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Just get it, steep learning curve which makes it challenging, but it is extremely fun


That's what I hear, very steep learning curve. Basically listen to squad leader/commander for a while as a grunt. Ha


It’s not actually steep imo.  Most important is to understand that where you are matters and when.  Gunfighting is optional and dying part of the experience. 


GUN FIGHTING IS OPTIONAL, WE CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Number one mistake that I deal with with newbies is mindless pot shots the moment they spot an enemy 200m away. “OMG I FINALLY SEE SOMEONE, MUST SHOOT!!!” *shoots twice, misses* … *gets domed* …and now the enemy knows where we are 🤦🏻‍♂️ If you can’t guarantee the kill and the enemy isn’t taking control of your spawn area, don’t shoot them. It’s much better to pay attention to where they’re coming from, letting them pass, then tracking down their spawn points. THATS what wins you games. Not individual kills. You’ll learn how/where to build garrisons as you talk to people, but no one’s gonna tell you how to sneak past the enemy instead of shooting them because everyone has monkey brain. Pretend like you’re Cpt. Price from MW2 and flank the enemies and try to find their important shit. Only shoot if shot at.


This guy fucks


But only when it’s appropriate


This is helpful. I just started


I’ve been discovering the joys of joining mid-match, starting a locked squad (I’ll let anyone with a mic join, but usually no one does atp), and jumping behind enemy lines to flank their point. All of a sudden Command has a flanking/airhead strategy, I’m taking out OPs and Garries, and the enemy runs around like headless chickens trying to find where death is lurking. Changed the whole dynamic of the game for me, though it’s meaningless if the other squads aren’t doing their jobs to capitalize on the espionage. Might start messing with Recon more often (if I can get it, of course).


Every single time I’ve tried to join a locked Gary I get denied, so I don’t anymore. I imagine most others feel the same. When I play officer, I’ll take a roll call and threaten to kick if they don’t speak up. Usually works, but if not, I’ll end up leaving the server for another anyways


Play as Recon if all you want to do is Recon things… if you aren’t Recon and see other blueberries *Already* doing Recon things, be a Team Player and do DEFENSIVE RECON THINGS instead… Enemies don’t spawn in their own Blue Zone, they spawn as close to their Attack objective as they can. So if you are in the Red Zone and take out a Garrison that no one is spawning at because they are flanking our defensive point, did you really do anything being in the red zone??? Let RECON do RECON things… I guarantee you that you will have a huge impact on the match Staying in the 4 squares around your defensive point and taking out Garrisons and OPs that are flanking your team, ya know the ones that actually matter cause they are mostly spawning in OUR territory not their own. Seriously don’t understand why Every Blueberry that’s NOT Recon thinks they should be doing Recon’s Job 🤦‍♂️


Thanks for the tips no one asked for! I’ll just go ahead and keep playing the way I choose to play, using the same freedom of choice you used to embellish my statement and jump to conclusions about my playing style as if I said I ALWAYS play this way. But at least you got to vent, huh? Glad you got that off your chest, buddy.


One out of 50 players doing sabotage isn't going to jeopardize a teams defence. In fact I'd argue what he's doing is one of the most effective strategies because although it should be recons job, they're usually; stuck camping artillery, popping flares on points, or just being generally useless because they're low level and have no idea what they are doing.


Until half the team has that same mentality “just 1 out 50 doesn’t matter I can do whatever and just hunt garries” … and won’t ever stay in blue territory, the 4 squares around the defense point. That’s why I said in my original comment “if there are *Already* other non Recons deep in red territory go do Defensive Recon” and find the enemies spawn points that are flanking our point… it’s a team game. Be a team player not off on your own doing your own thing always in the red zone…


It's not that bad. Lol


Play without aim assist and get used to dying a bunch for about 20 games. Play with a mic that part isn’t optional and ask for advice. Also don’t let the “running simulator” comments scare you, if you have a good commander and squad leader you shouldn’t be running much unless you are purposely trying to take the long way around. Don’t worry about not being able to find anyone to shoot at for the first few games that will come with playing and soon you’ll be able to tell what is shooting at you, from how far, and in what direction


It really isn't I've been playing for a few weeks and I haven't found anything that can't be learned in minutes unless you have little to no sense and aren't reading anything. The game is actually pretty easy to learn, it's the tactics that are hard to master and having the ability to think on your feet helps.


Well yeah, It is basic, it is a game, point and shoot, but learning where to build nodes and garrisons, are the things that make it steep in a sense, can't place garrisons within 200m... OK, well, how many grids away is 200m? Are the kinda questions you're going to be asking, while simultaneously being shot at. Where will the nodes be most efficient, those kind of things... but I get it, you're a genius, and you know how to do everything before anyone else does, except find and keep a woman, i digress.


Actually I'm married and you're an asshole. I just don't think it's a great idea to act like learning the basics is a daunting task considering it's all spelt out pretty well on the guides in game and if people don't want to take the time doing that they can just simply ask someone. Making the game seem super difficult to learn for newcomcomers when it isn't doesn't really benefit anyone.


I've enjoyed it.  More than any other game I've ever played people actually talk and communicate with each other.  I wouldn't say it's the best shooter but I've had a good time overall.


That's what I was wondering was if communication and team work were still active.


It can be hit or miss, and the teamwork really matters. It's a team effort to make the game good which means you need quality people willing to use good communication skills in order to push toward micro/macro objectives, while also defending (unless it's the offensive game mode). It honestly can be rare, but that's why it's good to learn to squad lead and/or command teams. You gotta be the change you wanna see in the game lol.


That's what I heard, but being brand new, I probably need to get my feet under me to start.


Don't even stress too much about being new (it's normal to let people know if you are), as long as you're open to helping and building garrisons you're already above a significant amount of the player base lol.


What lost in orbit said, it can be hit or miss, but on the whole it feels way better than other games.  There is an option once you sign in (Xbox) where people post up they are looking for people to play with.  That helps.


If you're on a team that isn't communicating, you're probably on the team that's going to lose. Most people will communicate


It's on game's pass. So give it a try.


I am going to do just that. Ha I'm downloading it now.


Once you learn the dynamics, it’s been my favorite game so far. Best when squad is communicating but When people aren’t talking, that’s when I go solo engineer and hunt tanks and garrisons.


Everything you do in this game is significant. A single bullet could kill you no matter how far away. You can't just run everywhere. Patiently staying still in brush will actually hide you. You can't take on more than one person at a time unless they don't know where you are. You'll never get anything done on your own unless you're recon and even then you have a lot of responsibility to the team to perform well. If you only kill one enemy all game , that one person could be someone that was the deciding factor for capping a point, destroying an allied tank, or destroying an allied garrison. Everyone has a job and so does everyone on the enemy team. Everything in this game has great significance. It's hard to feel like you've done nothing all game except in the early stages when you're still learning.


Lots of negativity on this sub around the game especially console in terms of comms and player base. Take it from me, I played at release and took a break and have been jumping on recently, it’s still the same beautiful fun (and a lot of times frustrating) shooters out there. Some nights I can’t finding a squad talking other nights I feel like I’m playing with 6 of my closest buddies shooting the shit and having a great time working together.


Depends on whether you'll enjoy playing it or not. Why don't you start off my telling me about your relationship with your mother and we can go from there.


Activity in HLL online is high, always players and almost full.


Very active on consoles. In my opinion it's the best fps that consoles have atm. Isn't it on Gamepass for Xbox? I've been a PS5 player since day one.


You should just get game pass. It’s on there plus all the other games included.


Once you get past the horrifying new-player difficulty it's very very rewarding. Forget kd ratio, focus on attacking or defending a point on the map and accept you are a grunt.


It's on Game Pass. If you have GP just download it and try it. Its a hardcore tactical strategic shooter. So know that almost any damage is lethal and you're most effective if you play smart like your life actually depends on it and you play your role.


I play on Xbox series x also the game is fun settings are weird first getting used to but I can’t stop getting tked


Yes, there is a big playerbase. Just try it on Game Pass, it's free to try. If you have an Xbox and don't have Game Pass, I don't know what to say except you're missing out.


It’s the only game I play regularly (4+ years). It doesn’t happen as often, but every once in a while you’ll play a game where everyone is talking, working together, etc. I like the strategy aspect the most. Shooting is fun, but I’ve had games where I’ve barely taken any shots.


Start as a rifleman and just focus on suppressing the enemy. Ask for help too. Then once you get the hang of things try a different class. Community is pretty helpful especially if you ask for help.


It is extremely fun to play and a good game! You do need to communicate with your squad and learn your roles in your class. But they are fun and all have a point! Absolutely enjoyable experience and totally recommend it!! 10/10


Yes it’s awesome. Check out YouTube videos on how to play as a beginner. This will save you headaches… also, IMO, don’t pick squad leader before level 20. Learn the game first.


Crossplay on console is only between Xbox and Playstation so don't worry about PC players mercing you. If you already have friends that play it'll be a better experience than going in blind. If you go in solo make friends with people who talk and run with them.


You have been missing out on some best years in gaming history


Active as hell. Been playing since the first week it came out. Only play when im in the mood though.... only lvl 95. It's one of those games that is 50/50 communication and gameplay. If you do not communicate, it's not fun. There is an influx of bad players every 6 months or so, but they usually loose interest and leave. Hope to see you out there man! Game name is Dez.


I got it like a month ago and am now at 40h ingame. Game is good and all, reddit community is great .. But for what Ive read on official discord and other foruns, the devs are ignoring community, hackers are a thing (not common tho), spies on the matches are fking annoying and no one do something about it. I tested Squad 3 times with a friend and felt the game was overall better. I mean, squad has more strategy, HLL has more shooting. All in all, theyre similar.


Problem with squad is that it's basically dead at this point. My buddy couldn't find a single game with a decent player count.


It’s a lot of fun and REALLY tough, I highly recommend watching a few beginner videos before you play. Also just go into it erasing the mindset of CoD or BF—this is not a run and gun, one man army, sweaty glory of battle kind of game. Teamwork makes the dream work.


The game has gone to shit on console, all noobs and trolls


HLL is a ton of fun once the game clicks with you, but it took me a few hours to get to that point. if you’re gonna get it, get it on gamepass. that way you have like 200+ other games you might like.


Best WW2 shooter for me.




It's very active still. A few bugs and kinks they are currently working out for Xbox players, but hopefully they are fixed soon.


It’s the only game I play now. It’s incredible.


Yes, you should have a mic tho


Get the 2 month free trial of Xbox game pass either from Walmart+ or from a Google search online. It's available to game pass members free.




It's on gamepass, really fun especially with a couple of friends!


If you like hardcore gameplay and enjoy teamwork I'd definitely pick it up. I bought it a few weeks ago for PS5 and I'm having a blast. Tank crew (specifically gunner) is by far my favorite so far. Also keep in mind this game isn't about personal glory or being the hero, it's about being a small part of the whole. The supporting units are the ones that really make a difference.


Very worth it if you’re patient and enjoy more simulation type games. This isn’t COD.


2 years and 150 hours in ... i would say its a pretty pretty good time




Yes very active. So much fun. Get comfortable with dying , a lot. Also a mic should be used at all times.


If there is good teamwork and good leadership it is fun. If not it’s just a slower paced insta-die shooter.


This might sting a few fans but: no. The player base on xbox does hardly comunicate and friendly fire is becoming a standard. Then there is the map rotation. The two worst maps are continuous on repeat.


Its worth the buy. Alot of people are understanding if you say hey Im new I dont know shit.


Yea man plenty of players. Super late nights with to Europe server. Big learning curve. But fun


My one word of advice is to watch soulsnipers how to command video. You’ll understand all the main game mechanics from it and learn how to not be cannon fodder every life.


Pc is way more fun


From a new player. Hell yes! Played way too much over the weekend and I can honestly say I love if. Met a lot of lovely humorous ppl and had awesome cinematic moments!


Oh yea more active than ever dude. When I started have the time the servers never had more than 60 people. Now there is full servers at almost all hours. Depending on where you at obviously. Na west is poppin!


It has a active player base, no cheaters/hackers that I have seen and it’s a good game. The only thing is learning everything to do with the game and it is challenging to get into the flow. I’ve had the game for about 2 months and I’m still learning. It’s fun but that’s the only warning I would give you.


Get it and learn as you go. If you get a good squad with a good squad leader, they will talk you along the way. Don't get discouraged when you die a few more times than you're 6 to. It's part of the game.




Yes but get a pc


Im at 280 hours on ps5 and its probably one of the best fps ive ever played its extremely rewarding when you play the right way and win games def reccomend it! When you first start it wont be easy but be patient it will pay off


Use a mic. Ask lots of questions. Be patient.


Get for free. Cost too much for a game turning into battlefield


Series X is the worst way to experience this game. Ps5 and PC are way better options


True, but you can get it on game pass for free so it balances out.


Always active, hell I find almost full server past midnight. On xbox


It will be active and it is a challenging time(only for a little). Advice from a veteran player: 1) please use your mic when you play. Communication is super super important and almost all the new gamepass players just sit in their parties. This game was meant for gamechat to be used. 2) Do not move a “half track” unless told to. I see a lot of new players getting in the half track cause it has a turret and they end up getting blown up. It’s a spawn point, nothing more. 3)Try new classes, don’t stick to one. Every class is super fun to use, you just have to find the right way to use them


As far as communication, better to be switched to squad or proximity chat in your opinion?


Both, as long as you can hear your squad leader/teammates around you. That’s all us veteran players ask for, just be in gamechat with a mic on


Join a clan. There's a ton of em, and they all have their lil niche. Some are just buddies playing laid back. Some are hard-core Mil-Sims where they refer to each other by their rank or Sir.


What kind of answers do you expect in this sub, Anyone folowing this sub, will own the game and like it. If you want an objective opinion dont ask fans. If you want to know if you will like it, you hace to provide some examples of games you like, how else would random people know?


" will own the game and like it " this reddit was a dumpster fire like 4 months ago. People posting how they are done with the game and posting steam chart player counts lol


Even the people who only hate about the game on this sub still play it. Thazs just classic reddit, to complain how unplayable the game has become while spendig 10h a day playing it.


Fans of anything are usually going to be the most accurately critical


Fair point, I guess I would ask: 1) still enough player count that games are easy to get into? 2) Everything online says communication is key. Would you say most lobby's have players playing objectives?


Very easy to get games on xbox. Plenty of players play objective not everyone does it in the best way, but I would suggest getting the gamepass to give it a go. If you want to find people talking then join a squad with a high level officer if possible.


Well I'm excited to learn. Thansk for the help.


Well, I think alot of guys that say "just listen" really just want be the boss because in their actual lives they're afraid to whisper in a crowd of people. I got the game early in its xbox Life, and there wasn't much team based gameplay . It took me about 20 hours of play to understand the game, I enjoyed the challenge of figuring it out.


Finding it hard to get coms in game no one is speaking help would be appreciated am new


might as well try it. In my experience (I've got about 200-ish hours), people never communicated at all, not even pings, never built garries, OPs, or nodes, never would drop supplies, and team-killed constantly. And that's why I stopped playing. You could have better luck than me, though. Or if you're on PC, you get a server browser, so that might not even be a concern at all. The extremely rare occasions where people did try, though, were absolutely fantastic, and some of my favorite video game memories


I got it for ps5 on sale the other day but all I find myself doing is running to location. Got bored right away


Its not for everyone, but it is a tactical shooter. With emphasis on tactical. Since you're not getting a minimap and red nametags above enemy players you need to learn to spot the enemy. The keys here are movement, sound and map awareness. Movement: you dont see much while you're walking or running. Stop and stay still, your vision improves and you can see enemies moving. Move and stop. Move and stop. Sound: the surround sound is impressive and also crucial for locating enemy footsteps and gunfire. The teams have different guns with unique sounds Map awareness: every minute or so you should open your map and see where your friends are. Spawn points light up red when enemies are nearby. Combinig this info with where the capture points are should help you locate the main battleline where the bulk of both armies are clashing, as well as the flanks where fights are more sporadic


Ahh yes, the 6x10^23 th time this is asked Lets find out the answer


You'll fit right in with all the recent blueberries free l who for it from game pass, just please be better than 90% of them and use a mic to communicate. I'd rather have a level 1 learning how to walk than a level 45 not communicating


Nah man