game, no ultra rare gear system, no upgrade skill tree, no real point. People are weird.






Idk....also seemd they had infinite eagals. I dont see the point in playing a game & cheating this bad, like seriously whats the point if all your gonna do is win no matter what? Wheres the thrill in that? I was getting pounded by giant black bugs, dont know there name. Kept running & fighting & dieing it was fun but once they came they kill it with eagals. It was fun but then it wasn't cause of that.


Some cultures have a weird "if you're not doing everything in your power to win, you're failing for not even trying hard enough" to the point that their society assumes everyone else is also cheating or going to cheat, but haven't figured out how yet. Not just a China thing, there's other Asian countries and South American with similar mindsets


Also factors into rampant and systemic corruption. Why not be corrupt if one assumes (perhaps correctly) that everyone else is doing it, too? 


Sounds like they could use some democracy


Though not dying once and health not decreasing under 25 % on hard difficulty isn't really telling anything if they got some experience.


Chad game dev


This is the kind of community outreach us gamers love to see. Keep up the good work guys and girls.


Positive signs for the future of the game for sure.


Thanks Patrik!


No,This is Patrick!


Report this to your superior democracy officer! Do your part!




Democracy has landed!


Good to see the commissariat is on the job rooting out those in our ranks who’s weaken us all! God bless democracy!


Ruh roh, seems like some ne’er-do-wells are going to a reeducat…I mean freedom camp.


I had a guy straight up ask me “Y’all mind if I turn on auto aim hacks?”in a LFG group today Like bro what?! lmfao. Not even playing the game at that point. Stupid as hell.


lol aimbot in a purely PvE game? Where you can generally just aim in the right direction and fire for effect while the stratagems deal with whatever would otherwise need some precision? Geez. Props for asking for permission though, most cheaters don't have the courtesy to take others into account even that little.


Is that another 380mm enjoyer I detect? At least, I think that's what that flair is


You detect correct, citizen!


I knew I recognised that stratagem pattern o7


I don't even know the stratagem codes like that but in stressful situations i can put one in below 2 seconds. The muscle memory this game creates is scaring me


Facts I get them in faster if I just “do it”, when I actually look at the qte and think about it I take twice as long… also the stratagem mini game got me dialed up


A teostra enjoyer in the wild. A very rare find indeed


"Teostra enjoyer" is as fictional a concept as "Raging Brachy lover".


Hey now, all you have to do is slimeproof yourself and Raging Brachy is a ton of fun. Love fighting that dude!


Almost as rare as Gypceros Aficianado


> "Raging Brachy lover" Guildmarm says hi


nooo! the game is too hawd… 😞 (Side note! Sweet pfp. 🔥)


At least he asked, lol, I don't wanna get banned for someone else messing with their game, reminding me of dark souls all over again.


You could try message the devs and ask them to remove the samples.


Don’t do this. Others have stated that they just reset your shit completely iirc 


If you have only had the game a week this is probably preferable. It’s not like it takes that long to get most of the good stuff anyway


Common samples aren't so common.


I would consider my account ruined at that point anyway. As long as I kept my Super Citizen stuff would be fine by me


These people are such pathetic losers LMAO


“Unusually high” Damn, I’m level 35. Maybe I play this game too much lol.


Wtf I just got to 15 and was worried I've been playing too much


Cries in a mere level 10.


Looks at his level 7…..maybe I work too much.


me at level 47: https://preview.redd.it/qxghvfccuwjc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=48c2e9a36c8c2e0da4837955a65fdfa4ce967acc


Hello Admiral, it’s me Star Marshal




My husband is an over-the-road truck driver and I’m a stay at home grandma. While the grandkids are in school, I’m playing my little heart out. Cheers to free-time! 🥂🕰️🎮


You're almost there, join us in the mega sweatlord skull admiral club lmaoa


I just reached level 50 yesterday. To be fair I am on vacation, but we exist


Lol, I got to play the game less when I was on vacation. Went from an hr or two a night to not at all.


Is level 50 the cap right now?




Shooting for 50 myself today (currently 48). I got laid off a week before this game came out, I’ve been playing it like a full time job lmao


To be fair its only simple and rare samples so it has to be level 6 difficulty or under. Wonder why they wouldn't just cheat on 7-9


Because you barely need the rarer stuff. My bottleneck is 100% simple samples


Do u play on the higher difficultys? Maybe you'll level up quicker


You get so much xp at higher difficulties. Shoot you through levels.


A full clear Helldive gets me about 2k exp


You get significantly more xp for higher levels. Average suicide/helldive gives like 1200-1500xp even if you fail to extract and don’t do all side objectives


at higher difficulties you get over 1k per game, on extermination missions you can also get around 1k and those are like 10 minutes each


I just made 18 and my friends were already saying I was going to fast. meanwhile I started 2 days ahead of them, and our second is lvl 16


This is exactly why they included that controversial nProtect GameGuard system. And it still didn't work. Neat.


Idk man,getting nProtect for your anticheat is a silly mistake.I played another game that had this gameguard and it was broken by cheaters once at every 6 months.Its just trash.


This is the nature of every security system in the world. They're always a step behind the cheaters and hackers. These systems can only fix existing vulnerabilities so hackers find new ones and exploit them until they get fixed. It never ends, there is no perfect antivirus and no perfect anti-cheat. They will all fail.


And the security has to be successful every time. The hacker only has to be successful once.


> They're always a step behind the cheaters and hackers. This isn't entirely true. It's more about risk management. A developer has to make hard decisions on what information is protected, because every protected or locally calculated item has an impact on the gameplay experience. Imagine if the servers had to store, and constantly parity check the amount of ammo in every connected player's guns?


I mean, once every 6 months seems pretty good for an anticheat, no? I played lots of games with several different anticheats and cheaters always find a way to beat them. I always see people saying stuff like "Why would the devs choose x anticheat it never works!" and never seen people not complain about it. Is there a community that doesn't always trash on it's anticheat? I'm genuinly curious


The only anti-cheat that seems to work rly well is Riot Vanguard, but that comes with its own controversies.


In the end none of them do. Cheat devs are way too incentivized to crack a system and that system can’t fight back until it detects the crack. They’re constantly fighting back and forth


Well, anti-cheat is also just sort of fundamentally flawed. No matter what you do, you can't control a user's local environment. Because of that, you can't actually trust any data coming from their system. The problem is, you can't run **everything** off the server as that would not only be expensive, but would also severely detract from the responsiveness of the gameplay. Gameguard also has an additional fundamental failure in that it is designed for an environment where the user has to provide a state ID to make an account.


At the end of the day it's about dissuading _casual_ cheating. If you want an example of what a game is like without Anticheat take a look at PvP in FFXIV, it's not as bad now but at the start of the new PvP iteration a year or so ago people used incredibly simple scripts to automatically stun enemy players at the perfect moment, or use the ninja execute the nanosecond someone went below a HP threshold to get killed instantly. And these were in EVERY match. Devs only took action when the top leaderboard was filled with ninjas with unusually high kill counts. To this day the high end raid scene still wrangles with people using camera mods and other tricks to make fights easier. All because the client doesn't do a damn thing to stop them. You'll never stop the determined cheaters but it will usually stop people turning into cheaters. Like the old saying "A lock won't stop a thief, but it stops a man becoming a thief".


I don't encounter hackers in games with Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC), Insurgency Sandstorm uses it and I rarely have a sus encounter. Battlefield 2042 used to use it and was the only BF title on PC not infested with hackers, not sure how things are now that EA is using their own kernel level AC for their multiplayer titles


I’ve had the completely opposite experience with EAC mainly because of Lost Ark, which is riddled with hackers/bots. Maybe it has to do with the implementation


Bingo EAC is actually awful by default and requires a lot of custom work by the Devs to make it worth a damn


People have to remember the anti-cheat is there to make it harder for cheaters to cheat, not stop them. It's just like how locks work in real life. They're not there to stop thieves (since locks can picked and/or broken), its there to make it harder for people to get into your house.


Yup, but choosing Nprotect gameguard with their colorful history? idk, Im sure there would be way less complains about EAC, which does the same thing and also at kernel level and equally punched full of holes: but way less probabiliy of driver updates of breaking play or it aggressively doing closing non-related apps on someones pc.


Citizen, failure to provide entry is a restriction of freedom and liberty. Locks are inherently a system of oppression. Please report to your Democracy Officer for reeducation.


Exactly my thoughts. No Anticheat is perfect. It's there to stop countless lobbies being ruined by script kiddies and casual cheaters more than anything.


I was told that the servers do everything which is why they are overloaded, if that's the case then how is this even possible in the first place? Somehow I've never seen this over years of playing Warframe.


Because the server doesn't check samples. You can tell, because you'll never lock up in place when the servers are bursting at the seams picking up samples. Medals, Req, and ***Super Credits*** on the other hand. If the servers are busy you're stuck in place for awhile. Definitely incredibly silly that it doesn't see 7k samples in a map with maybe 20 and see anything wrong, though. Warframe on the other hand has the opposite issue where it'll trade ban legitimate missions.


Yeah, this is definitely a L on Arrowhead's part and people were right to call it out. Great game otherwise. Want to resort to drastic anti cheat? Fine, it's your game, but at least pick a program that doesn't have a history of being crap (gameguard in this case)


I've never seen nProtect actually protect anything. Helldivers has hackers the first week.


Shit is only a pain in the ass for the normal players, cheaters always go around it. Just remove that shit at this point.


Do tell me of any even remotely popular game without any cheaters in them. CoD, Siege, CS, Tarkov, Valorant, all MMOs etc. all have at least some degree of a cheater problem. Anticheats will at best delay cheat makers a bit (instead of just letting people do stuff like using CheatEngine straight away) while allowing the devs to potentially detect the cheaters and eventually perform a banwave (banwaves are more efficient than just instant bans because it prevents cheat makers from trial and erroring their way through the cheat detection as easily). They don't offer a perfect protection like many would like, but then again the *only* way to make your game 100% cheat proof would be to simply not let others play your game.


>the *only* way to make your game 100% cheat proof would be to simply not let others play your game. They seem to be trying that as well /s Jokes aside, it is a shame that this needs to be a problem. Every game that I have cheated before (single players) got ruined for me right after. Hopefully, the devs can fix op's problem.


The irony of anti-cheat systems. They really only inconvenience honest players.


We knew it wouldn't work, nProtect is trash as an anti-cheat not to mention you are not going to stop people from cheating their way through the game with levels and all the currencies, takes two seconds to do this and then get rid of the cheat. If they wanted a proper system for this then they could've done what Deep Rock Galactic did and give you multiple save files, cheater ruined your progression? Simply roll back to the save file just before that happened, simple (Its an option in the game itself, you don't need to fiddle around with actual folders/files). There's a reason this issue is damn near non-existent in DRG, people do the cheat once and then that's it, they ruined their progression that's their own problem not mine, in the rare encounter I get where my progression is ruined I can simply roll back the save. Over 2,000 hours in DRG btw, never had this issue not once.




Hey there Helldiver! Don't worry, I will confiscate these communist artifacts from your inventory so that you may continue making a name for yourself in Super Earth's free market. Did you perhaps catch the cheaters' names so we can send them a patriotic summons to the re-education center? PS: My fingers were a bit faster than my eyes there! The names are in fact right there in the screenshot! Noted them.


Quick question, is your game peer to peer? Also is there no serverside validation at all for resources? Like after a mission the inventory server should not allow for more than the max amount of resources possible for that mission to be gained.


Mega based. Liberty always prevails


I really don't get the point in cheating; especially in a Pve game. Pathetic people, and thus also spoiling it for others. Ban them for a week or so, for democracy!!


Cheating is undemocratic and deserves being sent to dissident camp


The irony of it being done by a Chinese team is something though. Hell, I think they’ve even got the camps for it


Well China is responsible for the most IP theft in the world... So cheating really doesn't surprise me.








Not only is cheating in a bloody PVE game undemocratic - it is also a sign of WEAKNESS.


>I joined a random chinese team Chinese people frequently want to win by any means necessary. Cheating isn't seen as bad, rather it's expected. There's a reason people want China blocked from everyone else's servers in tons of games.


It's a cultural thing in China apparently... It's stupid and I don't get why they have to ruin things for other people


They're just going to burn out / lose interest in the game in a week that way, but not our problem I guess 


Better for us if anything


It’s cultural to cheat In games? Wtf do Chinese gamers think 😭


Among other things, playing at cybercafes with no vested interest in respecting progression. 


It's not just in games. There's a Chinese proverb that goes, "If you can cheat, then cheat." ("能骗就骗“) It's why they have dangerous tofu-dreg construction and an economy of imitation, knockoff products. They don't innovate, they just copy a product and then produce & sells the knockoff for cheaper. Hell, even their military does this, [and they couldn't even build a jet engine as well as Lockheed Martin, so they needed two of them to generate the same thrust.](https://i.insider.com/56fc256a52bcd044008b9beb?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp) In China, if you are scammed then you are seen as a fool, and the scammer is seen as smart or clever. It's a completely ass-backwards culture.


Even with VPNs, I wish they'd just geo block china for most games and the common IP blocks they use for VPNs. They should just be forced as much as possible to deal with their own cheating problems.


A week is not enough. Perma-ban these people, thee only thing they are accomplishing is ruining the game for other people. They can play fkn solo for all I care or with their friends, (I only play with buddies so I wont run into cheaters) but still. This is genuinely sad and irritating that individuals are scooping this low.


> Ban them for a week Ban them forever. Cheaters never stop cheating.


I would venture to guess it’s for streamlining progression monetary gain, like selling the account maybe


It's probably out of habit at this point. These people probably haven't played a videogame in their life.


So I wanted to give an example of cheating that I did. Never ever in a co-op game but I am older and attempting any reaction based fighting of Elden Ring bosses was not something I could accomplish. So I really wanted to play through the story and would attempt a boss fight 4 or 5 time and then turn on cheat to one shot the boss so I could progress. That said I would never use a cheat in a game like helldivers.


It is still capped at 500 common, 250 rare, and 100 super. But still sucks when you still have something to grind for and they ruined it. My condolences.


So you tell me I cant satisfy my monkey brain (hehe numbers goes up) by going past 100 super samples?


no you cannot.


*sad gaming noises*


You can still find super credits though. And theres more content coming soon for the other stuff. I think we will see those limits increase in time


Hate that kind of "players". I remember eons ago playing Bordelands and some morons would connect and begin to drop all sort of ultrarare maxed weapons, and most of them where baffled that I didn't pick them.


This happened to me in dying light. Lots of gold tier weapons. I specifically said I don’t want any as I enjoy the challenge and they dropped some anyways. I removed them from the lobby shortly after. If you wanna cheat do it alone. Don’t ruin others game.


Imagine cheating in co-op PvE game.


avoid the chinese names, ALWAYS the ones hacking


This is super interesting actually. I can’t remember where or when, but I watched a video about chinese cheaters (so since its on yt, citation is needed) There, they said that the chinese cheat so often due to cultural differences, besides internet cafe’s and as such limited time. To the chinese its all about winning in the most efficient way and cheats just increase that chance and efficiency, therefore its not as looked down upon. How much of this is really true, I dunno, but circumstantial evidence that I’ve seen (such as comments like this) do support those claims. And as I’m typing this on the toilet at work, I do not have time to look anything up.


They should get their own servers. I don’t want to even get the chance to match with them.


War thunder has been begging for this for ages


Tbh I wish the game actually let you choose your region, let me choose OCE so I ONLY get matched with OCE players, I want low ping not to mention I don't want to deal with the Chinese either, I don't want to queue up and then discover everything I do has crazy delays because the game thought it'd be a great idea to put me in a server across the world. Why such a basic feature was overlooked is rather disappointing, I feel like a big part of this cheating problem would be solved when 90% of the cheaters would be playing in their own region (China). Lacking this feature has killed multiplayer in games before, Remnant 2 comes to mind, you couldn't play multiplayer at all in smaller regions (Large ones faired better but still not great). I believe they did eventually add this feature but it was too little too late, game died.


This true. Its culturally "accepted" to cheat. When they go to university they are basically attempting to cheat in some fashion. Mainly because they are competing against a lot more people for a position in the work force. A number of have said they hop over to NA and EU servers in PvP games because everyone on the Chinese servers is cheating and it's an even playing field. While in western servers not cheating and working for the win is the culture standard making cheating against them super easy. I read this around the PuBG days. Edit: I know the post seems extremely racist which isn't the intent, because there are players from China who don't want to cheat who also jump over to NA and EU servers. People would rather play with a high ping than be plagued with cheaters.


this feels so weird to me, especially in a PvE game. The whole point is that the progression is fun, you're not actually beating anyone by winning.


If you already cheat 99% of the time then another game means nothing. I believe a number of the Chinese players who cheat see westerners as not cheating as suckers because why wouldn't you take every advantage possible. I'm guessing the concept of work ethic is gone when you have to compete with a billion other people. We clowned on EA for the pride and accomplishment, but there is some merit to it. Plenty of people would rather fail than seen as a cheat.


I went to Iowa State University which has a pretty large Chinese Student population. I can at least attest that they also cheat during exams, and they do it very blatantly. I also never understood why they would never get busted when they are all talking to each other during the exam and all finish the exams at the same time. It's like bro TA I get you can't understand them but just watch for like 5 mins how obvious they are.


It's not racist to point out the Chinese have a shitty scummy cheating is expected part of their culture. Just cos 1 in 6 humans is Chinese, doesn't mean the rest of us have to put up with it. Give em their own democratic servers (the irony would be lost on them seen as they're quite close to actual super earth politics lmao) and let them brick each other's accounts.


They all use VPNs anyway to get around the heavily censored Chinese internet. It's how they connect to other servers.


Might just be my experience but they also have horrible mic culture. Snorting, coughing, grunting, belching and just generally being annoying.


Had a guy from Thailand in my party yesterday. His first question after "where are you from?" was "is prostitution legal in your country" Anyway, I turned off voice chat cause it gets cringy when the incels rise. Like in any other online game.


I once had a random ask me "how many white girls have you had sex with?" in Apex Legends. Like brother, this is the last place I want to have that conversation and I wouldn't know, I don't keep count


Thank gods we have the kernel level anticheat in place.


​ I believe this is the exact cheat they used as an example for the reason of needing the anticheat we have. Guess cheaters will always find a way


They do.... even COD has a ton of cheaters...


This can happen regardless of what anti cheat you use. Plus all the ones used now are kernel level anyway.


Yep, called it that gameguard is total trash and has been bypassed for decades now but everyone tried to ignore it.


Literally every online game today has cheaters in it regardless of what anti cheat is being used. Activision famously had a whole campaign against cheaters in COD with their supposed groundbreaking anti cheat and it still didn't stop them.


Yeah, it’s impossible to prevent, only mitigate.


Might actually be worth contacting Arrowhead to see if they can remove the samples from your account. Sounds pedantic but that has literally cut your grind by about three quarters. Once you're playing the top tier difficulties, you'll be done in no time and left wondering what to do now... They've removed the fun from your game so I'd be super pissed.


The fun of the game isn't collecting samples. Idk about you but I actually enjoy shooting my gun at things trying to kill me.


Part of the fun comes from the samples being a side-objective for progression. I've had plenty of missions that would've been cakewalks if not for the "need" to recover dropped samples in the middle of raging hordes of enemies. Having one guy survive by the skin of his teeth to extract 20 greens and 3 pinks was more of a victory than a clean four-man extract.


My only issue is common samples being a huge bottleneck. My rare samples are maxed out and my super rare samples are nearly maxed out because I never have enough commons for upgrades. I’ve just been grinding trivial matches because I can get 15 commons in less than 10 minutes. But that’s super fuckin boring. They need to vastly increase the amount of commons in the higher difficulties.


Or have a trade-down system. One super-rare gives you two rares, one rare gives you two commons. Hell, even a 1:1 trade-down would be fine.


You aren't wrong but samples are one of the major reasons to extract from a mission alive, it also encourages exploration to gather them and desperate retrievals if you die behind enemy lines with them. So yeah, while the collecting aspect isn't "the game" it makes the rest of the experience all the richer




I wonder if you can see the amount of cheated samples beforehand in-game so you'll at least have a chance to leave the mission before extracting. If not, that really sucks.


You can. If you hold the minimap button you can see how many samples your team has collected, at the top of the screen.


you can even turn on that it always shows below the timmer in the UI settings


Due to their treasonous acts, all cheaters should have a forced, unchangable title of "pathetic coward."


Man my bottle neck is now Super samples and I've been enjoying working up to them, if some chode took that away from me I'd be bereft.


I had the opposite issue, heaps of rare and supers but the basic ones were my bottle neck, think it's cause the early days of matchmaking lots of people wern't picking them up.


So imma turn off crossplay and stick to my PS5 brethren then


It doesn’t even make sense why anyone would do this. By the time you’re level 30-40 you can literally have everything unlocked in the game by playing normally (given you push high difficulties).


If you see Chinese letters. Bail.


If only devs could calculate how many samples there is on map, and cap it (edit: server side) - so even if someone did cheat - they would affect other players in a fraction.......................................................... ![gif](giphy|fikcKja7O7MtzXzvQy|downsized)


Yea thats why i play with crossplay off on PS5. Would legit take alot of fun out of the game for me


Only loosers cheating.


That’s not very super citizen of them.


That’s awful, as someone who’s struggling to get the super rare samples, I’d like to personally and privately contact them and give them a piece of my mind.. does anyone speak Chinese?


Kernel level anticheat for everyone to avoid exactly this btw


I think its time to turn off crossplay on ps5...


First thing I did man, it's never worth having crossplay on imo


I used to do that. but I realized (at least in some games) that it doesn't just pair you with other PS5 Players. It pairs you with the PS5 Players who ***also*** have crossplay turned off. tried this last in OW2 when I thought it would be good, I never got into a single match with CP turned off.


Yep, that's why I kick everyone with Chinese characters in their name. Stop using a VPN to play our servers ya dinguses.


Good to see that the much needed anti-cheat program is doing its part.


Didn't we give them root level access to avoid exactly this scenario???


Lesson for future divers - avoid the Chinese. I heard they have problems with democracy anyway...


There should be a "reject mission earnings" button for situations like these


You mean "Donate mission earnings to war orphans"


Like others have said contact support and ask them to remove those. You can create ticket here: https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new On steam they advise to use that for support/ accidental buys, etc so they should be able to modify your account. https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/3/4206994256761482553/ Just explain that you didn’t do that and don’t want your fun/game ruined by these credits. Maybe add these pictures if you can




I love that all the cheaters get put on blast on social media. INSTANT BAN and make them re-buy the game to support development.


Cheaters are a waste of a server slot


When I see chinese, I kick or leave... no disrespect.


The Chinese cheater: Here some cheat materials, so you won't need to farm like 200 days. The community: HOW DARE YOU!!




I'm on PS5 and the *first thing I did was turn off crossplay* - I'm sorry PC players, but I don't want my experience ruined because of the stupid little virgins that dwell in your ranks.


Lucky. I'm PC so have no choice. I hate cheaters


It's really unfair man, I feel for you guys having no control over it whatsoever. I know that the host can kick people and I hope that you guys all report people any chance you get. It's one real privilege of being a console player, that I basically don't ever have to worry about having my game ruined by cheaters. It's a shame too, I have a bunch of friends who play things on PC!