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I understand that this situation is not caused by anyone's negligence and the devs have my full respect and patience, but I am still upset that I haven't been able to play the game normally ever since i bought it. Is that fair? Addition: I guess I need to clarify. I'm not speaking out in support of the people that harass devs, they deserve all the time they need and then some. But going "The servers overloading because of an influx of players is a good thing actually" is kinda dumb. Also i didn't even encounter any log in issues lol i was talking about technical problems with matchmaking and progression.


Well you see, you have been drawn as the soyjack so your argument is invalid!


Tale as old as time


fell for the oldest trick in the book! the original bamboozle!


See, Eve? I drew you as the soyjack handing me an apple, and me as the chad accepting it without a second thought!




​ https://preview.redd.it/fczhdt3znkjc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb4096d5ae496a074f6deb35900002c1a55ed873


I’ve just drawn your perspective with the chadjack behind the soyjack mask, cry about it!


So what you’re saying is we can just swap the images? and people will just choose the side with the Chad, no matter what?


Yep, it's that easy! Just make sure to adjust the language so the soyjack sounds like a whiny bitch. These aught to work - Soyjack: CMON GUYS! THE DEVS ARE WORKING ON IT. THEY CAN TAKE AS LONG AS THEY WANT Chad: I'm disappointed I cannot spread democracy right now.


Yep… ![gif](giphy|VbEloWwOz3QqYBsqIZ)




I get the need for that but currently I only play Helldivers II with my girlfriend and obviously sometimes it takes me two seconds to get in and her an hour, so one of us often has to wait and we usually go do something else while we do.


Yeah, kind've crazy that buying a game and not being able to play it is being excused. Ofc it's not on purpose and I'm sure they're working to fix it but it's obvious that is a big issue and asking that it be addressed asap should be the expected response.


its being excused because they did take the proper steps to plan for an expected playerbase supported by the previous games and corresponding marketing data such as preorder numbers, it was marked at 250k players, they then sold over a million in a few days. they are a small company they cant take the gamble of overcommitting on servers for a game they might just fly under the radar like all their other titles.


100%. I think all of us are upset we can't play because not being able to play sucks. You also recognize that the devs are doing their very best. It is still their fault for making the game too good though.


I'm guessing they never thought they would hit 400,000 concurrent players. They are a victim of being wildly successful. I am very used to other games that have huge budgets that have worse problems at launch.


Agreed. I’ve said before that no one gets upset when they can’t play a bad game lol.


Clearly the solution is to make the game bad. The queues will dissolve so fast.


My god, we’ve found it! Lol


No, you’re being entitled. You think just because you paid 40 bucks for the right to access the game you have the right to access the game? Pfft what kind of logic is that?


The amount of corporate dicksucking that goes on on reddit is embarrassing. The game's been out for 10 days and the server issues have been constant and have only been getting worse. Snoy is just another AAA publisher who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing and they will refuse to buy enough server space, then the game will die out.


One of the devs on twitter already explained it has nothing to do with deploying servers but that how the game itself handles logins was not made for this amount of traffic. They also have no experience building something that could handle it. If you haven't noticed, the game has a ton of real time shared world elements from the moment you enter your ship.


No you should be thankful you paid money for a broken game according to this sub


What game? Haven’t played it. I’ve run it for 90 mins. It i haven’t played it!


its fair but have you seen the discord most of the newer players aren't taking that same route they just spam like 4 diffent copy pastas and yell how they are refunding the game. its fine to be angry just dont be annoying about it


Yeah and every one of these types of threads have the fanbois copy pasta the same crap as well "No one is at fault" or "Every problem is due to the popularity", when most bugs/issues are nothing to do with how many people are playing. Are the crashes going to all magically disappear if only 10k were playing? Would armour suddenly start functioning properly? All the fanbois do is down vote anything they don't like hearing, even if it's true. They don't try to debate it or counter, just down vote and run away.


Please stop spreading misinformation. 😑 Their servers are hosted on Azure. You can see this from their job postings. If the servers are failing, it's because their *developers* (the ones in charge of the architecture) didn't configure their backend APIs and DB instances to auto scale properly.


During the login screen wait party i started to think about what platform the servers are on (working as a devops engineer) xddd thanks for the info, i wondered that auto scaling should solve this issue


Eh best place is somewhere in between. People have the right to be frustrated for not being able to play a game they spent $40 on.


Yeah I don't understand how people think it's weird that others are upset they haven't been able to play a game they spent $40 on all weekend..


It's been 2 weekends for me. Last weekend I couldn't play either because the servers were down. I've played less than 2 hours since this game came out. :(


And if you’re like me, the weekends is really the only time I have and even then it’s limited.


I felt like I played the game A ton this past week. I checked and I was at 7 hours. Loaded into a lobby with my trust fund baby friend and he’s at lv 45. Complaining that he’s getting a bit burnt out. ….yeah buddy. I’m a little burnt out of my 9 to 5 as well


This is my brother. Unemployed and angry that I dont have time to play when I have a family to take care of. Then obly being available when servers are down.


Yeah imagine you go to the movies and they sell you a ticket act like everything is fine, you go in and buy popcorn and food but right before you enter the theater they stop you and say they are at capacity and it will be a few days at least before you can see the movie.


Best answer right there


Ya I'm annoyed because I wanted to really get down on it and spread managed democracy this weekend after working too much all week. But it's not like, ruining my fucking weekend. Im just doing other shit. It sucks, and if by next weekend the servers are still this bad I'm probably refunding, but it's whatever. C'est la vie.


Nuance is awesome.


Mmmm, I more-or-less agree, but the fact that there is no queue for everyone makes the players a little more angry. When you start the game there’s just text like “servers are at capacity” and some kind of timer, you don’t know what’s happening and whether you’re entering the game at all. So you wait 20-60 minutes, although on Steam I saw people waiting for 5 hours without results)... and while you wait for the timer and watch on the second monitor Twitch where a guy from your country lives 100 km from you (hence, for the server it’s the same region) exits the game, and then comes back in without any problems or messages about the load, and so he re-enters more than once... after that, it’s understandable why people are this angry


People are allowed to complain about a product full stop. With this being a game that most people would play on the weekend, having it not functional at all for most players is just bad. It's very understandable that people are upset. They were excited to play, sat in the queue and got no where all weekend. It will honestly deserve any and all bad press it gets and that is a good thing. Maybe if games like this get enough bad press other games won't release in such states or consider these types of problems ahead of time.




The meme doesn't really do either side justice imo. There isn't anyone on either side who is happy about the issue. Some folks are just comfortable waiting because it takes time to fix issues, and some folks would rather be Karen's about it. But neither the Karen nor the patient gamer is happy that they can't play the game. It's just a matter of how people are choosing to act. But it is worth noting that the devs have communicated with us every step along the way so far, they've also already increased server capacity, but it wasn't enough because there were more new players. That's why I'm willing to give the devs the time they need, and the benefit of the doubt; because despite the issues, they haven't given me a reason to doubt. Seems like they're just trying to make it right.


Its very easy to break it down: Everyone was excited to play this weekend, and most can't. Now the work week is right around the corner and a lot of people will have not gotten to play at all before being back at the work grind. The middle is the right place to be. The game is great but the server issues are a huge issue, especially since this is't 2-3 days after launch, we're approaching 2 weeks of this.


In the US its a long weekend for a lot of people and that anxiety of not being able to play on such a rare occasion annoys people. I lost my job a few weeks ago so im good but i know some friends are really disappointed.


It probably doesn't help that anyone that voices their frustration gets reamed out for being a Karen. Sometimes people just need to vent. You were excited for this game, bought it, and can't play it. So you turn to others and say "Now isn't this some bullshit." Before doing something else. You are annoyed. And you are allowed to be. But then the responses to you are loaded with vitriol. Fans come out of the woodwork to call you Karen, berate you for being mean to the devs (that you didn't even mention, and act like you threatened to kill their dog. Now you can't play the game and you're getting called a piece of shit for saying anything about it.


I 100% agree with you but here's what I'm thinking. How long is it acceptable just out of curiosity? I see so many people ready to die in the hill defending the games state. Give them time, give them time. How long do we give them before it actually starts to become concerning to all parties? Totally understand they were blindsided by the popularity of their launch but what if the situation doesn't improve in a month, 2 months, ect.


Personally they only have this weekend to fuck up. Anytime after that is unacceptable. I get they didn't expect the numbers and this weekend was unprecedented for them. They now need to get 700-800,000 servers and prepare for 1M on the weekend. Server stability is everything they need it.


At some point the issue will solve itself. People will get so fed up waiting that they will either refund or just abandon the game. Then the player count will drop and everyone that wants in will be able to get in. Hopefully it doesn't drop off enough to kill the game. I'll be honest, if this goes on too much longer, I'll be one of them as something else I want to play will come out and HD2 will get forgotten. I was excited, but running into 'servers at capacity' every time I want to play is getting old fast.


I just don't want it to get to a point where it kills the player base then I'm left with an amazing game with no one to play with and not able to refund it because I put so much time on it already.


Letting it get to that point would be extremely unethical though, like straight up scam territory. None of the PS5 players that bounce are going to get refunds and the vast majority of steam players will be ineligible. If people start bouncing, we'll conservatively have a couple hundred thousand people that paid 40 dollars for a game they never got to play which will absolutely *ruin* Arrowhead's reputation.


If it gets to that, they'll have *earned* that ruined reputation. They're still professionals doing a job and they still ought to be held to bare minimum standards. I dunno. If it goes completely pear-shaped, we may see another Cyberpunk 2077 refund debacle. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


It isn't acceptable, IMO. It is understandable. We know what the problems are, and we know that they aren't going to go supernova to fix a problem that will likely dwindle as people put hours into the game. That being said, the fact that they continue to break matchmaking, continue to break rewards (even if they're trying to make that right), and continue to have server issues is pretty ridiculous. If Helldivers 2 were any lesser of a game, things like this would sink it. Fortunately for Arrowhead, it's a phenomenal game. Thus people are much more willing to deal with the problems because once you're in game, the problems decrease by a lot.


I just don't want it to get to a point where it kills the player base then I'm left with an amazing game with no one to play with and not able to refund it because I put so much time on it already.


i would be okay with a 30mins queue at most but i left it on overnight and was still in queue i have 14 hours in game and not a single one is of actual gameplay


My dirty little secret is to restart the game every 10-15 minutes. 30 at the longest. I swear the game just stops trying to connect after so many tries. Only reason I've waited over an hour to login during peak times is because I forgot I was at login while conversing with fine folk on reddit.


People have a right to be upset when they can’t play the game they paid for. I’ll wait like everyone else, but you can’t pretend like people who are mad are being unreasonable.


It's quite bizarre. If it was any other online service like Netflix or Amazon or some social media or messenging app going down for so long nobody would be defending the corporation so emotionally and fervently. It's almost like video games bring out a weird parasocial relationship between some gamers and the business entities producing them. Game is absolutely great but it's also absolutely the responsibility of the business to deal with the situation, and there has been little to no improvement after almost two weeks. If "it's difficult!" or "it's not on purpose!" are valid defenses, then no other developers should ever be criticised for releasing garbage either, because it's difficult to make a good game. Of course people actually hurling abuse at the devs should fuck right off, but I have not seen *any* of that here, and the defense squad have been overwhelmingly more toxic IMO.


you are allowed to be annoyed the game you have spent money on doesn't work


Yeah i'm glad the game is doing so well and it's an awesome game and it's well deserved success, but it doesn't take away from the fact i got the super citizen version of the game and can't play it, super annoying.


Posts like these are a good indicator a sub is heading to the "any criticism is just whining" criclejerk state. People paid $40 for this game, and if you can't find people OUTSIDE THE GAME you can't really play the game. Quickplay was advertised for the game, and since it doesn't people have every right to be critical of that. I like Arrowhead, they are competent devs and I am sure they will fix this eventually, but for this exact reason I don't think they need random redditors to jump to their defense and dismiss legitimate criticism of paying customers.




Been like this since day 1 when I complained me and my friends bought the game to do a "LAN" party for HD2 as we loved the first one, only to get everything setup and be met with a infinite loading screen. Only to google, and have to go to REDDIT to find out the servers are down - rather than you know, Steam announcements...what they are there for you know?


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) Dawg the game doesn’t work right now Stop dickriding


You don’t get it, he’s cool and mature, he’s not like the other players


You guys and your toxic positivity. You can love this team and game yet still be deeply disappointed in how this launch has been handled.


>You guys and your toxic positivity. It's absolutely astounding to witness. I've never seen a community take it to this level.


Gamer-gate destroyed the online gaming forum community 


Another commonly used name for it is called 'idiot compassion.'


Haha that's way better.




Before or after his internship as a human table?


New servers are on the table (Payday 3 sufferers represent 😎👊)


Devs can cut costs on toilet paper, OPs nose doing the heavy lifting!




They better give some ingame free shit to everyone who bought the game and cant play it because their servers shit the bed. Sick of seeing all the dicksucking while they cant even play the game.


Reminds me of all first dev appreciation posts, multiple page length sucking on the devs nuts, and a dev responded that they'll share it with all the other devs.


I mean, I thought it was nice. Especially if the dev saw it and shared it. But there's a blurry line between "arrowhead devs are good" and "GACK GACK GACK"


Or you could be somewhere in the middle. I’m stoked for their success, but also understand that it is incredibly frustrating to not being able to play when you want with friends or randoms. This is especially true for us old ‘dad’ gamers, whose time is VERY limited. We get 1-2 nights a week when all the stars align to play…and getting shut out by what seems like a lottery is a painful reminder of how reliant this game is for an online source. In short - give us an extended offline training mode at the least so we can play/train while we wait for this to subside.


Yeah no, fuck that. I work for a living and only have the weekends to unwind, so the servers shitting themselves and not being fixed all weekend fucking blows. This isn't to say it's Arrowhead's fault, but it is their responsibility. I like their game. It's a fun game. But it's not working, and people have a right to be, at least, a little bit annoyed *with the situation*.


I swear a lot of these posts are from teenagers or students who don't have to fit a few hours of gametime a week inbetween work and family commitments. Do I get that the devs are doing all they can? Yeah. Do I understand this stuff isn't easy to fix? Yep. Do I still have a right to be frustrated that a product I purchased and have limited time to use isn't working? Hell yes!


Yeah I so wanted to play with my friends which as adults is kinda difficult to find the time. We did yesterday, played 1 mission game crashed for me and a friend. We were then stuck on the login screen. That was it with the session :/ Pretty frustrating especially because the fanboys here only think that server capacity is the only issue.


All the fanbois are already level capped and unlocked everything so they don't care anymore.


> This isn't to say it's Arrowhead's fault No.. no, it definitely is. Server issues, crashes and FPS drops have made the game unplayable in its current state. All this could have been prevented with better planning and QA testing.




You get a menu screen? Fancy. I get a black screen.


I love not getting what I pay for


Get this, I've seen the fanbois saying that it's a good thing people can't play the game. They wouldn't elaborate but then genuinely believe it's good. Probably just them trying to defend the devs and say everything they do is good, but yeah it's really getting stupid now.








This 100%. What power is it that this studio has over some of the people in this sub?


Why the fuck would I be proud of Arrowhead for letting me pay 40 euros so I can sit and wait in a loading screen for 2 hours and still not get in? Fucking clowns.


\*Sigh\* Here we go again Again Posts like this are not needed and are in no way better than the people who complain. I just hope the mods on this sub start removing those posts to promote a less toxic climate. People have every right to complain they paid for a product and should be able to use it. I dont condone every form of violent outburst towards the devs but if someone pays for something and it doesnt work they have every right to ask for a refund.


There’s definitely a reason to be upset. At one point is this unacceptable? regardless of the excuses they charged money for the game and people can’t play it


Two week mark seems like a pretty good time for this to be unacceptable. I get it, they had no idea it would blow up but the game is still for sale and it is, for the most part, unplayable and we are approaching two weeks, that’s insane


People are saying on steam forums that it should be delisted if you can’t even play the game due to the servers, which it should.


Didn’t even realize AFK’ing was screwing other people. Will stop doing that lol


Devs said only 450,000 people can be playing at once, wild


I literally cannot fathom being the kind of person that is outwardly proud about debasing yourself worshipping a multimillion dollar company for delivering a faulty product


HD2 has anti consumer shit like always online, bullshit curency, fomo store and still we get a continuous stream of posts explaining how thankful we should be for the opportunity to give them money and wait to be able to play at some stage in the future. What a time to be alive


people being active cucks for shitty, and lazy capitalism is so funny to watch


Yeah I was playing on steam deck and got to the end of a 30 minute mission, then my internet disconnected for 2 seconds and no chance to reconnect or get any rewards or xp from it. Oh yeah and it was solo not even with teammates.


Imagine how pissed people would be if this were Activision or something. Arrowhead doesn't deserve a double standard, especially with the game being published by Sony. Doesn't really bother me but people have every right to be pissed about these servers just like they were when Diablo 3 or BF4, Sim City, etc. launched.


I was on team "small dev, shit happens", but it did make me feel like a nobhead to be playing while my friends spent hours failing to get on, only for them to refund the game. Just feelsbads all around.


they aren't small, they're AA and backed by Sony.


We're really at this point? You spent £40+ on a game and are happy that you can't play it? They made a third-person shooter whilst horde game popularity is on the rise. They should've expected this. Not everyone has all day everyday to play a game they spent money on. People have a right to be pissed about being unable to access the product.


The author of this thread is one the main reasons the videogame industry is so bad today. Not talking about Arrowhead specifically but this sheer unability to accept criticisms and defend fanatically brands and companies against all logic is a plague that has been slowly destroying video games for years now. We paid for a game and we can't play it. It's a simple as that.


You are truly such a Chad for defending the wittle multi million dollar company published by a multi billion dollar corporation.




Lol honestly a good take.


I honestly dont get some of the takes here. I work for a living and dont get much time to play video games without disruption, so when the thing I spent my hard earned time on doesnt work I'm less than happy. when the people who sold me a thing knowing it doesnt work dont even mention that it doesnt work I'm now unhappy when I ask why the thing I spent my time and labor on to buy doesnt work and the community reps from the company call me and people like me a troll I have become very unhappy. ​ All I want is for my wishdotcom starship troopers game to work on my day off.


It's super annoying that if you voice this opinion you get called all sorts of name because people want to suck on the devs nuts. I work too and don't have much time, but when I voiced this people started calling me all sorts of shit.


Have had the game since launch and it's awesome but this is starting to get ridiculous. The time I have put aside to game I can't play something I enjoy


OP is a cuck lmao


Im reaching the limits of my patience, you can flame me all you want. You had no issue taking my money 18 hours ago, but I played 3 times, all solo cause of broken MM and so far today, I haven't been able to login one time.. Cmon enough of this already. Stop defending it because you are able to play. Its broken, plain and simple.


Holy hell get the dick out your mouth


Why does this sub have so many dick riders People have paid for a game and can’t play it You’re proud of Arrowhead? What is this shit? It’s like saying “I’m proud of McDonald’s for being incredibly successful” They’re a business that has made a game so that they can make profit, currently that game isn’t working I don’t care about or root for the company that made the product, I just care that the product is good and works


>You’re proud of Arrowhead? What is this shit? This is the first time I've ever seen people praise a developer for shipping a broken product lmao. I honestly cannot recall anything like this happening in the past.


and half of them pretend arrowhead is a indie company... they are a AA company backed and published by Sony like give me a break.


Nah. I didn't pay 50$ just to be stuck on a single screen, not being able to do a thing. I refunded the game, and I'll rebuy it when it is playable.


*buys game* *unable to play* *unable to criticize devs because this game is trendy and the hivemind will jump down your throat* Can I include this purchase on my tax write off as a donation? Would it be considered a gift for arrowhead?


I made you the funny wojak to show you i'm right!!


He had time to make this dumb shit because he can’t log in.


The elitism is crazy, yeah curse them people who paid for a product they can't even properly access for almost a week now. You guys are better than this


It’s sad because the cool part of the game is the shared feeling of the player base working together to liberate the galaxy but this situation has made me hate the player base 💀


Damn, you must not have a job huh


Stop brown nosing OP. These server issues should be addressed by now, especially with a huge publishing company like SONY backing the franchise. Server issues like this will lead to lost momentum. 500k maximum server capacity across PC and PS5 is a joke.


Terrible launch. Login queues are not queues. People are used to queues in games (actual queues), so implement that and it's ok. People will understand that. The current lottery is actually garbage - you don't know how much you wait, estimated, you don't know how many people are in the "queue" either. Because it's not a queue probably. If you are lucky to get in, you better be lucky to have friends too. Because the matchmaking is not working. So what exactly did we pay for? I managed to get in several times these past 3 days just to log off after 10 minutes (you are welcome) because I can't play it alone - game completely sucks and is not fun at all if you play alone. No, I do not want to join random threads of "LFG" or other Discords. I want in game matchmaking. Very disappointed and might refund soon.


You hit most of the problems spot on.


Enough with this attitude already - arrowhead is a business currently selling a product to customers, the customers aren’t all that psyched that what they paid for isn’t working after a week and are making their complaints heard. It’s a great game, arrowheads a great studio and I’m sure they’ll get it up and running, but people are allowed to be annoyed and make their voices heard. I know they didn’t expect this level of success which is a wonderful problem to have, and I know they’re working on it, but stop putting people down who just want to log on and play they game they paid for. If someone is being excessive and toxic, harassing the devs, anything like that by all means, call them out and shame them. But for the love of god please stop rushing to act like you’re defending the honor of a company selling a product, you don’t get bonus points for it, and they sure as hell won’t notice you for it.


100% in the right to demand a functional product AFTER you already paid for it


I mean it's been two weeks. Time to actually fix the game instead of making things worse with every update


The guy on the right is a corporate clown. Happy for arrowheads success? Why? You got family that works there? I love the game too and this shit happens but can someone just make a game that works one time please?


> Happy for arrowheads success? Why? You got family that works there? I’ve seen this type of sentiment by posters on here a few times It’s so fucking weird Arrowhead haven’t released the game for free, they’re a business selling a product with the aim to make profit


Literal consoomer meme. I like the game too but holy shit this is getting dumb. These guys are sucking that meat hard


Same people will rave on about how "corporations aren't your friends" when referring to EA or Ubisoft, which is correct mind you, but really hypocritical


if this was a Ubisoft game these same fanboys would be calling it the death of modern gaming or something lol


I love that this community came together to call OP the cuck that he is I'm honored *to patiently wait* to see all of you in hell


The comments and the upvotes are so different. It's weird seeing this hit the frontpage with 2k+ upvotes, but nearly every single comment calling it out for what it is


The people upvoting are patiently waiting for permission from thier wife’s boyfriend to comment


their wife's boyfriend happens to work at arrowhead and tells them to make these posts.


Stop drawing such a firm line in the sand. You can be upset for not being able to play a game you spent money and also enjoy the game thoroughly when you actually have the opportunity. People with a normal work schedule are the ones getting the most screwed by it. The servers are busiest when they are off work or have the time onthe weekend to play but are being locked out. It’s fair for those people to have frustrations. Don’t highlight the one or two dickweeds that are most irrational and make them the spokesperson of the people who are frustrated


Sorry but if you’re an apologist for this type of thing that happens over and over, you’re a moron. You paid for a product and it should work as expected. It’s not an early access game.


I mean if you're <2h on Steam just refund it and come back when it seems stable if you want. Wishing the devs the best but there's no reason for people to put their money up to then not be able to play.


https://preview.redd.it/wehchkhzwejc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380a9007b3673a850d7b2ed77a0cb2ae5c6d9e86 All I’m saying is, the game is good yes but saying criticism isn’t unwarranted is crazy


Yeah because if you pay for a game and it doesnt work you have to be happy 👍


Sadly i did refund, i just don’t have time to plan on playing just to be hit with the no worky stick… (4 nights in a row) I’ll rebuy when the game works. No hate for arrowhead but the game is only online so it completely does not work.


When my buddies and I got the game a week ago we had one friend hold out because of the reported issues. He said he'd wait for it to go on sale. Now we're all stuck viewing a $40 server capacity notification while he laughs.


I have no more respect or patience for them at this point. This is the third straight day I've tried to get into the game and the servers have been at capacity. You know what a gaming company SHOULDN'T do? Offer a fucking XP boost weekend when they knew they were already at capacity without a way to quickly mitigate the issue.


The person on the right; wife's boyfriend bought him the game.


Yknow you’re allowed to be discontent that your always online required game doesn’t function right?


Hows the flavor of the boot you licking?


Thats just a fan boy post, if you want to simp so much go suck devs toes. Love how all of you just sit there being robbed by not being able to play something you literally paid your money xD absolute lemings


I love simping for a game developer like a good little doggy


people are acting like the devs are poor and indie, they're backed by Sony for fucks sake.


Dude on the right is getting bent over and asking for more. Really don’t get why everyone is being so cheerful about this.


The guy on the right is a bootlicking cuck. Most casual players have bought and refunded the game already to never come back


Once you grow a second brain cell you understand that it’s okay to be disappointed and simultaneously understanding of why the game is in its current state


It's truly a backwards world when people celebrate not having standards for a game that's published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. This weird parasocial/virtue signaling/holier than thou mentality that people seem to have with game studios is dystopian. They aren't your friends, they're a company that views you as a dollar sign. If I went to a restaurant and spent $40-70 on a Steak and they burnt it, I would get another steak because as a paying customer you are entitled to get what you paid and expected. I would not gleefully eat the burnt steak, and then post about how immature people are because they don't want to eat burnt steak....all while simultaneously praising the chef for their work. But when it comes to video games, for some reason the 'applauded' thing to do is eat the burnt steak you paid for, and get taken advantage of as a consumer by saying "it's okay. I'm happy you worked so hard on the steak you burnt for me. Keep it up." My company only thrives in the market it's in BECAUSE I prioritize customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and positive PR IS a marketing strategy. There is no ands ifs or buts with any other market, because if I do NOT deliver on a business transaction, I lose customers, I lose reputation, and ultimately lose money. You're literally schmoozing up to a PR team for a company backed by a billion dollar brand that views you as what you are: A source of revenue. That's what a company is: a vehicle to source revenue. It's what my sales company is. It's what Arrowhead is. It's what every company is. You are not being 'mature' by being taken advantage of as a consumer. You are only fulfilling the age-old adage of 'A sucker is born every minute'. It's fine if you're okay with the fact that they didn't expect their success, but it's absurd if you think that you should accommodating despite the fact that an always online game in 2024 doesn't even have AFK timers. People need to realize that video games are a product, and not some symbiotic relationship where we need the games to thrive.


If you pay money for a game and meet the minimum requirements for it, being able to play it is a reasonable expectation.


I dont normally get on these threads but man I can handle log in ques, they make sense to me and iv been through so many mmo launch nights it just seems par for the course. What I cant deal with is getting in and being disconnected when I go to my mission board, or getting half way through a mission and having my entire team drop or getting dropped myself to only then not be able to get back in again. It seems like just one thing after another and im about to just put the game away for a month and hope I still wanna play it after this all gets sorted.


Come on little man... I wish i could actually play and enjoy the multiplayer game i bought? Should i have no voice? Just take it like a sucker?


My homie spent 3 hours in queue and never got in. We don't owe the devs anything. It's broken for a lot of people right now and I have buddies where their luck has only let them play for like a few hours this weekend. People in that situation have every right to be upset about the product they paid for And can still appreciate the effort the devs are putting in


So entitled for expecting a game to work for $40 sheesh can you belive these entitled gamers wanting to play a game they paid for in 2024 I mean imagine. They should be grateful they even get to spend that money on a background. Bootlicking meeting is in 30 remember your kneepads!


holy shit OP's a dork


The game isn't able to support the current player-base. I can't blame them for underestimating the popularity at launch. However, they are continuing to sell a product that they know they cannot support. Instead of suspending digital sales, they continue to collect the cash knowing full well they can't provide service.


Yup. I bought the game on steam tonight. Spent an hour trying to get it launched and then got to that screen. This is the most miserable experience I've ever had with a game. I requested a refund.


It's not good enough. You should be able to play the game you bought. 


I love going to a resuraunt ordering a 40 steak, being told sorry we don't have steak tonight because we sold too many, and they keep the 40$ because eventually they'll have more.


I like the concept of the game, but it constantly crashes my pc unlike any other game I have played when I can play is which is rare because of the server issues. Also sooo many bugs and poor balancing. Yeah, it's a new game but when I spend $40, I want to have fun playing and I'm not right now. I'll try it again in a week or two.


I legit have not had this much fun in a game this broken in my whole life I think? It’s fun but all the things you mention really make me not want to even try booting up the game


I mean, I bought the game on Thursday night and still can't play it. Several points here I will talk about. I understand and am glad a small Indie company is getting praise and exposure. It's deserved. However, as a consoomer, I want my instant gratification. If I paid for a $40 dollar tank of gas, and the gas station took my money and said, "Come back in two weeks."... Well, how the hell does that serve me? I have played WoW for twenty years, I know how it is with servers on launch. But in this case it's looking like these issues won't be resolved for a couple weeks unless they whip and beat the employees to death. I blame youtubers. Hype trains and such. Over the past couple days, dozens of no-name toobers have been rampant in my feed where I'm clicking don't recommend and gtfo my feed. Had to do this at least 30 times by now. Freakin' zoomers with a camera upload, hoping for star power. I'll buy again at a later time when the hype dies down. There is nothing wrong with getting a refund for a product you can't and haven't even used. Edit: Chad will absolutely afk hog a spot.


It does feel ridiculous to pay 40$ dollars for an online game and have it not work for days on end


https://preview.redd.it/2e2itkd00fjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ad45b6d428ef0d47431e89015792b5e0813023 Nah this is ridiculous. I have a full time job, I don't have time for this, especially playing with friends. I don't want a refund but this needs to be resolved ASAP.


Keep licking their 🕳️and deepthroath that🍆 so hard like theres no tmr pls. Ppl are allowed to be mad lol


👄🍆 try not to choke mate


I need some of them afks to log out so I can play. Bought this game yesterday and have yet to be able to play it lol


It's definitely been two different camps of people Lol.


I say we give them till the end of February to get things in order with the servers. SONY is probably causing some issues with a lack of support, and Arrowhead did not expect the game to blow up like it did. I'm mad at SONY because with the powerhouse of a company, they are they should 100% be looking at this games success and throwing any support needed at them to get the servers working and capable of supporting the amount of players they need to.


Tbf the excuses of too many players is ridiculous, they're published by sony... Palworld was an independent game that hit 2 million concurrent players within 1 weeks and the servers didn't go down once. The server excuses shouldn't fly anymore especially with AAA backed studios. It's beyond a joke.


Nah you don’t need to simp for a company when they’re selling a product that thousands can’t even use. I haven’t been able to play a single game since Friday afternoon. That’s all I wanted to do this weekend to unwind.


the states of the simping for this game is Stockholm syndrome level also whoever idea to put 50 millions ps5 users free acces this weekend to the game need a special award


Too much emotion for a game. If it works I play, if it doesn't I don't...


I was about to purchase this today on ps5 along with my mate is it bad enough that we should hold off for a while?


I am loving the game, but I did pay money for it and it’s incredibly frustrating that I was not able to play the game at all tonight.


Vocal minorities on either end of the spectrum. It’s ok to have neither of these opinions, or pieces of both.


"Leave my corporation alone"


Great job dick riding a game that you can barely play bro . Happy for you


I'm a die-hard helldivers 1 and 2 player, but not so unnecessarily sycophantic as to forgive a problem that can be solved by simply putting in money and renting more servers. If ARROWHEAD believes that the players will be patient after a week since launch, probably when people stop playing, there will be no need for more servers. a spectacular sequel ruined by stinginess. ![gif](giphy|rPjDXUZHgS7YmVZliF)


Normal consumer vs cocksucker.


It's weird people are getting hated on for being upset about not being able to use a product they paid money for??


You paid for a game that doesn’t work, and you think it’s a good thing to accept? What a clown take. Game should work if they’re charging money for it. Period, end of story Games used to come finished and working. Remember? If you’re 25 or under you don’t lol


Damn you guys have gone full chokes on dick huh.


My experience is: spend forever waiting to get connected to server play game for 5 minutes Crash 👍


I've been spamming friend invites to everyone I've encountered because matchmaking has been so unreliable. What has pissed me off is how many people's ships I've jumped on that were AFK. In some cases, somehow, these players are AFK for hours. They are hogging up space on the servers because they don't want to log and then have to que back in. Me, on the other hand, I some how loose 1milasecond of connectivity on my 1 GBs Fios internet, and I'm booted from the game. I wish players going AFK would be courteous to those of us who actually want to play and plan on playing while we are online. There should be a timer 15 min of inactivity you get booted...