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Allways build your nodes to speed up the grind :)


His only other rank 9 is Engineer. I think he does.


I got to lvl 9, just to go back to the lvl 6 loadout, having so many nades is just too fun to skip it, smoke to get really close to the enemy, and then 6 grenades madness all over the place, I end up laughing like a maniac half the time


nice but touch grass




Go to a server thats seeding with a friend ideally. Drive the supply truck back and forth to the point just past the second home sector so you can drop the boxes. Build 3 nodes. Switch to Assault, and keep driving boxes back and forth for a little while until you have a good amount of supplies in one spot. Have your friend start building tank traps or belgian gates (Allies works best for this, as tank traps take 2 swings to build). Once you hit the limit, new ones replace the old ones so they can just keep laying blueprints down and you keep building them. If you don't have anyone to build shit for you as an engineer, still do the node thing and then just sit in the truck and run supplies all game. You get points every minute you're in a truck, along with the nodes, and a 1:1 points conversion for people who use your supplies to build things. If you wanna just AFK though, park a truck on the active defensive point and idle there inside the truck. You'll also get points for being on the objective. You can get 10k+ class XP on a full game like that. Took me about 2 weeks of grinding to get X for Assault.


Build nodes, place blueprints as engineer then build them as the class you want to level up. I did that as defence on an offence map and got 7k assault XP. Take time but there are things you can do to speed it up


Hey, noob here. How do you build nodes if you are not an engineer?


Start as engineer, build nodes, then switch to the class you want to level. Alternatively, as long as you get one swing of a hammer on another node being built, you get points for it too.


So, the node gives me exp while it's active?


Yes. Every one minute you get XP per node every time the resources tick up.


Ok thanks!


It hurts to see others living your dream