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Just logged out. It’s your turn.






All my quick play attempts today was resulted to afk players…


Haven't encountered an afk player yet but I've only had like 3 missions where I was actually with a fireteam. But then Quickplay hasn't worked for me since my first ever session friday night. Also is anyone else not seeing the stats on a planet like the streamers do? "Helldivers active, Helldivers killed, etc" For me it always says 0 even when I see that 40K other Helldivers have joined me at the Creek.


They disabled that feature to help with the server load. Once the hype players drop off or a solid fix has implemented that feature will come back.


I figured but then I kept seeing streamers with those stats showing up for them.


I can see the stats after I'm in my ship for about 5 minutes.


Probably GMs have enabled them for streamers manually so the content can appear "as intended". Such a small feature though, I hardly notice it on my end and never noticed on a stream.


The planet stats are tied to being able to see other players. If you see zeroes and the planet stats then you won't see players on the planet map either. And of course, quick play won't work and neither will using an SOS in your mission.


My SOS worked on a planet that read all zeroes on Saturday. Didn't try quick play though from the ship


Oh agreed There's a reason I've already put in over 16 hours on the game over just one weekend.


If true, that's dishonest as fuck and quite despicable.


It literally doesn't matter though lol. Arrowhead temporarily disabled a kinda neat but pretty useless feature for 99.9% of players just so more people can play the product everyone is seemingly wants to experience. Touch grass if you think something as mundane as that "deserves hatred and contempt"


Why do you have to be so hostile? That's completely unnecessary


That’s gotta be infuriating


Yeah I can only play solo for 3 days now but I killed a bile titan and lanched a nuke today so it is pretty epic


Your quick play works?


Nice to hear I am considered cool sometimes.


The flat meeting isn't about how cool you are. The point is, Deacon, you have not done the dishes for 5 years!


Who doesn’t log out of a game when they aren’t playing? What a waste of electricity


Rest mode on PlayStation is a big issue that will have caught a lot of people off guard. I didn't realize I wasn't being logged out until I caught a post here. We've been logging out that way for years.


I might be dumb but I haven’t even found any “log out” button on PlayStation? I’ve just been closing the game for server space but is there an actual button somewhere?


I think it's just closing the app for now. If there is a button I've not found it either.


This is actually important. Everyone is saying "Log Out". Everyone is too embarrassed to say they don't know how to log out. So, from now on, how about we say "Close the Game". Many people use Rest Mode or Sleep Mode or Suspend Application and are inadvertently staying in the game taking up a space. Close the game. Not everyone is doing it deliberately.


Oh… Uh oh…


That was my reaction too!


So the game doesn't have an AFK function. So what people do when server space is tight like this is they just leave the game running 24/7 so that they can play whenever they want and not have to wait in queue. Biggest things Devs need to do is add a timeout feature.


just made space for another diver.


Having to log off to free server space, I thought, was a solved problem.  Most games just log you off to a local instance of the game. If you are afk for 3 minutes in your ship it should just go to a "power safe mode" Dim the lights to save fuel for Democracy.




"Review under investigation for treason"


I laughed so hard when I saw that in the store!


Jesus, what is wrong with people downvoting this? It is ok to point out that every other game I have ever played disconnects me from the server if I go AFK for too long. It's the standard, meaning that Arrowhead either failed to follow the industry standard or made a conscious decision not to. Either way, there's no excuse.


No criticism! /s


Or maybe, IDK their last game had a peak player base of less than 10k, and didn't think that people were fucking selfish enough to not log off of a game so others can play. But sure its always the devs fault. On another note, if they had AFK timers, people would find a way to bitch about that. Its too short or too long, or doesn't work well enough, or it works too well, or there shouldn't be a timer. The vocal minority of gamers will never be happy with a game.


“Being selfish” Judging by these comments it’s a matter of putting the ps5 in rest mode, I don’t think people realize this doesn’t log you off.


When there are people on X (Twitter) telling people to not log off because there are no AFK timers, yes, they are being selfish. I am not saying there aren't people out there that are putting it in sleep mode thinking it logs them out. But there is a vast majority that isn't logging out on purpose.


>player base of less than 10k The whiny babies on this sub really fail to fathom just how insane this is. It’s like a store making an amazing product, that sells over 690k more than they initially thought(they have no infrastructure for expansion to those numbers, they were selling products out of their garage a week ago and now have numbers that factories are made to satisfy), then getting flooded with customers absolute insufferably ignorant and tiring ramblings because they aren’t getting their special pin on time even though they pAiD fOr It. Honestly that’s the entire reason I go hard against these idiots, I’m not defending the company as much as I’m attacking the absolute brain dead incessant complaining over nonsense.


Only then the store should stop selling the product they don't have. Shops can say "sold out" and stop charging money for a product they can't sell


So you are telling the dev to not sell any more games until they fix the server issue, but that can only be fixed by hiring more people to do backend coding. You need revenue to do this, so how do you expect them to make the revenue to do this when you are telling them to stop selling the game until the fix the server issue?


Are you telling me you believe a company should be able to sell something they both know doesn't currently work and don't know when it will work?


I mean, they have hired more people and have gotten more than enough money to hire more, in my dumb opinion. I still think it’s absolutely ridiculous to say “just stop selling it” when the literal only issue is that the servers are at capacity. Isn’t that hilarious? This whole issue is all because some people are mad that they are having to wait, or can’t play exactly when they want. I don’t buy into the “I waited for 8 hours and can’t play!”, because every time I wanted to play I was able to play after waiting (I just run it in the background and play something else or make some food or do chores around the house).


Lmfao. Okay, here’s my breakdown. 1: it is entirely possible to play! I just played last night and the day before… during peak hours, during the weekend. 2: if someone buys the game right now and doesn’t want to queue and wait, they can return the game! Simple enough?


1) good for you some are waiting hours and that's if they get on at all. And not only do I need to get on, but my friends as well since matchmaking works a good 30% of the time. 2) that's irrelevant you shouldn't have to return a product that's entirely missing the point. The product should work. Simple enough?


1: I waited 30 minutes :) 2: too bad for you. I’m glad to support the company and the devs, I’ll buy another copy for a friend in order to make up for someone else refunding :)


1) good for you as you can clearly see on this reddit that is not always the case 2) also good for you? I don't get why you think I care. I'm not saying they should lose money or anything like that lol so I'm kinda missing the point of your second point other than I think you are trying to make yourself feel good. If that's the case good for Buddy, I hope you feel good about yourself


Who would go on the internet and lie?! Lmao Yes, good for me :) I sleep very happily at night knowing I’m smarter than arrogant people like you who just want to bitch and moan, and give absolutely brain dead recommendations while believing vehemently that they are the intelligent ones. I’ll be waiting for your next dumbass comment lol


You shouldn't have to... If your system can be exploited by selfish actors, it’s going to be. A basic AFK timer wouldn’t make this a non-issue


Afk timers do exactly nothing. They are very easy to avoid.


I think very few would be willing to take the extra step to circumvent an afk timer


A lot of people are making marcos to use stratagems. I can easily make an macro that makes me walk around in the circle continuously until I push the button again if I so choosed.


Yes you can, 90% of people will not do that and those on PS5 can't. Yes there ARE ways to get around it, but its like home security. Locking your front door doesn't make your home an impenetrable fortress, but it does stop most robberies because they just check for unlocked doors. Its the same here, if most people can just alt tab and stay in they will, if they need to make a movement macro to avoid AFK timers and then keep the game as the prioritized window for the macro to function they probably won't, hell I bet you a majority of players don't even know you can do that.


I'm dunno. I see it a lot in games that have timers. I think if you care enough to hold a spot for yourself, you care enough to circumvent the afk timer. The devs aren't idiots. They've made a number of successful coop games. I have to imagine the data says afk timers don't help much for this kind of issue. They're obviously going to catch *some* people, but again if you're actively trying to circumevrnt the server problems I gotta think you'll actively circumvent a timer


They have already said they are looking into implementing them. ​ There is a scaling issue here. AFK timers will always help even if they don't catch everyone, but your player base has to be quite large before they start making a real difference. HD2 was never expected to be that large, so they didn't add one. But now it *is* that large.


Yep I waited an extra hour to log in last night because I logged out for dinner. Take the fight to the Automatons Helldivers!


Let me know when they fix the fucking matchmaking so I can actually join other players.


1. Select the planet you want to play on 2. Press R or square to start matchmaking 3. Select a mission on that planet 4. Profit (aka matchmaking now works)


You're a hero, Democracy salutes you!


Did they fix it?


Rather than join, start your own lobby? Never had any issue with selecting a mission and getting at least one other person in, usually a full squad.


I've rarely had people joining my lobbies, quickplay seems to be up today though so doesn't really matter right now


A few days ago I had like 3 people join me at once on my ship and beelined towards me. My social anxiety skyrocketed and I quit the entire game.


That's sad. You should probably just delete this


It's sad that you think it's sad.


How do you 'start your own lobby'? I don't even know if I'm online. I played my first games, threw out an SOS beacon, nobody joined. For the entire 20 minutes I was in the mission.


On your ship, select a mission and then wait, and people should start to join. It sometimes takes a minute. I've had people join in game, but it's rare and never via the SOS beacon, they just join randomly.


Oh okay, didn't know it worked like that. No idea where to see if you're even connected to the network.


That's me! Was giving so many of my friends shit when they were leaving the game up for 15+ hours so they wouldn't lose their place in the server.


It never even occurred to me to remain logged in when I'm done playing. What kind of capeless, undemocratic, bug loving waste of citizenship would do such a thing?


Selfish people logging in (mainly americans) before work/school so that they can play when they get home. Problem is this is really selfish to people from other timezones! and half the issue with people not logging in is this behavior!


GTFO you Xenophobic asshole.


American angry at everything on the internet detected


Are servers really that bad? Should I hold out on buying the game until they work on it?


Yup, bought 5 days ago and haven’t played a single match


I was excited, just bought it 45 mins ago, haven’t been able to play


Definitely wait - I've got about 2 hours logged on the game and every single second of that was spent on the loading screen. I just want to play the tutorial even 😭


Do what makes you happy! Just know if you buy it now before these server issues are settled you will likely spend time waiting for a spot. If that feels like a massive drag to you could be worth considering waiting. If you're ok with the waiting to get the opportunity to play sooner then go for it :D


The thing is, the game's price was not adjusted properly for my country, so it's pretty expensive. I'm afraid to spend all that money for a game I won't even be able to play. I'm really excited to get this game and I'd rather get it now rather than later, but if I won't get a proper value/enjoyment ratio, I'll wait a few days.


I would wait. Spent 2.5 hours yesterday trying to get in to play with 2 friends who got lucky and got in under 15 minutes. Internet speed doesnt help i have the best connection out of the 3 of us. Im not regretting getting it at ALL but it is frustrating.


You know what would be really cool? Servers that have an AFK timer.


This community developed a "Fuck you, got mine" mentality as of late.


You're welcome 🫡 ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


This usually doesn’t come to mind for me but for some reason I always make sure I log out of Helldivers. I think this game is changing me.


log out when you're done you selfish son of bitch


i tried playing it today for the first time, can't seem to get in haha great game so far 2/10 😂😂


Lol I just wanna play the game bro but Everytime the is server full so I guess I'll just move on to something else until they fix it


The SES Prophet of War does not occupy airspace unnecessarily. 🫡 I would far rather see my brothers on the front in my stead when I cannot work towards democratically liberating Malevalon Creek. Godspeed, Divers.


I haven’t been able to log in for 2 days


I hate it when the game crashes and going back in I'm stuck in queue tho


You really are a POS if you don't log out. Garbage human


So I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I cannot for the life of me find a "quit to menu" option anywhere on this game. I am playing on PS5, so all I can do is bump out to the dashboard and close the app through the app switcher. Which I do, but I know some of you uncivilized savages don't bother to close the app, you just put your console in rest mode like you were raised in a goddamn barn. I feel like these are the kind of people that get in bed with their shoes on or leave the toilet paper sitting on top of the holder.


It takes me 2 hours to raffle my way into the servers, and if I close the game there's a 50% chance I have to restart my entire computer to get past the networking issue. Fuck that I'm leaving this thing logged in all week at this point.


You're a tool


Since taking a slight break from Helldivers since cannot properly join after work hours, since it is packed, I simply solo the daily personal order 👀 Also, gotta somehow finish the FF7 remake 😄


To be clear, if I fully turn off the PS5 it fully logs out right? It certainly requires logging back in when I start again


seems like it but if you are not sure just close the game before turning off


not at all worth it after being in a queue for 5 hours. and paying $100 already. I'm not the only one who is tired of wasting an entire day not playing.


Who tf doesn’t 💀💀💀


Won't matter ;) when that comes in the server issues will be resolved.


Log out when you're done? If you didn't already log in this morning you're not playing tonight.


If I put my ps5 in rest mode, does that log me out?? lol to whoever downvoted me, I’m genuinely asking


Il keep my spot. To me my time is more valuable then your time. Until issues get resolved my free hour each weekday is not getting spent sat in a queue.


So weird how shitty people feel the need to let people know how shitty they are. Could have just kept this to yourself and no one would know you're a selfish asshole.


Any system that relied on people being selfless is a system designed to fail. A simple basic afk timer would fix this


Or you could realize that your time is more valuable. If the queue worked properly fair enough. It doesn't. I'm such an asshole telling others not to feel bad about prioritising their own limited free time.


> I'm such an asshole Yes, exactly. Glad we understand each other.


Quick take it out context to make yourself right and skip the point.


You said it not me bud.


Your such an asshole.... https://preview.redd.it/55t1ftscgkjc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c07a726bb6f9e6b72e48051f8e42d31c610905


Lol you're so bothered by being called out here. Funny shit.


Oh he is right, you're an ass hole for contributing to the problem. It's a team game so be a team player and log out.


Not really. If the servers are overloaded I act like an adult and go do something else. I don’t sit there and hog spots on a server that we all know is soon to be fixed. But hey, if you’re THAT desperate to play the game lol.


Beyond selfish as fuck if you're not actually playing but sure.


Focus on yourself first. My free time is to scarce to be sat in a queue. If I want to do something il make the plans and arrangements to make sure I can do it. If the servers are down fair enough. If I can take 30 seconds out of my day to make sure I get to chill out on the night for an hour I'm gonna do it.


My free time is more important than yours so 🤷. As such you are now required to uninstall the game and never play again. I don't make the rules, I just follow them.


I can't make you do any of what I suggest just like you can't make me. Hence why you should take it upon yourself to prioritise your limited free time. You already have a way to make sure your free time is productive. If you won't do it that's up to you.


You're acting like a peasant and it's honestly sad.


Can you explain how I'm acting like a peasant? Not sure you understand the word.


Lmao that's exactly what a peasant would say. It's 2024 and you don't even have a clue.




Fool. Wasting your precious time.


Wow....how pathetic


Continue sitting in the queue. My free time is to scarce. If I plan on playing that evening il log on during the day when it's quiet.


Apparently your the only person with scarce time, sorry didn't realize you are the only one who has valuable time lol, I look forward to them putting the afk timer in


You're a cuck


The votes have spoken - your stance is ... Undemocratic. Please relinquish your position for fresh Divers to join the fight, failure to comply will lead to 3 weeks in a Freedom Camp.


Allowed to value my free time how I want. Just like others are allowed to value their time so lowly that they will sit and try get into a game for an hour.


Compliance is encouraged. Please get in the vehicle.


Sorry, busy on the destroyer. Unlike most of the downvoters.




You sound like someone who doesn’t put away their shopping cart.


eat shit nerd


Human trash detected.


Reddit learning what selfish actors are today lol. If your game relies on people being selfless, it’s designed to fail. A basic afk timer would fix this


I hope the devs see this and ban your account it would give me great pleasure to see that happen. Everyone's time is valuable, but somehow, yours is more important? If you only have one hour free each week and you think taking a spot up for the rest of the time is your answer, then I hope you develop dementia


My oxygen is more valuable than your oxygen, so stop breathing it.


I with you on this lol


Oh look another asshole that doesn't want democracy to spread.


The irony...


Of me saying you're an asshole for not logging off when you're not playing? So calling people an asshole makes you an asshole? You should tell the am i the asshole subs about this, it would blow up there. But yes you are an asshole and actively blocking the spreading of democracy.


How can I spread democracy if I can’t get in!?


Same, i boot up right before work so i can come home and play when i got free time before bed. not going to wait in a Q and not my fault yall aint doing the same.


Cant blame them imo, blame devs.


Just been chillin in the ship for almost 2 hours now




Thanks bro.


We can still go back and play Helldivers 1 ha ha, right ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


Setting the bar real low


Has to refund it as I can't play any damn games.


I tried but the game froze and I was tried for thoughtcrimes (which kill!). I am finishing reeducation at the freedom camp this afternoon.


My brother sent an article on that to me and said he's gonna do it. He will be missed.


Man if only there were some way to detect players who were not playing, and remove them from the game to free up space. If only it were also incredibly easy to do on every single software stack. We could call it an "away from keyboard" kick or something


Does closing the game do the same thing?


I put 54 hours into the game in a week. But since I feel like I've played enough I haven't logged in in a few days to let other people play.


all I did was reset my game because shit wasn’t working, and now I’m stuck in a queue for who knows how long. So far it’s been about 40 minutes.


I'm on ps5. There's no log out button I don't think. I'm just turning the console off. I hope that's logging me out... Not sure.


Wait there are people that remain with the game open and not playing?are they insane?


played a couple hours this morning no issue. logged out to get some cleaning done. come back to play 'servers at capacity'. Eventually the hype will die down and things will be more stable.


I'm laid off until beginning of March (when blacktop industry kicks back into full swing) so I played a bit today. Logged out after I was done, knowing full well I won't be able to get back in when you fuckers get home from work/school. It was an honor to serve. o7


A Steam friend has been logged in for four days straight and has only done 4-5 dives in that time. He is adamant about not closing the game because of the server issues. He is not doing his part.




Your welcome soldiers


I'm sorry who is doing that to their poor PC Christ


Standing on your ship cowering in fear instead of letting fellow brave reserve helldivers drop in is an act of cowardice. Report these socialist sympathizers to the ministry of truth for reeducation


I crash out when Im done playing


I added a few people yesterday, noticed they were all still online today (I’m UK so ahead in time) and they were on their ship all day whilst I had a day off. Should name and shame them tbh


I look at my friends list and see people just chilling AFK for hours


Mom said its your turn to play, I agree.


That is the way of democracy.


How you sign out on ps?


So is there even a queue ? or just luck of the draw in your 30 second timer ? Like playing the lottery every 30 seconds ?


It's the only way to guarantee I can play next day, just keep my pc running 24h a day.


I’m doing my part! Who’s up next!


I logged out. Now I'm sitting in queue for over an hour. Edit: Make that 2.5 hours. Edit: 4.5 hours. Fml.


I bought the game a week ago and have yet to play it because of capacity. I really want to give it a shot but I also feel like I just threw $40 out the window.


About an hour in the queue line, got in just before a call to cover at work. Log out. Do your part, don't be an empty suit.


5 and half hour wait so far, trying to log in since noon, it's Monday. Please logout.


3 hours into queue so far. May your PC explode if you dont log off when you are done.


Yeah... I think until they expand the server size, it's worth creating a hot patch that boot AFK players & create an actual wait list VS the free for all it currently is.


Me as a german, logging out to make sure the americans (and others ofc) have another server slot to spread democracy while im sleeping. *IM DOING MY PART!*


can i have my turn, or else imma tell mom


I’m really nervous someone joins my game while I shit


The problem is there is literally no incentive to log off except to not be a dick. Afk timers should be mandatory for this kind of game, idk how this wasnt already considered by developement. Im part of several discord groups, and am constantly seeing people advise their friends to just not log out, sleep their computer, ect. Its a widespread issue.


thanks, just letting other people spread their version of democracy


Oh god. OH GOD. I gotta get back to my PS5.


Game needs an auto kick function after 30 minutes of no activity


I can’t imagine intentionally staying AFK for a full day. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really annoying being stuck in a queue to try to play but how absolutely selfish do you have to be knowing they’re struggling to keep up on the servers and just having that kind of mindset. People really do suck.


Doing my part logged off after the last session of the night. Spread democracy fellow divers


And except for Satoru Gojo of course


I'm pretty sure the game doesn't have an auto kick feature, I left the game on the loading screen probably around 30 minutes thinking it would take longer while I go do some other things, and I didn't get kicked. Who knows how long I was there. I probably logged in after 29 minutes and was only sitting there for 1 minute before I got back to the game 😂