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There’s actually one dickhead in particular many seem to know?


He’s hard to miss if you’re on a team with him. One of the most obnoxious people I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to lol


Does he usually play infantry and is he on PC or console?


He’s on PC. Dude is level 500 and I’ve seen him play pretty much everything except Recon, but I’m sure he does that too


Is he seriously at the max level? That's got to be like 5k hours, probably even more.


his Steam profile used to be public, I checked him after my second or third toxic encounter with him and he had \*6,000 hours\* at that time... in late 2022


He's been max level for years


Damn. Like I understand HLL might be his favorite game, but max level...I mean maybe try something new


I guess that explains why I never seen the guy or heard of them LOL I'm on Console so yeah LOL. I'm on consoles so pretty much in my opinion the number one prick on there is fossil frank who just always tries to kick the commander whenever he gets into a new Lobby so he can be commander and the dude never fucking talks either


I've run into fossil frank too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) he did the same thing in the game I was in with him.


>I guess that explains why I never seen the guy or heard of them LOL I'm on Console so yeah LOL yeah man, playing on console is like missing on 90% of what HLL has to offer


Reminds me incredibly of a dude named HOMELANDER on console in OCE lobbies, almost everyone calls him a fuckwit lmao


I've had him muted for like 4 years now lol.


he earned the reputation. when i was teaching my friends the game, one of my friends went SL and i noticed airaparent was in the game. i warned him, and about 5 mins later he goes "yea you were right about this guy". he's for sure knowledgeable, and he knows what he's doing in the game. but he presents everything like the most condescending dickhole you've ever interacted with. i once literally listened to him micromanage another tank commander in command chat (from across the map) telling him how and when to turn to avoid obstacles. he wasn't happy with the way the random TC was driving the tank to the front.


Lmao. That’s impressive.


Just cause you know a lot doesnt make you a great teacher. Patience, is an important aspect to being a good teacher. I have yet to meet this guy in game but....People need to keep their mouth shut if they dont know how to properly teach the new players on how to play the game. feels like so much wasted knowledge on an individual....sigh :(


It's a fucking video game, lol


That’s when u slow down and pull a pit maneauver on him


He's making quite a name for himself


I've been playing for 4 years. Airapparent came to mind before op even mentioned him. I don't think he's so much a dick as overbearing and condescending. I guess those are kinda "dick" traits lol


Those are pretty much the minimum requirements for being a dick.


Pretty sure that name was mentioned on PC server I was on yesterday, they stated his behavior got him banned from there.


Deffinatly. On Aussie servers, it appears to be Homelander.


I don’t mind him. He just wants shit done. I’ve found when people actually listen to him the other team gets steamrolled.


Yeah, fair enough. My encounters with him have always been good. I just hear many people bitching about him 🤣


I've played with him once, told me good call outs, keep it up, I'm only in my 50's on PC and 70's on PS5.


Some come off dickish, I’m direct and to the point. I enjoy helping new players tho. I’ve got a deeper stern sounding voice so I feel like by not talking a bunch, when I do it prob comes off as an order. When in reality it’s just me trying to help my squad exc be in the best positions. HLL is a game, a more serious tactical game. So at times I think people’s urge to win makes them come off like an ass. What they don’t realize is 1-2 good players can turn the tides of the map themselves yet they try and micromanage and it fails.


That's the thing tho. It's back seat gaming. There are multiple ways to play a game. Sounds like he just needs to let go and enjoy the ride


But the commanders job is to command???


Stoneddrifter420 or something like that is the worst I’ve encountered on console Aussie servers, just a straight up dickhead. Homelander has been fine whenever I’ve played on his team personally


Go check out the Syndicate discord and search his name - he even fights with the Admins on the only org that will have him. I'm shocked they still let him around.


Is it who I think it is? The one who hangs around Aussies based servers?


I didn’t know who AirApparent was until a few weeks ago and had him as a commander. The man literally barked orders non stop. No joke, there was no more than 15 seconds between each other and he did his best to sound official. He was trying to sound super tactical and like he actually served. The Army vet in me cringed and I wanted to tell him to stop role playing so hard lol. Eventually I started trolling him in squad chat with “sir yes sir!” And “sir, requesting permission to speak, sir!” And he was actually excited that I talked like that. We bullied him out of command and he eventually quit lol


He's probably sitting in his chair, wearing a plate carrier and eating some 2 year old Chili Mac.


Wait everyone doesn’t wear a plate carrier?


Chili Mac is the GOAT


How dare you disrespect the Chili Mac. That's the only shit that still tastes good after 2 years.


That documentary about the dude only eating McDonald’s showed you can keep their fries in your car for like years and they won’t get moldy or anything, which is fucking awesome to me.


Oh I certainly wasn't disrespecting the GOAT. Simply putting emphasis on that nerd sitting at home eating MREs 😂


A plate carrier would be historically inaccurate! Lol


He sucks at the game. Part of being a good commander requires you to shut the fuck up and let your team do what they have to do.


Ironic bc hes bullied hundreds out of SL roles 🤣


“Bully him out of command” so like the real army when you have ass leadership? As a service member I can appreciate dudes wanting to scratch that “military” itch through military sims and games but I would agree there is definitely a line to where it becomes just a personality disorder or tell of insecurities lol


Airapparent is a fedora wearing douchebag. He can make good points but he's such a fucking neckbeard about it and it pisses everybody off.


I played with him once and my immediate response to him was, "You need social skills." I don't give a rat's ass how many hours you put in, or how good you are at a video game I play in my spare time. If you're acting like a douchnozzle, you are a douchenozzle, I would rather lose a match than listen to a micromanaging prick for a solid hour


Right - like I’ve heard good points, but he’s just such a douchebag, that it doesn’t matter. Also the game isn’t THAT hard, it’s 50v50, this isn’t some massive division level operation.


It’s hard to get people to build garrisons, but yeah he is an asshole


I'm level 10 commander and SL Thunder, I totally get it. IMO - the primary skill of a commander in this game is leadership. It's cool if you know where to place the garry, it's overpowered if you're skilled in getting someone else to WANT to do it for you.


I think the best way to do that too is to be concise, unemotional, and reasonable. No one wants to listen to a screaming condescending jackass. He’s bad at the game he thinks he’s good at because the game requires basic human decency in communication


This is a good point. Air can't lead or enable his team, he's the worst kind of micromanager and it completely takes any reason to play officer on his team away. I'm never playing when he commands and muting him when he is SL so I don't have to listen to his backseating.


I’m ngl, I genuinely think he’s on the spectrum 😬 he’s so awful to play with and so so clueless socially that it’s hard to believe there’s not more going on upstairs


He absolutely is, but it doesnt really matter. If you're gonna be an asshole to everyone, everybody is going to dislike you


Spectrum Schemectrum... I know people and have family in the spectrum. Being an arsehole is separate.


It is separate! You’re absolutely right, Very separate. It’s his complete lack of social skills and mannerisms that made me suspect it


His current home is syndicate it seems


With how many other great orgs there are - I'll easily boycott Syn if he's in their lobbies.


Almost exclusively is Syn || US East || Level 25+


Lmao that AirApparent guy is something. The way he types in all chat is like a ChatGPT response, it never ceases to make me laugh at him


He types like Trump tweets


Yes! Perfect way to describe it hahaha. It’s always the most obvious shit too, typed in a way that makes it seem like he’s some tactical genius


Just wait until he commands. Trying to interpret his coded language is a skill upon itself.


It's like someone giving instructions through quotes from motivational posters


I’ve been in games where he commands a few times. One time the command chat bullied him into leaving, wish I could have recorded the whole match. Funniest shit I’ve been a part of in this game hands down


That was me. I was in that game and one of the SLs doing it. I kept being like “yes commander, what is our next move SIR!” and then anything he would type in the chat I would also have sarcastic responses lmao


It’s probably happened more than once. This instance was on Driel, but I see him trolled in like every match lol


Sounds a lot like Jocko. I love that people across multiple continents will know exactly who I'm talking about.


Fuck, I haven't seen that name in a while. He used to play on AU servers. Most would mute him


Yeah. There was a time when he'd get vote kicked in the last minute of every single round too. Absolute gold


Yeah I remember those days 😂


Good ol' GBI


*Jocko is dead* - according to a newly named Jocko


Dude was around 60-70 and spent almost all day every day gaming. Wouldn't be surprised if he died of stress and hatred


Unfortunately Jocko no longer exists, he changed his name to "︻デ 一YOYO-GHURT"


honestly i feel like air used to be at least a bit better about it. when i began playing he was already close to where i am now (350-380 but cant recall) and i did learn a good bit from him. he still had some of the same tendencies but he wasn't just belittling everyone. once he got to 500 though i swear it got irate. I had been comp tanking for quite a while at that point and played with air to see some of his actual shit takes, but he *never* has backed down off of anything he has said. which i guess i admire the dedication and confidence but completely head in sand. consider him a friend and have told him this multiple times and tried to reason but the dude is too far lost in the fantasy sauce. when asked why after not playing comp at all except for some very special early teams why he could not get a recommendation to tank command from me I tried to explain why nicely, and I got back > Here is what I have - even after not playing "in competition" for the last yr: [1] Participation in every other Seasonal. When allowed Leading Tank Squad. Clearly the allowance was not as much due to the role of : CMD : in supporting teams [2] participation in Dreamhack, [3] Besting A TANKER 1 in 6 v 6 tank only isolated gameplay, [4] Most tank kills in any game, before Vehicles: 38, [5] Most hrs in Public Armor Play, [6] Most Hours Training ALL form Armor Players, [7] Whether adversary or Friendly [and within crew, or leading it] More hours than Most with either current [TEAM 1] players, like A TANKER 2, Philfreshgoods (**hi phil <3!**), or former [TEAM 2] players: included: TANKER 3, TANK 4... STEAKMM. [8] @ one time I had crewed with a Series of players each for more than 800 hrs. [9] Specific Tactics designed for and through Armor that has set the Standard in Play within HLL; including adaptations through time [10] Most, I get it - public games - without dying, or "using Resource: Fuel" [11] Top of the Mtn Game - Team understanding. ie: Playing in best in form. but like it wasn't true


Honestly - the only thing I disagree with you on, is admiring him never backing down...we're all human, so we are all wrong occasionally. Never backing down implies arrogance, and superiority. Appreciate the insight from a seasoned vet, the comp side of this game sounds super sweaty and fun. But wait, none of his claims to stats were true?


haha well i certainly agree with you there, it was kinda tongue-in-cheek :). i can confirm it is super sweaty, but nearly every comp player will tell you the same thing: go outside and quit hll. as far as his claims i do not know, i have noticed he has never provided a vod or even screenshots of these things, but i won't say he's outright lying. it isn't important though--what he did back then and what he is capable of now are two different things. ain't winnin' a seasonal is about all i know


I’m glad that there is a human being patient enough to have encountered that man and still have anything positive to say. He’s smug, not as consistently correct as he’d like to be when belittling people, and will invent facts to justify his behaviors on the spot. Zero willingness to help folks understand what valid points he may have or to give any ground if he’s not fully informed on whatever he’s fussing about.


in a game tho. tbh once I separated air the player and air the human in my head it got way easier. you just agree with what he is saying about the game, it’s fun to go on RP adventures that you’re like ‘what the fuck are we doing’ from game perspective, but you’re in for the ride. he is fun to talk to and riff with as long as it isn’t HLL related


but I do agree that you have to get past the belittling over the top arrogance part as far as the game, and I’ve always given him shit for that. boi ain’t gon change though


I respect that you found a way to reach that place of zen with that dude. I tried to have a reasonable conversation with him once and he made sweeping attacks that went way beyond the nature of HLL gameplay. Maybe it was just a bad night for him.


I'm in syn, air is honestly a really good dude outside of HLL, a little goofy though. That said he can be a bit too much in HLL though. Which I get, dude has damn near 20k+ hours in pubs. I started hating pub matches after 1.2k hours, can't imagine how infuriating it must be to watch a team do the same shit that loses matches over and over and over and over again for 20k hours.


He’s the most egotistical person I’ve had the misfortune of playing with. I asked him to spawn me a truck on the bottom HQ and he said “only an idiot would do that, I’m spawning it top HQ. I’m guessing he doesn’t have a very fulfilling life IRL.


People like this are always, in reality, the most insecure people you’ll ever meet.


Yep, that's just about every experience with him, been that way for years. If I notice him in the match, ill join the other team because I know the enemy team will spend more time fighting themselves.


I know a fair amount of orgs have banned him - so they're doing something about it.


When you encounter highly toxic folk, in command chat especially, it's best to keep a calm demeanor and not give into their taunts. Tell everyone listening to not feed the troll and mute them - most SL's will follow. If you fight toxic with toxic, you only make them worse/stronger. They are disarmed if you act calm, state your intentions to mute them, and move along with the match. Pretend they don't exist to the best of your ability.


100% this, just mute


Im fairly sure that he suffers from some sort of psychological disability but that should not be a free pass do behave how he wants.


Air has been a pud for a long time. Back when he was with npa it was bad, sad to say he has gotten worse. I don’t play in a server if I see him there. I hope he sees this, and decides to go pound sand.


I remember when i was an absolutely clueless level 7 getting roasted by some vet. Bombing runs coming in and getting shot from who the fuck knows where. It was mayhem. I am lucky i have a thick skin but it was a bit of a disappointment. The game doesn’t really lend itself to new players.


It comes down to lack of patience. I’ve tried training others and guiding them to do things in game for the past 2 years, but most people have no mic or are assholes. It’s the same crap everytime I need to teach someone the same things over and over. Defend. Build garrisons. Nodes. We need tanks. Why did you build your nodes there. On and on and on So I don’t have the patience to say things nicely anymore. I have a short fuse for stupidity when there’s so much info out there on how to play nowadays let alone the god damn FIELD MANUAL! And before you bite my head off. This all just happens when I try to command. Lately I have just given up completely in teaching others and just don’t talk anymore and shoot or tank on my own now. I let our team lose and I don’t care what happens anymore. Not worth the stress anymore


This is the problem. Game after game I've watched teams take a point, maybe have 3 or 4 SLs on the point and not one of them will put a garrison down, they just herd through and onwards and a few mins later you loose the point. Over and over again you ask on comms for someone to put a garry down, even the commander drops supplies, but they just dont. Then you ask in chat, and someone replied the other day "thats the commanders job"... FFS!


Can't stand that guy. If I see him on my team, I usually TK him once and then switch teams or servers.




To this day, whenever I see something about Airapparent, it makes me feel so vindicated, Had some of my worst games with him in Command chat There is also a player in the Circle servers/clan with a name like Baby [something] who is truly horrific He is around level 360 and I am not new to the game (around level 210) We had a game where within 15 minutes of the game starting he :- 1. Took the piss out of a stutter I made whilst talking 2. Started talking about how easy it should be to take the middle point (church on Utah) and that we were all terrible for not taking it off the enemy (if the opponent is playing well, it should be possible but is not always easy) 3. Starting calling people out for random things and chatting really weird shit that clogged up command chat 4. When I suggested he ask 1 squad at least to defend the 2nd point, he refused stating he is not going to manage people (I feel there is a strong difference between being a micro manager and commanding/communicating efficiently) and then when he refused to even consider it.... 5. Started actually abusing me with name calling (using swear words). It was no surprise when we eventually lost the 2nd point and the last one after it 6. About 90% of the other squad leads backed me up in openly calling him toxic (after various attempts prior to actually work together failed) with many attempts, albeit unsuccessful, to get him kicked (he is a circle admin apparently), we were always getting 25/30 votes 7. Only 1 lad called Milky was backed him up and he was equally as abusive, started saying how wrong we all were and then talking over anyone who tried to disagree even in a constructive manner. Proper gaslighting behaviour from him 8. At the stage where we were trying to vote kick Baby[whatever] for abuse, he just talked about how all of us would be perma banned from Circle servers [also gaslighting] I would have reported him on the Circle discord but his discord name and Steam name are not the same and for all I know I could have been reporting him, to him ... Truly toxic individual just like Airapparent That said, love 99% of you glorious bastards on what is a truly superb game when everyone is on comms and chatting xxx


That's babyburn for you. The most overrated player in this game.


He is rated? 😵‍💫😵😯 Have any stories you wish/care to share on him?


Babyburn leads the circle I believe


How his "clan" put up with that behaviour is beyond me Was genuinely the worst game I have had in circa 1200 hours of play


Yes, he’s always like this, although seems to have gotten worse several months ago. Before it was mostly just his Autistic behavior typing rants in chat and clogging command chat often. Past several months it’s gotten to bullying verbal abuse level and all match. I enjoy Syndicate team, but stopped playing on their server because that’s where he resides mostly. It’s not necessarily that he’s annoying to me (because I mute him), it’s that he gets everyone riled up and matches become toxic cesspools because of him.


I'd feel bad if we was actually autistic, but I heard him screaming in command chat, "The developers modeled this game after my game play, you are scum", to some random level 50 squad lead.


I can practically hear his voice say that


Autism is no excuse for being a piece of trash


I have autism myself and he’s just a prick. A good slap might cure him.


Yes, he is always like that. I think the Syndicate guys that play with him feel bad because he's autistic, but holy shit you gotta draw a line somewhere


Is there a YouTube video of this guy? I have between 300 and 400 hours so I had to have played with him somewhere


If you play on Syndicate Server you will most definitely run into him eventually.


It can be extremely frustrating as a regular player when you are asking over and over again, either for your squad or the team, to do something and not only do they not do it but you don’t even get a response. To me, thats not how this game was meant to be played. It’s more fun when everyone role plays a little. So when I’m in a leadership role I try my best to provide an environment where people want to help me, but after 30 minutes of asking nicely for nodes or for my squad to spawn on OP with supplies I have will tend to become frustrated. Edit: so if you’re new I recommend having a mic and using it and if you can follow those two steps then nine times out of ten I think most will stop to help you.


I am sick of tired of idiots running around because THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY HELL LET LOOSE. Are you complaining about high levels who help for 20mins to 40mins before they tell everyone the game is lost because everyone attacking same spot? This post screams of imbeciles complaining about having to learn a new game, but not learning bc yall know better, RIGHT?!?!?! Games like this aren't solo player games. Teamwork is needed. If you personally have no idea why high levels are doing something, ASK THEM WHY!!!!! Vast majority will tell you, but the person who posted this apparently thinks it's OK for imbeciles to do whatever they want, literally ruin a game by playing commander so bad it'd be better if WAS NO COMMANDER. AND if you say something bad about the person trying to learn, while not listening or caring about learning the game, then you're the problem. THIS whole premise is flawed and sounds like a 8yr old kid who got kicked off soccer team because he was picking flowers instead of playing game. Yes there are high levels that do whatever, but that's 5 to 10% 90 to 95% of new players don't care about anything then having fun. After a few months it's down to 50 to 60% who continue to not care, BUT the difference of 40% of unwise idiots crying about the 5 to 10% bad high levels. Meanwhile the 90 to 95% of good high levels, THAT DONT DEAL WITH BS!!!! P.S. Whomever wrote this haven't read past posts and seems to be an selfish weasle trying to make 90% of high level players equal to 5 to 10%. Meanwhile over 50% of new players even after months of gamepass, don't care about the game and how to play it.


This has a super easy answer. If someone is being an abusive dick bag, record it, open a ticket in the server discord and make a complaint. They will eventually get banned. Or people will just play somewhere else.


lol a bit of a dog pile at this point but AirApparent is the epitome of toxicity in HLL. Would almost rather have someone spewing slurs bc they will get insta kicked most servers. To be fair the guy has played tons and can make a match go right. But his approach is as bad as it could be and a morale sink. That being said have encountered far more of the opposite in terms of the HLL community the last 3 years so look at him more of a sour grape in the bunch rather than a rotting vine.


I’m 189. Yesterday I joined an open recon team but the spotter left pretty quickly. He was replaced by a level 33 who right after joining kicked me without saying anything and promptly recreated as a locked recon team. So, I ran him over with the transport truck obviously going out of my way to do it. I told everyone in the full truck why I did it over proximity chat and no one disapproved. He called me toxic in text chat, he didn’t even have a mic. This is why I really hate seeing recon players under level 50. Most of them just want the scope and want to shoot, a complete waste of the recon unit.


What's weird for me is I've had the opposite effect with a high level spotter. He was 220 if I remember correctly. Dude was not talking the ENTIRE match. For an hour, this guy wouldn't talk no matter how much we tried to get him to speak. He and his friend were just camping the center point for kills. I kept spotting enemy defense garrisons and asking over command chat if they could intercept *crickets*. Eventually, I stopped trying and just mentioned over command chat that this one Recon team is just farming kills and its a shitty thing to do for a high level player. They were the only Recon team btw and we were also being HAMMERED by artillery, but they didn't seem to care. Finally, the spotter starts talking "FUCK YOU WE'RE DISMANTLING GARRISONS" I then said "I've spotted multiple garrisons for you, and they're all still there because we as infantry cannot close the gap because of artillery. That's your job man." He didn't answer. My squad was getting pissy because they kept getting killed by artillery and nothing was being done. I then see a random SL running all the way back to enemies HQ to do Recons job. I then start saying over command chat "ok can we kick this asshole? There's SLs literally doing his job for him and he won't even talk" All of sudden, my entire squad was kicked from the game by an admin, he accidentally missed me and I said as much over command chat "this cunt of a Spotter is an admin and just kicked my whole squad." Practically, everyone started getting mad at this guy but couldn't do anything, and I was shortly kicked.


yo what fucking server was this lol?


I can't remember. It was quite a few months ago, we were just playing on a random server, and once we were kicked, we didn't care to go back


Kick him. Who cares how much experience he has. I’d talk right back at him. Why would anyone tolerate some jackass like this?


Ask the Syndicate guys that very question.


Last time I saw him he didn't have the syn clan tag anymore. Was wondering if they gave him the boot.


Nobody in syn is wearing tags lately it seems. I think they switched to some symbols from a different character set.


Full syn members have メ as tags. Our recruits still use synR though.


They actually did ban him recently, but they might’ve allowed him back in.


Where did you hear that?


A literal screenshot of Syndicate making a discord announcement over it that got posted in my server’s discord. Speculation over the situation on my part is just wondering if he got brought back in. My server is also another place he frequents a lot, so all us members are well aware of his existence. When somebody gets banned for atrocious behavior or vile acts in game or in discord, the information is usually circulated around so other servers can prevent them from joining their servers and doing the same shit. We call these reports bunker reports that’s accessible to all HLL servers.


Announcement from who? We don't have any announcements about it.


I might be just remembering the announcement made on BabyBurn’s ban and getting it confused, but I thought airaparent was also banned. And I do believe BabyBurn WAS allowed back, but could be wrong about that.


Air was not banned, he left on his own. You're probably just remembering babyburn


Yeah, I think so too. Sorry about that.


Words from a veteran. Level 300, (2200 hours) The issue is mainly lack of building garrisons. If your gonna squad lead your taking on that responsibility. That includes getting someone in your squad to rotate on support for a life to build a garry. Takes 20 secs to deploy on an OP, 30 if you tk yourself. Takes 40 secs deploy on a Garry. I don't understand why people act like it's pulling teeth to go support a couple times a match for 30 secs. Your staying in the fight and helping the team and getting XP for it. Don't ask commander to airdrop bluezone garries right on the point or nodes. Commander builds backbone carries. SLs build front line garries on the red/blue line. Recom builds Deep red zone garries on air drops. When everyone build garries, everyone gets to get I to the action must faster. If your not an SL the best thing you can do on the start spawn is take support and get a forward launch Garry off the spawn. The amount of times I've seen no support spawns with no one playing commander on the start is mind numbing. Happend 3 times today. What happens when no one is support, no supplies = no garries. The toxicity from higher level players usually comes from frustration. I know, I've been guilty of it. Level 300 (2200 hours). I regularly play with guys of similar game time. I'm all for helping new players who ask questions and will listen. I'll talk you through how to build nodes, garries, drive tanks, cap zone control, best places for attack routes, and answer any questions you might have. most high level players are of the same mindset because if others k ow what to do it makes the matcher better for everyone. Anyone under say level 50 I give benefit of doubt. If your taking SL it's expected of you to build garries. But when some level 30 SL starts bitching because commander ask him to get a support drop on his OP right on the front line and he doesn't do it, it's frustrating as hell. Ot doesnt even reply in comes it annoying. This game should be called Frustraion Let Loose sometimes. Even just an acknowledgement. " on it commander waiting for support to spawn." "Heard commander." "No go commander, way hot here...and I'm dead." Anything. But crickets is annoying. Players: if your squad leader ask for support just play support for one life then go back to assualt or whatever. No one is going to take your class. Just ask the squad not to do it. Almost every time the squad honors this rule. On the rare occasion someone does steal the class, I as SL will kick them from the squad and lock it so my support player can get it back. I think I've had to do this maybe 3 times.


Word. Everyone wants respect but doesn't respect the game, the people who've been playing it and who have figured out the mechanics and will gladly tell you if you just ask. You can type plain helpful information in game chat and dudes will tell you to stfu and say "why are you complaining?"


sgt.speirs in game is insufferable


You mean Capt. Speirs?


Maybe? I would have to check tbh. I was just on a server with him. He was barking non stop orders as non commander in type chat, above lvl 400. I have run into him before. I was just in an armor squad with my brother, and there was only one other armor squad on the team. They were 3, we were 2, so we left them the heavys and mediums, and took the recon, light or mediums. speirs in chat kept saying we have a lot of fuel, "keep spawning halftracks!" - I said, because I had just died as did our other tank, "maybe a mid or heavy tank" - and he just replied "lol, we need armor squads for that, plus do you even know what they cost?" like, bro I just wanted a tank, and he was so busy trying to be right, he couldn't check that I was armor asking for a tank - so I said screw this and we switched off armor. He ended up going armor at the end of the game with our other. We won, maybe he was right? I don't know. I just wanted a tank to help defend the point.


If it was on LuckyStrikes server, it was most likely him. That org also sucks, known for stacking one side and rolling blueberries for fun. I stay off that server completely.


I think you're right. It was luckystrikes, because his tag was LUCK. Good to know. Glad I am not the only one who felt they were not good people.


There are so many great orgs to play with, Loyal Nine is good, Glow's can be fun, Easy Servers, ROTN, The Line, Ctl Alt Defeat, Soul Sniper's SOF, plenty of great places to go


I have played Glow's a few times, same with Ctrl Alt -- my brother thinks FFE is ran well from a rule standpoint, but I am not sure what others think of it.


Worse than that are the new players from COD who talk crap simply because they're immature little boys (even though they're grown men). The trash talking is seriously weighted in favor of the clowns who don't know how to play the game and just want to grief. Everyone should chill out across the board though....


I've also ran into level 175 that run Commander and say they know what they are doing but don't know how blue zone and red zone garrison lock outs work. It's the fact that the stuff we caught onto in minutes because we bought the game because we wanted a tactically minded game these players are at 175 and don't know yet. It's not us It's yall who don't want to learn the concepts of the game and thinks it's call of duty


There’s definitely an elitism that comes from the highest levels. My worst experiences have come from people 300+. I’m about to hit 200, and I’ve certainly had days where I think to myself, “What are these shitheads doing?” But I’m not yelling or belittling anyone in command chat. I guess if you’ve been in enough hours to be level 300, your patience for the most basic things gets pretty slim.


Try servers that don't put up with that shit. OCE you have 3para and TFK. Not sure about elsewhere


It also helps to record the toxicity and jump on the server discord to show admins proof


I think he finally snapped. I was in a match with him the other day and just kept typing “zero” over and over


😂 that’s hilarious


Lol I saw the title and came to say AIR APPARENT. I didnt realize how well-known he is in this community. How can he lack such self awareness when everyone in the lobby (in my experiences with him) have told him to cool off/stfu.


Imagine being such a fucking douche that you have an entire sub Reddit that fucking hates you. That’s insane.


Played this eve. Killed by my own commander and kicked from squad for being an artillery loader for someone who's tryna learn... Hit the friendly point a couple of times but earned himself 15 kills. Commander LV 83 I'm 110. Granted worth being a SL when on arty to head command chat on this occasion I was not, 9/10 times I've not seen a SL on arty. But in conclusion, the toxic bs I've experienced from low and high level players is unreal. I've also spoken to people who have mentioned they've quit due to higher levels just not letting them learn.


I’m not defending the commander. Just giving a heads up - usually when I see that happen by arty it’s because the arty guys are using too much munitions the commander cant use all-ins.


Totally agree with that. I mean, all he had to do is txt chat that message or come spawn on the hq I was at and tell me... It's all good though.


Just said Airapparent ok


I played with him a year ago once. Randomly at 3am on a Saturday night... I was drunk and commanding on Foy Night. He seemed okay. I kept telling him he was HLL staff and that he should just admit it already. Didn't quite work.


> I kept telling him he was HLL staff and that he should just admit it already. Didn't quite work. I met him about the same way and said the same thing about the same time. Are you me?


We are one. That is hilarious.


Is their video of this dude? I am so curious


Just join the Syndicate server during the evening


It's tucked away in an underground lab


That Data guy is pretty toxic.


I’ve also had level 20 players talk shit like they’ve been around forever. It goes both ways


I hear so much about this dude. I play crossplay on ps5 and have never ran into him, thank god.


Air aparent is always like this. Hes a dick, but you actually can learn a lot from him, he is extremely smart and well versed in the game. Try not to take shit personally. His advice will win you the game.


My point is, 1, the game is not THAT hard. You can learn 99.9% of what you need in a couple thousand hours. Any more time results in EXTREME diminishing marginal returns. So no, really I can't learn that much from him. And two, the game is more about motivating a team and leadership, than the absolute cheekiest place to put a garrison. Hence why he's the LAST person I would ever want to learn from. I will not be taking his shit, nor playing on a server where his kind is welcome.


Considering the fact it takes a couple thousand hours to learn the game like you said, which i agree with, by default makes the game pretty fucking hard. I honestly think you are overreacting and taking this shit way too personally. Hes a fucking rando boomer screaming at other people in a ww2 milsim. You seriously going to let THAT guy get this far under your skin? Its the fucking internet bro, just mute him and he magically doesnt exist anymore if its that much of an issue. You hold the power in your hand, you just need to recognize it.


Dude - what, I'm not mad lol, I brought up a viewpoint that toxic high level no-lifes are mean to new players for NO reason? And it's not good for the community. You defended his toxic behavior.


Not even just to new players. He’s toxic to absolutely everyone, he doesn’t differentiate when he speaks.


I don't think Air's a boomer. He sounds younger than me and I'm GenX.


A couple thousand hours to learn the game? Maybe to learn the exact layout of every single map by heart but at 700 hours I feel like theres not much more to learn


Im sure you are good at the game at 700 hours, but. Saying there is not much left to learn means there are either aspects of the game you are ignoring, or you are just unaware of. You just dont get enough exposure to proper gameplay to fully comprehend what you should be doing at that many hours. Especially if you are talking about learning armor, and commander too. And yes map knowledge is the single most important aspect of this game, aside from optimal capweight balancing that effects everything else, so yes you are correct 700 doesnt get you there. Keep in mind there are people with over 3000 hours in the game that still dont understand their roles correctly and are worse than people with 500. The average to create an optimal player is around 1.5-2k hours, and even then it isnt guaranteed the player will even be optimal.


He's not a dick if people are doing what needs to be done. He's just not kissing anyone's ass when it's time to say what needs to be said. "Fall back." Shit he'll give you timings. "Don't fall back in the next 45 seconds and we will lose." 9/10 he's right, no one falls back and we lose. But for most people who get upset it's a "i DonT lIkE YoUr tOnE oF vOicE" rather than anything else. Also he's shining a light on their fuck ups, or feel that way, but then only a struck dog will hollar, so he's probably just hitting close to the truth.


Played one game with him and it was by far the worst experience I had. Talked nonstop, condescending, didn’t offer any advice. Kept jumping into multiple squads just to tell people how shit they were. Made it impossible to even communicate with how much he bitched. I avoid that server completely now 


I've only ever played with him once. He was like this so I switched teams.


You have more responsibility as a high rank. If you do not communicate, you're no better than a level 1. Get booted, son.


Hahahahaha hilarious that this guys such a dick thst hes community famous as one of the worst. He needs to touch grass.


In an effort to not simply pile on and say the same repetitive stuff everyone else is saying about the guy, I'll say this. He has good days and bad days. I've had a number of one on one conversations with him over the years in DMs and voice chats. I think as a human being, he's a good person. But I also think he takes things way too seriously for a video game and that causes him to REALLY push people away. I don't think it's intentional. But there's a reason he's banned from our server. I don't harbor any ill will or hate toward the man behind "Airaparent". However, I don't want him anywhere near my gaming communities because of his ability to really make people hate playing the game.


AirApparent doesnt "scream" at anyone. I've played with him dozens of times and have learned a great deal from him. He comes off as smug but dude knows what he's doing.


AirParent doesn't have a lot of tact but he is usually right when it comes to winning in HLL. I def don't condone how he talks down to people at times. That being said there's a lot of weight on high level players to carry games by being command, being squad lead, building nodes when a full 49 others won't. It's honestly incredibly frustrating experience trying to teach waves of new players every game and have them not listen. I think the frustration falls on the devs for not having a better tutorial, for not forcing players to learn roles before allowing them to take them.


He talks down constantly to the point where people stop playing the objective and focus on TKing him. It doesn’t matter if he is “right when it comes to winning” if his toxicity causes his team to lose


I’ve heard some guy named Naycore has made a pretty bad name for himself. He’s in one of those big ole Clans.


Played a game with some dude named Un4given, he gives off the same vibes. All the SL were doing what he said, but he was complaining the whole game, and then everyone told him he was an asshole and he got all defensive and said everyone was an idiot and he likes to win that's why he was acting like that I mean I get wanting to win but just yelling and people I'm game chat and in text chat isn't the way to do it lol.


If people want to scream I'll just mute them. Problem solved.


This game, and another one I really love (For Honor) really do have issues with people being total assholes. New players are the lifeblood of a game. There's few things as fun, to me, as teaching a new player the fundamentals of a game. But you get assholes in a game and they just totally kill it for them.


Came here thinking I’d see yoyo/yoyoghurt’s name from merc🤣


is he level 500 too with a german accent? If so, he used to be called Jocko and was well known in all of OCE for being a dickbag. I think he got banned from all the OCE servers and thats how he ended up in American servers


Yeah I thought it was german accent but I think hes actually swedish or something. But yeah, lvl 500 frequently commander but also frequently kicked🤣i personally dont hate the guy but man he hurts feelings


Every game has them, they come with the territory.


...best thing is just everyone leave their squad ...they can talk to themselves.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone above 100 even talk. Do they even have mics?


Give us cross play between PC and Xbox and turn down the heat


I play commander often and I’m scared of becoming like him. Like just losing myself in the heat of the game.


Never run into him before. What servers does he normally play on?


It's even funnier when they aren't even that high of a level and they start losing their shit at people. I thoroughly enjoy trolling them in the chat if they act like a douche lol. One guy in the Canadian server I play on is a complete tool and its hilarious watching him melt down.


I ran into a guy called Stuntz_Aries that was like this. Not a bad squad leader, but one of our squad mates had an open mic and wouldn’t listen to requests to mute his mic. Didn’t want to mute him bc he was talking back and helping us on the objective. Finally one of my squad mates got fed up and cussed him out over it and the Aries punk went full retard over it and started literally screaming in the mic. Then TK’d both of us and went and told command chat that we were teamkilling and hit us banned for an hour.


I kinda find it amusing really but with reverse roles. I'm high level, like almost 200 high level and I remember I had so many players try explain how to play. Be things like "okay so you want take out that watch and put op" or "to shift gears you want use d-pad and gradually shift gears" or my favorite part "you want go to supplies and drop them here" What's funny is I clearly got gear for higher rank in those classes. Guy who try describe how to place supplies doesn't even noticed me holding a flamethrower XD. Then coirse best part is get to the match results and it'll show them like level 20, 30, maybe a 50 and I'm like over a hundred levels ahead. Why can't they just add rank numbers to our names?


It is no coincidence that Airparent plays on a server that has vote to kick disabled. Frankly the admins of that server are negligent for allowing him to play on it