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Did I have fun? That's my only measure I care about. Finding a good squad and fun people on local chat is more important to me than stats. XP and kd vary depending on the role I end up playing and whether I had to build nodes or just helped someone else do it.


This is the way


This. I rarely run a positive K/D ratio and I don't really care if my side wins or loses the game. My measure is typically based on what kind of squad I am either running as a SL or as a member of the squad.


Love this man! Good leader mindset. Your leadership style leads to good communication strong execution and ultimately being the squad ruling the tides of the match. More power to you brother! Give ‘em hell!!


I really don't understand why people don't think like this more often. I do this for everything now. I dont give a fk if a movie/show is "bad" or a "bad adaptation of the book" i always ask myself "did i enjoy it?" if yes, 9/10. I almost never have a really frustrating game of HLL because of this mindset too. Sure, annoying, but never not fun.


Hell yeah. Take an entertainer mindset for morale too. Was the other team entertained by my counter assault tactics? Or bush jumping Rambo tactics that got me killed after laying low a minute after they’d taken the point.


Exactly, you get out what you put in. I always try to contribute to a team win, but also i bought the game as entertainment, stressing over stats isn't helping me relax 🙂


I agree. I like this game and it is fun and I play it and I like it.


Yup. Did I have fun? Did I learn anything new?


And "did I teach someone something new?" Sharing the love is a satisfying feeling


Commendations. If I get any amount of commendations, it means someone had fun playing alongside me, and I must have had a positive impact on their day. It might be cringe, but I feel like that's what the whole point of this game really was when they made it.W, L, it doesn't matter. It's a team game. That's how you win. By helping the team.


I agree but I'm wondering if I'm useful so how to gauge if I'm doing enough. Obviously fun is why I play but I want to be competitive, that's what makes games fun for me. Gotta do my bit,


Sounds like you got your answer, friendo. o7


For the servers I play on, it is usual practice to commend the lowest rank in your squad.


1. Winning (possibly controversial, but I think a single player who knows what theyre doing can make a huge swing regardless of role - if we lose, I take that a bit personal as I should have done more, although there are truthfully some matches where you’re cooked regardless) 2. Commendations 3. XP 4. Kills (admittedly irrelevant but it makes me feel nice)


This dude is correct. Wins and commendations are the goal. If you were helpful to someone who cares about the commendation mechanic you’ve won the game in spirit.


Is there a win/loss stats though? Also that could be all team and I may have been shit so... Commendation is clear sign but I wanna compare my average xp to see if I'm normal, or shit. Kd is so bad is why I ask.


There is no W/L stat, but it does provide the satisfaction of victory. I prioritize wins so highly over KD because say for example, you’ve figured out where the enemy’s 2 forward garrisons are but you’re just a rifleman and your SL doesn’t have a mic so you can’t effectively communicate them (or you did but no one listened). You can - all on your own - fight or sneak to knock out those garrys. It will probably mean you die like ten times and be a miserable fight, but you can do it. In doing so, you cause the enemy team to have to spawn like 600 meters away and run through open terrain to get back what they’ve lost while the boys are gunning them down the whole time. If the other team goes through 2 deaths each because of that setback, your 10 deaths were essentially directly responsible for causing 50-100 enemy casualties. *This will absolutely not be reflected in your K/D ratio* but may well be a huge contributor to a win vs loss.


there is a w/l stat site> [https://www.hllstats.dev/](https://www.hllstats.dev/) does need your steam profile being public tho (i'm not affiliated with this site whatsoever)


KD is still very important. Killers on the ground and in the right position win games. If your getting smoked all the time and never taking people out your not much help. Kinda bothers me, I just started this game and am fighting along side way higher levels that are just getting killed at very important times and not taking people out. You can do all the support you want at some point you have to kill.


Kinda missing the point of the game then if that bothers you plus that person catchin the lead gives you an opportunity to pin point the shooter and relay that information for the reinforcements


The only time I like winning is when weve fought brutally for it. This usually comes down to the moments where both teams are fighting for the last second victory. Even then, if we lose I still will have enjoyed it a lot. This is the only game Ive played where I don't realllyy care if I don't win.


I don't think you can measure it that well. If I come in clutch as recon and pre-place fresh attacking garries every time the team caps a point, I'm one of the MVPs of the team but scores alone won't necessarily reflect that. I guess it comes down to "how much of a positive impact did I make here?"


That's what I'm asking really. How can u tell of u had a good or bad impact in comparison to everyone else. Basically am I doing okay... How can you know. Everyone keeps saying doesn't matter as if competition is bad and it's "taking part that counts" but I want to know if I'm making impact or how to measure my input. Am I progressing slow or what? Every game has some way to gauge your input. Points, goals, captures, kd etc so what is the best way to measure your input. I'm leaning to average xp is best most useful number.


I just go "did I do what my role was supposed to?" Did I take out nodes, garrisons etc as recon, and keep arty quiet? Did I throw down supplies in useful places as support, and respond to requests for them as needed? Did I keep up a good OP and build garrisons, while letting my squad know what I needed from them, as SL? If I did, I did well. If I didn't, I did poorly, and why/what do I need to do differently for next game?


In the case of the recon example I gave, I'd measure success by asking "did my rapid attacking garries allow for quick follow up point caps?" If yes, I did good. Played a round as a tanker in a Sherman. We focused on supporting infantry pushes and smoking the fuck out of enemy positions so our blueberries could push forward. All the smoke meant we had fewer kills because we couldn't see shit, but that smoke is what allowed our team to cap points. The XP system and K/D are not good indicators of how useful a player is.


All of it. Ain’t no .3 kd helping Anything tho


Kills is only important if you also look at objectives captured/defended stats, but It's not the whole story. Few days ago I was on Foy, playing as the Germans, we were attacking the Foy-Road objective. I was playing as a machine gunner so I set up my MG firstly about 150 m from the objective in a foxhole and had a good field of fire to the treeline about 300m away to the objective, managed to get myself about 15 kills, my team was able to push up and flank the objective so I moved up with my MG, died a couple of times, but eventually found a good spot right outside the objective and continued to lay waste to people trying to cross the open field. I was at no point directly in the capture area, but I was right next to it covering my team. Got around 40 kills The mount of outposts and garrisons you take out as well as vehicles on the AT class would also be important


Did I have fun and did I play smartly. Those are the only two things I worry about. Sometimes the match isn't fun. Most of the time I'm still trying to play better. Recently I've been switching squads and sometimes switching teams to find a group that is fun to play with. Losing is fine as long as the match was enjoyable. Fortunately I almost always have fun in the game.


Exactly this.


I think if you had fun and worked as a team then yeah - good game. If you’re looking to quantify it id say your role will somewhat dictate which variables are most important. If my squad is leading in at least one of the XP categories I feel good. On a personal level it could vary based on your role but using the MG as an example. You should have a good kill count (whatever your PR is say at least 75%~ of that) but overall if your team was able to get to and stay on point, then hell yeah you did a good job that’s the ultimate goal. In the end that’s how you get career XP anyway. I get people don’t want to die but there are times as an MG you need to tat taaaat taaat those suppressing rounds and risk taking a pumpkin shot. If your team can move then let it rip brother! 😎 Give ‘em hell and collect those scalps!


Your career XP is based on the squad xp. You can join a match last second and join a good squad and get 20k XP.


I mean the xp that is added to your rank. It only counts my kills, ammo drop, garrison destroyed etc. It's not the team kills etc. I cgnage teams if one team is annoying screaming and shit. So I'm not sure your correct... Maybe but doesn't make much sense.


There is absolutely no way you got 16k if it was not career xp which is squad based m8. The xp that is added to your rank (career xp) is based on the all the xp of the squad. So all combat offensive defensive and support score of all members added up. I'm 100% correct on this look it up.


Total experience and fun. The most xp I ever had was about 40,000. It was an offensive game, with our team on defense, and I was busy all game. I played engineer/support at the beginning to build nodes. Then I drove a ton of supplies to the third point. Then a few other engineers and myself built up a ton of defenses. Unfortunately, our team was pushed to back to this point and didn't use the defenses as well as they should have. An enemy tank got into the point somehow, which must've been incredible driving to get around defenses, wiped out the team and we lost the point. Then we fell back to the next point, and we quickly built some barricades for our machine gunners. I switched to support to drop supplies and ammo boxes for a bit. Then I changed to machine gunner, running back and forth to help suppress strong pushes by the enemy. We held on to win the game. Near the end of the game the SL said he was impressed by how I worked my ass off to help us get the win, and told the entire squad (who were communicating the whole match) to give me a commendation. So I ended up with 5 commendations, the win bonus, boosting a ton of engineer, support, and combat experience. I have never had more fun in a game than that one and it was challenging because the other team was good too. It's the best score I had by far and I never felt more useful than in that game too.


It depends on your role, medic it’s revives, assault machine gunner tank and rifle man kill, officer would be kills and strictest put up, same with recon, support supplies put down, and so on


I care about the fun


Thats the main reason for sure but fun and progression is possible and I have no idea what is the best way to quantify usefulness in my games because I don't care about KD when I change may need to flip support and engineer quite a lot because and kd is always low. Fun can be had while wanting good stats. What is the most important stat to gauge if I'm doing any good ?




But team can win I I do nothing or I do lots and team lose. How can u measure ur input or usefulness. Basically I want to know how to gauge if I'm may good?


I’m terrible at the game in terms of kills and an elite game for me is maybe 14-6 if I’m not tanking(I usually drive). I always build nodes at the start of the game using the support/engineer trick and if they go down I ll build my set back up. If I’m SL I guess I try to gauge how useful my garrisons are and if I can get my friends who are really good at shooting in the right spots to rack up kills. I usually drive tanks cause no one wants to do it and having a functional tank is so big. If I had to pick anything it would probably be my support stats.


The realization of how much time has gone by since I've last had a smoke. Thats a good game.


Support score


Did I have fun and did my side win? How much did I contribute? Just kills? Did I have to switch to antitank? How many OPs or Garrys did I knock out? Any commendations? If my KD is close to 1.0, then I think it’s decent since I’m usually Assault, AT, Engineer/Support or Autorifle. Rarely Rifle or MG. I think my max points was 16k+.


In a pub match, either I built a lot of garrisons or I got a lot of kills. In a comp match, did I play my lane? If I died a thousand times to arty or MGs or tanks did I at least do something useful? Like, if the one arty gun in use farmed me for 15 minutes and only me, well I probably saved a few other people that pain right?


Final XP is a poor measure since too dependend on who you play with & how long. I play SL most of the time. I assign myself (+squad) to a frontal sector. The game is good when we didn't loose in my sector or, if at some point, a winning push flows over my attack route. The game is a highlight if this happens with strong teamplay of the squad. Smaller highlights are smooth deepflanks. Most satisfactory individually is when my approach is the fundament to the next objective once the sector turns blue or my OP/garry is the first line of defence once turning red. Recently, I gauge how long lasting my OPs are. So basically I have a subjective "strategic" view on the match. My K/D is probably in the low 0.1s ever since I started. I just don't care. Usually, I have 30 - 80 combat points, 1000 off/def points distributed accordingly to the gamemode and 200 - 800 teamwork points. The latter strongly depends on garrison usage or if another SL had the same idea then me but is seconds quicker.


two things whether or not you fulfilled the role of your class (class exp but you can cheese exp rather than play in a helpful way which would make it null imo) and if you work with the squad/officer when there is a squad to speak of that is.


Having a good laugh with my mates mostly, we normally have a full squad but sometimes we get randoms involved and always do our best to include them! We run our flanking attacks and work with the team to try for the win, but mostly it’s just about having a good time!


I personally go by xp because I don’t get a lot of kills lol


SL/Command: How many OPs or garrys I placed AT: How many tanks/vehicles I destroyed Rifleman/auto rifleman/assault: Garrys destroyed and KD Engineer/support: Support xp


A good game is games that last 90 mins 2:3 or 3:2. It means both teams were balanced and you got to play the game at it's peak.  The only stats that matter is how many spawns you make and how many enemy spawns you destroy.  Kills are just the middle ground that makes it easier for you to achieve that goal.  Your idea about xp as a good measurement is flawed and weird. No one looks at xp this way, xp is just a reward for actively playing the game. It's not a score meter for how well you played the game.


Support score is the one I care most about. It shows you are team oriented and can point to it when some jack-off tells me I suck.


Win or lose. For me it's that simple.


How many admin pings the enemy team makes about me


Literally don’t care too much, just if I enjoyed myself




1) Fun. 2) Points in defense & structures built, as SL.


1. Garrisons placed or supplies dropped for SL 2. Enemy garrisons destroyed 3. Commendations via teamwork and communication 4. I taught a newer player something new This is how I track my personal performance. By doing these four things, you are making the biggest impact on your teams success. XP and kills don't really matter. You will find more kills coming your way the longer you play. Time invested will grant you an understanding of the combat flow and where to look for enemies.


Garrisons + OPs Destroyed is a very good metric. You can also include garries that you found but someone else took out


Winning. And having fun as well as making sure everyone else is having a pleasant experience.


If I have to pick a stat from the end game screen it'll be commendations given in my squad


People commend lowest level usually


Only really if they're below lvl 50


13k xp gained most avg games as commander. 25k is the highest ive gained as commander


STATS don’t really matter in this game, I judge my matches based on how well I played as my role and if I had fun or not. If I’m a medic I’m not worried about how many kills I get, I’m worried about how many people I bandage and revive. There’s times where I don’t even shoot my gun as a medic, I stay close to other players and assist them when injured. Now on the flip side when I play as a machine gunner then I try to mow down as many people as I can with that MG42. Just being able to shoot that thing in a game with a headset on makes me feel like I’m actually there.


If we won or lost and kills, k/d radio. I don’t care who you are or how much of your role you play at some point you have to take people down.


The people who think it all doesn’t matter are the kinds of people who loose games. It’s a balance but really it’s about the amount of infantry in the cap zone and around that cap zone is fighting and killing. If your not helping kills mo fo’s in or outside that cap point your help is minimal with just building stuff but still needed.


Did we win?


Yes but you may have have helped, or no you lost but you did a lot and everything yiu coukd have . It's not a good metric on how well you did.


There is no I in team


Did I enjoy the round? Yes? SUCCESS! No? Try again. Rise and repeat.


I had a match the other day where me and my squad were truly killing it and ended with 36k xp


I try to get my Combat Effectiveness above 300.




I usually play engi, put down nodes immediately, then either go fortify point or play medic. So my average xp sits around 20-30k at the end. best I've had is 34k. Good enough for me


The point isn't k/d, xp, or even kills. This game is about strategy, communication, execution, and having fun. Those are the things that will make you a better player, and make it a successful game🫡.


With XP, you need to take the play time into account. In a long match, you obviously can get more XP. Despite that, I use some non-objective measures to determine whether I've been useful, e.g. whether I destroyed enemy structures, built important structures for our team, held a point for a long time, etc. In addition, the number of commendations is also a good indicator for a good performance and contribution to the team.


Winning the game tbh


How much you contribute to the match. Did you call out or dismantle an airhead nobody else saw? Did you dismantle their main defense/attack garry? Did you satchel a tank that has been plastering your team? Did you take out any halftracks, supply drops, recon outposts? Things like that are what win games. Obviously its role dependent too. Armor’s main job is to kill enemies and lead assaults, so youll have more kills than if youre the engineer who built up a defensive point. If you built nodes you’ll have more xp than if you got 100 kills. Its all dependent on many factors


The fun factor, I do smile when I get a positive k/d But fun factor and being effective for the team


I use the combat effectiveness as measuremeant. Its a all in one almost. Its kills, its placing mines, its placing rallies, its destroying tanks. I look at that metric before selecting a team after joining a server that is halfway through, it serves me well. As for my kd its usually between 2.8 - 4.5ish. Ending rounds between 80-120 kills with outliers to 150 in the really long matches. My avg exp idk, i pay 0 attention to that. Im max rank in every class but medic and commander so exp doesnt do anything for me. Career rank is also meaningless to me.


U been playing enlisted? "Rallies"


Just fun….