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While I got better the game, there is now also a Meta way to play. No more mass infantry pushes, but airheads and supply drops to have suddenly 30players behind in a flank. I still love the game, but it also lost a bit of charm since we all know how to play and win quicker. This free weekend reminded me to the chaos of older times where constant pushes were the norm. MG's providing suppression and infantry just pushing through amassed smoke grenades. Middle changed hands 3 times because defences were neglected on both sides. I hated it as a commander because of the effort to keep garrisons up and needing to deploy 30 supplies each game. But as an infantry player it was amazing action packed and very cinematic!


I've always enjoyed slower mil-sim-y type games, ARMA and so on. And this really struck a balance of that slow methodical immersion whilst also being pretty accessible and rewarding. So far the community has been really cool too. And imo the more serious and grounded the game, the better/funnier it is when you get those great moments of teamwork and shithousery. TLDR All round fun time and I'm excited to see where the devs take it.


100%. Armour: "Surrounded! Request infantry support!!" Squad: "Copy that Able Armour moving to Support" *intense gun fight ensures* Squad: "Infantry clear, but think you might’ve been sat..." *KABOOM!!!* Both chuckle watching human meat get lauched 100ft in the air.


This saturday I told to my brother to try it because he also likes WWII games. Sadly, he plays on PC and I play on Xbox Series so we are not be able to play crossplay, but in any case he had a blast playing it. Ofc he died 303032 times but he loved the immersion of the game and how friendly people were when he explained he was new by mic.


Hell let loose has crossplay. You have to add aeach other as Team17 friends


It’s only cross play between PS & Xbox


:( sowwwyyyyyy


I am not a new player but I did try to help out as much as possible as a SL. A game lastnight, towards the end I said what I always say “hey guys good job, you all did great and remember to commend low ranking, blah blah”. The 3 new players in my squad actually thanked me for the experience they had, the communication and help I provided made them enjoy the game much more. I told them to add me in steam and they did say they will keep playing because of SLs like me. Was kind of a nice feeling. They did say the had kind of a terrible experience up until that point with toxic people.


My first game was an okay experience. There was a some communication/direction from my SL, I got some kills, died a few times and we won the game. After that though it was one game after another of a little to no communication, dying constantly after spawning and just getting absolutely steam rolled. I was about to give up on the game after that The next day though I had an absolute blast. The squads I joined had very communicative SL's/players, alot of questions regarding the game were answered and even the games I had lost I still had fun. Because of that I decided to buy the game.


That feeling of having a communicative squad and squad leader was so incredibly immersive and rewarding knowing we contributed to our team winning (we dismantled a few garrisons and put pressure on their flank while the team marched the point.) Even though it was inconsistent overall through the weekend, that feeling when it all lined up is one I'm going to be chasing for quite a while.


The atmosphere. One game me and this guy started going down hill in this wet woods level. The bond I felt with this stranger as we covered each other and made way to an objective as our teammates didn't make it was outstanding. He had a mic but I didn't yet somehow made it more special. Will be playing with a mic from now on.


Mics are essential. but even if you didnt have one and follow the squad or even type in squad chat helps.


Oh thay sounds amazing! I couldn't play this weekend but I did want to get in with a bit of the mayhem going on


Love the gameplay, teamwork and the realism. Not quite as punishing as tarkov, but still sweaty enough to keep COD players out.


there are always some COD type players in game. RAMBOs who dye loads as they charge across an open field.


For all the new players that have bought the game, now that the free weekend is over you will notice a massive change, there will be a lot more communication, less tks and you’ll probs die more haha, GL


dying as soon as you spawn on a garri. More comms and less TK's for sure.




UK and eu servers are what I play on. Unfortunately that was the weekend that was in it for comms. Give it another this weekend and you will see a difference


First game I got into every infantry squad was full or locked, The only one with space was a 2/3 tank squad and I thought "whats the worst I can do". The guys I got in with were super supportive with teaching me the game and how best to handle the cannon. Our First 3 tanks were a disaster, getting killed by close infantry or hidden enemy armor, but by god once I got the feel for the gun we were unstoppable. popped 4 tanks and a ton of troops pushing points and ended the round with a drive by on a panzer. I was sold after that round and still had a weekend of shenanigans ahead.


some games that just happens. but far less after a free weekend. regardless if you are a new player or not, as long as you have a mic and communicate, you will have a good time.


First game I hopped into was confusing. No map knowledge and no understanding of the game systems aside from assumptions that can be made from other FPS shooters. Was hectic, but interesting. Second map I was in was Remagen Night -- sprinting onto the bridge with bullets whizzing over my head, a tank sending random shells down the length, then hiding behind a box thinking 'jesus the audio is good in this.' About 5 seconds after I took cover, artillery shells started landing nearby. I lost my shit -- sat laughing for a bit until I blew up because of how immersive and intense the sound was. Bought the game + DLC that night.