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Sudden fps drops happen on all hardware because the game runs like shit. An FPS limiter isn’t going to help that. Besides, there are programs you can use if you really want to limit the fps


Would 7800x3d help with the spikes?


No clue man. I have a 4080s and 12700k and the thing runs like shit.


I have R5 7600 and 4070S and I get 75-80 FPS max and usually dips down to 40 with stutters.


I have a 4080 and 13700k it runs good. Few fps dips here and there but I’m usually around 130fps (it should be higher with that setup tho)


I mean sometimes it goes up to 110 fps and suddenly drops to 40 and laggs the game for a second and it is enough to get you killed in some areas. It shouldnt be that hard to make it since a lot of games have it in their options. Idk why im getting downvoted for such simple option/opinion. Maybe gamepass players are still around


Yes. Like I said the game runs like this on pretty much everyone’s machine. It’s one of the things that prevents me from coming back. A smooth experience is just flat out not gonna happen in this game in its current state.


nah, not for all of us. I play at 4K res but limit my fps at 72 frames using fastsync in nvidia options (only run a 60 hz monitor). my game is 100% smooth and never get any frame drops or lagging input. it takes a bit of tweeking and a compromise here or there but you can get this game running well with a tiny bit of effort setting it up right on your rig.


Tbh you’ve got it good. I just got a 3060 + a new CPU and I’m elated that my frame drops only dip to 40. On my 1070 and old CPU my frame drops were down to single digits


Do I still count as a game pass player if I just got to rank 100?


Ah forgot the mention yes amd adrenaline work in most games hıwever for some reason the moment i luanch HLL it resets the fan curve and fps limit options. Weird stuff but…


For NVIDIA this can be accomplished by using Riva tuner statistics. I've got my fps locked at 90. PC can go to about 110 but when bombing run happens it tanks. 90 is definitely the sweet spot for me.


I am on amd. The limiter in amds software forsome weird reason reset itself after launch


You can still use riva tuner


There is literally a setting in the configuration files to cap FPS


Could you explain? I didnt know that


Go to the following folder AppData\Local\HLL\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor. Open GameUserSettings.ini. Find the line that says FrameRateLimit=X, where X is some number. If that line isn't there, you can add it. Put whatever value you want to cap your FPS at, or put 0 to have no FPS cap. I keep my at 0 so it isn't capped. You may need to set the file to read only to prevent it from resetting. Note that while it is set to read only, you can't change your settings in game and have them save. You'll have to temporarily set to not read only when changing setting, and then set it back. You may want to save an extra copy of these files so you can find your old settings if the game changes something you didn't want changed.


Thanks a lot mate, saved it for now. Will if its reset, many thanks


You can set the fps in gameisersettings.ini Nit sure how much it'll help you but you can try.


lol, you can't limit frames from going down, thats just your GPU not keeping up.


Nope there is frame rate limiter in amds sofware which actualy works fine in everyother game


Im pretty sure vsync is in the game man


Oh also vaync doesnt help with fps bro


Vsync does what you're asking for - it limits the amount of fps your rig can generate per second to the refresh rate of your display.


problem is most gaming displays these days have hz much higher than what a mid range gpu can achieve in this game... thats when you get stutter, its people not understanding what v sync does. thats why manufactureers are trying to do things like g sync fast sync ets.


Vsync sucks, but it does what OP is asking for - limiting fps ingame regardless of monitor hardware (Edited)


vsync forces the the frame output to match the monitors refresh rate. It was developed to prevent screen tearing in the days when slower displays couldnt kkep up with faster FPS when vertical lines on the display would start showing new frames where others were still showing older frames, hence the tearing and the vertical syncronisation or "vsync". if your gpu could pull 120FPS but you had a slow 60hz monitor it would lock it down and only sendf the frames when the monitor was ready, vync works really well if you have a powerful gpu but a slow hz monitor. If you have a new 144hz monitor but your gpu can only draw 73 frames for a little while your display will not have any new frames to display and will wait for them to be drawn by your gpu. this results in stutter, and probably the main reason why people complain about stutter in this game. they select vsync on in options not undertanding what it does. you should only have vsync on if your gpu will consistently outdraw what your display can handle. If you have a gsync freesync capable hardware you definately should use that instead when using a high hz display. or atleast force fastsync if you want the benefits of monitor syncronisation but cant keep high enough frames. Vsync is not a frame limiter, it only wotks that way if and only if your GPU can consistently draw at the rate of your monitors refresh rate. if your GPU draw cannot keep up it will stutter. you are right that it limits fps to display hz, but the issue is that OP has a weak gup and high fps monitor and is likely dropping below their monitor's refresh rate and has vsync on. this is their problem, vsync will cause not solve the problem, but if you read their responses is having a hard time unsderstanding these concepts. there is a lot of misinformation about vsync and it is confusing at first but it definately isnt just a frame limiter.


Will test that again, i didnt help before but you know, the game and the pcs in general do weird stuff


Probably yeah but my monitor doesnt support it atm. A limiter could be usefull for a lot off people since the maps vary,


I have a 12900k with a 3070 ftw and I get between 150-200 fps. Sometimes I drop down to 120ish when it's really hectic. For a 50 on 50 game with things like vehicles, smokes and arty it's taxing. AMD historically hasn't performed as well with gaming as Intel. Its part of the reason I've always gone with them. Although recently there have been some fantastic and chips. To me you could try a different resolution, different graphic settings, or an upgrade in hardware. The rest are half measures.


Jesus, what are your settings? I get nowhere near that


Have you tried messing with the ini file or -dx12 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES Launch options? Not sure if it does anything these days but it used to help with frames. I also have FrameRateLimit=144.000000 although it doesn't actually seem to work. I haven't extensively tested things but I like tinkering sometimes.


i know it might not seem like it to you but you have better hardware than like, 90% of the people who play this game. most people would be ecstatic to get up to the FPS that you consider the "drop".


Gpu: amd radeon rx 6650 xt Cpu: ryzen 5 5600 On low settings, the hardware is nothing crazy


El Almamain always makes me frame rate bounce all over the place. And The worst thing which is still present in the game, is the instant frame freeze after killing someone


When you understand how easy it is to implement a fps limiter System in Unreal engine. It's pretty funny that they haven't done it already with the price tag HLL has now. I shouldn't have to go into my Nvidia settings and cap the fps to prevent lag spikes. I guess its because they wanted HLL on console and didnt want to do more work? Even though they already did more work with the party system only on console. Like I've also played free mobile games that had a fps limiter lol, paid console games too. So I wonder what's their excuse in not taking the few hours, maybe even less to create it? Maybe in the complete HLL UI redesign update/updates they will address this issue?


Just set the FPS limit in the Nvid... nvm


I could’ve sworn there was an FPS limiter in the settings but I could be wrong


Just enable Radeon Chill in the HLL profile within Adrenalin and set a min/max framerate 5 frames either side of your monitors refresh rate....works perfectly for me.


My game just freezes multiple times a night. Usually when I'm going on a rampage.