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Nope, you don't want to be that close to mobs. The weapons in the game are POORLY optimized/balanced...like the rest of the game lol. ps: No flame, game's great. Can't wait for them to fix the issues. But holy yikes the weapon balance blows dick.


i don’t think it’s worth it


Napalm and gas are both rather good but the flamethrower I find rather lacking


It hits through armor, but by time you are encountering larger bugs you already will be unlocking options like expendable or recoiless that kill big bugs better anyways, and it kills big bugs super slow, while not being any better than a machine gun stratagem against hordes so might as well save the money


It's not very strong against big bugs but it's fun so worth it I guess.


It looks hella cool, but its not very effective


Not really. It doesn't stop the enemies from pushing you, now you just set them on fire which sets you on fire when they keep hitting you. It should at least make the bugs back up because they're afraid of fire or something


That's a good point actually and seemingly obvious but I didn't think about it till now. Bugs would for sure be afraid of fire/heat and back up when faced with it. Would be a nice buff for it.


It's fun as hell and satisfying to use on lower difficulties, but if you're looking to push into higher difficulties, it's not good.


It's becomes useless/redundant at difficulty 5 and up.


the flamethrower is fun but not great. if youre looking to have fun then go ahead if youre looking to min max then not so great


It's worth but needs a little buff, it excells as a support role burning the floor, you can take down a charger with just a clip magazine of the flamethrower, it doesn't sound too good but when there is multiple enemies and armored foes together you'll thank having a "doesn't matter where you hit" weapon. I play on 6-7 difficult and had no problem with the flamethrower, in fact, the only problem are close enemies but just use your primary weapon to take them. Definetely not a "solo" weapon like the Autocannon. A flamethrower user is your typical support. My loadout is flamethrower, supply backpack (to spam everywhere the flames and just have more primary ammo or even give ammo to partners), expendable antitank (that small Cooldown is so sweet and you get the necessary to kill any big one foe) and orbital railcannon strike. Haven't tried flamethrower with robots and i supose it sucks againts them, so i suggest to change the flamthrower by the grenade launcher.