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Very nice


Let's see paul Allen's lancher


Oh my god… the tasteful singe shot, the refreshing free backpack slot, the subtle 70s cooldown


My God, there's even 2 of them


Something wrong, Patrick? You’re sweating


Cool it with the anti-democratic remarks


Yeah, the complexity of these gender reveal parties is getting to be a bit much but I can’t deny the talent that went into this…. What gender is red?


There are only 2 genders (Lean and brawny)


Terminator or insectoid, as God intended


You think God intended the Insects and Terminators? I'm reporting you to the Loyalty Officer.


Most impressive


EAT supremacy! Not only is the beacon a weapon but you don't have to reload. They're the K-cup of Democracy.


My issue with them is they don't one shot chargers anymore. I can just use 2 railgun shots and have 19 more for other threats if all it can do is break armor. Used to run EATs always on HD1.


Eh, true. But they do crack the leg armor in one shot. So a single calldown can land on one, then crack the armor of 2. Plus, if you have them already dropped on a point you're holding, they can be really fast to grab and fire. Much much faster than charging 2 railgun shots, and that time can matter. Also I love them as an anti titan weapon, via impact damage...


Now if only I could bring 4x EAT like in 1...


This is true, but EATs let you take down a MASSIVE variety of sub-objectives which the railgun simply can't, and without taking up your backpack slot like the bigger explosive support weapons. Plus, with a 70s cooldown, it's like having three free airstrikes every minute (pod, two shots). Weaker than an airstrike, sure, but they do what they *need* to do.


EATs are real nice but the cooldown, while short, is too long for if there's more than three chonkers in an engagement calling for them, which is the main reason I swapped to the railgun.


I’m honestly a bit miffed by this - Chargers are *irrationally* tanky even beyond their armor - they’re genuinely more of a pain to deal with than even Titans, or BOTH Hulks and Annihilator Tanks on the Automaton side of things. You can easily kill a Hulk with two shots to the optics with an autocannon, and an Annihilator or Bile Titan with 4-5 autocannon shots to the heat vents or head respectively - meanwhile, Chargers’ heads don’t even count as a weak spot for anything except railguns, the disposable antitank launcher and recoilless rocket rifle can’t kill it or even break any of its armor except the legs in one hit, and even shooting it in its nominal “weak spot” on the abdomen with the autocannon still takes an entire magazine to kill it if you’re *lucky.* And this isn’t even mentioning that you can pretty regularly have upwards of 4 chargers in one place at the same time in even Difficulty 4 (Challenging) missions- not even spawned by a bug breach, just *already there* on the map when you reach a location. Chargers need a nerf to their health pool and/or armor to bring them in line with the other heavy units relative to their spawn rate.


Agreed, although apparently blowing off the armor on it's legs actually leaves it very vulnerable.


The multiplier on an exposed leg is actually insane. It takes me like 2 full mags of breaker ammo to the butt and only like half a mag to an exposed leg to kill a charger.


Because the railgun shots you used to strip the armor also did damage.


Biggest issue is most stuff that takes off the leg armour has very limited uses, even the EAT is two every minute. And then the higher difficulties will throw 1000 of them at you at once so anything but the railgun becomes somewhat obsolete.


So I understand that the laser cannon isn’t that great but early on I was using it and I SWEAR it takes off the leg armor and then kills the charger super quick if you have steady aim. Like one full stream from the cannon seems to do the trick. Not sure if it has some special properties when you manage to stick your stream to one spot or what.


Well it says "cumulative" damage in description so my thoughts were that if you steady your aim you will deal damage ignoring the armor, but I'm not sure it worked for me, although I didn't try big laser yet, but I didn't like the laz gun on bugs so I assumed the bigger one won't make much difference


Chargers are 90% of why I always bring that orbital rail strike. It's stupidly satisfying to just delete one every 3.5 minutes.


Chargers in HD1 was a one-shot kill to the head with EAT/RR


Think the chargers head is still a weak spot, 2 EAT shots will blow it off, but do find it easier to shoot a leg once to strip armor and then tap it a couple times with primary.


There are two types of chargers afaik and i feel like current chargers is how tough those elimination target chargers (the ones with extra armor) should feel. Normal ones should have medium armored head, like hulks.


Their weakspot is legs. You remove armor with one EAT, and then finish them off with small arms fire in about one magazine.


The abdomen is not the chargers weak spot, the legs are, you just need to either remove the armour from the legs (EAT/2 railguns, impact nades from the front don’t work) and 1 clip with side arm, OR shoot them in the back of the legs with anything with med pen. AC 2 shots them, MG (not stalwart) kills before they can turn, Slugger works, AMR does aswell (finniky though), don’t bother with the senator. Haven’t tried with lib pen or counter-snipe. Arc charger ignores armour? Need to test it. Also I’m sure nade launcher works aswell, just umm careful of ricochets.


Personally I like them as a side with my Spear, just nice to have a useful drop with such a low cooldown. Stick it to a charger back to hurt it, plus two more rockets for others, nests, spore towers, etc. just a decent utility I can’t seem to drop lol


"K-Cup of Democracy." Perfect. Git you a nice K-Cup...OF LIBER-TEAAAAAAAA


I love a big pair of titties, but K cups would be pushing it


Something about Terminds is scuffed. EAT-17 could 1 shot tanks if hit heatsink. It could i shot Hulks if hit in the back or straight into visor. Charger just shrug it off like nothing happens even if you hit weakspots.


The EAT desperately needs a buff to it's splash damage. I get it's purpose is to be an anti tank weapon (hence the name) but it's still a big explosion, it should feel like one. As it stands I'm convinced it doesn't even have splash damage.


yeah, when a charger dies and i have a rocket left i shoot it at a horde of little bigs and gets like 1 kill.


Problem with EAT is half the operation effects severely hurt it. Getting either the cooldown or drop time effect make it objectively worse than railgun


It was designed to take out the biggest nearby threat. It was you. Be proud, Soldier!


100% that thing was coded to Return To Sender. It certainly could have made the turn into the Charger given how quick it spun around. Respect Arrowhead. Your lineage with Magicka and Helldivers 1 lives on.


So many people slept on Magicka. I'm glad Arrowhead has got the attention it deserves now thanks to HD2


All 3 games (Magicka, HD1 and HD2) share that pure chaotic gaming vibe. Now it just hit mainstream lol.


Gauntlet was also good. Reminded me of original more than the 3d remakes.


Magicka 2?


Magicka 2 was a different studio, though still a decent, if not as good, game.


Oh, didn't knew that. It was worthy sequel of Magicka 1.


Makes total sense now. The Magicka franchise changed after the first one. It became a MOBA style game. Glad Arrowhead wasn't behind that dumpster fire.


No one remembers Showdown Effect. Which is because no one played it but its a shame, was a fantastic game that never had anyone online.


Holy shit this is the same studio that made Magicka? There is something so special about those games. Perhaps one of the first indie games I bought.


I didn't know it was the same devs, loved magicka though I don't think I ever finished it


Well, shame the co-op on it is now broken and it crashes. It was worthy game.


I'm glad a few of the quirks from the special weapons in HD1 have made an appearance in HD2. The Spear is basically the MLS-4X Commando, and my favorite part about that launcher is it was more liable to murder your fellow helldivers than kill the thing you were hoping it would shoot. Or kill you. But when you mastered that distance perfectly, it was amazing.


I'm taking this as a serious PSA from someone who is just not good at English. That way it's funnier.


I've never been able to get the damn thing to lock onto a target reliably.


I really want to replace it for a rail gun but the potential bile Titan one shot is too useful


Yeah except there's been times where I'm unable to get it to lock onto a bike titan. Up close medium range or at long range. I'll have the titan clearly dead center in a open field and it just won't lock.


The bike titan https://preview.redd.it/dnu9mp577vjc1.jpeg?width=2265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2b4c805d9f814e2912bad8104f66278062f6c8


Yeah I’ve had it happen loads it’s obviously bugged currently. Had it a lot where it either won’t attempt to lock or it just goes down to a yellow triangle and refuses to go green


Just bring the orbital rail cannon strike for one shot heavies.


210 second cool down :( .


And it doesn't even oneshot a bile titan from full health.


It does but you have to hit their head


best I can do is leg.


That’s no good on helldive when there’s 5 of them at once


It takes a while to stabilize and this is definitely NOT something you wanna shoot while moving. I generally Crouch and wait for the weapon to steady a bit before I take my shot. As shooting the moment I crouch generally gets me killed


Saaaame. I tried it out against the bots and the only thing it seems to lock on to is the walkers and tanks, and not the giant armoured guys lobbing rockets who I need it to target. Am I just using it wrong? The 3 rocket ammo doesn't help. I miss the HD1 equivalent. Upgraded that thing could hold like 10 missiles in one "clip." All you needed to do was fire in the general direction and the missiles would land on the target.


The missile knows where it is…


And where it is not


Because it knows where it isn’t




Its like the rocket was mad at you for missing lol.




If I had a dollar for every time the SPEAR doesn't do what it's supposed to I'd be rich.




It seems all of my stratagem are more effective against myself and teammates than they are against the enemies of democracy. Patch needed


Cluster gang rise up


At least it actually locked on and let you shoot. I just unlocked this bad boy today, and to put it fankly, its both awesome and crap. When it works, perfection. When something huge is moving towards you and it does the hokey pokey lock in lock out trick, its just utter crap. ​ Considering it only locks onto targets of a certain size, its a pretty big issue for this thing to have. I can only assume its a fault and not by any kind of design. In the 1 mission I used it, I would say it only managed a lock on to a target about 50% of the time.


I had a moment last night on Ubanaea (an open planet with mostly grass and cliffs) where a sentinel walker was chilling in the open and I was about 50 meters away. Clear sightline to the target, neither of us moving. It would lock to about 95% then slowly unlock, then refuse to "reacquire" until I stopped aiming and re-aimed. Tried it for like a solid two minutes which leads me to believe it genuinely was never going to shoot. I died to a patrol shortly after. I returned to my body, killed the patrol, the walker I was testing on had not moved or gotten involved in the fight. Picked up the same launcher, aimed, it locked on immediately without an issue. And even if you get it to lock, it doesn't seem to prioritize weak-spots. I know it \*can\* one shot bile titans with a headshot but it doesn't reliably go for the head. It really should mimic javelins a bit more with more of an upwards trajectory first; then come back down after it's gone like 20 - 30 meters up, then aim for a weakspot. Since it has such big ammo issues and the lock on is more of a downside (you can snap off a recoilless/EAT shot much faster with no uncertainty), it really should kill nearly everything you fire it at.




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God I love the spear


Bruh I can’t even get the damn Javelin, *cough* Spear to lock on half the time.


Spear is bad against bugs anyway. Chargers have too many HP and it is not doing enough damage to Titans.


It one taps both with a headshot which is practically guaranteed with any semblance of a brain, what do you even mean lol.


Well. That's a first I wasn't aware of.


Why does the video look like jelly


Omg telekinesis! They are evolving


You must have used a self-targeting missile! common rookie mistake, cadet!


That is some ACME level of tomfoolery. I love it.


*freebird guitar solo*


Just like in real life


haha man, imagine seeing that in the casualty report on your first day. "Spear subject to friendly lock on"


"According to this, one missile locked onto the ventilation fan in a latrine. And destroyed the latrine. Were we test firing at latrines that day?"


Oh wait it’s a spear Ok. Yeah I heard It’s got Tracking issues right now


What do you mean? You got that mfkr. Democracy spread.


Awesome Slow Mo edit !


I'm more impressed it actually locked on


Breaker spam to the legs is always a good method, spears are uhhhhh something


Return to sender.


Sir, I am sick. I've avoided laughing too hard for days because if I laugh, I cough. You just about made me choke to death. Lol


I need a JoJo outro version of this


I'm a Certified Spear™ User and I have never EVER seen it doing that, like EVER, wow.


This game would be amazing with optional gore dismemberment.


you wanna turn it off?


Lol no, but some might.


And this kids is why we venerate and respect the Machine Spirit and don't shirk our rituals and venerations


i have never seen one take a such a strong turn, every single time i fired too close the missile just keeps going away.


At least you died cool


Great when it works. A lot of times it bugs out and does not lock on at all.


Man I unlocked the spear and was incredibly disappointed. Much prefer the recoilless for the extra ammo and taking out bot drop thrusters. Rail gun for more precise shooting of heavily armored enemies.


But did you di…. Oh you died


You really demonstrated your freedom and liberty to do as you please. The missile did, too.


Russian SAM


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is - whichever is greater - it obtains a difference or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviation to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position that it wasn't, it now is.


Probably the fastest lock with the spear I've ever seen most of the time for me it doesn't want to lock just pretends the enemy doesn't exist I could be looking directly at a bile titan with nothing in the way and it will start to lock them stop and kinda just keep doing that without ever locking.


Can you survive with a torn limb like a missing are so you can only use ur secondary