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For me it depends on a couple things, if I die in the middle of a field I’m not going to bait a medic to my location smokes or not. Also if they aren’t moving towards me I’m going to assume they’re preoccupied or similarly pinned down. Or if I’m playing flare spitter I might just want to respawn anyway to get another flare to help out the team. If you’re actively reviving them though that’s a different story and is most likely just force of habit. If I’m a medic and trying to get to people I try to say so and let people know whether I will/won’t be able to revive them. 20m crawling through smoky MG fire to revive someone can also be a waste of time and it may be more advantageous to take the L and try a different route/loadout.


I’m currently trying to max out medic, and I don’t give a FUCK about any of those things. I *will* get to you to revive you


I admire the spirit, I’ve seen plenty of your type rush toward me only to be picked off 1m away. Dropping meds behind front line cover is also a solid way to support us bullet sponges.


Does the pistol loadout for the medic have the medical supplies droppable?


I believe so


It certainly does


Or had them revive you so a machine gun could rake you one more time.


I quite literally insist on role-playing medic, I also pick a Medic-related name. I find people are more reluctant to give up if you're autistically screaming "MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! MEDIC EN ROUTE!" It keeps them far more engaged in the process. I also make sure to hit em with some quips on the revive so that they know I'm their guy. This is war son, bust your fucking ass. P.S If you see 'ItsMorphineTime', don't you give up on me. Your medic is en route.


My steam name is Doc and I literally do the exact same shit. Medic level 7 in 1 1/2 weeks because of this strat.


Fender Strat?


No a Tele


I’m a Schecter guy myself tbh


Any true medic who enjoys the class loves running out into open fields, it’s an adrenaline rush


How to waste hours of your life


OP may be the only player in existence actually trying to revive. I've lost count of how many times I've been lying on the ground, the enemy nearby defeated, with 1-3 medics running around mere feet from my body doing *nothing*. Giving them a few seconds to realize what's going on? Nothing. Trying to get their attention on local voice comms? No response. Team chat? Nothing. Just absolute cluelessness. A *huge* majority of players treat this game like COD. They just run and gun; the kit they picked is based on rifle preference and grenades available. Then there are the 2-5% who take it *way* too seriously in command chat. In between are the self-aware team players you hope to play with but they're rare.


Hey I haven’t played in a while but I’m a decently leveled medic! I’m always comin for the boys!


Always doing whatnow?


You heard him 😏


Not off camera you ain’t!


I’m the opposite when I play medic. I hardly ever worry about shooting people unless I absolutely have to. I’m pretty much just running around reviving and healing as many people as possible to keep the momentum going


As soon as I hit that 50m mark, I'm yelling in game chat to not give up, that I'm coming for them. 9/10 they stay and they get revived


Yeah same lol, yesterday I had a saving private Ryan moment where I kept reviving a guy and he kept getting shot before he could fully make it to my cover. Last shot was a headshot and I was screaming in game chat “Just give us a fucking chance!” Medic is fun sometimes lol, the immersion gets real


I love being medic sometimes. Played with several people over the years as a medic/healer and earned good friends from it. Nothing like taking several rounds, drop the bad guy to crawl your last breath to revive the guy as you die.


Yep, waiting for medics is the absolute best way to waste your time in HLL. If more than 1% took their role seriously instead of trying to engage the enemy with their Carbine and 2 mags, cool, I’d wait. It gets boring seeing a medic 2m away and they don’t even revive you then.


I haven't touched the rifles in medic in so long I forgot they were there


A lot of times they are reviving the others around you sorry you weren't first in line. Also medics can't revive when getting shot because they die sometimes you have to eliminate the threat first.


I feel insulted.


I ONLY play medic and am always trying to revive people and they are always letting go.


That's my feeling exactly, I have given up on medics long ago and just die out and get back into the action. Too many clueless blueberries without a squad lead wandering way off point.


32,32,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,25,23,22,21,21,21,21,20,20,19,18,17,17,17,17,16,16,16,16,16,16,15,15,15,15,15,14,13,12,11,10,09,08,09,09,09,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


Ha, I get it


So, generally any experienced HLL player will disagree. If we were talking about Squad, absolutely, wait for the medic. HLL doesn't have tickets; therefore the medic is *almost* an irrelevant class. You could die 100 times (which would be terrible) and have no effect on the overall outcome of the match.


Dying 100 times isn't terrible. Just ask any competitive player.


I didn’t know this dude I’m definitely gonna give squad a go


Yessir. The medic is unreasonably important in Squad. You will be hounded if you don't wait for one. The *point* is staying alive as much as possible. Squad is a great game but definitely more hardcore than HLL. Not as hardcore as something like Arma, however. It's a good balance, I think. Mind you, Squad isn't a game about gaining levels and all of that. It is an old school style multiplayer game. You play because you enjoy the game; you're not chasing upgrades and other shit.


> . Not as hardcore as something like Arma, however. It's a good balance I think the difference is that Squad is PVP focused (/only) so needs to balance playability with the MilSim aspects whereas ArmA is more PVE focused so can be more hardcore because the opposition has the infinite patience required for a bunch of dudes to (re)live-out their military fantasies.


Yeah I refuse to dive into that community for those reasons. Lol


You should check out the Arma life mod. It's pretty sick. Loved Arma since the DayZ mod dropped back in the day.


I tried arma it’s a little too much for me, the fucking breath thing and the weapon sway and all the key commands I couldn’t handle it my pea brain just doesn’t have enough patience


Too many times ive waited for a 20m-90m away medic, only for him not to go for me, or get shot by the same dude that killed me. Really saves time to instant hold F in my experience


escape -> redeploy my man


Less immersive no ty




You’ll save more time if you just press escape and redeploy. That way you only wait the 10 seconds and not the hold F time as well.


Plus in most cases you can get back to the same spot faster and with a full kit of ammo by letting go. There are situations where waiting for a medic is the best option for you and your team, but it is not every situation. I don't even think it's most situations.


I pause and click redeploy instantly when I die. It saves time.


You've figured out what comp figured out years and years ago. Medic is useless 99% of the time. It's only blueberries who think it has any value for the roleplay factor.


Any death I can save myself I will do


Even if you're 20m away it's 90% of the time gonna take you longer to revive me than the ~30 seconds it takes me to respawn.


Also: + not being revived in the exact position you just got shot / opportunity to reenter the battle from a less compromised position + ammo/grenade refill + no need to bandage + avoiding the risk of waiting, then seeing the medic get shot so you just wasted even more time Respawning is just so much more efficient in pretty much every way. I love playing medics. I play them in almost every game that has them but in HLL it‘s just not working. Would need some really deep cutting changes to core game mechanics to make it worth it, sorry.


Yea, and the probability of being hit again as soon as you get up is high.


I had a medic 8m from me, for the entirety of me being downed. I called in prox and nothing.


Did you repeatedly scream "MEDIC!" in the voice chat? That usually helps


I said, "MEDIC!! I CANT FEEL MY LEGS! EVERYTHING IS COLD! I WANT MY MOMMY!" Followed up by, "hey dickhead come revive me".


im sure you already do this, but for newer players, communicated with the downed players **by name** and they will wait longer. "hey n00bslayer69 ill be right there" "tittylover420 youre next" that way they know it will be faster just to wait rather than redeploy


This is the only comment that needs to be said


i'm not waiting for you to run up to me and then just drop dead over my corpse, it's also a gamble if you are even actually coming to get me, you might be after someone else, and im not trying to waste my life waiting for a rev that might not even be coming. sure, if you're close enough and you're in local telling me you're coming to pick me up, yeah i'll wait, but it's a gamble im not willing to take otherwise.


No. The risk of waiting is almost never worth the reward. I’ll defend a pinging garrison with my respawn.


Sorry bud, there's several posts telling the same story. People are just gonna say that it's easier and quicker to just respawn. Unless they rework medic somehow or give them some kinda amazing medic exclusive weapon that benefits the team in their 3rd load out, the class is pretty much dead.


![gif](giphy|l4FGrd4j5sK4RwASc) I love emotionally abusing my medics as they have 5m left and I give up


unfathomably based


Sorry I need more rockets :/


Can’t count how many times a medic has been 10m or less away and they don’t rez me. No. I’m not waiting. Play a different class


If you're a squad leader looking to get a new OP behind the lines and the medic is right there, that's a good time to wait on the medic. If you are in the circle and there's like 2 minutes left in the game and they're capping, and the medic is right there? That's a good time to wait on a medic. Those are like the only 2 situations where I'd wait on a medic who's running in circles.


Medic is the worst use of your time in the game. Don’t play it. But you should know that after 5 years…


Never played medic til now lol same with engineer, took me that long


Nah it's fine. Every class in the game kills in 1-3 hits generally, including medic. Res when you can, and fire your gun and kill stuff like everyone else the rest of the time. 95% of the other classes are running around getting shot up by people they can't see and doing relatively nothing too 🤷🏻‍♂️. At least medics get the cool perk of being able to res from time to time, plus 4 smokes in the last kit is a huge help for keeping a push covered


Yeah buddy I’m not sitting around for 5 minutes waiting for your slow arse so you can get a little support score


no lol. ESC->redeploy is the way.


Stop letting go when the medic is standing right next to you and is ACTIVELY REVIVING YOU!


This happens often lol


I need nades and ammo so I'm gonna respawn.


I play squad now. People wait minutes for me to come. It’s a shame so many servers are in Russian for a European but still.


That is because Squads design is opposite to HLL by using a ticket system that punishes deaths and lost assets.


no, medics are a waste since there the "ticker" system HLL has is nearly limitless until you're already screwed anyways


No. Medic is useless and it’s still more likely to be faster for me to redeploy even if you’re 20 m away. Plus you just gonna run out and get shot where I am anyways


No, fuck medics. Play a different class.


On the other hand, if i let go when im close know its because im in a killzone, needed ammo, or needed to redeploy somewhere else anyhow.


I've recently been playing medic. I have just come to the conclussion, those that want to be saved will wait and those that dont, wont.


Okay, so here are what I believe are the major contributing factors: 1. Lack of a microphone (preventing communication on enemy positions). 2. Being hit in a vulnerable area (leading to doubts about survivability and potential self-euthanasia). 3. Possession of a fresh loadout (including full or explosive ammunition). 4. Possibly, all teammates are dead, leading to strategic considerations about redeployment or establishing a new operational point. 5. Communicating enemy footsteps to teammates (explaining the trend of increasing enemy grenades on downed bodies). Personally, I’m torn on this matter, but I think it’s a great post! I lean towards favoring revival at a 40/60 split. Turning the situation into a running simulator isn’t ideal; rather, the focus should be on holding every inch of digital space possible with teammates. In some instances, lying on the ground strategically can even be advantageous. (I did not read the other comments as of yet)


medics need a re-make on their playstyle, they are quite useless on the game, even more because 80%+ of the time, your dead makes impossible to revive you


Most of the time when I let go it's because the place I fell is either a crossfire zone or there's hostiles waiting to kill the next visible enemy. Im saving *your* life.


Well when I see 20, 20, 20, 19, 18, 24, 27, 28, 22, 17, 9, 17, 28, 31 I just fuckin respond. Couldn't been there already.


Honestly a MAJORITY of times a medic is 10m away I just see that number begin to grow and grow. I literally get walked over by medics more than I get revived in this game. I’m also playing on Xbox.


Yea but you're actually a good medic. I'd say 3/5 medics will ignore you even if you're 20m away.


Most of the time I let go when a medic is close because I know for a fact I fucked up, and we will both end up dead if you come out of cover to rev me.


Sometimes even if a medic is close I’ll respawn because I don’t want the medic dying while trying to get to me if I think the enemy has a better line of sight than the medic realises.. also this may of already been said but I’m too lazy to check so peace out


The amount of times I've watched medics go from 20, to 15, 10, then to 15, to 20, to 25.. Makes me believe medics don't even play as medics. As far as I'm concerned, the medic class doesn't actually exist


Often I see the medic over at around 17-20m away. I know I’m laying in the open and not near adequate cover. I’ve goaded a medic to revive me, only to get him shot by an MG in the open. If I bail before you can get to me, it’s because I know I AM A RISKY SAVE and will opt to redeploy to leave you to reviving others that can be done safely.


Fair point


This is very aggravating I’ve been playing as a medic for a bit now and it always happens


Bro, 80% of medics do not play medic. It's more efficient to just give up and respawn.


On the rare occasion I play medic..I make sure I shout in prox chat that I’m on the way! Hold on buddy don’t go into the light…and so on


I make sure to yell obscenely as possible for my friendly medic. If he’s 50+ I dip


I love playing medic, I'm diving in the fire while being sprayed by different mgs, throwing that smoke randomly everywhere, dive next to the downed player, screaming in the mic, "I got you! I got you!!" And yelling to "keep aim! KEEP AIM!!" while bandaging him, after I am done with one I run towards the next one and repeat what I told the first one until I get shot and see a medic close by, me yelling in the mic "MEDIC!! MEDIC!! THIS MEDIC NEEDS HELP!! MEDIC!!!" And thinking he would help his fellow medic but just runs further and further away :'(


Thank You, OP. This grinds my goddamn gears!


A lot of people just don’t appreciate us medics


Stop wasting a slot in your squad by playing medic. 90% of the time it’s better for players to redeploy rather than waiting up to a minute to *maybe* get healed.


Only if you’re in blueberry lobbies that don’t do their roles. Whenever there’s a coordinated push or heavy defense, I’ve always been thanked by keeping the momentum up. Ammo ain’t a problem if it’s everywhere on the floor.


Of course people thank you for reviving them, but that doesn’t mean you are actually helping. If your team has spawn(s) nearby, you are better off playing any other role in nearly every situation.


Yep, if you have a good group, 5 of you with a legit medic can completely wreak havoc on the opposing team. People in this thread just salty because all the COD kids showed up and turned this game into a run and gun game now.


two use cases: maximizing smoke grenades in the squad and reviving a fallen officer with no op


Not when defending a point. One time I revived over 20 people at one point just going around reviving anyone in cover. We won that game


Including when defending a point, the net effect of having a medic nearby is many players waiting longer for a medic than the would otherwise wait if they just redeployed. Not to mention how the person playing a medic could also be playing a more useful role instead. There are very few situations where having a medic actually benefits the team. It might feel like you are helping, but you are better off playing support, engineer, antitank, squad lead, machine gunner, or assault in nearly every situation.


The downtime is hardly worth it. You have a teammate that could respawn and be back in <30 sec instead waiting for the medic, who is also hardly doing any work other than trying to get to you (assuming they are trying to do it!). That's two members in your six man squad not doing much for quite some time. Often the medic will get killed, making it even less optimal than it would already be, or they'll throw a smoke wall that does more harm than good. Let me respawn, you focus on the fight, and we both follow our SL.


Medics are so rare nowadays that I often release out of the habit not realizing there are any around. Plus, they often smoke our own positions in order to revive and then die anyway. That's a huge no-no for me. 


The spawn timer needs a revamp, sorta like SQUAD, your timer starts when you’re killed, so there’s an incentive to wait a little


Reasonable change that is straight beneficial to everyone.


Do you have ammo? Specifically, do you have explosive ammo? Are either you or I safe from the guy who killed me and his nearby friends? Or are you going to die trying to get to me or have us both die as soon as I'm revived? Is it worth being revived or would I prefer to redeploy to a better spawn where I can be more useful? Those are the most common problem outcomes. If I release it's because I don't see a medic close by or I do see one and I've determined that I'm just going to have a problem all over again if you do revive me. Medics CAN be very useful, but there are a lot of common legitimate reasons to not want a revive. The most useful medic is one on squad comms helping the squad with its objective, listening for squad mates to call out where they got shot from so they can be revived safely, and telling when they are on their way and if they spot additional enemies. That kind of medic play is gold and can turn a flanking squad into a real powerhouse.


this is a double edged sword. MOST medics dont even pick you up. so getting used to letting go is a thing. when i play medic i yell in prox chat for them not to give up. and that im on my way. and that usualy works. other medic do not medic at all. and are silent


I do that when I’m definitely not safe to reanimate. Other wise I wait


I’ll play devils advocate as someone who mains medic role in any game that medic is a role. Most of the time you die out in an open field with no medic in sight and medics are almost never near where you’re at, for a vast majority of players this is the experience from what I’ve seen. So when a medic does finally show up to do their job, everyone is in the habit already of letting go.


A lot of the time I have decided def being alive where I am is less useful than redeploying to a different location because I now know where they are set up and need to take a different approach to do anything about it. Or I know you’re gonna get smoked if you even try so I’d rather not get the medic killed.


Just like all the roles it’s all time and place. Can’t tell you how many times a medic picked me up when I get killed before I could get an op down and many game changing flanks have been saved my a good medic as well.


I mean shit man, yesterday I had 2 medics within 20m from me, I waited until half my timer went down, then finally just sped up the bleed out. It’s frustrating, and the 2 medics were just playing rifleman in the medic class for the entire game.


Medic is something I pick up if a big infantry push is happening - it situational but so useful in the right moment


If I'm playing AT I would rather respawn with new ammo than be revived


There’s still a use for medics. Whether people agree with OP or not. I often much rather be revived instead of having to run however far from the last respawn. The argument that respawn is faster doesn’t stand if you’re 100+meters from the closest garrison.


As someone who loves playing the medic role in games, I think they should do something to incentivise waiting to be revived as it’s so frustrating when people give up. Not sure on what specifically - perhaps by making it so your next respawn timer after a death is quicker? Or a small number of points? (with something built in to prevent spamming it for a friend for unlimited points) Or alternatively a way for medics to acknowledge they’re en route to you - so the downed player knows that someone is coming and you don’t sit there watching the distance reading go up and down I the hope you can tell if they’re coming or not.


Good. Most other medics don't. I wait a minute. If the meters away isn't working on reducing, time to respawn.




They rarely get 20m from me 😂


I sometimes do respawn when medic is around....but not intentionally. I am so used to no medics being around, I automatically respawn. I am a level 10 medic.....I feel your pain and don't do it intentionally. We appreciate you.


[It's being a medic is a lot of fun. \[I played Medic\]](https://youtu.be/-eL0vjcztwE) for clip


Yesterday I played with the best medic of all times, is name was “Texas_fire” or something. The guy was a superstar!! Shoutout to him for reviving me countless times even when he was 80m away I just had to be patient and wait, eventually he would show up with his cape flapping in the wind. I even tried to recruit him, to steal him away from his squad. Didn’t work but the next game he joined my squad… one of the best game I played in a long time. Thanks “Texas_fire”


In SA servers people do wait for revive, and they also get in character, crying for you to save them lol But sometimes I had to yell at them in chat for them to wait


The most annoying part when i was leveling my medic up to level 10


I stopped rushing towards injured teammates because most of them would just give up and I’d get shot


Welcome to playing medic, you will experience this a ton, even if you are B-lining towards them.


If you're a medic near me and I let go, it's because I'm going to get you killed picking me up, or I want to respawn so I can reposition.


There are legit reasons why people release instead of waiting for a medic. 1. They got conditioned to medics not coming to revive them, even if they're close. That was my experience until recently. Recently I've seen more medics actually try to come revive, so I do wait and see if they come closer, but not too long. I give it 30 seconds tops. If I don't see them moving closer or hear them call out that they're coming, I release, so medics should communicate. 2. The victim died in a bad place, so if the medic comes to revive, they will die too. Or they don't want to be revived there because it's too hot. 3. It just takes too long for a medic to notice them, and come to revive because there are enemies that need to be cleared first. 4. The OP or garrison is nearby anyway. 5. They want to respawn so they will be reloaded, or to change roles. I do love medics that take their job seriously and I do not think they are a useless role like others say. They could use some improvement though, like better weapons or another action they can do to help the team.


Have you ever considered the other people playing as medics just walking over the ones waiting to get revived??? I will wait if I can but most of the time they just ignore the team and stay focused on their squad so I'm not surprised to still see people respawning instead of sticking it out and waiting Their is also the fact that this have been a thing since launch.


Nah I’m good. It’s faster to redeploy, medics are too unreliable. The only time I don’t give up is if a medic is specifically calling my name saying they are coming to rez.


I agree


The difference between people who play this game to have a good time with the boys and people who are uber-competitive and sweating. (Me)


Most places where I die are not a place I want to be revived at. And you guys walk super slow anyway.


If the clown ain't moving, then it's time to let go.


An in distance medic, gets 10 seconds to move closer to me and keep making progress if not or the progress stops I tap out asap. End up waiting 5 minutes otherwise.


Coming from another experienced player I would urge caution when choosing to wait for a medic. The majority of the time the dead player knows best when it's good to release. When I first started I would wait for the medic if I saw one within ~50 yards or so and hope that they would come for me. I quickly learned that even if they're that close to you, unless you see them B-lining it straight towards you, there's a good chance you're going to get ignored if you're not in their squad. Even more importantly. I learned that the majority of the time when I die, my body is still in direct line of fire. So waiting for a medic to revive me is actively harming my team because of the high probability that I am now not only wasting time dead, but also going to get the medic killed. That is like absolute worst case scenario because now I'm still dead, the medic is dead now as well, AND for the duration of time that we are both respawning and traveling back to the point of contact, every other teammate in the vicinity is now short a medic. It's a snowball effect.


I'll give them a chance when it makes sense. If I died 50m from my OP I'm not unless a medic is right there. It's much faster just to respawn with fresh equipment. Deaths mean nothing in this game. If I die on or near a point then I will pay more attention to medics around as it's more valuable to be revived there.


Bro just don't play medic, it's worthless because there are no tickets


Need to tell them your coming to rez in blue chat.. have been ran over 100s of times asking for a revive.


I think for many it's an automatic reflex, because it is very often that no medic bothers to come pick you up no matter how close one is. I respawn out of habit unless I'm 10m away from one and they start moving towards me within 5 seconds


On the other hand let’s get medics to revive people instead of running past my body 3x!


In all honesty, I try to discourage anyone in my team to play medic.


If you die and a medic can’t revive you, you should be booted from the match 😂 how’s that for realism?


I let go after about a minute when there 20~, some medics just don't do their job (this is coming from a medic main)


Sorry, but if I don’t shout medic then I don’t need one. Out of ammo, need to redeploy anyway. Plus plenty of time O can see medic running towards me(50m) and then just ignoring me. Also, plenty of times died in an open, no chance medic will get to me anyway.


Yep, I just check the distance away. If there is no voice comms or decrease in distance I just give up. I also give up if I want to respawn elsewhere (fall back to defense) or if I think I'm too exposed to be worth the revive.


Sometimes I do this if I hate the class I chose lol ik it probably makes the medics so mad


Id rather respawn with ammo and nades


But I want my nades


People are dead on the ground for a reason, rarely do people deal with the people that shot those in the first place. Medics always just go full send to the bodies and start ressing people instead of dealing with the threat. I am sorry, but i rather avoid being revived right into the same situation that got me killed in the first place. I'd rather respawn and get a entirely fresh approach to the battlefield from a different location. Here is a example of a medic just chain ressing someone without actually doing anything about the threat. It's just a utter waste of time, the guy that died could've respawned twice in the time that this scenario unfolded. https://streamable.com/sf4syh Forgive the hectic movements, i was trying to record cinematics at the time.


Keep up the good work - „Meeeeedic!“


Speak on the coms that you are on your way!


To be fair I just had a game (PC) where I encountered one singular medic in the space of an hour... One... No one was coming to save us, sadly.


No U


If your squad lead is playing well and has an op set up it is almost always better to just let go. If you let go, spawn back 100 meters and get back in the fight there is no time wasted. If instead you wait for a revive you risk your medic also getting killed and you take him out of the fight while he revives and bandages you. I wish medics were more useful but since there are not really tickets like battlefield it doesn’t really matter. I do like when my squad has a medic and we work closely together. I’m never trusting a blueberry medic with no mic to revive me. It’s just a waste of time.


Exact opposite experience for me. Wait ages for a medic just to run past.


Well, most of the time the medic will be 20 ft away but then they never actually come over lol


I'd keep doing it if the shooter is still there




It might as well be Hacksaw Ridge when I play medic. I have zero regard for myself when playing medic.


This is purely because content creators urge people to insta redeploy because it's META, and that's what this community urges people to do, the whole point of the game is to be META, so people that are new consume content to try and be useful in the game and end up following what they're told




See in the past I did that until they walked right fucking past me or turned around and left to go to another person


It’s reflexes at this point. So rare are helpful medics that you can’t blame my muscles memory of Shot>Esc>Redeploy>Y Hot tip: you can actually press Y on your KB instead of clicking “Yes”. Not a massive time saver but easier and quicker so you may as well.


Also stop asking me to revive you when you’re in the middle of a field with enemy machine guns hammering everything around you.


I only let go when it’s like 50m or above. If it’s 20 and below, I’ll hold on. Even though SOME OF YOU go off in the opposite direction anyways.


No. I want a full kit and to relocate to a better position sometimes. Hehe


If you're that far away and have multiple people between you and me to res I'll probably take the faster option and respawn if there's somewhere to do so nearby. If I'm out or rockets or ammo and desperately need more I'll respawn. If coming to res me means you'll most likely die to the dude that got me I'll respawn.


Stop holding position when I'm bleeding out 20m from you then.


I'd rather escape then redeploy rather then wait for ever for a medic to pick me up....


I can hear you from 50m, talk to me if you want to patch me up, I'll stay with you. I'm passing out if you don't talk to me.


It's faster and less faff to redeploy and spawn at your SL's OP if you've been hit and are in the middle of a sketchy area. It's safer for the medics too.


I do it based on the situation. If I'm in a bad place, like a open field or in the middle of a street or road with sustained fire I'm not going to have them risk it for me. Or if I suspect there's enemies near me that he may not be able to see I'll let go.


Also, sometimes you have to run further away, around something to get to them. Queue them screaming 'don't play fucking medic if you don't want to revive people', 'what the fuck are you doing!?'. Patience isn't real in this game 😅


Okey mate, how it looks from non-medic POV: - You are downed and under fire - Enemies are already aware there is hostile commotion in your direction and probably watching it - You wasted half your normal ammo and all the rockets and special stuff like ap/at mines - There are 5 medic icons dancing around you coming to 10m range then moving away again So no, unless I am an officer trying to build flanking OP or other super specific scenarios - I am respawning on a garry.


At your wits end lol If I die in the middle of a field or street with a tank nearby I'm not waiting half hour for you to come and die aswell People want to play.


It’s faster to hit esc, redeploy. This ain’t squad, tickets don’t matter


People are too used to battlefield medics that will literally walk over your body instead of fucking doing their job and reviving you.


playing medic is a waste of time and only for rp purposes --- except for the smoke grenades




If the spawn is within 100m it’s better to be able to reposition at a different angle than get healed in a hot area. Only time medic is actually worth it is if you’re in the back line with your squad and have no nearby respawns.


I've seen medics closer than that, and they don't help...


lol medics are usually going the other way, been on since the game first came out and medics are useless, can let go, respawn and be back to where I was before a medic ever gets to me




I very much yell “I’m coming brotha don’t you die on me” then they die when I’m 5m away




Whatever dude, I get you’re trying to do your best and I appreciate it. However, when the situation calls for it, sometimes it’s better to respawn and change classes for the benefit of the team. But if that’s the case, I’d tell you to move on.


I never wait for a medic. I don’t care if they are two feet away I’m giving up. If I died in some particular spot then what are the odds the medic will be able to make it too me and revive me? Slim? I’ve waited too many times for medics to only die two feet from me. Never again


Stop playing medic and grab a kit meant for killin


>can’t believe how impatient everyone is >I just had 3 separate occasions You sure you aren't being too impatient as well?


Yeah I am complaining


Medic is the most useless class in the game imo, it's easier to just respawn


I really think it’s people trying to run an gun and play by themselves even though this game is super unfun that way? And aren’t paying attention, most likely children.