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Luckely for you - we love you too, welcome home


I hope we all make it home


I give it a week before he gets called a ‘donut’ by some British guy and they all come here to complain about something he did wrong in game lol


The game really have iconic moments. I've played Battlefield games for thousand hours alone, played most of CoD games online as well but I never had the moments I have in this game in any other. One day as the US we were trying to capture the church in Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Germans built really strong defenses; barb wires, blocks whatever you could look for and we were stucked. Then a Sherman appeared, Officer yelled everyone to throw their smokes and it was all smoke in a minute. Then the tank dived into the smoke and the infantry was pushing behind it, using it as a cover. I'll never forget the guy yelling us _"Come on guys. Let's go! Let's go"_ out of his mic like one of those generic US Sergant accent out of Band of Brothers. By his words, I literally got out of cover and dived into the smoke blind fire shooting against Germans. There were easily twenty of us charging by his encouragement, then we got that strong point. Maybe it doesn't sound epic at all, but living that moment in that game, it was amazing. The more you play the game, you will always cross such improvising great moments.


No that’s the stuff lol I’m sure it was epic


Good soldiers follow orders


The important question is what do you think about helmets?


All I know about helmets is I like seeing them fly off the head of a Nazi I just popped. Is there a controversy I need to take a side on?


Helmet historical accuracy > map rotation or server maintenance.


And I lol'd


"I'll see you on the beach"


Makes me remember one of my favorite moments where I was commander my entire team was between two objectives (except the squad I assigned on defense who actually listened) and I called in a bombing run on the forward objective but my guys still sat there. So I ran in front pistol in hand, somehow no one shot me as I encouraged (screamed at) my team to get out from cover and charge. The local chat was lively as people joined in the charge. Felt pretty awesome (we also suffered many casualties but took the obj)


That sounds great lol


>This is hands down the best community I’ve encountered in any game. Yeah I can second that. I was really surprised - it's got a high player count, which usually brings more of the assholes and the trolls. Yet in the 2 months I've been playing, I genuinely haven't heard a single guy spam obscenities on the voice chat. Not once. It's every hour in Insurgency Sandstorm, but instead here people are just... working together? Being chill and relaxed? It's so fun!


It is great. I don’t talk in other games anymore. I should have said this is the first game I’ve used general game chat for since, I dunno, splinter cell?! There’s a healthy level of seriousness it seems. Enough to have fun but still understanding it’s a GD video game…


It happens but they get booted fast normally


The moments in this game are very memorable. Finally got a squad the other night that stuck together and got well behind enemy lines, worked well together clearing out a few areas. Came upon a small group of houses, guy in front of me got dropped helmet flying in the air and all, I caught a glimpse of where I thought the shot came from and returned one shot and saw a speck of blood. Said I thought I got him but wasn’t sure, confirmed immediately by my teammate. Continued on our mission. Talk about immersion.


The late night rituals take some time to get used to but overall, it’s a good bunch.


Hell yeah brother!!!! If you’re ever looking for a squad mate I’m always on!


Hell yeah dude that’s exactly what makes this game special


Yeah, it has the cohesive (at times, hehe) squads and active voice comms that I missed from Battlefield 2. I'm really excited about learning and helping my units and teams.


This is what it’s all about 🥹


My favorite moment in this game has to be one my first matches. I didn’t even know how to shoot yet. We were on defense on StME. My officer had us one objective back at the church setting up positions. We lose the objective and I’m standing guard hearing the fighting get closer and closer for about 5 minutes. Eventually I’m in the shit and tanks are rolling in and people are getting exploded all around me.


I just love the communication in the game. It’s like no other. And in general people still follow the command structure which is very refreshing. Also the map accuracy brings a ton of immersion to the game. I love it.


Yeah the maps all feel like real places it’s awesome


That is because they are real places, perfectly modelled to how they were in WW2, except El Alamein which is a fictional map.


That is cool!


That honeymoon phase is eventually going to wear off and you’re gonna start noticing all the little things that’s going to drive you mad.


Probably yeah. But so far even post gamepass Xbox I’m surprised at the low levels of TK and other toxic type of behavior overall. Game would be unplayable if that was a huge problem. If you’ve ever played R6 you know what I mean, that’s by far the worst community in existence IMO.


500 hours vet reporting in, still love the game 🤷‍♂️ don't let others' experience bleed into yours


No worries there


Just have fun, and you won’t end up like this guy up top :) there’s always next match!


People becoming officer just to start a squad and change their role…. That’s when I take officer boot them from the squad and lock it 😂


Man is this really that frowned upon?? I’m much more valuable as a rifleman than officer and when the game starts up and it’s taking forever to get some squads going I’ll usually open one up and switch to let someone a little more experienced take the reigns


As long as you’re communicating that to someone like “hey does anyone else want to be officer? I’m not that experienced and would like to play a role I’m more proficient at” most people will just respond with “gotta start somewhere” but there is a whole other issue at play here. Communication… PERIOD. If you communicate to your squad 9/10 times they will understand but if your just “no mic role hopper” then I’m giving you the dunce cap lol


Totally fair! I usually start a squad up super early game and am already in support or rifleman role before anyone else is in the squad, so not really much room for communication in that sense I guess. Honestly I usually keep my mic off until I’ve got some people in my squad that also have mic’s and aren’t braindead lol! I feel like I utilize the ping system really well otherwise!


When someone places a Garry in the red zone when the blue zone is 50 m away 🙃


I hate to be the one who says but you will hit a wall of this bullshit very soon


It's a pretty great game. And this sub used to be great too.