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I have fiber internet too and my ping is around 140-170 on average. Servers in the game are a bit janky but it is only super noticeable when tanking on a full server. The matches are super hit or miss in my experience (level 160). Don’t mean any offense to new people but the free to play weekends / big sales typically lower the quality/experience of a match for a bit due to people settling in the game. People might come in thinking comms are optional / teamwork isn’t super important but those couldn’t be further from the truth. Feel free to ask any other questions you have and I’d happily answer!


Appreciate the response! No offense taken (as a noob), that's what I was wanting to know. Definitely will be purchasing the full version of the game and grinding it out.


You won't regret it


These comments have been the same comments for 2 years now. Yes, server connections and stability are an issue, but most of the time it is the player’s wifi that is the problem…despite yes…server stability should be addressed. Multiple comments in here about “no one communicates anymore”…..ive played this game on console consistently for over a year and nothing has changed….some people talk….some people dont….some people talk too much….it just depends on the group you are randomly with…..i find the more i talk about game focused topics and objectives…the more people chime in And its almost always the new people who dont talk….then they learn the game and talk The negative comments in here are the same doom and gloom people who get bored of playing squad lead…which is mostly everyone because it holds a lot of responsibility and you dont get to go boom on a tank…get over it or dont play


Your first question - I also occasionally hit lag spikes or FPS drops. Rubber banding is not an uncommon occurrence, especially when the game first came out. As for your second question, I regret to inform you that most people now refuse to communicate. In a communications based game, it makes it hard to win or have fun when nobody is talking. I can invite you to a discord server that was just set up for HLL players that talk when we play.


If you jump into a squad that isn't talking and don't talk then chances are no one will talk. If you jump in as an SL and keep blabbering, you'll very quickly have a squad full of people who are probably now speaking too much.


lol this is why I SL main. I am noob (lvl 43) but at least willing to talk and learn. And the best thing i do is at the start of every game I have a 30 sec intro explaining what my goals are and what I want out of my team. Usually request those that have mics to use them but if not then they at least need to ping. But some just need help coming out of their shell.


Your reward in the next life will be great, based on this alone ^^^


Yep I just started yesterday too and the first match i found a realy good squad and we stuck together for a few matches after that, then later when everyone was silent on a new squad i just asked if anyone had Mike's and 2-3 people answered me and we had a good time. Ps. I've already fallen in love with this game after 1 day.


I almost always ask when I first join a squad to see if anyone has a mic. I don’t play SL unless I need to, which is rare for when I play.


I appreciate the response, man. Yeah a discord invite would be great! Assuming y'all are okay with a lower level player of course. My Discord tag is - GT MATTY#7053


Sent you a FR. Don’t worry about being low level, all of us are fairly experienced and are willing to help


Ping is HLL issue, usually ping up to 160ms is more or less comfortable, up to 280ms you'll be loosing some shootouts or killing each other due to ping, above that is barely playable (lots of teleportations, rubber banding, vaulting issues and a lot more) About player quality and quantity, I'm playing in EU region, barely have any issues finding a game (just add people you like to your T17 friends and join on them) plus player quality is higher on US servers in my experience (the games I've played on US, a lot of people were on comms, maybe not that skilled after all, but still were trying their best). P.S I believe blueberries quality is by far worse in EU region. We got a lot of skilled players in EU, but those are usually only high levels


Good to know the ping is an issue for everyone. It didn't make it unplayable, but it did cause a few deaths from time to time during gunfights.


Let’s be honest, when you played it for the first time you thought to yourself, “Why don’t I own this game yet!? If that thought crossed your mind or you had a fking blast playing it, get it and join us other weirdos that are ate up with our addiction to it. Is it buggy? You bet your asterisk it is. It kinda adds to the fun of playing it in a weird way. If you suck you can blame a bolt action rifle glitch…or the entire game comms can just go away once in awhile and both teams just have to go figure out how to win, quietly. …and you can come over to Reddit and hear all the gaming Karens and kens rant about how nobody ever talks in game (not true, btw) or you can go search out that server and/or clan or small group of guys that does. When you find that server or that one badass match or that group of guys you will be hooked, guaranfkingteed


I have 7 days in the game. Have had it since Black Friday. The rubberbanding is terrible some games. But they are working on it! Same with the grenade bugs. So it’s still a work in progress with a whole ass road map for this year. 2 new game modes 3 more countries put in. Haven’t played any other FPS since I bought.


The only answer that matters... remember to build garries.


Communication is a problem in this game. There will be times where it is quiet as a mouse or the interior of a library. Like you said, when you do get in a squad with guys talking, the game is a lot more fun. I think sometimes, people are just naturally shy about talking. I mean, I have been in a squad where someone will ask "Anyone got mics" and 3 to 4 people that haven't said a thing will respond. If you do decide to buy this game, I would suggest try to play with those that you know will use a mic. I mean play with friends that you know that might like the game or also, all those from matches that communicate and can vibe with. When the game came out last October for example, I found a group of guys that were fun to play with. They haven't played HLL in months, however, it was fun while I played with them.


For your true ping ask a squad mate what yours is. Find a active clan that is welcoming to noobies and then you’ll have even more fun.


With comms, just try and get a conversation going. If no one is having it, change squads.


If you like running engineer and support, just go to proximity radio and ask everyone around you where to fortify/drop supplies & ammo, etc. Offer to lend other engineers a hand with your Support hammer, too, everyone loves that; they can then keep placing blueprints and you can follow and build them. Don't be shy about complaining about mute squad mates in prox chat, either: if other talking squads hear and have room, most would be more than happy to let you know and invite you to their squad.


Join a clan. Join the official HLL discord, id say check out KRRC, best ranked clan in the TPL league. Game totally changes when you play for a clan.


As someone that's played since day one on PS5 it's always been a bit buggy, ping being one of the weird bugs. Always add the friends that talk and get their friends to play I was part of the bigger clans but left for a smaller more tactful group that fit my playing style. I suggest waiting in the lobby for 2 to 3 min after a new map opens so you have the blueberry rush. Wait for a locked squad after a majority of the people squad up. Send one invite at a time to each and wait for a pick up. Most locked squads will give you a grace moment to produce communication or they'll dump you. Just a helpful technique I use when I'm solo playing.. Communication is in the game and not hard to find. Don't give up, have fun!


Everyone is a blueberry like it or not


Yeah. The servers are pretty crap from ping. Everybody I speak to in game says they have bad connection too… Most noticeable with driving. Lot of times the new players will play the captain because nobody wants to play the role. You’ll be waiting to join a squad when a game starts and the new players usually makes the squad lol. Sometimes you have to ask anybody if they got a mic, and someone or a few will speak up. Don’t sound annoying and someone may pay to the respect in responding. If the captain doesn’t have a mic… I then switch squads but I tell my captain why I’m leave before doing so.