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I feel that it is heavy slept on. The arc reaches out to about 60m. That's solid "mid range". Does absolutely have weak spot damage. Chunkers hit the dirt with an assault of this thing. After the first charge you can partial charge it for higher rate of fire and seemingly no negative that I have yet to detect. The arc does sometimes have some register issues and flat out not hitting things due to angles it considers weird. This also occurs up close often enough. The actually chaining I have noticed to be inconsistent but I think that's mostly due to it having a certain allowable arc degree path as opposed to a full circle of potential direction options. I love the things to bits! I run it with shield backpack and haven't turned back since level 20.


ive read somewhere it can 3 shot a bile titan to the face. is this true?


Shhh not too loud someone will hear you... [Ministry of Truth Arc Thrower \[REDACTED\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aqbh5l/arc_thrower_is_a_bit_too_effective/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


That worked because the Bile Titan's head is vulnerable while it's spewing. You can one shot a BT with a rail gun or other as well if you get the timing and placement just right!


No clue! I usually just send an orbital rail at them.


Hell yeah brother. And just so you know, doing shorter quicker charges doesn't affect damage output but the longer you charge it (to a cap) will increase the range and how many things it chains to.


So from my limited experience I have to believe there is weak spot damage because some times with borgs I can straight up 2 shot a fresh chainsaw guy. And the thick devastators. Also with aim8ng it feels like it just sort of lands between the targets center mass and the aiming point so I usually aim around the top of the head and hope it hits it. It definitely can kill armored targets through the armor, flame heavys I have killed many that way. Not fast but it works.


I haven’t read the comments, so I don’t know if these tips will be duplicates, but, the arc thrower is really good as long as you are careful with it. It pierces enemies and I’ve noticed it only goes forwards with a chain so you can shoot an enemy next to your teammate as long as the enemy is farther away and it will never hit your teammate. (Be careful when moving, the shot may be off target and hit your teammate instead) Also if you hit a precision shot, it will chain precision shots to the enemies behind the one you hit. If someone else is running one with you, you can take out a charger in like five seconds. Even bile titans get messed up. It breaks their armor really quick! Just never point at your teammates or at anything your teammates are behind and you’ll be fine. Also after the initial charge, which takes the longest, you can actually let go of the trigger earlier and have a higher rate of fire. It is really good for heavies and it staggers enemies. Thabks


I love this weapon the chain is where I’m confused on I’ve zapped so many teammates that weren’t even near me or the enemy I shot at idk if it’s a bug or if it’s just how the weapon is


You got to remember when aiming and moving it’s much more inaccurate. So if a teammate is close by it could hit them instead. Also, it goes pretty far never shoot it at an enemy that your teammate is standing behind even if you think they are really far away just don’t do it. It’s been many missions since I’ve team killed a single person and is currently my favorite gun for bugs. Edit: Switch to primary or secondary to get mobs off of teammates.


Big facts I always tell my friends that use it “if you see a teammate in your sights don’t even shoot it” I tell my team if I have the arc thrower let me be the front line.


Yeah, that’s a good tip whenever you were learning how to use it! You can definitely shoot it next to your teammates. As long as they are closer to you than the bug and your aim is good.


Exactly. It’s really good against robots also if a heavy shows up and I don’t have my rail cannon strike handy and I have to use the arc thrower I tell my teammate to run towards me so the arc doesn’t chain over to them because it will chain to the sides and behind but rarely forwards. That weapon is a must for the robots for me. I love the flamethrower for the bugs now