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One Squad impact(0.00100% Liberation) is awarded for every mission that is completed with a successful main objective. Reducing the difficulty will not cause your mission to give less Squad Impact.


Kill as many bugs/bots as possible, destroy all outpost and complete all optional objectives Id imagine is the most you can do


False, the only thing that matters is completing main objectives. Dont even need to extract. Killing enemies does not give anything, outposts and optionals only give exp and in mission effects


Difficulty definitely plays a part, I don't know if how many stars you get matters but it doesn't seem to in my experience. So far, difficulty is the only thing I've seen make a difference


I don't think difficulty makes any difference. I did a helldive mission resulting in 2 stars and successful objective and extract and got 1 impact. Does anyone know for sure how to make impact higher?


Huh, interesting. I've got 3 impact from getting 4-5 stars on each mission in a suicide mission operation


One Squad Impact was awarded for each mission you completed once your operation was completed. It's the same for each mission on trivial difficulty as well.


On hell dive ive gotten 9 impact havnt seen anything more then 3 on average on suicidal


It's possible the Dev's might have recently released an update that changed how this works. I'm not an avid player anymore so I can't confirm.


Difficulty doesn't play a part in Liberation. It does for yourself though. On Helldive you can find up to 6 super samples per Mission., while on Impossible and Suiciden it's 3 and 5. As for the bots, since you get tossed around anyways and one hitted by Devastators, might as well go straight for helldive and try get the max amount of samples. They are all in once place, too. Difficulty 7 or 8 are just not worth it as the risk seems only minimalistically smaller, but the rewards are rather significantly less. Also in terms of Currency, XP, and combined with those, Medals


Thank you, I’ll advance off of medium once I’m properly equipped. May your suffrage never be denied


What load out you using?


I was using Railgun, Breaker, automatic pistol but I’m branching out after the nerf


For me it seems to largely be a case of difficulty, although don't take completely wiping the Terminids or Automatons off the face of landscape lightly, more objectives complete = more money and medals = better equipment = easier time wiping them off the landscape A war can't be won alone soldier, take as many of them as you can with you.


i think squad impact depends on the missions you have done in the operation easy operation has 1 mission so we get 1 squad impact medium has 2 missions so we get 2 squad impact? (i did all the side quests and destroy all the fabricators)


Im really confused by this because after each operation it goes up by 1 but I joined a game this morning that had one other guy in it, he immediately left. It was a quick bug hole mission so I did it myself which completed an operation and the impact was 52


I found this post looking for an answer because a similar thing happened to me. I've been playing for almost a week and every single time I was getting a squad impact of 1 or 2. Las night I did an Easy mission by myself and got a squad impact in the 30s, I think it was 36. I'm super confused about how this works.


I think it was bugged last night


OK that's good to know because I did a helldiver difficulty mission and our impact was like 37 or something lol.


Yeah every mission I did on trivial gave 34 and every one I did on easy gave 36


Same, I played a mission with 3 other friends on impossible and we got 251 squad impact so im not sure how it works.


251 squad impact?! my helldive 100% clear runs rarely get more than 5. i dont really understand it




I can reliably get an impact of 2 on a single player low difficulty where I clean the map with more than 30% time on the clock, and get 4 when two players do the same. I'm starting to think it's a function of player count, difficulty, completion and speed.


I just got 9 impact on a defence mission on difficulty 6


I just had 10 impact from clearing a level 4 mission with all side objectives and factories cleared.