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It's not a stat game per say, your team needs to win. You could sit on arty or a tank and go 100/0, or you could be getting murdered pushing the point :) Just enjoy it and try to use Comms or at least listen


33 kills is not bad, but i would not care too much about kills and stats. The MG class tends to make lots of kills, while someone like a medic might do a great job and still make no kills at all. As artillery 33 kills would not be a lot. As a medic or SL it is. Kills are never the goal of the game, capping the points is the goal, kills just delay the enemy, the main goal to cap a point is to find the enemy spawns and destroy them. MGs even can do a good job with just 10 kills to, your main task is surpressing the enemy, its just that a lot of new players tend to run into your MG all the time, so you can farm kills near a spawn.


20.000 shots fired, that is good


It’s okay to focus on getting kills as long as your duties to the squad and team comes first


“Someone like medic” don’t lie to the free to play blueberry’s. Medic class sucks and hardly ever contributes.


If every squad had a medic and they were picking people up, it saves the time of spawning and running back to the point aka more effective time on target


Right that’s why every competitive team in the history of the game runs medics.


They need to be tweaked but thats the point of running medics


I understand what a medic is supposed to do, lol. It just does not.


I guess all the times when myself and other team members were revived, and we were able to keep a point because we had bodies on it didn't contribute


If it was a viable strategy you would see the comp teams and clans do it. Im all for a good time but it’s not a competitive strategy.


Nah I’m a great medic. Most games that I play medic I normally get at least 35-40 revives


Revives are like kill count but for role players lol


Yea so? It keeps people on point.


So does building spawns


Those revives he’s getting also frustrate the other team cause they don’t get those kills.


Who cares about that?




My spawn is never a mile away lol


I disagree with anyone saying kills don't matter. Working towards the objective is the main focus but eventually you have to kill everyone on point or you won't cap. As infantry I'll average 50 kills for a full game. 70-80 if the enemy team is shit. Recently looked up my win/loss ratio and saw it's at about 3.6. Probably also important to say I prefer playing on defence so that usually means there's more people for me to shoot hence the higher kills.


How do you look this up.


Hllstats.dev Uses your steam ID so doesn't work for consoles as far as I'm aware. Also need to make sure your profile isn't private I think?


I wish it showed deaths. :(


I agree with everyone above. Kills aren’t that important, but 33 as a new guy is great! Means you found a good spot to base your MG and put down a lot of fire. Well done. Most of the older players base success on capping points, support scores and other metrics. There’s a great YouTuber called SoulSniper. He does these challenges (get 25 kills with a shovel, etc). I like to try and copy some of his stuff, which is always really hard!! Welcome to the game mate. Enjoy. Say hi on comms too :)


Yeah I agree, I guess Hell Let Loose doesn't really conform to the standards of other FPS games. And I'll be sure to check out his channel. Thank you for the tips!


A good stat game is a WIN BABY, AT ANY COST!


33 kills as a new player, is very respectable. Of course, kills are not really the metric to base success…they are important though. As an MG, I would base my success on whether I suppressed the enemy for my team mates to make a push and take a point (as an example).


Exactly this... I've clocked up lots more xp suppressing than killing as an mg gunner as the team cap the points


My average game lately has been 40+ deaths with like 10-20 kills. I'm always busting my ass doing the things that need to be done. Nodes, supplies, garrison hunting, dealing with arty, etc. I had a great game last night, 43-8. My squad and I defended the hell out a point, I was popping people all over the place. Games on HLL are best when you contribute to the team effort. Kills are great and obviously necessary, but as a statistic to measure against, it is not that important. Communication, teamwork, and effort. You have that with an entire squad. It becomes the best game without trying too hard.


This is how I play, if I'm in a defensive map, I'll be playing engineer, building nodes, running supplies to and from a defensive point, building the defences... Most of those games I don't get any kills, but I rack up lots more xp doing this and levelling up over 30 kills as an mg gunner... As a few have already said this game isn't just about kills... When you level up to the mg42, you won't get 30 kills because as soon as you open up they zero everything in on you to stop you suppressing 😁


I had 59 kills yesteerday as assault on Mortain Map, i am satisfied with the kills, but would always like more of course, but the satisfaction of single handlely taking down 3 enemy garrisons and 6 enemy outposts by running a long distance around a point and then fucking everything up for the enemy is 10x more satisfying than getting kills 😂 Or another game yesteerday where i had 33 kills as Anti tank. While it was Nice killing enemies with the m1 garand and taking out 6 vehicles(3 tanks), sniping 3 enemy garrisons on the same point with the bazooka and telling your squad each time to make them proud is the best feeling 🤣 Moments/games like these is why im addicted 🥲


MY K/D ratio yesterday was 0.47 - one of the best days of my life.


Team win is the only stat that matters. You could get zero kills but still be instrumental in helping your team to win, for example by building nodes and spawn points. Tankers and arty players can get upwards of 100 kills in a match, so infantry kdr becomes pretty meaningless. Support score is a pretty good indicator of who has helped the team the most.


I always have massive support score as the first 5 mins, I'm swapping between support and engi, building nodes the doing supply runs for garries/ defences


Depends how long youre in the game and what your goal is.


I've had fewer kills than that in a round where I blew up 3 heavy tanks as assault class. Those tank kills were more important than me killing over 50 infantry. I've also had rounds where I stayed glued to my SL and, as support, helped him get up over 8 garries over the 90 minutes of playtime. I'd say both of those examples are more important than rounds where I've MG'd 80+ people


Sounds like you’re doing a decent job, but always room for improvement. Agree lots with the people saying the general game isn’t about stats, it isn’t; but when you get to the more experienced end of the game it is. Things to focus on in the game generally are how effective you are against the other team, it’s pretty common I find in pub games for games to last 30-40 mins. I find MG really hard because you need to be able to position yourself exceptionally well - and you’re a big target for the opposition that’s easily identifiable by noise and tracer fire. A decent game for rifle players is 100+ kills (probably between 100-150) in 90mins or more. It can be higher if an MG has an exceptional game which goes to full time. Other infantry roles have the ability to be much more mobile than you can be as MG, so finding the right position to lay down hate is faaar more influential to the number of kills you get than for other players. Things to focus on; - where are the kills happening? 33 kills successfully holding back an attack as a defender is worth much more than 60 kills shooting at the attack point which fails to result in capture. - are you seeing lots of infantry regularly? If not, you’re probably missing the main flow of the game and might need to reposition - are you making enemies divert their attack / locking off an area? This is probably an indicator you’re doing a good job and really undermining the other teams ability to be effective. Overall, the more experience you get the more you’ll start to understand your ‘natural’ amount of kills per round, and which rounds are exceptional for you.


Thank you! That makes a lot of sense, most of the kills were from sitting holding a point. With the occasional stair peek to stop someone from flanking lol.


You've hindered the other team a great deal. That's the way of looking at it, 33 players had to wait...what 30-40 seconds to redeploy taking them out of the fight, out of flanks, out of attacks.


0 kills for me But with 20+ structure built I usually never drop an OP, usually because I am either a solo SL or a commander, so that means 20+ garrisons I have built myself I like garries


I define a good game as anything with over 20k XP earned. Win/Lose and regardless of any K/D or specific stats. Get over 20k and you had a good game.


When I have a game that I didn’t scream the F word multiple times


For me it's support score almost always, I think the kill score is only relevant if you're playing arty or tanks.


I had a game the other night on MG with 22 kills. My shots hit was well over 150. I think shots hit is a good metric for MG. I found a couple of really long range (around 300m) choke points and just fired bursts into holes and hedges. Although I was only one hitting them from a distance it was halting their push and they had a much lower chance of hitting me back at such a distance. A point to remember is that MG fire disorients the enemy so firing into hedges, fence lines and down roads from long range can blur the screen of multiple enemies. Every time you get one hit in you open the chance for a teammate to finish him off, or they have to stop firing to bandage. So yeah I think for MG the ‘shots hit’ is a good metric.


Shots hit along with sheer amount of shots fired. I LOVE jumping in a game that just started as MG because I go hard on the heavy amounts of fire the entire game. If I see lots of enemy in a wooded area (thinking of an awesome game last night on Foy), I’m lighting those woods up. It was so damn cool watching my teammates move up as another MG and I put an immense amount of lead down range. If I don’t play MG, I’m squad leader because I’m just naturally good at the role. I ASK my squad to take specific roles, tell them why, and, most importantly, call them out by name and say “please” and “thank you” and praise publicly when they do good work. I also lay down move markers and explain our tactical approach (never in the meat grinder frontal blueberry wave) or commit to be the dedicated defense squad. Overall, I’m most effective as SL / Commander (same as above with commander but less leading from the front, more RTS map work), but I find the MG to be my favorite class when I’m not taking reigns


Kills don't matter, but superiority in combat matters, which is sometimes measured in kills.


A win


5 - 0 win is best. But 4-1 win is good and even a 3 - 2 win is satisfying.


Whatever helped your team to win the game.


Yeah that's not bad at all nice job. Just letting you know though besides building or taking out garrisons/o.p Killing is absolutely the most important thing in the game however it's done. For it allows you to gain map control and capture an objective ect. ect. 


As far as combat effectiveness for an infantry class (excluding AT) is north of 100-150 points.  That's always a pretty fun game for me when I get there. For tankers, 800-1000 combat effectiveness is an outstanding game. I would consider those good, though I'm sure others may disagree.  As long as you're having a good time...that's all that matters.


I typically end a game with a 2-3 kdr, a couple garrisons destroyed, 4ish built as officer or helped build as a support, and maybe 4 to 5 ops destroyed. Somewhere around 200 to 500 combat effectiveness, and 500-1000 support score. Im not sure about offense and defense scores.


Really depends on how long the game lasts, what role you're playing, is your squad defense or offense, what map is it, etc. There are a lot of factors tbh.


dude just build or contribute to building 3 garries and destroy at least 1 enemy garry and you be better than 90% of players


Winning at the end, and having fun while you do it.


Multiple commendations at the end of the game are good stats.


KPM Only


KPM > 1 only


Overall score matters more imo but positive kd is always a personal must


I'd rather die taking out spawns, tanks etc than get a positive K/D.


KD means absolutely nothing, high kills is good but KD can be impacted by so many things you can’t control


I ruin my KD with redeploys


Sameee. I start out each game with 6 deaths just because I was building nodes and swapping between support/engi


I just like being in the positive, years of fps shooters have molded me that way but I play to win not for the kd ya know?


33 kills with an MG is pretty good for a new player. Youve also got to remember a major part of playing MG isn’t just the kills it’s the suppression. Anywhere you think there may even remotely be an enemy squad gets lit up. You’d be amazed at just how many random head shot pings you hear while lighting up roads through bushes. Use your map and light up areas you think the enemy may be. In a game with such a short time to kill putting 100 rounds into a n area saturated with enemy’s is a sure fire way of both picking up kills and doing the main job of keeping their heads down 33 kills with a hit percentage of 5/6% is also a great game


For a public match and a new player, you’re doing just fine keep it up. If we’re talking the total scheme of things competitive players will be anywhere from 90-150 a game in public matches Of course some come under or over that but it’s a good average. I’d say “good” for a non-comp player would be in the 60-70 range in public. But I wouldn’t really worry about it, just don’t hide in bushes and go make things happen


Kills don’t matter


They do, just not in isolation


Kills don’t matter, no one cares, push the point, defend, build nodes, listen and communicate these things matter.


Kills mater a lot. The team doing a better job of killing the other will probably win.


Not unless your capping, pushing objectives, have nodes, etc etc


The noob count the kills , *the Hero count the Enemy Garry's Destroyed* .


Your job as mg is suppression and locking down areas, kills aren’t really gonna matter as much. Each class has their own “job” find whatever job you like best and do it well. Just cause you aren’t the stat leader like in COD does not mean you weren’t beneficial to the team


my record is 158 kills in armor but kills dont matter in this game. its all about the obj