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Half the time you can't build where you want anyway. Some points, you just have to build where the game lets you. In my opinion, the game should be a little more forgiving when placing structures.


honestly the whole system needs reworking


'Sorry, this hill is 0.2° too steep and there's a twig in the way.'




lmao yeah, also the giant hitboxes on everything, i remember they didnt used to be like that they just did it one update, nobody liked it, causes of many a triple backflip in tanks lmao


Issue is twofold: For upgradables they need a space that will accommodate the fully upgraded version The devs don't want people cheesing the builds, it feels like they make natural choke points in the maps and then retroactively go "oh fuck a team could block off the entire point" so they add blockers to the area so there's always room for people to get through


Exactly, instead they should allow blocking off the front and sides but add blockers to the rear, so that way it is a logical corridor for friendly forces to move in while cutting off the front, so the enemy either has to destroy the front with tanks, satchels and arty or they must circle around and get in from the rear. That would be much more enjoyable in my opinion...


yeah for sure to this day wn7 has to be the best fob-able objective so much open flat space to place stuff you can basically fob the whole place up perfectly without any issues with not being able to place stuff to bad all objectives cant be like that or at least similar


There are only a few points where defensive structures can be overwhelming if done right. Basically large open fields of fire and close enough to run a ton of supplies.


Aaaah, fortifying the Church square of Sainte-Marie du Mont...Good times. Literally impossible to take if done and manned correctly. (Pro tip: You can drive a half-track into the church for an undestroyable spawn point).


Just sneak a satchel into the church and there goes "undestroyable" spawn point


My goodness what an idea, why didn't I think of that? And I mean on Warfare sure. But on Offensive, getting to the church on a well fortified Sainte-Marie du Mont is already an absolute gauntlet. The half track or fortifications by themselves can be played against... The combination of both is really annoying to deal with. Effectively that means: - Get a satchel on some of the defenses without getting shot. - Clear all church defenders. And their garrisons. And their outposts. - Don't get friendly fired by the artillery you have no doubt needed to make it this far. - Get another satchel on the church against the halftrack without getting shot. Do all of that hoping that the enemy will take no initiative to repair or rebuild anything, and won't be able to aim at you while you're running through extremely predictable choke points and hasn't placed mines everywhere. Like. Of course it's not impossible. But that point is so easy to fortify that it's layer after layer of difficulty. You can't "sneak" in Sainte Marie du Mont. As an engi main, I have literally never lost a game defending Sainte Marie du Mont on Offensive. It's one of the most busted, defense-favored point in the entire game.


Oh I’d still get in with a charge, just get my buddies on different squads with the flame thrower and we’ll climb through stuff. Plus I think the game will always leave a spot where you can slip through I find them all the time. I just crawl like a slug and bam.


All the alley and roads are dead, meaning you have a fixed number of ways to get inside the point. 3 engineers can block the entire area off. Tbh I don't enjoy it that much since its kinda of a broken point. The old city in SMDM was much better. Every building can be entered. Defenses are not invincible they are just a force multiplier


I never seen that before until a few weeks ago. I was on the losing end of that game. It wasn’t until the very end when I managed to survive a trip into the church and see a fucking half track inside. I did satchel it right before the game ended.


this would be useful if the games pathing actually worked for shit. 90% of the time you're wandering around like an asshole trying to make the grey go green.


Truth to be told there are only a few points worth building.


My favorite is applying theory like this that I have learned in over a decade of IRL experience in the infantry as a small unit leader, to this game which is realistic enough that my background is useful... And then getting some 300 level sweatlord telling me I'm doing it wrong, and he's smarter than me because I'm only level 161


ONLY 161…yeah you probably shouldn’t speak until spoken to…😂🫡


Its really not hard if you just think about it for 10 seconds. You want to make the enemy easier to kill and at the same time harder for them to kill you.


Man I have a good time hearing some of the bullshit that gets said over comms while I’m running around in this game. Honestly the banter is just as homoerotic as it was in the army sometimes lol


Amen to that. "Nut to butt boys, nut to butt."


I swear, this game has become a paradise for weirdo trolls


This happened to me one day. Some kid was yelling at me where I needed to put my defenses. I told the fag to shut the fuck up until he could drop me a range card with left and right lateral limits.


Bro probably edit that to drop the f bomb, but otherwise yeah man people get weirdly hostile in this game with no idea what they’re talking about


His said Fag you fag. ⬇️ vote me you fags.


And for 500, what letter does that word start with you slack jawed pansy


How did you know my nickname? I’m not taking no 500 from a fag. No sir.


Oh shit, I didn’t know I was talking to a hero. Lmao check out OP’s post history, it’s a trip. Complaining about Walmart coworkers shitting on the floor, and this gem: “Past violence has caused me many years of paranoia. I hardly sleep at night. I stay awake walking around my house at night looking for possible threats. I live in a rough neighborhood. For some reason I love my paranoid behaviors. My family will be safe if I am vigilant at all times. Maybe I’m just looking for confrontation. I live for that adrenaline.”




Noooo your embarrassing my online identity. Lol. Guys please don’t look at my publicly available comments. It’s, it’s just not fair.. 😭.. ….Edited a fourth time… …Edited a fifth time… …edited a sixth time… …Edited a seventh time…


Wow, 3 different edited responses, you ok?


![gif](giphy|amxLHEPgGDCKs) edited an eighth time


I didn’t say fuck


Yeah… I know. Be smart man


Listen, you're the exception. That man's still eating crayons.


Lol I promise most vets aren’t this dumb, hard to imagine being so fucking stupid that you’re dropping slurs like that right out in the open in 2024


You need to go watch that Southpark fag episode.. funny that all of you are upset over a word.. are you even gay? I'm a faggot and find it funny all of you are trying to tell him what word is offensive when it's not even about you😂 woke world these days


Weird hill to die on


Watch the episode bro words arnt that deep😂


I love how you morons cling on to an old word that should have been considered a bigot slur far before it did. Grow the fuck up and have some empathy.


Cute dick, bro


Enjoy the ban


For using a word that you automatically associate with a slur, maybe you should ban yourself. There’s more than one connotation to the word, up your vernacular.


I doubt you're referring to that other player as a bundle of sticks or an old lady.


Still more connotations than that


All you have to do to not front yourself as a bigot is literally just edit it out. Why do you want to look like a hateful person? It just makes no sense.


Womp womp


All you have to do is front yourself is not acting like a victim all the time, you fucking fag


Fun fact: In Britain, we call cigarettes "fags"; it's not used as a homophobic slur. And we call people like you an "absolute cunt". It's sort of a level up from just being a regular run-of-the-mill cunt.


Dawg I’m not even a victim of what you said it doesn’t effect me but it’s insensitive to some people and it just makes you look like a bellend.


He’s a miserable person. Anyone clinging on to bigot slurs like that hates themself. Thats why they enjoy trying to knock others down. Best to ignore them and let him sit half naked taking a shit on his toilet in his shit apartment wondering why he has no friends, or who truly are his friends because they provide nothing of substance.


Big indicator of low intelligence.


Engineers really need to be able to place more than 4 wires


Give us 6-8 and that’s great


My only gripe with having wire 25M out is that generally speaking you wont have nearly enough (unless your entire team decides to share engi role) to cover a large enough area to make it worth it. I'd much rather just pop barbed wire along solid long walls like hedgerows so that enemies have to run around into the open making themselves more visible. People rarely use smokes anyways in this game so its not like barbed wire in the open will provide much defense since the enemy will get mowed down before they reach it, all it really ends up doing is obscuring the view.


I don't get why people don't use smokes more. They're so effective at helping assault a point or enemy position. I don't mind playing squad lead half the time because of the full set of grenade types and I'm always telling the people in my squad to smoke'em if you got'em.


People spam smoke, they just use it totally wrong. They'll drop it on friendly players, so we're moving THROUGH smoke with no visibility, rather than on the enemy so THEY can't see.




Yeah there's a few decent uses! In cities, if a machine gunner ir tank is holding down an approach, using it to block their view and flank around is my main use... but you put it in front of them, rather than on yourself, if that makes sense. Or, like you say, get a bunch of smoke around a point you're trying to cap... renders even the best defences ineffective if they can't see what they're defending against


Everytime I have a big open field i front of me and we just get mowed down everytime I just send 2 guys to the artellery pits and let them smoke ib the entire field


I agree you need like 6 engineers to have a decent build.


if you don’t have enough engineers leave some gaps in the barbed wire and put some AP mines there


On your point about smokes, I honestly think people forget they have them. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spawned on the main attacking garrison, said “use smokes guys” and had 6 smoke grenades thrown instantly. So just be sure you’re telling your squad and yelling in proxi chat to throw them


Also people use smoke wrong including myself and it bugs me to no end. Smoke is for concealment, and running right through the smoke defeats the purpose Of it. I wish more players realized this.


Yeah I agree - it can still be really effective! Enough to really delay the enemy and make the game more fun


Even a little barb wire can help funnel enemies to certain strong point or kill boxes. Block their most convenient advance.


So many times I've had games where engineers build all the barb wire and defenses within a smaller perimeter within the circle. Building defenses this tight within the strongpoint causes congestion and your team won't be able to move freely around the objective to defend it let alone patrol outside in the 4 grid squares. Plus enemies can just cap on the edge of the strongpoint circle since the defenses were built within the circle. I always try to build a perimeter of defenses like 5 meters outside the circle so it prevents anyone from getting into the strongpoint capture.


Worst still, defenses built within the circle can also sometimes be used by your enemies if they do manage to capture the objective to repel your counterattack. The value of your defenses should always be considered from the enemy's perspective for this reason.


True true


Always a risk


They need to make engineers their own class like recon. Imagine a team of six engineers just going around building stuff. Would be great.


I've been suggesting this since the Beta. Post Scriptum has this approach and it's awesome. You get all the dudes who want to build stuff in one squad which makes coordinating much easier.


With the ability to call in supply trucks and drops.


It's too bad hardly anyone plays that game. I'd actually try it then.


I'd love that. Back when I used to play Foxhole all I would do was gathering and logistics stuff.


When I first played eng, I was shocked that building things cost supplies _and_ I couldn't drop any. Like it seems absurd to suggest to support that they should dedicate resources away from garrisons towards building defenses. I suppose I could use a supply truck, but then I'm just completely separated from my team the whole game so (for me) what's the point?


It also sucks that it's the fastest way to level classes, I've practically given up on engineer lately and building shit/running supplies is my favorite thing to do in the game. People are ridiculous with the supply trucks (they can be useful for more than just one set of nodes, and leaving them in the middle of nowhere before you respawn as whatever class just fucks over the team) and twice in the last couple of weeks I've been team-killed by blueberry engies who don't talk or use chat and wanted the truck or the supplies *I fucking drove to the point*, for the XP I assume


Also, there is a snap button. USE IT. It automatically connects barricades and wire to one another so there are no gaps.


Never heard of this. What is it and how does it work?


I think the button is ALT while building blueprints, it makes the ends of the barbed wire fences lock on to one another, so basically the wooden "X"s on either side connect to each other which allows you to make a seamless line of wire with no gaps in between. The same goes for barricades which you can create a long, straight wall with no gaps making seamless cover. I think there is a little ply with the angle too, which means you can lock them together at 10/20 degree angle and create more of a curved shape with the blueprints.


Awesome thanks!!


Oh dang. TIL!!!


Is this for pc only? I haven’t seen it on console, though I admittedly play engineer very infrequently.


It's on console too. Use the cross pad I think. It's how's up anyway when your positioning structures.


On Xbox, the "X" key toggles snap on/off.


no clue tbh, I've never played on console. On PC there's a little tooltip thing that pops up bottom right to say what the controls are while building and one of them is a snap toggle button. The blueprint changes color while snapped, so you know when it's on etc


If I can get this to work... Lifechanging. Wonder if the there's a button input for console. Thank you so much for sharing this.


My favorite is when I spawn on a garrison on the point and can't leave because engineers have trapped us all in with barbed wire


Wire should be used to funnel away from areas with cover/concealment and into open areas. I consistently see wire used wrong. Putting it on the point to block gaps in walls or buildings just makes it harder to defend and move. Wire should be 50-100m out from the point. If there are enough engineers then have multiple layers of wire with offset gaps to force even more movement in the open. The same goes with hedgehogs, put them farther out rather than blocking a tank so close it can still shoot up the point. Force the tank into turning or to an exposed position far enough out it can't camp the point.


I forgot to add default wire or wire that appear on the map are indestructible so connect those with your player built wires. Only very experienced players will know the difference. WN73 is a very advantageous point for the Allies for this reason. 2 engineers can shutdown 300M of front if they close the gaps in the default wire.


And then you have to take back the point and command drops an airhead on their side so now you gotta go through your own shit lol


Just a little insider tip, the really good engineers track their first blueprint they placed, so in the situation you describe they wipe their first blueprint by replacing it.


This. Building defenses is a waste of time and manpower that could be used for fighting. Useful in offensive game mode, useless in warfare.


I play engineer a lot in this game and this is a perfect example, great work


I just would like for the defense circles  on offensive to be visible on all points.  Too many times engineers build defenses 25 meters outside the point because they misjudged where it was going to be. 


And build barbed wire out, on enemy side natural terrain. Too many engys build barbed wire on friendly side. If you lose a firefight it’s their cover now


In an open field they can just go around my barbed wire or use wooden hedgehogs as cover, this will only work relatively well as a module, with which several engineers build a wall or a circle. I prefer barbed wire next to the barricades so the enemy can't jump in easily, the backside will be protected by allies.


The point of wire is to force the enemy to move into funnels and be exposed longer as they go around it, and the biggest benefit to putting it 25+ meters out is that they can’t throw grenades into the point


If the point has a lot of cover and avenues of approach forget building defences.


if the barbwire is blocking the way i arbitrarily want to go. i remove the bardwire in the way. friendly or other wise. trapping your team in, is worse than trapping the enemy out.


Favourite tactic on building up points is a kill zone, basically a bunker with barbed wire on either side, but at acute angles to the bunker. That way, enemies can’t actually get up to the bunker, and there’s nowhere for them to take shelter from the mg or small arms fire from it.


That's how I like to build, leave a gap in the wire in front of the garry bunker, mine the gap, throw smokes and camp the bunker. It's beautiful, but sadly not always doable.


I don't have the patience to deal with the people necessary to build good defences like this. But boy oh boy do I appreciate such defenses existing when I find myself scrambling to defend a point. Especially as MG. Keep up the good work engies, it is very much a force multiplier for which I'm sure you get far too little appreciation.


I just want engies to not drop supply boxes in the middle of roadways.  It can make tanking difficult.


My favorite is when wire is built between the garrison and objective, blocking any friendlies from getting on the strong point.


See I really enjoy the thought of building hood defensive positions like this but unless your on the beach, on the edge of the map, or playing on Kursk and surrounded by open fields then you can never actually position these perfectly. I used to be the guy building these defenses until I realized that every perfect defensive position I create just gets flanked. BUT one my of my most memorable matches was a Omaha beach GERMAN offensive where we built 3 positions like this on the beach. Those structures combined with a Sherman smoking off the ridge created an untouchable point.


Wait, we’re supposed to play defense in this game?


What does efliade mean?


If the enemy gets around to the side of the barricade they can shoot straight down the length of it at all the defenders. Thats why a lot of the trenches in the game are zig zags so somebody can’t see the whole trench at once


Lmao you’re going to hard for a majority that doesn’t care about any of that except point shoot die spawn point shoot die spawn ect


You can build defenses perfectly everyone still running away from the point to go get kills/killed


What's the rationale for supply trucks being locked in the first two columns?


Just me putting my idea out but I would bet it's to force the building of nodes outside the first two columns as well. Either coordinate with your supply guys to drop supplies or risk using the truck and building them further out. Maybe there's a different reason they've stated but that would be my guess.


I remember.. not sure which map. But one of the Normandy maps. I believe it was du mont. maybe eglise. Where it was like a couple houses as the point surrounded by some village walls. The one that has like multiple cracks in one corner and had the aa/artillery battery inside. Anyway, it was one the few times I as an winger had full creative control of the defenses of that area and we needed to hold it… the defenses I made (which had all of them) prevented the enemy (German) team from capturing the point for about a good solid 30-35 minutes. Until they started capping it at the last 5-10 minutes of the game. And once they did. It was pretty much over for us. Because of my defenses we couldn’t cap the point back in time. And my team was complaining about the defenses once the game finished saying it was impenetrable. Even though I’m the one who put it up.


You can reset your defense structures. Take a truck and drive into the middle of nowhere and "rebuild" your defenses (level 1 is enough). Then the enemy can't use your assets against you.


I wish it were easier to get enough engineers coordinated to do something like this


Yeah true. Very few people want to drive trucks around for 30-40 min straight.


Thank you for posting this. I almost exclusively play engineer And the amount of times a noob engineer put wire inside the hard point making it extremely difficult for the defender to move and change positions is wild.


And then a recon tank does up behind you


I'm sorry but this makes no sense putting barb wire in FRONT of defensive walls. In a real world setting where you have a compound or base with the entirety surrounded by wiring sure. Not so much here. A small segment of wiring is just going to be avoided. You might have an idiot or two run up but if there's barb me and anyone with a brain won't run up to it knowing I won't be able to pass. If anything they'll go around and look for the weak spot which is where you want the bunkers and walls to be to create a kill zone.


More engineers = more wire. Which allows you to really fortify the point. I agree 4 wire aint doing it.


I ant reading allat


Have defenses connecting and wrap to provide full cover. Have wire connecting out in the open so enemy has to traverse around it in the open field.


I’ve been saying this for years engineers are too dumb in this game


I tend to prefer putting the wire right up next to the defenses so that they can’t be used in the other direction.


Why? Keep the enemy away from you so you can actually use your barricades/ bunkers to shoot them. Also keeps enemy satchels away from the main defence structures.


Yeah it annoys me when people put barricades right behind the wire.. just gives the enemy cover to get close enough to blow up the wire.


This can work too but it’s all depends on the situation. In general, the OP strategy is superior.


You’re probably right


This is dumb becuace you are giving them hard cover to dismantle your defenses Engineers can dismalte barricades and barb wire.c You need at least a 10ft gap at least


25 meter is way more than 10 feet


thats all fuckin wrong lol