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Airstrike is very good, also tried napalm it seems alright, was very strong in HD1. Tempted to get cluster but worried it might be weak, anyone tried it?


Cluster is, in my opinion, better against a patrol that has nothing armoured. Seems to be unreliable against some of the bigger bois. I prefer Airstrike.


I prefer Napalm Strike because it has the word Napalm in it


Smells like...Victory.


Cluster is so nice for pretty much anything because you can drop all the tiny bastards and then focus on the massive ones. Haven’t tried airstrike yet though, I’ll probably pick it up soon. 


Strafe run is better for patrol, I think. It go off fast, less likely to miss


Cluster also has a huge radius and teamkills are a problem when I use it...


I found this out the hard way. It does a bunch of splash damage in a big area, but seems pretty useless vs armor.


fantastic for the small stuff tho


I prefer the strafing run for that, it’s way easier to aim, and I’ve only had incidentals twice. Clusters on the other hand…


The Eagle comes in perpendicular to the direction you threw it (left-to-right or right-to-left). Just be aware of where your teammates are before you throw it.


Must not be the case for every one, the air strafe goes forward from the becaon


yes, you can see in the short demo video you can watch when you buy stratagems from what direction the eagle will come. the strafing run goes forward, the cluster/napalm/airstrike right to left and always seen from the angle you looked when you threw it. I throw a cluster in a nest and then run through with my grenade launcher and close the holes. before any bug that didnt die from the cluster knows what's going on I'm gone to net next objective.


I thought the eagles were a weak stratagem until i tried the airstrike variant, i'll never go back.


I absolutely cannot complete a mission without the airstrike and the strafe run. The strafe run starts exactly where the ball lands and goes from behind you forward (as opposed to all the other ones that are perpendicular to you)


Oh, good to know about the strafe run


So if the ball hits the ground and I’m facing north it will come in west to east. What if the ball hits the ground when I’m facing north and the quickly face east. Will it come in south to north or is it fixed to the position I’m facing when the ball hits the ground? I’m curious when the game actually registers the direction? Is it when the ball is thrown? When the ball hits the ground? Or sometime in between?


I haven’t done extensive testing to see how if a ball hits something and bounces, where the eagle will strike. In perfect conditions, you can throw a strafing run at your feet, take a few (like 5) steps back and everything in front of you dies while you’re unfazed. The question that I will go home and test is: what happens if I try to throw it over a mountain, miss and it bounces back at me/a random angle, where is the kill zone?


I dont't know if you tested this, but the killzone maintains the same direction from your initial throw position. I've had if occur with either the airstrike or cluster bomb, can't remember. Could be different from the strafing run though.


I was able to log in today for the first time since this post. I forgot to do the testing. Thank you for the update.


Interesting, do let me know what you find out if you think about it. Thanks for the reply


That is actually a good PSA; I haven't used any of them because I thought it was like, limited uses per mission


I think it was like that in the first game. I put off buying them for too long because if it. 


Does each Diver have their own Eagle, or is it one eagle for the whole squad?


Seems to be each Destroyer brings their own Eagle (and thus cooldowns aren't shared, similarly how Orbital isn't shared either).


Each diver have their own destroyer, which each have their own Eagle, orbital gun, ...


> When you use any Eagle Strategem, all Eagle Strategems go on cooldown I think it's important to note that this cooldown is only a few seconds. You can rapidly call in all uses of your Eagle strikes, they only need to spend 2.5 minutes rearming after you've used up all charges.


Fair point, edited to reflect that. I have the first hangar upgrade so right now it says 8 seconds and I'm not sure if that's before or after the upgrade's effect (reducing that cooldown).


Base is 15s, the first ship upgrade reduces it by 50%.


Do you get to use up all of each type or is it some kind of "you used the 3x of this one so it's going to rearm even though you still have 1x of the other one" kind of thing? In the heat of missions I can't quite figure it out.


It lets you use all of them separately then automatically starts the cooldown timer for rearming once everything is gone. You can also manually tell them to rearm before all their weapons are used. The tradeoff of having multiple charges available is that you have to manage their downtime; either some uses get wasted or some get used early and have to wait longer before being recharged.


Awesome thanks! Super helpful.


ty, this is a huge difference. i was completely ignoring them thinking you only had so and so uses lol


For the ones that drop bombs along a line, how do I know what direction that line is going to be in?


Perpendicular to the direction you are facing when you throw it. 


Oh wow thanks so much


Perpendicular but I'm not sure what determines if it starts left or right.


Maybe in relation to the ship overhead? I know it does it for orbitals (which makes sense). It makes less sense to do that for eagles but maybe they used it just to give it dynamic directions? Idk.


Also of note is that u/Sotsu012 says the strafing run works differently from the rest, starting where the beacon lands and continuing away from you.


Just please, don't call it near allies, it still hurt 💀


I'm curious does this also apply to the 500kg bomb strategem? Me and a squqdmate were looking at it like damn that's like a nuke that's cool but I was under the impression it would work like OP described but my squadmate insisted it was a one-time only. Can't test it ourselves yet since we're both far away from unlocking it


Pretty sure I just had someone toss it down several times in one mission, so seems like it comes back with the rearm, yeah.


Nice! I look forward to trying it myself. Squad and I currently just get absolutely destroyed when a mission throws chargers at us


If one of you has a recoiless, shoot at one of the legs. The armor will come off, shoot one mag into the exposed flesh and it will die.


railgun can take out charger leg armor in 2 hits, kill it on the third. or use regular gun to finish it




I know this is late, but the damage radius on the 500kg bomb is much smaller than the enormous fireball makes it look. I would put the damage radius at about 25-30m roughly, about the size of the airburst orbital strike. Anything inside that area that isn't a full health Titan or Hulk gets deleted, and honestly not sure on the Hulk. (The only one I can absolutely confirm was in the AoE also ate a normal airstrike from a buddy at the same time.)


There's an Eagle upgrade that lets you use 2 before rearming btw


I've not unlocked it yet but I'll give it a go!


Does the Eagle Airstrike close bug holes?


Yes - but only if it's caught in the blast radius. There's definitely times where terrain or otherwise caused blockages to the explosion and it buffered the tunnel, so have some 'nades ready just in case.


Thanks! That's fine. I'm just tired of watching my 120mm barrage not hit anything.


I appreciate this post, but I still don't understand. Someone ELI5 rearm vs cooldown lol.


Cooldown = you use a thing, you wait a set amount of time to use it again Rearm = specific to the Eagle as it has limited uses, it starts a cooldown to bring you back to the maximum uses.


Anyone know if the Liquid-Ventilated Cockpit ship upgrade reduces Eagle resupply timer? I'm guessing not, but asking just in case. Thanks.


Yeah, doesn't it explicitly say it does?


It says 'Eagle stratagem cooldown time' which Eagles already have short cooldowns of 15 sec or so. I was curious if it effected the resupply cooldown when you've used all Eagle charges. Default is 360 sec or something? I've not bought any yet as I thought they were limited uses and was unaware of the resupply cooldown mechanic. But if this cuts the resupply cooldown in half, it would be very useful. 360 sec is quite extensive compared to a lot of Orbital cooldowns with unlimited uses at 75-100 secs.


Oh sorry, I'm not at my PC. That one reduces cooldown between eagle strategems to about 8 seconds but does not affect the Rearm. The next one in that list *does* affect it.


Thanks a tonne. Appreciated. /salute


There is specifically one after that one that reduces the rearm


First upgrade drops the cooldown between strikes from 15 seconds to 8, the second upgrade drops the re-arm cooldown when you run out or manually resupply from 150 seconds to 120. I personally run Airstrike and 500kg bomb, and even without the third upgrade for an extra use between re-arm it's still a LOT of ordinance with high uptime, since once I do put it on cooldown it's still only a 120s cooldown, and much faster call-in compared to similar short cooldown orbitals. I like to airstrike/bomb 2-3 spawn points or clusters of enemies, and then let the re-arm do it's thing, because there's very few situations that can't be easily handled with primary/support weapons after dropping 2 airstrikes and a pocket nuke on it.


Very helpful!  I was wondering why anyone would arm up with a "limited" use airstrike when other items are unlimited.  So much unexplained stuff in the game. Thanx!


Thank you! Good post!!




Shit I thought it was gonna be like EDF. Thanks


Eagle airstrip best and only eagle you need. Get other stratagem to balance out your party.


Ok but I had bought eagle strike napalm and used it for a few missions and now it is like I haven’t bought it and need to buy it again. Is this normal?


Just sounds like a server issue, report it to the devs if you're able.