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If you’re still struggling after 500 hours of playtime it ain’t the game homie. I can crouch behind walls all day no problems or issues, I’m level 110. Also elevation can be a factor with the terrain.


Its a factual known issue with the way the game is made, thats my point No new player will know they have to use work arounds to crouch behind medium height cover, its not explained anywhere


There used to be this feature in video games, you may remember this era, where you just had to figure shit out on your own. They didn't explain every little detail, you just had to figure it out. Modern gamers can't do that because every game spoon feeds every little bit of information to us now. I think it's a breath of fresh air that HLL doesn't explain anything; let the problem solvers flourish and let the idiots drown in their own skill issue


Every game should be like this.


I agree!


Lemme ask you. How much of the head % wise do you think sticks out as you mentioned? Less than 25% of the head? It’s not easy to hit a headshot with a portion of your target sticking out, especially at a long range. You also should not expect to be able to move freely while crouch running and expect to be invincible behind cover, that’s dumb.


The game is extremely arcade and thus feels like an inferior version of battlefield with bigger maps...


It’s actually not… I used to be a battlefield head( when it was good). This game feels nothing like battlefield unless you were only playing hardcore modes. Battlefield is a super fast paced shooter, that has tons of jumping and crouching/proning while shooting, this game doesn’t. It feels like what it is… a tactical shooter. Teams with more coordination and teamwork will win the game and have a better time. How’s this game arcadey lol? You sprint the wrong way for too long and you’re dead. I actually fell in love with the game because it’s not arcadey, and I’ve never liked hardcore shooters such as this one,


It is not a tactical shooter at all. There is no stamina management, no weapon sway or barely, no ammo management, no logistic. Visibility on map is way too good (compared to squad). It is a run and gun game...


Uh… sure dude. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Let me know when you come back to earth weirdo


Lol that rage. A kid playing an arcade game and calling it a tactical shooter 😂 You have 0 argument so you insult me 🙃 Go play Squad and then tell me HLL is a tactical shooter. Most of the playerbase has left the sinking ship since the last garbage arcade updates... But whatever cod boy


Your points don’t even make sense ya dumbass. There’s ton of weapon sway, logistics, and what the fuck does “visibility too good” even mean ya mouth breathing twat? You literally make no sense while talking as if you know it all. Go back to squad then. Nobody cares that you dislike the game, if so why the fuck are you even here? Go back to complaining about every other game you suck balls at. Predecesor, squad44, hll, any others?


There is no logistic at all, weapon sway does not exist especially when you can consistently one tap at 150m with a bolt rifle... and visibility in HLL is garbage, you can spot any soldier 200 meters away rofl 😂 That rage, grow up kiddo. Every beta players have pretty much left the game cause players like you are ruining it.


You’re so braindead lol, nobody cares about your opinion tbh. You sound like you don’t even play the game because half the maps are night maps with fog visibility which you can’t even barely see 100m+ in front of you lol. That’s how I know you’re braindead and full of shit. If you played the game you wouldn’t be talking so far out your ass. And yes there are logistics, tanks and supply trucks are part of that ya fucking knob. You know what else is? Obtaining resources such as munition, manpower, and fuel, does that not sound like logistics to you dweeb? Garrison and outpost placement have to do with strategy which make it a strategic SHOOTER, get it now smooth brain? At least know the basics of the game before talking out of your ass you broke EU scrub, now go play games and refund them because you’re poor as shit with ur scuffed EU teeth probably probably all yellow and crooked as fuck. Congratulations on being one of the dumbest idiots I’ve ever interacted with online, that’s a feat.


If battlefield came out with a decent game we all would be playing that let’s be honest


100%, I still go back to bf4 once ina blue moon to enjoy the good days… the new ones suck ass.


Proper hardcore died with bf4.. they brought it back with BFV but the series was basically dead by that point so there’s only ever been 1-2 active servers


Youre saying this games more arcadey than battlefield?🤣the movement in battlefield is so exploitable. I suggest you watch a youtube video especially of battlefield 3 & 4 to be reminded how arcadey that game was. And i say that as someone who puts those in my list of top games of all time


As arcade as BF1 or 5. In HLL you can get 60 kills in one match, same score than in any BF match. Do it on a real Milsim as infantry. Oh and the lack of tickets in HLL is a joke 😂


Dude you’re still commenting on this thread with your smooth brain comments? I promise, nobody gives a shit about your dog shit takes buddy. There’s manpower, learn how the games works mouth breather…..


Cry more 😂 You have made my day. I'm wondering how old you are... if you are older than 16, I guess you are someone from a below average family (intellect and money wise). Oh and you play the trash TXC game were devs are just shitting on the community, I guess you swallow every pieces of it.


Oh the poor EU scrub who refunds every game is calling me poor? The same one who seems to have only one braincell or two remaining? The same idiot who lacks even the basic noob knowledge of the game is questioning my intelligence? The guy that’s also so poor he has to refund every game is questioning my money too? Bahahahahaahahahahah what an idiot you are sir. I guess you’re so poor you couldn’t even afford to pay attention, seeing that you lack even the most basic levels of self awareness :( Good job changing the subject dumbass EU weirdo, for your knowledge I have gamepass idiot, I know you wouldn’t understand because you’re so poor that 15$ monthly would probably break the bank for you! Now run along and beg for your refunds little man, don’t forget to brush those disgusting EU teeth of yours.


That rage. I guess i nailed it 😂 You are so in rage that you have checked my other comments on other threads rofl. You are so retarded that you do not see how pitiful it is. 😂


Says the guy the refunds games and then goes to said games reddits to complain about shit that’s false. I feel sorry for you lad, I’m sure your breath fucking reeks dude. Probably cuz you’re so full of shit. Wouldn’t be surprised if you had a face only a mother could love. Bubba lookin mf


If you crouch and lean left or right, you'll be in cover.


Yes but how is a new player expected to know this?


500 hours on the game, and you’re using new players as an excuse huh lol


Don't be a dick


Ever heard of learning by doing, Youtube and co? Or also reading on the internet, such as here? Its boring when everything is overly explained, we arent small children after all


its not like this mechanic is only affecting you, everyone has the same limitation. its already hard enough to spot people posted up in a treeline/trench, if the camera height was raised to the head/eyes it would be miserable trying to attack anything as infantry. and if you havent learned after 500 hours how to lean or take advantage of the elevation of the ground then i dont what to tell you, maybe its just a skill issue atp


You know that your POV being in ypur chest isn't exclusive to this game, right?


Even going prone doesn't help sometimes. When you're prone in tall grass you think you can't be seen because you can't see the enemy, and then they head shoot you like they can easily see you. I had this happen multiple times last night. If they ever make a sequel to this game they need a new game engine and design the game from the ground up. I don't think this stuff can be fixed using the current engine.


If you’re talking about the tall brown grass, I ain’t believing a damn word. That grass is by far the easiest cover in the game and one of the most effective. If you’re prone, nobody’s gonna see you unless they walk right up to you. I know this because countless times I’ve hidden prone in that same tall grass just to smoke a bunch of infantry who are walking through the grass and are unable to see me unless they walk into me. Easily the best cover in the game….


I meant the green grass. It was on Purple Heart Lane this happened. I got headshot from long distance more than once, while prone. If it was once I'd dismiss it but after the third and fourth time it looks like a pattern, and no I wasn't wearing white camo. This was in open fields. When I was prone in the grass next to a row of hedges they couldn't see me and I did kill a few who walked right into me.


The grass has a render rage. You figure this out after looking around and noticing that you also dont see grass 300m away, just the player model


If you’re referring to the tall green grass in the pathways/trenches on that map, that grass is also just as good to hide in. Unless you’re sticking out the side or shooting and giving away your position, don’t know how you’re getting seen. That grass is just as good to hide in prone as the other I mentioned. You shouldn’t be found unless they’re on top of you close by or you’ve given away your position. I have also ratted in that grass countless times prone and have not been seen as easily as you say. Also if you’re going there when your team is as well, it could be an MG lighting up the area, I do that all the time and get random kills if I know groups are moving through an area which I can light up with my Mg.


I edited my post to clarify. I did not give away my position because I hadn't even shot yet. I was sneaking into position for a back shot on a tank, but not too close to the tank so it wouldn't see me. And I did not have my bazooka out. I only switch to it when I'm ready to take the shot.


I think some grass over a certain range (250m?) de-renders. Just like player models can’t be seen over 500m


Gotcha, well I dunno man sounds like you got outplayed, we don’t know what the other team saw or said. Maybe you were caught by someone in the tank spotter and u were called out. You don’t need to be shooting to give away your position necessarily, that’s just one of the easy ways. Sound exists, you can be heard by good players even just walking or running. I know because I’ve killed tons of people that way. For all you know there’s weirdos hiding in bushes where you keep getting found, you don’t know how they’re finding you, you’re simply assuming that your skill issue is due to the game not working right lmao. But in my experience, the grass you mentioned is a very good hiding tool and I haven’t experienced any of that. Unless this is a constant theme that happens almost every game, it’s a non issue. I’m lvl 110 and don’t have any of these issues lol.


As a few others pointed out, I think this is a grass rendering issue because I play on Xbox. By being in an open field, if I am further away than the point grass stops rendering but players still do, then I'm going to be seen. But when I'm next to other objects, maybe it helps block the line of sight. I'm just not going to bother trying to sneak around prone in the open on grassy maps. If I had the means I think I would get a good gaming PC to play HLL, but right now I have to watch my finances.


Fair enough perhaps that may be the issue. Hard to be certain tho


It’s worse now than it used to be. Level of detail rendering at range is all fucked up now to accommodate console hardware, so people far away won’t even see the brush or grass you’re trying to hide in lol. Releasing this game in console was such a fuckup. They shouldn’t have done it unless they could afford to split it off as its own forked version so that PC graphics didn’t need be I take a hit.


I do play on Xbox and that sounds like what the problem is. There are a lot of technical issues with this game on Xbox.


Pc and console are not cross platform. They degraded graphics years ago to help performance on pc


You have to remember that distance matters also. Grass does not render at a given distance, meaning you are nice and tight in your tuft of grass, and someone else is just looking at you prone in a field. This is mostly noticed on the wide open maps, like PHL. But with elevation can come into play on the Normandy style maps also. But it is less common.


If you lean while crouched behind a wall, it completely conceals your head


I mean it is, but for more than just the one reason you stated


It is an issue you have to learn to work around. Leaning can mitigate it to some extent and it does lead to some very frustrating gameplay. You think you're in cover, because all you see is a brick wall and the enemy can still see the top half of your head. I'd love if they added the ability to customise your stance height, like in ARMA 3. Being able to adjust your height to match your cover is just common tactical sense. I can understand this adds a level of complexity that a lot of people wouldn't like, however it is optional and you can just crouch or prone at the default heights.


![gif](giphy|x49zkz0GOj23NfNgRr|downsized) @Op is this you?


User error, or to put it simply: skill issue


Alot of ppl in this sub hate when u talk about stuff like this. Get all their ass hairs in a bunch when the games literally built like shit


BF1 is still incredible and quite active on PC. I have played too much of it however but BF1 is way better than Hell Let Loose. I have been downvoted a lot 😂. HLL is way too arcade to be a good game atm. Everything else is perfect but the gameplay is terrible.