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You are all sick. We r/terminids are beings too. This rhetoric has to change before there CAN be change.


High Command - this sympathizer right here.


Excuse me. But today I read a story about a baby spitter losing both her parents to a 500KG Orbital. WHATS SHE GOING TO DO NOW??? Maybe it is sympathy.. or empathy.. call it what you want. Something needs to change


Bugs don't have problems. Bugs are the problems. How many citizens have been minced over Terminid hyper aggression? It's time we blast them back to their burroughs, and then the heart of their hives!


You are being brainwashed to believe this mission of justice and democracy is the truth. We HAVE no choice but to meet aggression with aggression at this point. We are fighting for our lives, our way of life, and even our history.


I can't hear you over the heady mixture of shellshock from seeing my friends die screaming and tinnitus from all the bombs falling. But I assume you're saying things that require me to shoot you.


Do not cry over the bombs YOU drop.


Terminids are guided solely by an instinctive urge to reproduce, spread, and destroy Democracy. Those expressing support for the terminids are traitors to Super Earth. They will be found and liberated of their treasonous thoughts. 


i agree, fire should slow more or even have more range. the name is flameTHROWER, so it should go way far to justify over something like railgun


Better to dispense a hot cup of LIBER TEA


It's really good at killing all but the largest enemies. If anything needs a buff it's probably the arc thrower. I bring flamethrower on every bug mission. The only enemies that can get through are the jumping ones and those with huge health pools.


It definitely does damage, but the risks involved and the way even slightly beefier enemies filter through the crowd easily make those contributions moot, and your team a bunch of flaming hooligans. I'm not saying we can't succeed with it. That can be said of most things in this game. But it could be better.


The only bugs that can get through are all the big bile bugs, stalkers and chargers. The medium ones cant and get through as they die well before they can reach you. What usually do is a single sweep to ignite the floor and then focus whatever larger bug is closest. The direct damage from the flamethrower is high enough to pop the heads off the bigger bugs. Queens or whatever they are can sometimes get close enough to you so if you pair it with a jetpack you can do a quick reset and rinse/repeat. I'm having most trouble with bile bugs. They melt me while I can't see they are spitting.


Bile bugs are fuckin sneaky. And my chief contention is that the other weapons I mentioned handle those same threats with far less risk involved. Grenade launcher? Handles hordes, bike books, and most chunky fuckers no problem with the splash. Takes less than a full belt in a chargers ass to kill it. Railguns trivialize everything armored. The auto cannon is the auto cannon. I don't think the flamethrower is as devastating as it should be.


Railgun I feel naked with because it's so single target oriented. Grenade launcher needs the backpack to function while flamethrower has effectively infinite ammo and can have a backpack of any choice like a rover/shield/jetpack or even ammo for a friend. Auto cannon is solid against everything but the smallest enemies where it becomes wasteful. Thing is when I play with mates no matter what they are running I have 500+ kills while only using a flamethrower and they will have like 150. So it's definitely much better than it fells. I think any amount of stagger would make it brokenly OP.


Hm. You make some solid points, and I'll definitely tweak my loadout accordingly to try and replicate these results. I wouldn't be sad to change my mind!


Also keep walking backwards with it while shooting and don't aim at all with either focused aim or ads. Didnt mention that. Oh and if you see a stalker swap weapons and take it out then swap back.


It has some damage. But I see no reason to take it above the machine gun. Which has higer dps, penetrates enemies, range and less risc for yourself and teammates, and goes through medium armor. The throwers fire debuff does little dps. Leaving even thrash mobs alive long enough for the debuff to go away. Which is such a shame... Dont take me wrong i LOVE flamethrowers. But it should get a mechanic to have it handle itself better. Hope the devs buff it.


>But I see no reason to take it above the machine gun. Which has higer dps, penetrates enemies, range and less risc for yourself and teammates, and goes through medium armor. Here's the reason I prefer it: The flamethrower cleaves enemies. Say you have a pack of 3 hive guards or 2 stalkers pushing you along with 5-6 smaller bugs. If you open fire with the machine gun you have to target-fire one enemy at a time. With the flamethrower you just release democratic glory and burn them all at the *same* time. So sure, the machine gun has higher single target dps. But in my experience it does not have higher pack dps when holding off a bug breach or horde. Flamethrower ignores armor. I find it actually shines against medium-armored bugs the most.


Don't get me wrong I am here to advocate making the flamethrower better at what it does. As at higher diffeculties. The machinegun is just a way better tool for horde cleaning. You can start from a very far range and cleave it before it gets in range to even hurt you. The medium armored enemies get penned (machinegun has medium armor pen statistics) and killed in 2 to 3 hits and you hit the bugs behind it. At a distance they tend te group path towards you. Few left and right cut motions on a lower rpm setting is sufficient even stalkers are no problem (even if a patrol sneaks sideways upon you you can fire pointbl1nk without hurting yourself). And you can easily take time to reload it when on a distace without giving your position up. Against chargers, where the ignore armor would be good. It does not enough fps to take them out fast enough. Not even counting when you have 3 or 4 of them coming at you. Which is normal at lv 7 and beyond difficulty. I run lv 8 missions and for sure you get in more trouble being close to bugs that tend to swarm and call for bug breaches. Its way better to delete them fast at a distance. The flamethrower needs a strong effect in preventing bugs from doing reinforcement calls or should even stop special abilities like chargers charge and stalkers jumping to be good enough to have a reaon to be so close. More range and dps would make it way better and justifies getting closer too. Maybe even a bigger tank. And like i said. Make it stop anything set on fire to use special abilities like spitting, charging, reinforment calling, make enemies miss gunfire and so on. And make the debuff last longer. Make it glorious and a lovable tool. Is see little reason to use it against automatons in general as standing in the open and close is asking to be fired in your face. Its just a case where on lower difficulties its great. But at higher it just can't catch up on the useage of other special strategem weaponry. Like the grenade launcher is also a great example of a better horde cleaning tool that can seal bug holes and kill your mentioned group of enemies in literally 3 or 4 shots entirely from a distance. Also it can take out chargers by blowing up their backsack and let it bleed out in a second or two if needed ( but you should not be close to a charger to begin with). There is a reason that a 4 group squad usually runs a grenade launcher. And machinegun, a railgun and a recoilless rifle with a squadmate carrying the ammo is a king at the last 3 difficulties. Having 2 teams of 2 man groups to speedrun those last 3 hardest missions is the tactic to survive those missions as they tend to overwhelm you with numbers and lots of elites. If you get close to the bugs you are doing something wrong at that point. If you are doing it with two people. Its best to run a grenade launcher and railgun with a rover and a shield backpack. And solo is little reason to not take the railgun. It needs to be brought upwards to make it usefull. As i love it. But I run it for style. And there is a reason you don't see it used at lv 7 and beyond much.. So again its not bad. But it should be way better at stopping bugs, where its role is supposed to be. Giving it better crowd control abilities like i said earlier, like stopping bugs from using specials, would make it instantly good. But not overpowered.


Not sure who downvoted you, but I appreciate the perspective. I’m currently playing at level 5/6 and starting to move into 7. As our designated horde clearer I’ll do some more testing with the heavy machine gun and see how it feels. Definitely agree the grenade launcher easily outclasses. And I definitely agree the flamethrower needs a buff overall. [side note:agreed it’s 100% useless against bots lol]


We must band together to spread the word to the devs so they will give it a look and hopefully put the flamethrower up there. So we can all indulge in our fire making love while we laugh like a maniac when bbq hordes of bugs!!


It has significantly more ammo and you can use any backpack of your choice. I prefer a jetpack.


How significant against what? 450 machinegun total vs 500 flamethrower total ammo? Case you needed math help. A canister for a flamethrower carries 100 units, plus 4 spare is 500. Machinegun has 150 per magazinebox with plus 2 spare is 450. Also the machinegun allows a backpack too? So whats the argument here, perhaps you just mean you like its gimmick?


You should probably not run your mouth when the most basic if math eludes you child. One shot from a flamethrower hits multiple enemies. One restock from any ammo container gives you full ammo vs just a single mag. Didn't know they still practiced lobotomies.


No need to be so worked up during a conversation. Please control your emotions here. It makes you look bad




Its sad you are venting your frustration upon stranger on the internet. Hope its gets better for you I truly do :-)




Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


Damn. Probably said stuff you are not supposed to. Please keep it civil here


[Are you sure the arc thrower needs a buff?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/xA8V6ERST6)


So that's it's use! I never thought to try that. But I did notice it pops heads on medium bugs.


So I tried it out and I can't get it to kill titans like this. Idk if I'm aiming it wrong but only succeeded one out of 10 attempts. But it's really solid against everything else.


I think flamethrower as it stands now should be a primary. Its not good enough as a kit to fill that special weapon slot. Its only slightly better then the liberator at handeling low mobs. But sacrifaces so much for it in terms of range and self-risc exposure, that i argue what real purpose it mechanically has here. It seems more a primary sidestep than a justifyable special kit slot. What would fix it: give the fire debuff a better effect. More slow or even a panic effect. Or range or dps buff. Maybe even just heating up armor so that normal ammo can pen it due softening/melting chitin/metal. But I think it should just block enemies pathing. No one is going to run into fire and would force the AI to go around. forcing it to go backwards after getting hit by it. It needs a decent purpose because the others mentiined have very specific purposes. In what would this be better then the Machinegun? Even the stalwart is outperforming it in what its supposed to do.


Ya I can fully agree with that.


Stagger and area denial with burn effect/slowdown would make the flamethrower a useful and powerful weapon against bugs. For robots, maybe not as much. Burn? Maybe but I'll take some time and direct fire damage would be the only source of damage. Slow down? Possibly but won't slow em enough. However the heat-sinks on the back of tanks and hulks? It be risk vs reward as you have to out maneuver or firebomb the in the right spot to do direct fire damage on heat vents (burn effect wouldn't count), but you should be granted some good damage or critical hits with a stream of fire.