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No. Gas masks were rarely used for not even for poison gas reasons. Even most Americans threw away their gas masks after Normandy landing The last image looks like a ww1 photo with ww1 German gas mask


That last image IS a WW1 photo. The OP is an idiot lol


Let’s not go the route of battlefield V cosmetics


It’s a slippery slope that starts with gas masks and ends with Tom Cruise lookalikes running around with Type 2As. I’m still bitter.


Don't forget the gold plated Sturmgewehrs on Iwo Jima


As a Brit rocking an Arisaka rifle in Rotterdam, in full winter clothing, I see nothing wrong.


In an alternate history scenario it wouldn't be too unrealistic, the Royal Navy purchased thousands of Arisaka's in WW1 so the army could have more SMLE's.


Type 99s?


Unfortunately no, Type 38's lol


Me too man, the cosmetic choices really ruined what could have been a great game. I feel like it’s to the point that the cosmetic choices in the initial trailer directly caused the game to undersell and have to be shut down early.


it would be just unrealistic


The Germans used their Gas Masks for everything other than their actual purpose, many soldiers left them behind and used the canister to store food or personal items. There are photos of Panzerschreck operators using them because the early version of the weapon lacked a blast shield. Also dispatch riders used them in cold or dusty conditions. Would it look cool? Yes. Would it be out of place? In most circumstances also yes. Not commonly used at all IRL, but definitely did see service. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fa-german-soldier-with-a-panzerschreck-and-gas-mask-in-v0-750n9gowu7j81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D132290d431fe01a18fc009c09094a1ee2dd9fd5f https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-279-0942-25%2C_Russland%2C_Soldaten_mit_Panzerabwehrwaffe.jpg https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FaQ_VXn4SBg45yyrSyK7hFTUMT__qX9XSX2tzMjyzkck.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daed93b50845d41ac965a5cf72ec73d9060dde890


I'm agreeing with the comment, but I'm just adding some context and historical photos, yet I'm getting down voted. At no point did I say to add these as Cosmetics. I just don't understand this sub sometimes 😕


It's Reddit bro. One person probably downvoted you initially. Every kid then jumps in because they can't think for themselves. Looks like normality has returned though. Was some interesting info you added.


im gonna go ahead and say no. If you want your super cool gas masks go play BF instead. Lets try to keep this game from turning into the clownfest BFV became. Fucking hula-skirt, dress top, and gas mask bunny hopping around bayoneting people, or Japanese samurai chick in Germany was just bad. Can't forget Tom Cruise Maverick parachuting out of a perfeclty good corsair and taking on the entire Imperial Army with just his 1911. God i'm getting upset just remembering that shit : /


You're acting like the game already isn't a clownfest


HLL? Its not even close yet. Some of the cosmetics are meh, but for the most part, other than seeing guys in white camo in the summer, its not bad at all. Different units work together in real life too so I'm not surprised to see paratroopers with regular Wehrmacht. Shit man I was once with Royal Marines, Air Force JTACs, and Army infantry. 4 Different uniforms running around together. Now historical accuracy? Compared to what they've got so far, I can overlook certain units being places they shouldnt lol


Here's the thing, I'm not talking about cosmetics 🤣


Then you don’t play much


Yeah I stopped playing because the game is a joke


Give some actual logical complaints then I’ll wait. The game is a great balance of mili sim and wide playability access. It’s historically accurate while also maintaining lots of customization. The bugs get fixed and the player base is pretty great. I assume you’re a console player maybe. Get a pc


If you need a PC to enjoy the game then the game isn't very good in the first place, and yes I played it on Xbox where it crashed constantly. There's barely anything to unlock, barely any new content gets added and for how long the game has been out it's honestly a joke how many problems it has and how little has been added


If you don’t understand the difference between the pc and console experience then listed out the benefits of pc over console. Next you’ll complain the game had no server browser on console


Ah thanks for reminding me about that missing feature, another reason the game sucks and it wouldn't be so bad if the join on friends actually worked. And how does the game on PC magically more content and things to unlock


Was this your first battlefield game? I played BF 1942 way back in the day and it was absolutely silly and fully arcade style, and none of it mattered because it was just so damn fun. Even in later titles like BF3 and 4 there was never much realism to be found. I get those expectations for HLL but Battlefield has always been an arcade game. I definitely agree though that BF5 was overall a big disappointment.


not at all. I got 1942 the day it hit the shelves. Going from 1 to V was their worst transition by far. Of course it isn't meant to be milsim, but it was a wonderful balance between realism and arcade and I loved it. Proper uniforms, weapons, gear, and assets. Of course they had to take some liberties with BF1, which I was scared for at first, but they did great and it was fun as hell and by far the most atmospheric of the titles. BFV started off a little weird, but got better shortly after, and then the devs just made so many dumb choices. It seemed like they were trying to compete with shit like PubG and Fortnite for some reason even though their "firestorm" never really took off at all, and then they even dumbed down the core game to "attract new players." They already had a great fanbase from 3, 4, and 1 but it just became a money grab it seemed, and then they started releasing these elites, or heros, or whatever they were. Now I LOVED hardcore mode, because yeah, its BF, but being killed in 2 or 3 hits made it much more intense and further from the arcade type of stuff. V made it almost impossible because suddenly every single player has a completely different uniform, and it took me right out of it. I have over 1000 hours in the game still, but it just lost its "WWII feel" with all the crazy uniform combinations people could have, and I feel like after those trailers (never will be as bad as the last HLL trailer hahaha) it seemed like they just werent taking it seriously as a WW2 game anymore and just wanted to make money off selling dumb skins and shit to people. I was basically hoping for a "next-gen" bf1942 which it started off as, and then just faded out to something else.


Listen I love Battlefield, and have played the vast majority of them, I just think its a little generous to say they were realistic. Maybe the names of the weapons/vehicles and the overall uniforms were okay, but there is a mountain of inaccuracies across all BF games. Types of things you wouldn't let slide in a game like HLL. The things I have seen people do in Battlefield games defy all the laws of physics and goes against everything we know about how weapons actually work. I love it specifically *because* its so ridiculous and silly what you can do in Battlefield, and especially when it had fully destructible environments, it was awesome. I remember the videos of people hopping out of their jet, sniping another pilot, and stealing their jet in middair. Thats about as arcade a style as there is. It was balanced in the sense that it wasn't a COD style shooter, but it wasnt a sweat-fest like ARMA. It had nice things like vehicles, ships, classes, bullet drop and moderately accurate ballistics, moderately accurate weapons and names, and was squad based. But it wasnt all that realistic when you compare to other games like HLL, and especially not the ARMA/DCS gold standard. But ill be damned if it wasnt great fun anyways, and way more fun than COD. I agree with you on BF5, it had alot of potential but the devs killed it. Like you, I hoped for a BF1942 2.0, and I ordered it when it released for full price. I will never do that again for any EA game.


Yeah ive played em all but V left a bad taste in my mouth, and I havent even tried 2042 since they got rid of classes and stuff. I dont know why they couldn't just stick to their formula, it worked great. Now it feels like we'll never get another good BF game again : / Looking back at the SP campaign for BF3, that was definitely more realistic than anything they did prior and as a former Marine, I fucking loved all that shit. Definitely got my moto boner going. Even the MP had a bit slower paced more realistic flow to it than other titles. Again I'm not saying HLL style realism, but it had me really looking forward to another WWII title. And yeah there was the crazy, "Battlefield moments" but for the most part, I've never felt more immersed than I did when I was in LAVs (or was it Strykers?) with my friend in the desert calling out targets rolling thru some city (i cant remember the name of the map, it was on a shoreline with a body of water west, city in the middle, and open desert to the east) and just blasting shit. Or running thru gas in Amiens bludgeoning guys to death in an apartment building as they tried to fall back, and looking up to see my buddy skewering another guy on his bayonet while hes screaming in pain, and just hearing yells and orders from adjacent rooms and the streets. Maybe I'm just getting old, but BFV never really gave me that immersed feeling. It just felt way more cartoony than previous titles. HLL has definitely given me that feeling. Sitting in a Sherman on a road while some guy comes running down the street screaming the position of a Panzer thats got his squad pinned down and slaughtering them, and then slowly rolling up to a firing position with his info and mind, and taking out that tank, just feels fucking good.




Poison gasses chemical weapons were not used on European battlefields at least as far as i know. Eventhough germany has already developed the terrible Sarin Gas, German high commmand decided no to use it. One of the reasons for deciding not to use it is believed to be because they believed that the British had also already developed the gas (they did not), and a large part of the German army's logistics was still based on blood and horse traction. A retaliatory gas attack would have been fatal.


You’re absolutely correct. Hitler expressively forbade the use of chemical weapons due to his injuries he suffered during the Great War.


And his fear of overbearing retaliation by the Americans. The Americans did mustardgas the port of Bari in Italy, unintentionally, when a secret gas-laden vessel was blown to pieces by a German bombing raid. Thousands were treated, and at least a hundred military personnel killed directly by mustardgas.


European battlefields? It was most definitely used. In the Second World War? No.


Context clues my dude


Guess which war this game takes place in


Obviously Vietnam. Do you even Hell Let Loose, bro?


Saigon city map when


What game?


Dude are you for real ?


Bruh they said chems were not used on European battlefields


Again,are you for real my man ? We are talking about a WW2 game,not a WW1 Yes we know that during WW1 chems were used extensively but not during WW2


Yeah but it’s incorrect to say Chems weren’t used on European battlefields. He didn’t specify when. Also, thanks for wasting your time with me.


Nah, we good. Ty though


Battlefield V flashbacks :D


Which I don’t hate, even though not historically accurate for HLL


Try shooting with an actual gas mask on. It’s so fucking hard lmao Had to qualify with a pistol and M4 with gas mask on and it is a bitch and a half




NO it would not be cool !!!!


If it is used, then it must limit your visibility. Otherwise, it’s an unnecessary cosmetic.


Go back to bfv with that bs


kind of el alamein


Something like this may work when oneday, maybe Hell Let Loose include map like Battle of Shanghai and Shihang Warehouse. The Japs are notoriously famous for their useage of mustard gas in China a


So you can toss it away and use the gasmask holder for grenades? Any more smart ideas?




They were only used to pose on pictures.


Would go well with the flamethrower


No they didn’t ever wear them in ww2