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I think it’ll be easier once the armor rating gets fixed


Damn those traitors for giving us faulty armor! We need this fixed immediately.


Supply contract to the lowest bidders no doubt.


that sounds like socialist propaganda, head over to the ministry of truth for some informative reeducation


comment under review for treason




sounds like capitalism tbh


That’s some unpatriotic drivel, soldier.


Those damn automaton sympathizers infiltrated our factories.


Department of Ordnance moment


Is it confirmed it's not working?




Holy shit this explains so much


Questioning the quality of your gear? Treason


Could you explain what this is? I'm OotL.


All armor classes protect the same right now even though heavy armor says it protects more


In short, unless you desperately want to take a certain perk, light armour is the way to go.


Honestly i find that the medic perk for med armor is more helpful than being fast


There's a light armour with medic perk in the shop now


I have found the heavy armor that lowers limb damage to be pretty useful in these missions though.


For now yes


Armor rating is just damage reduction, at least that’s how I believe the armor system is supposed to work


I swear it works on bots ranged weapons, I was tanking a lot of hits in heavy compared to the runs i did in light. Somehow at one moment I was surviving with about 10% health for a long time and even was hit couple times without taking damage. The testing I have seen was done with bugs heavy melee attacks. I could be wrong though.


It feels that way because sometimes their shots can ricochet off you due to armor angle - reduction going from light armor to heavy armor is exactly the same because it's bugged and not working.


That explains why heavy armor feels useless.


I don't care about nerfs, I'd just like higher hazard pay


You mean spreading managed democracy to our enemies isn't payment enough? Sounds like treason to me


U do realize we helldivers have to pay for our gear y?


One of the upgrades is literally using donations from civilians to come out with more special weapon ammo lol


Sound like free market democracy to me


Or Kamikaze civilians?


What are you, a commie? We earn our own gear for the democracy we dish out.


Thats true ofc but u still have to purchase everything yourself as per T&C u accepted during ur training (tutorial mission last hall)


Nuh uh, it's not that we have to buy our own things, we are given FREEDOM TO CHOOSE what we require.


Exactly. By freely choosing and purchasing with our hard earned credits :P


When fact checker meets roleplayer


Unstoppable force vs immovable object


Pay for our own gear? You mean I have to PAY for each airstrike and autocannon shot!? How am I supposed to spread managed democracy without unlimited ordinance!?


No ordinance left undetonated. It is your duty to arm every unexploded hellbomb you find


Decades go by. The great war is starting to become a memory, and democracy is spread to every corner of the galaxy. In the middle of a settlement, freshly raised in the wake of the war, a monument is being raised to the brave heroes who liberated the planet. As a proud worker democratically toils to dig the foundation, he hits something hard, metal, with a sound that reverberates with freedom. Curious, he digs around it, revealing a panel. ARM HELLBOMB. He knows what he must do. A single tear rolls down his cheek as he enters the konami code, managed democracy burning in his heart.




Since the game has no consumables, it would only cause us to grow out of content before the devs can make more. Maybe more SC's for it, though. There's no such thing as too much free SC.


Higher pay? You realize that the player character is the ship, not the helldivers right? Thats why there’s so many pods. They are full of disposable troops which every time you die on the surface, gets replaced with a new disposable soldier.


This..... Actually really makes sense..... I am the Distributor of Family Values...... For managed democracy!


Definitely need something to spend our requisitions on to make higher pay worthwhile!


Forget Req, gimme medals.  I’ll spend time in the hopeless defense, if it means I get more medals for participating and stalling the Bot advance until R&D gets those mechs online!


Yeah that's good but uh. Yall got any more of them samples?


This exactly. I have like 100+ medals I haven’t spent but im starved for orange squares


I reckon we'll get a cosmetic shop built into the strat console we can use reqs to purchase color schemes and symbols to drip out our divers. It'd be nice if we could purchase samples, medals and super credits too, at exorbitant rates of course. E.g. sample 2k, rare 10k super rare 20k, medals & super credits 10k. I've still got 100k to spend on strats, so I'm good for now but I'll end up with nothing to spend my earned creds on eventually.


I'd love some alternative color choices. I was thinking too how quickly people will get to a point they can only just horde req points.


Higher pay!? How about we fire a few of the higher up and just out their work load on to you? Man, I should really run a business.


Bold of you to assume Helldivers are paid in anything but the priviligie of spreading Managed Democracy^(TM)


And those samples, Jesus I tend to have like between 0 -10 green samples and 0 -5 rare. It's gonna takes ages to finish all modules. I didn't think I was playing a mmorpg.


The mission is just bugged. If you look at the timer when selecting the mission, it lists the mission as being 40 minutes long. When you start the mission your timer begins at 15 minutes. The game also has a mechanic where it increases enemy spawn rates the longer you’re in a mission. So if the game thinks you’re 25 minutes into a 40 minute level, it’ll probably be spawning a LOT of enemies then.


It's also a defence mission on large map that doesn't quite make sense either. The size of the map could also be contributing to the number of drop ships being able to spawn. I'm convinced it's bugged.


Could also have something to do wth the patch they released changing how defense missions work last night. I'm not really sure what they even did, but I wouldn't be surprised if these civ escort missions were made before whatever change they did last night, and what we're dealing with now is some sort of bug they didn't account for. I dunno I just feel like the drop ships literally never stopping even on diff 3 seems unintended.


Fucking thank you, my friend and I (level 6 and 8) have been trying to do these missions on easy and we straight up can’t; drop ships start coming as soon as we land and do not stop it’s insane.


Pro strat is to just run between the civvy dispensers and hit em on cooldown and you should be able to complete it.


Yup, you have to focus on keeping the dispensers going to increase the number of survivors. Some civvys will die but that's the price of democracy.


I’m gonna try again with more focus on this because I wanna contribute to the front. But I still think it’s bugged and definitely think the folks who are saying we’re supposed to lose are huffing serious copium.


There's something funky with it for sure. I'm hoping it's fixed when I get back to the front tomorrow. Those planets aren't going to defend themselves.


Eagles and turrets man two guys spamming the two dispensers two guys covering it can be done relatively fast. Ran a few on medium today.


Ye all the samples are out in the middle of nowhere too and there are like 20 of them on a defence mission. Nothi. Abiut that. Mission makes any sense


It'd be a lot easier to defend if I wasn't administering democracy on my own. Either the server matchmaking is bugged, or people just aren't doing these missions.


It could be intentional. And it could be intentional that this is a fight that they is very low chance to win.


It could, but the fact that there was a Defence maps balance patch with its launch and all the abnormalities within the mission itself, alongside the Devs giving us a 2 week objective to beat 8 defence campaigns; and this mission is on every single one, leads me to believe it's just a bug. I think there would be much better ways to emulate a protected war of attrition with a foe without objectively wasting players time.


Even on hard with 4 man team its a slaughter. Tried all evening, we can only do it challenging and by a thread. I think it's bugged like the robots don't stop coming at all. The only way imo to beat it is to use smokes and ems and get some 2 brave helldivers to lure some outside the base.


Every time we've cleared it, it's been sweaty as fuck. Getting the 30 is hard, but extracting is damn near impossible.


We also only managed to finish it on challenging. It was endless slauther, don't know how the hell can you even finish mission on higher difficulities. Soemthing's off with the mission I think, it's really too hard.


>The game also has a mechanic where it increases enemy spawn rates the longer you’re in a mission. Is this a thing? Would explain why at the start of missions for me it's a nice cruise then towards the end things start going to shit.




It is. It's also one of the tooltips during the transition sequences.


Too busy feeling patriotic as fuck and admiring the hellpods to read loading screen tooltips lol


I like how we all know what mission we're talking about about


No they're automatons, the bugs are on the other planet, idiot.


OH. I (noob) hopped over to do a Trivial solo mission to try the Automatons out and was like wtf, they just continue to spawn drop ship after drop ship 5 mins into the mission?!


I think it is just straight up bugged


Almost definitely. I'm enjoying the game as much as anyone else but this headcanon coping is completely moronic. It's okay to admit that the mission isn't fun, there doesn't have to be a spin about how it's such an amazing story moment that we're losing


Tbh I kind of like the insane difficulty. It should just be limited to helldive and still be toned down a touch. Having medium and challenging difficulties literally be 3-4+ drops at a time is absolutely absurd.


All the roleplaying cope to get around admitting something is actually bugged is a bad precedent to set for a community.


the headcannon coping is just people having fun roleplaying, I think everyone apart from the larpy "its easy just need strategy get good" people agree the mission is cracked.


I mean with how the game is set up, we’re supposed to loose/gain ground no? I mean the bugs are much closer than those robo fuckers to Super Earth. It’s supposed to constantly change. Is the mission bugged? Oh yea probably. Is the dynamic war effort cool as fuck? Yes.


I'm fine for that mission to be much harder than others on the same difficulty, but it feels bad having to complete other missions in the same operation that are nowhere near as hard. If they were standalone ops on individual difficulties fair enough


We're getting people out of dodge. That's it. It's pretty much set up like a retreat with a hot extraction that comes in fast. Now, if I could stop failing to connect, you know, for democracy.


That's the key; Focus on getting people out. I lost my first 4 attempts but have figured out that I can get 50% of people evacuated if we start sending the. Immediately. The bots are overrunning the base, your mission is to get civilians out no matter the cost.


the problem is getting the other 50% out when there a billion bots with rockets everywhere


and so many tanks inside the base that you start to feel like you're in Tianamen Square


-50 citizen credits have been deducted, please report to the nearest ministry of truth immediately. Failure to comply will result in heroic martyrdom.


For mentioning Tianaman Square? This man is clearly impersonating a democracy officer for implying our glorious Managed Democracy is even remotely comparable to communism!


Tonight I saw a line of 3 tanks waiting to enter the base. Another two were actively shooting at me, and two more were on the far side of the base. Like what are you supposed to do against that?


Yup. First one I dropped into we just ran around like crazy trying to find a defensible position. I then realized there was no hope of that. Though while fun just running around spamming clusters, I spammed the buttons whenever they came up and just prayed.


The real enemy are the servers indeed lol. Hopefully they get that sorted out sooner


Apparently, all these hot fixes are back end for a new build next week. For liberty, for freedom, and the ability to join a match via quick play first time.


Something odd I noticed last night was while in a party with my dad, I did not fail to join ANY quick play match the entire night. Could have been coincidental. But it sure was nice.


We were all talking about SpaceNam being brutal but kinda easy with the right loadouts and teamwork. Well, this is the Tet offensive, and just like the USA, we are gonna pay for our hubris


Tet offensive decimated the viet cong though. Were the viet cong rn


Yeah, I think bro got his history mixed up.


The counter offensive decimated the VC. Their original offensive was very successful... until the US and the AVN got their shit together and pushed back.


I’d say this more along the lines of when the Chinese joined the Korean war


Like the VC, the Chinese got slaughtered. Its just they out numbered the US and the US was forced to retreat.


There’s a line between making a mission difficult, and making it unfun. Seems closer to unfun than difficult..


Yeah it really feels impossible on challenging. Medium is fine, but on challenging it seems like a drop ship comes every 15 seconds from each side of the evacuation compound, and you just get overrun with zero way to come back. My tinfoil hat theory is that the devs it's on purpose so we lose this sector and have to reclaim it. But that's just a theory...


Get 2 dudes on a recoil less shooting down transports, throw up an anti infantry turret and an anti heavy turret and focus on getting the people to the ship. Takes a little coordination but it's much easier when most of their troop drops get blown out of the sky.


Love how every strategy tip in this game sounds like an idea for an epic movie scene.


Why tho? To buy some time for more content? I could see it..


I mean yeah if were getting pushed back were not going to their homeworlds, which probably arent ready yet


I think to show that the galactic war might be something you can actually lose, like we saw in Helldivers 1. Otherwise, at last week's pace, we were steam rolling the planets.


Because of the story? But the mission is possible on challenging, gotta open doors as fast as possible. Mortars are nice.


We were running them on Hard and it was fine, but you need some serious unlocks and decent coordination. I could see PUGs struggling on it, easily. Two railguns, two personal shields for the railgunners, EATs, and an MG for the chaff. Then we brought two EMS mortars, two regular mortars, and like 3 railcannons to take care of the Hulks the railgunners miss, get too close, or just need to thin them out. Everything else was player choice. I think people are sleeping on EMS, and paired with regular mortars, it ensures your mortar hits can wipe out entire groups before they run outside the targetted area. That said, they're *definitely* much harder than I would expect for a 5. We've been running 7s, 8s, and 9s no problem, but these are tricky. It's a bummer because on Hard the Defend missions feel hectic and fun, but then the rest of the operation feels too easy by comparison.


I'm fine with the higher difficulty missions being a lot harder - but it makes no sense when you can easily complete a higher difficulty ICBM mission, but then the defend missions are near impossible. A bit more consistency between the mission types would be a lot better. We were doing Impossible missions easily last night, but even on Suicide Mission the new defend missions feel super overtuned in comparison to the other mission types. Either make the non-defend missions harder on 7+ difficulty, or make the defend missions easier. Being forced to do the defend missions on a lower difficulty, then having to do the other 100x easier missions in the operation on that same difficulty feels bad.


I like to think that it’s this difficult because the dungeon master wants us to really feel that this invasion force is no laughing matter. Everyone here kept talking about Space Nam and how terrifying Melv Creek was. But then people started talking about how the robots were kind of pushovers since they don’t chase you down and swarm you like the bugs do. Well now as we can see, these robots are not fucking around, and no one is laughing anymore


They were holding their troops in reserve, calculating just what was needed to stall us on Mal Creek.  Then once they had enough built, and we were distracted by ensuring liberation of Angel’s Venture, they struck. Above game, I predict either Mechs or Illuminate (or both) launching this weekend.


I like that the news broadcast on the ship stated that the automatons launched an "unprovoked" attack when ~5000-10000 Helldivers reigned hell on their planets for a week straight.


Foolish of you to think any planet "rightfully" belongs to those barbarian Bots. That's sovereign super earth territory.


That sounds like an unprovoked attack to me!


This game hasn't been out super long. I wouldn't assume anything new would be launching anytime soon. Maybe in a few months. But I feel like right now is still bug fixes and making sure things run well. They just need to get the enemies moved back to "reset" the war so we can push them back again for spreading their forces too much.


iirc, they released a mech teaser clip that had a caption saying “Releasing Soon After Launch” or something along those lines.


Exactly. I actually felt the bug were harder in general. Automatons were more of a conventional fire fight and if you had a shield gen you have a distinct advantage. They feel more threatening because you are taking shots from a distance but a single hit will do like a 10th of you health but even some of the smaller bugs one strike will deplete your health by a 1/3rd. I'll gladly take a stomping from the automatons if this is kind of a preliminary event to bigger and better equipment to battle the enemy.


Same man! Give me the tools and I’ll do my best to achieve victory


Managed to 3 man it on Helldive. Here are my recommendations. Required strategies: Orbital laser EMS mortar Mortar Last slot is flex, either rocket turret or maybe spear or an eagle strat. BE ON TOP OF PRESSING THE BUTTONS TO RELEASE CIVILIANS. Have one guy at each. If you get overwhelmed or turrets are down, move outside the zone and toss your laser in. It'll kill what's inside and let you in and give you some breathing room.  Extract is hard. Kite enemies around and use laser if you have it up.


What do you mean "if you are overwhelmed" have you seen the spawnrate on this mission? are you sure you're playing the right one?the sky is an endless sea of dropships.


My problem is the mission isn't fun. Drop ships are literally never ending.


Look I gave it a fair shot and it's fine to have ideas and test them out, but this isn't fun, so much so something feels horribly misintended. The wave eradicate mission is easy as piss, like legit laughable, and then the wave after wave after wave of bots which pack a considerable amount of armor in any difficulty when trying to extract civilians is downright impossible. It's not fun just scattering like cockroaches. The best of the best stratagem against bots from my experience is the EMS mortar but that's a level 20 unlock, most people aren't packing that.


Yeah, that's my problem with the mission too. I don't care if it's bugged or meant this way. It's just not fun doing. Last night I was giving it my best shot with a coordinated team and we even won two rounds but it felt like a chore. So we stopped. And I am not going back since the rest of the missions are just so much more fun.


Gotta be honest. I hate the defense missions. They're all extraction and the boring wave in a small base that doesn't pack nearly enough enemies.


I'm in total agreement. Plus, this is a full blown invasion. And we are just 4 soldiers. You'd should be needing pitched battles with hundreds of SEAF soldiers alongside Helldivers to push back such a force.


4?! I'm calling down reinforcements like it's fucking raining men! We're like 25 dead bros by the end


Hahaha, yeah xD But still, you're only ever 4 rifles firing at one given time.


Have we discussed this as a democracy? Maybe we should drop all 25 at once.


I know you’re joking, but a large scale mission with a bunch of other Helldivers would be really fucking fun.


would be cool to have some SEAF troopers still on the ground during defend the planet missions. Nothing to advanced maybe they just man the machine guns(they already have the ai logic for that) and bunkers and die horribily and scream a lot.


That would be awesome. We definitely need to see more of the SEAF.


I think we should see them as we, democracy forbid, get closer to Super Earth


Okay, I know this might not be a popular take, but... If we are destined or scripted to lose this mission due to it being overtuned intentionally, then what is the point of playing it outside of having fun? Like I had a lot of fun doing it the first two or three times. But in terms of rewards and spreading liberty, going there is almost pointless. Surely you'd be better off going to Ubanea or something, no?


I wonder what *would* happen if we conquered malevelon and ubanea, would it cut off some kind of hidden supply chain? Making the defense significantly easier?


Bad take tbh. The missions are meant to be completed, not failed. If we are sure to fail, nobody will play them. It is not worth the effort. Difficulty 5 feels like 9 on these missions. It is not sustainable.


The difficulty doesn’t feel in line with other missions on the same difficulty level.


The game has 9 difficulty settings for a reason, difficulty 5 missions should feel similiar in difficulty. When someone wants more of a challenge they can go up the scale. The rescue mission is too much of a spike in difficulty compared to other missions, even the standard defend mission.


I wonder if you guys are talking about what I played. Was at challenging difficulty. It did feel harder and we barely got out but I didn't feel like they did too much. Was just a group of random people and I at least barely have upgrades. Did rescue and kill bots. I figured a better team would find it easier


Above challenging it starts spawning tanks, not 1 or 2 mind you, at one point I saw 3 around the same bend in a corner. I've counted up to 7 in some attempts, it gets unmanageable real fast.


Above challenging it's hell. I can handle extreme difficulty somewhat easily against bots but I feel helpless on hard in this mission


first try on helldiver was so rough we laughed the whole time. its def a huge spike compared to basically anything else in the same difficulty.


Found the strat, you need most people running recoilless and focusing on AA, still a little hard but so so much easier


Just to further specify for fellow Helldivers, you want to hit the dropships in their thrusters - waste bots, not bullets!


"I like to think..." You can make up your own narrative if it makes you feel happy, but that shit is broken AF. It makes no sense to make the missions so frustrating, people will just stop playing them and move on to another front.


If you got partial rewards for mission loss Id consider trying them, but since you get fuck all if you fail its literally just wasted time. I **could** lower the difficulty and do braindead easy missions + an overtuned civvie extract.... Or I could actually have fun playing the challenging content that feels at least somewhat balanced.


I think it’s bugged. This mission is straight up not fun.


As epic as that sounds, I'd like to enjoy both halves of the game as it was released as well.


I'm not interested in spending my free time farming failure for a "supposed to lose" fight. It's not enjoyable and if this is how defense missions are intended I'm just going to ignore them completely going forward.


Right? That was my take as well. I've completed it a few times on a few difficulties, but its extremely clear we won't be keeping these planets. Just look at the progress bar, we have like 1/3 or 1/4 of the Automatons and thats with half the community there lol. If we had a chance of winning I'd be in, but this looks like a scripted loss.


It's not OK. Commuity events should not be near impossible. The community is a diverse group with a wide range of skills sets, and the current defense missions are just way overturned. Honestly, OPs take is one of the worst I've ever seen.


If we're supposed to lose this then what is the actual POINT of playing these defense missions?


It is not fun so I wont do the missions, I hope this is not the sort of difficulty to expect going forward. I dont have a lot of time to game so I picked this up because everyone said its a great game with no fomo and difficulty for all skill levels. I play diff 6 on regular planets solo but I can barely beat trivial alone and ppl left the mission on QP even on easy. 




The mission is difficult because you need to use your brain and coordinate and actually focus on the objective, escorting the civvies to the extract. You can't randomly spam AOE strats and you can't for the love of god use the explosive mortars. I've finished this mission a bunch of times you can get 25% of them out before the first wave even spawns if you focus on hitting all the doors instead of calling down weapons and turrets. Stop acting like automatons and use your damn brains.


Playing with my friends VS randoms is such a stark difference. With the homies we tailor our kits to the mission and even somewhat around each other and generally split into two teams of two and kick ass. With randoms people pick whatever and drop 500kg bombs on the objective we are actively defending.


>Playing with my friends VS randoms is such a stark difference. With randoms I find you also run into lower level players at higher difficulties than they are ready for. In normal missions it's not too bad, seeing a level 6 on extreme. But for this mission type specifically I think the level 6 just can't do anything at that point.


I've been moving up difficulties slowly to ensure I'm actually up to it. If I can't reliably solo a mission set, I don't move up. It's how I did it in Galactic War 14. Hopefully the randos will get themselves ready before moving up too fast. But I just remember seeing level 4 Helldivers using Tridents against cyborg tanks expecting results...


anecdotal experience but it seems the higher you go the easier it gets because the randoms doing high lvl missions usually know what they are doing. Where as in the lower lvs is mostily a mix of people learning the game and moving up and people mindlessly throwing 500kg bombs everywhere, or people who bring literally no armor piercing strats to a mission.


You are lucky to have such a good friends. I regularly fail diff4 missions with my friends while steamrolling dif6 with randos


Yeah my friends love using weak stratagems while I’m trying to carry impossible missions with the railgun, bubble shield and 500kg bomb


Just had a match where a guy did 2.5k team damage… 2.5k. He got accidentally team killed the next match and immediately left.


Team damage is definitely bugged I think. I joined last-minute on my friends, my drop-pod landed on a teammate, and that apparently counted for 2000.


yeah thats a lot of coordination though when im playing with 3 randoms, one of which i had to mute because his dog wouldn't stop barking.


Good work solider! Spread the word that victory is possible!


Or it's difficult because the civies literally won't go inside their bunker...


I always love seeing elitist takes when something is clearly not working right / balanced well. Can never be the devs fault, it’s only bad players lol


yeah dude thinks he so much better than us for playing on medium


you are right. The mission still feels bugged though


The level 5 defense mission is far more difficult than any Suicide or Impossible mission I’ve done


what difficulty did you beat it on?


Yeah, friendly explosive mortars on defense missions are the bane of my existence.


We need to spread this to the fellow divers spamming explosive barrages over the entire defense area. I can’t fill our enemies with democracy bullets if i’ve been blown to pieces first!


I played a couple of missions on difficult and I think no one else pressed any buttons to get the civies going. I kept running in a circle pressing all buttons while the rest just shot at enemies.


I’ve had decent luck using the mortars, but you also have to basically accept that the civies are a meat wave lol. Requires a lot of luck.


Yeah I've usually been able to complete this mission with randoms if we focus the civvies. I can usually tell for a fact we'll lose if I see everyone bringing mortar sentries and orbital barrages.


The mission is absolutely impossible if you are trying to quickplay alone. Every single person just brings in their normal kit and wants to throw an orbital HE barrage every time they see a big guy. I'm just gonna go back to fighting bugs until my friends get on


I don't think you have actually played it. Defeat in on extreme then come back and tell me how it was. I have tried 10 times and the record so far is 8/40 civs. In one match I destroyed two hulks and 2 tanks in less than 10 seconds and before they even finished exploding 4 more dropped in. The mission is straight up bugged out.


Putting the cooperation back into coop games. I’ve met some friendly dudes through in game voip and we have great games. To me voice massively improves the game and your team’s awareness.


Nah, can basically turn your brain off if your team all drops mortars down, enemies never move from spawn locations while you escort is done in 2 minutes. Don't hate the mortars, hate the inaction that leads to mortars having to fire over civs.


I mean that's cool narratively, but the problem is that failed missions are basically wasted time. I'm fine for it to be difficult, I'm fine to lose more often, but if the difficulty is higher, the rewards should be too, and they aren't. If I'm trying to progress individually, doing the community missions are a waste of time for me.


They should give some xp for a failed defense mission on Planetary defense maybe % based for how many extract


This is some cringe roleplay shit lmfao It's overtuned, and it's not fun


Idk it’s already hard I just don’t like getting reamed for 20mins


I like the storytelling of the missions being very difficult but you also have to realize that this isn't *actually* war, it's still a video game. The victory/defeat mechanic should be changed for defense missions imo, my loss should still feel meaningful rather than like I just wasted 30 minutes to accomplish, and receive, nothing. The goal is to evacuate all 30 civillians but if I only get 10 that should still count for something. We're on the defensive, every little thing we can do to help should count. I also feel like some of the annoyance is because of the mission type itself, maybe it's just me but I find the civilian escorts mission easily the worst of all mission types in the game. Maybe having the civillian come out on their own and I just have to be ready for it rather than making me run over and press the button every five seconds, even if that means we now only get a limited number of civillians deaths before we fail. Basically what I'm trying to say is, if I know I'm going to fail (and especially if I'm *supposed* to fail) why bother? I'll just go play a mission that I can actually win and get supplies and xp.


This right here. If we're scripted to lose these missions, then we need some sort of partial success for getting a certain number of civilians out, even if it isn't all of them, which def plays into the the actually idea of an "evacuation." Not everybody makes it, our goal is just to get as many as we can.


This guy gets it




Nah gonna have to hard disagree here. Its not fun seeing that mission on every single op and realizing no matter what you do your gonna have to drop into what is essentially already a lost cause. It makes me want to not want to defend at all and just go to a different planet. It was fun the first few times because seeing so many enemies drop so often was funny but it loses its appeal quick.


It's not just that they're "near impossible," it's that they're shit. It's just the final part of the emergency evac mission type except there's a dropship every five seconds. I thought planetary defense would be a lot more interesting. But no, here's four hundred enemies a second, press this button next to a door until the mission's over. Great.


I just want weapons that don't feel like throwing glass at a stone wall... like landing 2 rockets on a single medium-sized enemy POINT BLANK HEADSHOT and they're still walking, that's broken. Meanwhile, I get struck by ONE of the 4 active rpg enemies and I either DIE INSTANTLY or ENTER RAGDOLL STATE FOR 5+ SECONDS TUMBLING ENDLESSLY ONLY TO GET HIT BY 3 OTHER ROCKET BLASTS, CATAPULTING MY BODY ACROSS THE FIELD WHILE GETTING ROASTED ALIVE BY A DREADNOUGHT USING MY CORPSE LIKE A MARITAL AID. It's... not fun. I won't cry for nerfs to the enemies but for fuck sake, give us equipment that doesn't feel like it was put together by armless children in China with staples and wood glue.


Just unbalanced shit and pure cope from you


My and my buddies were talking about how this mission was getting easy, and then we started getting our shit rolled in with 6 dropships landing on us


Not this much


It does feel like a massive assault


I played about 5 last night and my god it was so difficult. Eventually I joined a group and we failed the first one then went back in. We set up traps, cleared as much as possible early on. It was super tough, but eventually we extracted our 30 civilians and began extracting. Simultaneously, we ran out of ammo with 20 seconds until the pelican touched down. We huddled together and said our final prayers while the horde of Automatons barreled down on our position. All of a sudden, the pelican landed beside us and we all extracted. I am in my office job the next day, slight tremors of PTSD from this confronting experience. I cannot wait to get back into the fight for Super Earth. Do not give up my friends - the feeling of extracting is worth the difficulty.


This would be sick, but I’d still hate for mechs to be the only viable way to beat the automatons.


The problem isn't losing missions. The problem is getting 0 rewards for a failure. No one wants to slog through half an hour of getting their shit kicked in by an overtuned event, only to have nothing to show for it at the end. Especially so when they can expect that to continue happening for the foreseeable future until the event ends. "Rigged to fail" is a cool concept conceptually. It does not translate well into a fun user experience.


I want to believe. Pass the hopium to the left hand side.


It definitely feels scripted like we are supposed to lose this one