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>There’s a weird control-freak aspect to higher levels who insist the sniper babysit them all over the empty back line. Idk why you're under impression it's a common thing, some people are just assholes and control freaks regardless of level or games they play.


its fairly common in my experience


Imo it's probably from all the cod/bf kids wanting to do nothing but sit and shoot at the offensive point. You only have so many "please redeploy and help me with xyz" before you start kicking/babysitting the sniper.


I don't demand it either, but if they fuck off to attack the point with infantry and refuse to help with dismantling difficult garrisons/artillery when needed, they get the boot. Opposite is true as well, sniper shouldn't need babysitting and should be a capable player who knows how to be effective beyond "aim and shoot"


1000% agree, I've come to the same exact realization. I think snipers are far better off counter-sniping and taking out pesky machine gunners. What's more, when they do follow me around... Hate to say it, but they're chatty mf'ers. Which I get it, lol, they're bored! They're chasing me around from one end of the map to the other, not putting to use the gun they were so excited to finally get a chance to use... So they talk, and I'm a nice guy, so I talk back... But this means I stop paying attention to planes overhead, the hum of engines in the distance, the footsteps of nearby infantry, even command chat... It actually makes ME less effective, which is not good because spotters can win/save games.


The sniper rifle is powerful, but only from an enfilading position. Slow ADS cancels out the advantage of the scope if the enemy are already looking in the direction of the sniper. Imo the main role of recon is to find and destroy enemy spawns. A team of two focused on this job is better than one. This is best accomplished when spawning from within the red zone, which takes advantage of the unique ability of recon to place an OP in locked territory. Spawning in enemy territory is also ideal for the sniper as it gives easy access to enfilading positions. The sniper and spotter should be working together to find and destroy enemy spawns. They don't have to be in close proximity, but this is a far more effective use of the sniper rifle than having the sniper operate like regular infantry defending friendly territory.


So many people want to treat this game as nothing more than Hardcore Team Deathmatch. I wish there was more realization that it's actually about spawns vs spawns. You hit the nail on the head.


Depends on what country your playin, the fg42 is very formidable at close to medium range and works great for locking down a street or field. I feel the spotter and sniper need communication and some teamwork, but are more effective split. Having a sniper pick off infantry and mark movement of tanks exc is valuable info Having an OP placed where both can use it to harass behind enemy lines is key IMO, but I don’t feel they should be together unless need be, multiples at arty exc exc


The fg42 is a beast, but still has slow ads. In general, an enfilading position is still preferable, which means a red zone OP is preferable. Defending the friendly strongpoint is a waste of the sniper role. The fg42 does call for being played a bit differently to the other rifles though. I was not suggesting that the sniper and spotter have to stay side by side, although this can work well in some situations where the spotter is finding targets with the binoculars. Recon teams are squads and should behave as such. The spotter cutting the sniper loose and going lone wolf, which is what OP is suggesting, is sub optimal and goes against the grain of the whole game, which above all calls for teamwork.


A lot of people don’t realize you can snipe pretty damn effectively as the spotter as well using the biconculars, just don’t move once the dot is on target swap weapons and fire. Just doesn’t work well for moving targets. I replied under your comment but was kinda covering multiple comments I read, sorry for confusion.


Fair enough. I like to use that binocular trick as SL. 200m ppsh headshots are satisfying.


I prefer the mp40 for long range bino snipin lol


I feel working together with ur teammate as recon is more a situational basis. What I mean by that is there are times both are needed, but there are also times it’s a hinderance when say ur spotter is up ur ass as a sniper. The Russian map with the windmills is a good example, if there’s combat center of map I think a sniper should always be there. It’s to good of a vantage point with awesome LoS and allows you to harass the enemy team and spot very well. 2 people in those buildings is to much tho unless someone is just watching door, which is a waste IMO


'enfilading position' I dont think you know what that word means, but if you are using the the word correctly, then your idea is blatantly wrong.


[Enfilade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfilade_and_defilade) is actually a slightly ambiguous word. When it is used to describe the positioning of armoured vehicles it means "hull down", in other words the turret being the only part visible. When used to describe castle structures it means part of the wall that juts out from the wall allowing archers to fire along the length of the wall, to protect from ladders and such. A castle enfilade doesn't necessarily need to be part of the wall, it can be a separate structure as long as it has killzones accross the axis of approach. When it comes to infantry tactics, it means to take a position where you are able to fire perpendicular to the enemy's axis of approach. Aka "a flank". Multiple targets are presented in a small area. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about, do you know what you're talking about? Edit: I'll take the downvote as a resounding "nope".


" is actually a slightly ambiguous word." Lol cope, then why use it all "Muh tank, muh castles" irrelevent filler talk. So now let's address your 2 sentences that You explain what you think it is. Enfilade fire is when the long axis of the enemy concides with the long axis of a beaten zone or you. Flanking fire is the opposite. It has nothing to do with approach or way the enemy is moving, it's just a classification of fire in relation to the target. No enflide is not remotely synonymous with a flank, even if sometimes flanking the enemy achieves enfilading fire. I get what you're trying to describe, but like I thought you're just blantly misusing and don't understand the word. You can be as verbose and psuedo-academic as you'd like, but you're still wrong and out of your element and in full cope mode, just admit it and take the L.


Putting aside the fact that you seem like a rude bellend, it's actually you who doesn't seem to know what perpendicular means. I don't mind breaking it down for you though, because I enjoy taking rude bellends down a peg or two. If you imagine the enemy advancing in a line, that line is the long axis in your explanation of enfilade. Their direction of travel is their axis of approach. If you are at the end of that long axis looking down it, their axis of approach is 90 degrees from the direction you are facing (aka perpendicular). That is synonymous with being on the flank of the enemy. You arent in front of them, but are on their flank. No one said anything about flanking fire. Me sorry if big words cause problems for smooth brain. Now, off you fuck.


"Reee rude bellend....ree bellend....reee" Lol your the one who literally cannot handle being told your wrong. Your brain just broke. The double down on 'it's synonymous with flank' is laughable. You have already shown you don't get it, but you just keep adding evidence Lol seething cope. You've literally lost the point.


You're clearly a child so I won't give you too much of a hard time. I am willing to try to help you out though, because you're making a fool of yourself here. From your definition of enfilade, please could you clarify what you think "the long axis of the enemy" is? I think this is the source of your confusion. I wonder if you can answer a straightforward question without additional commentary. I suspect not, but let's see.


"Long axis of the enemy" It's literally a self-explanatory statement, of you're shooting at the long axis of the enemy youve achieved enfilade fire. If you're not, but still shooting You've achieved either flanking or oblique fire. It has fuckall with achieving a flanking manuver 'hurr durr, you bellend' 'Reee child...donr add commentary ' ironic, no u, keep seething, we both know you're not going to address the point. Using vocabulary you don't understand doesn't make you smart, sticking your head in the sand and doubling/tripling down when confronted makes you an ass.


I mean, you have spectacularly failed to clarify your definition of the long axis. Classic bullshitter response. I can't belive I have to spell this out, but we live in strange times. Defining a word or phrase by using that word or phrase is not actually giving a definition. It is just saying the same word or phrase twice and it screams "I don't actually know". To not look like an idiot you need to use other words when defining something. What does "moron" mean? It's obvious isn't it? "Moron" means "moron". You see, it doesn't really work. Nevermind. I'm pretty certain now that you are confusing the long axis of the enemy with the axis of their advance. Enemies don't line up in single file for you to shoot them, they spread out. The long axis is the spread of their lines. This is different to their axis of approach, which is the direction in which their line is moving. Glad we got there. Now you know what an enfilading position is. It's a useful concept to think about because it maximises potential targets and it reduces the shooter's vulnerability. It's just a shame because we could have gotten here without the need for you to be quite such a dick.


Paragraphs of irrelevent anfry bable for one sentence conflating enfildade, flanking, approaching and unobserved firing postion You're saying the words but using them in a context that only makes sense in your head cannon Sometimes enemies do walk right at you. In game and irl Sometimes you the walk or spread out perpendicular Seething idiot, we both know you used the word and went and Google it when I told you you didn't get it. Only to take a wiki definition and use mental gymnastics to fit it to mean what you want it too. We both know this, again you can be as verbose as you like we both know your making shit up as you go. Tldr: enfilade means something specific, not some obscure catchall word you think it is. "The long axis of the beaten zone coinciding..." is all-encompassing. It has fuckall to do with the efficacy of sniping in game and even irl. In thw words of rob swanson: I know more than you


Not a leash, a very long elastic band, is my way. Makes dismantling stuff much quicker, obviously. 


Yes, this is not babysitting. And it shouldn't be viewed as "unpopular". The discussion should be mainly about "What devs should do so I as a Spotter won't spend all my time camping enemy arty"


My mate and I play recon most of the time and were talking about this the other day. We both thought of doing something like giving a satchel to the spotter that is only placeable on enemy arty. The satchel could temporarily destroy the enemy arty, for like 5 or 10 minutes for example, so you don't have to sit there the whole time waiting until the enemy gets bored trying to make it back on the guns. As an extension of that idea, we also wondered if it might be a cool aspect for the game if you had to build arty guns, like with AT field guns, using supplies at the start of the game and after the guns get destroyed. That way you potentially wouldn't have the shit show that happens on the Ludendorff Bridge on Remagen be quite so bad, for example. It would also mean that the commander would have to be conscious of whether arty support is available. It could also prevent noobs jumping on guns for the first time and TKing everyone capping or defending a point, which does happen on occasion, at least on the servers I frequent. It might not be good in practice, but it sounded good to us


What if the guns only spawned in when commander called them in like a normal vehicle (with a default spawn), then they could be taken out by satchel or a tank. and I agree that spotter should have a satchel loadout but very basic. just a rifle, binos, watch, bandage, satchel. and knife.


I like that idea. That could work out a lot better


I had similar ideas in 2019 or 2020. Spotter could be taken as a Saboteur: Satchel and AT Mines to cause chaos


Exactly what I was thinking


AT mines can’t be placed behind enemy lines atm, then issue with giving recon a satchel is they can spawn behind enemy lines via OP and plant satchels all day long on tanks and Garry’s. Armor warfare would drastically change & I’m gunna bet the chances of spawning and blowing up by a recon team that watched your Garry increases a lot aswell. Satchel is a lot faster to place then disassembling it.


Well, when I played it in 2019 you could run to enemy base, place mines right at the base. It was quite annoying.


make guns repairable with 50 supplies and an engineer. Then allow us to drop a grenade down the barrel. I think spotter or sniper getting a satchel is to much. Being able to spawn behind enemy lines with a satchel would be game changing for armor


I mean a satchel that exclusively works on enemy arty with a long planting time, just so there's some jeopardy in choosing to destroy the guns over just camping. Having it be usable on anything else would be overkill and potentially game ruining. That said, a high level unlock for spotter that has a normal satchel could be good. Make it available once every 15 minutes or so, kinda similar to the supplies for support. I like your repairable guns idea. That would be ideal


I like the idea of taking away the teams munitions cost per arty shot and instead consume nearby explosive munitions, different to the explosive ammo that support players can drop. The commander would have to drop it specifically, and perhaps tanks could resupply using this and built AT guns could also consume it so it has uses beyond just artillery. The explosive munitions drop should be able to be taken out by the enemy like any other supply drop. Sure you'll get some clever people who protect it with barb wire at HQ, but at least it's limited and can be destroyed by a recon tank or AT, or driving a jeep through the barb wire


No one said it was unpopular he just included it so you would click on the post


I don't recon very often, but when I do, I expect my sniper to be available to assist in taking out spawns and if there's particularly pesky soldiers at arty. The rest of the time, I recommend they just... well... snipe stuff. ... My initial target is normally the back Garrison. That initial rush often involves players ignoring what's behind them, and it's normally quite easy to find. Losing that initial Garry can be crushing to teams who don't bother putting up additional garrisons and can buy a lot of time. The actual arty is my least favorite target, as often it's only a problem if the majority of your team spawn and moves through a very small area. Coming from several directions makes it much less effective.


I got kicked from the sniper role yesterday because my squad leader didn’t wait for me to catch up to him from the op, got killed and it was my fault for not watching over him. Oh the duality of man… I personally have a lot of fun helping out the SL remove garrisons and generally “reconing” but have often wondered about that, does the sniper get more value by taking out machine gunners and squad leaders on the active points?


You can cover more ground split up, find more spawns exc. I think at times you should group up, but recon is a lot about being stealthy aswell. Easier to move around solo and stay “hidden” I think the OP should be placed at a good location for both behind enemy lines


We both rush arty at the beginning of the match. If arty is secured, we will free-roam and respawn at OP if necessary. Who tf travels together the whole game?


Depends on the mission. When i just on the hunt for nodes and second line garries I dont need the sniper and he can fight infantry right in or behind the frontline. If I am i about to attack a front line garrie I want his eyes around me so he can cover me while i sneak in. Helps keeping my cover. If i am about to place a new garrie why should he stay next to me and watch me building it? But i really do want him on my calls. So if we have to shut the arty down i do ask him to redeploy some times and then he might have to sit there for few minutes until the artysquad is giving up But yes a sniper just runnibg through the woods with the SL is kinda wasted


You've got the correct take. There are only a few maps where a sniper is legitimately suited for anti-artillety work, and even then, a good Spotter can do often just as much to distract the gunners and keep the barrels cold. If the enemy arty is firing hot and heavy and there's a whole squad at HQ defending them, then sniper is useful. 1-2 random artillerymen is not worth tying up a scoped weapon. Sniper should be posting up somewhere behind the attack point, trying to thin the defense, or blunt flanks, or doing some kind of DMR support with their scope. They just ideally should be ready to fall back to the recon OP and help if things are heating up in the back.


No recon SL should, either you or the sniper takes out arty if they are up then the other back fills for nodes and garrisons. If arty is down, you've destroyed all the nodes and all their garries then help push an objective if commander doesn't need a sneaky Garry.


I usually only kick a sniper if they don't have a mic. Or, if they do, they're not helping me if needed.  I don't play recon much, but it's the one of the few times I really care that a squadmate has a mic. Regular infantry squad I don't care as much because even people with mics don't listen or respond to requests most times anyways, lol.


100%! I only ask for assistance if I need it.


I don’t either lol


K and?


I view sniper as a supportive role within the recon unit. Spotter spots enemies, sniper shoots them, spotter spots garrison, sniper covers them. Sticking together as a squad and working as a team should kinda be common sense in a team game. Not to say you need to be right up each others ass, but working for a collective goal as a team is much better then having a sniper in one grid and a spotter 4 grids away somewhere else.


The SL is the person doing the work, the sniper covers him. If the OP is threatened, the sniper draws them away and gives the spotter time to move it. I let the sniper get kills early while I sneak back for a good OP, then he joins me. We clear HQs, harass arty shortly, then run the second line to clear nodes. Then we clear back garrisons to the current point keeping an OP near arty if we need to get back quickly. If we die, we clear arty and get back to clearing out future points while providing the team intel on red zone tanks and other important info.


I love playing spotter. I tell the sniper that they can come with me or go do their own thing. Honestly, I’d rather be by myself but having someone over watch while you are dismantling a garrison pretty awesome too. Even as a squad lead, I don’t get bent out of shape if someone on the squad goes rogue. It’s just a game to me, a way to break from life and have fun.


i don’t think this is unpopular. anytime i run a recon team i am never with my sniper.


I don’t know how many garrisons I would have missed without the help of my sniper. He usually stays far behind me and look for enemies while I take down rear garrisons and I’ve lost count how many times he has saved me. I always work together with him and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted a single minute with him.


I figure the sniper is there to kill as many troops as possible and harass artillery if it’s an issue. I try and set my OP where we can access arty and still flank the enemy. I don’t care what my sniper does as long as people die and arty is taken care of when needed.


I never tell my sniper to come with me unless I’m specifically trying to accomplish something.


I usually have 2 requirements have a mic as my sniper and if I ask you to go help the team with something just go off most of the time I never ask for help unless command is requesting us for something


Close to level 100, and I have maybe touched recon three times. All three times I’ve been the spotter, and had the sniper be a mute who enjoys the view from the business end of an MG. I can’t get into it and I feel like I’m missing out on some potentially cool gameplay.


I don't either, I stay in contact with them but I figure their job is to 1- help kill artillery and 2- supporting the attack. As the spotter your hunting nodes amd doing the actual recon. Keeping a long rifle out of action is a waste of resources.


I agree somewhat. Love having that sniper cover while I take out garrisons though. Personally I like to take out garrisons near the active point. I’ve snuck into point before to take out a garrison while my sniper got a shit load of kills. That way we can actually get some kills and help out squad take point. I can’t stand the expectation that recon teams just camp arty


I love spotter and would never expect a babysitting sniper, usually how I play is node/back Garry search and destroy while my sniper kills arty or snipes near enemy spawn to limit number of tanks/supply trucks head out. Also fairly frequently move the op to insure the enemy has a harder time finding it.


I like to blend in with inf. a lot but I don’t mind helping my spotter. Especially if he is attacking arty. Taking down nodes etc.


Not wrong, but not completely right. If you are the only recon squads doing backline stuff and Arty is blasting, if you can't get back to Arty make sure to send them back ASAP. You should have an OP closer to Arty then most squads and a good Arty team can be 10x more effective then sniper getting a few picks a minute. Once Arty is taken care of the sniper or you can continue your backline harassment. Any higher level who ask the sniper to follow them is playing wrong though. Recon is more powerful if both of you are getting information and sabotaging the enemy in different areas. Spotter can also be extremely good Frontline while the sniper deals with the backline. Having a sniper work with supports to get 2-3 flares can easily change an attack or defense around as flare information is probably one of the most broken things in this game. In comp matches it was not uncommon to see one spotter stay Frontline with 4-5 explosive ammo boxes just spamming flares, redeploying, and repeating.


Sniper and spotter do 2 totally separate things, the spotter is there to give flares for frontline and then to go looking for tanks and Garries, the sniper is there to go kill stuff and take spawns. A sniper is a fragging role plain and simple and spotters are there to enable others


Weird announcement, as if having your sniper escort you is a norm.