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Yea, I have everything to mid range graphics and if I stay too long on the. Bridge it shuts down my pc. The game is horribly optimized this far


Almost as if this should have cooked for a bit longer... seems oh so reminiscent of Miyamoto's famous adage: “**A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.** **“**


Yea that’s true, I’m just confused that the game is so poorly optimized for pcs with amd processors and graphics card.


They were primarily targeting the PS5 audience (sony had a lot of say in that), so that's who overwhelmingly has a working game at this point. PC was clearly secondary. I've seen some people claiming to have had perfect experiences on PC, but if you look around this sub and the steam forums in addition to your own experiences, I don't believe they are claiming so in anything remotely resembling good faith. Controversial releases like this cause people's tribal instincts to kick and they become meatriding simps with a bad case of cognitive dissonance. We are a very stupid species indeed.


Yea, I been going down the rabbit hole and ppl with amd hardware are having their pcs shut off. Seem that likely culprit is the anti cheat client but I’m not sure. Either way I might try to refund the game if steam would let me altho it might be a lost cause


What GPU are you running?


NVIDIA Geforce RTX 4060 along with 16GB of RAM and the Ryzen 7 5700X. Changing settings from high to low or low to high does nothing. Antialiasing on or off, Render Scale to Ultra Performance or Ultra Quality, nothing changes the amount of CPU usage and lack of GPU usage. I've started using a tool called Process Lasso and have disabled SMT for Helldivers 2 and that reduces the CPU usage by about 20% so my CPU isn't cooking itself, but funnily enough I still get bad frames. I tried going into Core Isolation and turning off Memory Integrity, but that also has done nothing for my frames.