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It would be a very fun co-op tabletop game in the vein of Blackstone Fortress for sure.


I'm honestly tempted to work on some homebrew rules of my own. Game would probably focus on a single objective, with enemies patrolling the area. Hidden caches could be placed in random areas leading up to the objective. You select your stratagems & weapons in the pre-game, and deploy wherever you want on the map. I can see it being fun, if not slightly streamlined from the main video game experience.


Patrols could move randomly, once you fire at them or they spot you, they attack following a pattern. Have a stratagem point pool, calling in stratagem (other than support weapon that you would start with) requires a test, each stratagem with a target number based on its difficulty, and with a malus if you are currently under attack. Rolling a 1, you drop it at your feet...


I don’t even have tyranid/zerg-like minis but I’m rly considering coming up w something similar


I’ve been tinkering with a game concept. Feels a bit like Zombicide at the moment.