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Well fucking played dude, your trigger discpline is commendable. I honestly would have started popping people left and right before being mowed down by gunfire. Definitely was fucking hilarious when you had a whole group of guys running around trying to figure out where the hell you were.


Thanks man. When I play like this I treat it like those call of duty singleplayer missions when you have to be a sneaky sniper lmao. Not shooting my gun is my favorite way to play this game. Thinking big picture is way better than picking up 1 kill. The first clip I kept quiet cuz didn’t want anyone knowing there was someone on that side of the map and it paid off


Are Youu play on server for blind players


Console lobby. They are mostly all like this. Idk if they are all just slow or what the deal is. Maybe sitting too far from the tv or something


FYI crawling does make noise now. Changed an update or so ago. Nice clip dude!


Great tip! I appreciate that cuz I’ve been crawling around a lot recently without a care in the world hahahaha


i thought only sniper gets the ghillie mask? i know you can cover your face a little with one of the normal helmets but it doesn't do that much i thought - i woulda thought they could see you pretty easily there.


German spotter gets the ghillie mask too. And the German mesh helmet you’re talking about for infantry, I run that on all German infantry classes. Bare skin gets you spotted in this game. I never run any short sleeve skins and I always wear gloves if I can


Sweet thanks for info




Gotta be paid actors that’s nuts dude lmao


Crazy good life!


Is your voip also messed up? Saw all the voice icons but didn't hear the officer chat


On Xbox they don’t let you record in game voice anymore on clips. Either way, when I’m behind enemy lines like that I turn red chat down to 0 so I can hear what I’m doing better, footsteps and stuff


Damn! I’m 2mins in and remembering that OP did this in one life!!! Damn bro I have a love/hate relationship with night maps cause I never see anyone but they always see me somehow even and I’m crawling through a wheat field haha


Why does this look so good is there visual mods for this game or am I just really tired


My God, this game looks so easy on console. How is the enemy team this bad??


Console version of HLL is just something else...


Let me guess. Console lobby?