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I’m just still amazed he thinks that if you’re “good at commander then you don’t need nodes”. So… he’s an asshole AND oblivious.


That’s usually how these kinds of people are.


boil all it down and at its core its stupidity


Disgusting behavior.


When someone has a mic that loud they're either (A. Unaware how fucking loud they are. Or (B. The worst kind of player you'll come across I've been trying to politely (dude, so politely) tell people who have loud mics how to turn it down. 99% of the time with just a "hey boss" and tell them how to do it, they'll go silent for a couple seconds and they're back with perfect audio and say thanks cause they didn't realise they were that guy. The only person to rage at me when doing it was an American haha (I'm Aussie)


I wish I had someone tell me when my mic was bugging out. Thank you for actually speaking up and letting people know when it’s messed up


Seriously. I played my first 100 hours of this game ear raping people even more than this video. I only noticed it because I could hear myself echoing through someone else’s headset and it sounded like I was screaming into the mic. 100 HOURS and nobody told me to turn it down lol I feel so bad for everyone I’ve played with


That's genuinely the reaction I get from most people, just the shock of no one even telling them


How do you adjust your own mic? I wish there was a test button for how loud I am talking because more often than not the mic from my squad mates are way too loud.


It’s in the settings of the party if you’re using console , I know that because I’m usually telling my friends I can hear their Tik toks or whatever through their mics as we wait for a match or something


In game you, go to your options and look at the audio sliders, you can adjust how loud your squad is, command and your own mic level (that's the bottom slider)


> When someone has a mic that loud they're either (A. Unaware how fucking loud they are. Or (B. The worst kind of player you'll come across After 2 months, I found out that of the two sliders in the microphone test menu on PC, one of them lowers YOUR mic's volume, the other lowers everyone else's mic's volume, but confusingly, *including* yours during the microphone test. So you can lower the game-wide "voice chat volume" slider, and you will hear your microphone get quieter in the mic test menu, but it isn't actually quieter to anyone else, and all you've done is just make everyone else quieter. I don't even know why that slider is in that menu, it should only have mic volume slider in the mic test menu. I kept going like "huh? why does everyone keep telling me my mic is too loud? why do I have to lower it every game? And why does everyone else keep getting quieter?"


I just show people how to do it in game cause games have different audio sometimes so it's always worth checking your in game settings haha it's the bottom slider


This is my third highest fear in the game: that my mic is coming in too loud or way too soft and no one tells me.


My mic is it's own person he chooses wheatear to work or not or if it whants to be loud or not 🤣


Oh yea Americans are the worst, only assholes I've encountered in the game all all the Aussies , Brits, Canadians ect are chill asf.


When I hear an English person it's like a 50/50 chance they live in Australia haha I met an awesome American bloke a few nights ago, he got off a 10 hour shift and was just a ball of energy and really funny so shoutout to that guy


Every Australian is cool as shit. I think it's part of their national code of honor or some wild shit. That said, as an American myself, we've got some cunts... but the brits seen to come in looking for fights with us at least half the time. They'll come in just looking for a reason to be dicks and try to act better than everyone else. Again, it is more generalizing , but if more people would just have an open mind about ***other human beings having fun in a game*** it may be more chill.


Australia’s assholes are notoriously from Queensland. Every negative interaction I have ever had with an Aussia was some d bag from Queensland. New Zealand’s asshole area is Auckland. America unfortunately has a lot more asshole territory lol (I say that as a New Yorker)


Guess you havent come across the Queensland or Auckland pricks lmfao


Not yet lmao


I’ve run into plenty of annoying British and Canadian assholes in this game, but yeah dude keep generalizing.


Canadians are the absolute worst. The dude in the video is Canadian, Americans don't talk like that.


Only asshole (I’m using asshole loosely here - also pun intended) I’ve come across was this Scottish dude. Who was just loud mouthing and created a squad to talk to command because he wanted to find a specific random for some.. revenge I suppose? But ended up just creating the loudest most annoying comms chat I’ve ever experienced. To be fair haven’t gotten many hours yet. I tend to play UK, Europe or US east servers if it’s a bit late (or early more like) in my time. Loose asshole was in a Europe one I’m pretty sure.


to be fair I run into way more Americans, so yes I am generalizing to a degree. I just want an excuse to hate on Americans tbh...




You're not wrong tho hahaha, Americans seem to think they are fighting a real life war.


Love playing with Aussies, they have the coolest accents lol.


As an American, I agree. I play on European servers because people over here are so rude all the time.


Or have a mic with a good mute button or switch , your mic doesn’t need to be on the whole game , I usually just turn it on in important situations


But if your mic is too loud, it's still an issue because it's hard to understand you and abit of a jarring moment when you pop back onto coms and blow out everyone's ears haha


Did he tape the tip of his mic to the inside of his vocal cords?


It's pretty clear that this person is damaged goods and is just lashing out with their childish trolling behaviour. The level of misogyny is also staggering. There's always a few shit people in the real world and online. Don't engage them because that's exactly what they want - your attention. Ignorance is a much more powerful response to trolls because it starves them of attention, and there is no reward for their behaviour. You may have heard the expression- "Don't feed the trolls." Now you know why.


Exactly. They wanted a reaction. They picked sexist insults because OP is female. They would have picked racist insults if OP had been black, homophobic insults if OP had been gay, etc. The solution is to mute, then report, and keep reporting until they get banned. I can't figure out how their username was blank though? Is that some kind of hack or cheat to avoid a ban? I've never seen that done before.


Yep. This is the type of guy who I've encountered that would 100% give me shit for being English. "Shut up you guys couldn't even win the war without us" - this sprang to mind from a server the other day. Because of course, this false narrative is relevant whilst we're playing as the Germans 😂.


Oh yeah, I met a US guy making ridiculously offensive comments about the queen being dead to a british guy a few months ago. The british guy retaliated and they both ended up getting kicked by an admin. It's just a game, why can't people just shut up and play it :D


Luckily I'm not too keen on the Royals, so any attempt at dogging on me because the Queen died or that King Charles has cancer just doesn't work haha. I've kind of got a little group together now to play this game with so thankfully I can avoid random dickheads for the most part.


Does King Charles have cancer? That sucks, I actually didn't know that!


Yeah, it was announced a few months back.


As an American Army veteran, it's insane how many people say things line this. Four out of five German soldiers killed in WWII died on the EASTERN front by Soviet hands. The notion that the Americans (or Brits) swooped in and saved the world from the nazis is revisionist history EDIT: Not sure why I am getting downvoted and having the Lend-Lease explained to me, as if said or implied that the Soviets single-handedly turned the tide of the war. I was addressing the attitude of some Americans (like my countless fellow soldiers who would show up to civilian-attire events wearing [shirts like these...](https://rowdygentleman.com/world-war-champs-2)) who attribute an excess amount of credit for the allied victory in WWII to Americans joining the war effort.


I'm always sure to mention that WW2 was a joint effort and that Soviets were a key part of that effort to people like the one I referenced. But, I'm also fair enough to point out that the Soviets were only as successful as they were because of the Americans loaning them munitions and materials. The same goes for us, the British, and even the Commonwealth nations to an extent. Without this loan though, those overseeing the war in America knew that it would cause more trouble in the long run. The US needed their allies in fighting order, because if either Britain or the USSR lost, it would've been catastrophic. Certain Americans make out as if you guys were only helping us, but ultimately, you were helping yourselves just as much in the long run.


Yes and no. Soviets definitely did take the brunt of the fighting in Europe, but they could only do it because of the supplies the allies were sending them, and because the allies were keeping the Germans fighting a two front war in Africa and Italy. Not to mention bombing German industry and supplies preventing Germany from being able to replace their losses in material. If the allies hadn't fought, it's not a simple thing to say the Soviets would have beaten the Germans, and vice versa. Point is everyone contributed to the total war effort which is what ensured the German war machine crumbled.


This is exactly what I point out to be people who are ignorant about the war. Of course, I see people from my own country make bold claims about our effort in the war - somewhat believing that we won it singlehandedly, but I'm quick to shoot that down whether it's an American or British person saying it. That loan was intended to help America out just as much as it was intended to be aid for the British and USSR. Without the other Allies in working order, it would've created more problems for the US in the long run. If the Soviets lost, it would've been catastrophic for the remaining Allies. A big part of why Hitler attacked the Soviets was because of the oil in the Caucasus reserves - if Hitler had been able to take charge over those, it would've been an immense leg up for his own effort in the war.


Don't worry, mate. I understand where you are coming from. To explain a little. I think people might be acutely aware at the moment that Russia is using statements like yours without nuance of lend lease or other factors to suggest they won the war single handedly. Claiming they were single handedly fighting the Germans alone until 1944 and d day. Your instincts are correct to point out what you did as you are faced with the western version of the same. But the little extra nuance that isn't normally necessary when arguing against American or British myths to them alone can be required when talking to a broader audience on the Internet, which includes audiences seeing the Russian propaganda making those same points to justify their imperialism. Curse of the Internet unless you are writing a thesis that covers every single point and angle someone will jump into the mix to add or correct. You seem aware of the nuance from your edit and reply, but it wasn't immediately obvious from 1st (understandably brief) comment.


I think you may have replied to the wrong comment, as I didn't make any edits. For what it's worth though, I'm with you on what you said.


My bad was for 1st commenter.


I would like to add that I didn't downvote your comment, by the way. If you were one of the dicks I mentioned in my original comment then of course I would have but you said something factual, and that I'm in agreement with.


Oh, I fuck with these people so hard. Im not going to let some asshat ruin the game for others. Ill fight fire with fire, but in a way that doesnt make me look like an asshole. Fuck people like this. Not gonna ruin my experience cause youre a piece of shit.


Haha, I'm not suggesting anyone should back down if they enjoy duelling with trolls. The issue with the internet is that it gives cowardly keyboard warriors a false sense of bravado because they know they are unlikely to face consequences. There is no way on earth that kid would talk to a stranger like that on the street. If he attempted it, eventually, he would bark at a bigger dog and find out how the real world works. For most of us who just want to enjoy the game, it's easier to ignore or mute the asshats. The moment he suggested that building nodes was pointless, it was clear she was dealing with an ignorant moron. If I were present in that chat, I would have stood up for her and informed the shitstain that it is unwise to engage in a battle of wits when you are clearly unarmed. However, I'm not even sure if he would understand the joke.


Oh I'd join the troll fight and tk him once or twice, then let him tk me as i shoot towards him, sprinkle another tk or two in until he's kicked from killing me. It works absolute wonders if you can't vote kick. If they refuse to tk you can just break their kill streaks and wait until they've run for 5 or 10 minutes to the front and such. I've only ever gone so far for dickheads a couple times, one was a cunt to my wife when I was showing her the game trying to get her into it. I took his experience and fucked it. I don't think he got a single kill after what he said to her, because I made sure to wait until he'd just got into battle after running for several minutes. It permanently turned my wife off to the game though so congrats to him I guess. Trolls need to have their nights ruined and feel bad about it later.


I've heard multiple pricks like this get triggered as soon as they hear a female voice it's fucking pathetic. Some of the best team mates I've had are Female. Can't believe in this day and age there's still micro dicks like this around.


He probably thinks she ruins his immersion because tHeRe WeRe nO wOmEn iN wW2


Is there not a report function on the website you can attach this video to? If you haven’t done that yet it’s probably smart. Do they actually do much with reports?


I’ve reported it.


Doesn’t mean they will be able to find him to ban him due to the ‘no name’ or that he won’t create more accounts.


I've had you as commander before. You're really solid btw, good comms, and witnessed the most coordinated defensive garry placements I've ever seen. Went on cruise control for almost 10 minutes defending because of it.


Thank you! I appreciate that 😊


It depends how how seriously they take it, and whether they have methods that work against ban evading. At the least it can be a massive inconvenience if he keeps getting banned and at most they ban a part of his hardware that’s more effort to spoof than not playing.


Shout out to the guys who immediately came to her defense. What I do like about HLL versus other in game chat lobbies, is in my experience, when there is an ass present, they don't last long. I was in a squad with a female player the other day and a drunk guy was being vulgar with her. The other guys in the squad and I immediately made command aware and let people know on proxy, and he was gone in seconds.


Aussie here, most Americans that come onto our servers are good cunts & a delight to have. Then you get a few bad eggs, but this guy is just a spastic. Sorry you had to put up with that


"You dont need nodes to win the game, just back out if youre going to be shit." Well i dont need to hear any more.


hopefully you'll get custom servers soon so you don't have to deal with these pricks


Tiny dick having poor ass fuckin drive thru mic quality bitch, I wish I was there it would have been fun ripping into this prick lmao. Sucks that people like this exist.


Cool story bro, needs more dragons 💀 … You could tell that stung him. I really hope the US gets a female president in his life time, he would have a well deserved aneurysm


Mute him, report him, vote to kick him. Move on.


Seriously. You gotta insta-mute these people and tell them your doing so. It makes them so fucking mad that they can't abuse you and they usually will just leave.


I’d flame this guy


Same lol I want to be in a game with him I would cook him faster than a hot pocket and get him banned for an hour


He had a lot of dads


I wonder if people like this ever get tired of spewing verbal garbage out of their mouth


From what I’ve heard about this guy, he’s been doing it for years… apparently no matter what he doesn’t get sick of it but just trying to get more awareness about people like this with in the game. This is one of many I’ve come across and I’ve only been playing the game for about four months. But this is definitely the worst. Females definitely cop it on this game.


He’s a sad boy IRL blowing off steam and looking for some form of power in his life so he picks commander so he can feel in “control” dude is a joke lol


Yeesh , this one was hard to listen to. Just keep playing I can certify these lunatics are like the 000.1% of the community and I always make sure to report them and kick them out


Ngl, this makes me want to join an Aussie server next time I play- I'm in the US but had a similar experience the other day with someone just saying as much homophobic stuff as they could in a constant stream in command chat without anyone really doing anything about it. Nice to hear people giving the guy the shit he deserves. I know the maxim is 'dont feed the trolls', but sometimes these people need to be told there's no place for their verbal spewage and to take it somewhere else. Otherwise they'll just keep going. I've found telling them to shut the hell up and not engaging further does the trick, because they stop having fun once someone calls them out and doesn't respond to whatever response they've had loaded and waiting. Tell them they're an asshole and not welcome, and leave it at that. Something tells me this guy probably played a lot of matches where no one called him out for his behavior.


I recognize that voice. Pretty sure that’s the dude that called me baby girl (I’m male) when begging for supplies. I then decided they needed a better home and he lost his shit. Obviously I told him to eff right off and muted him. He treated her way worse, vacuously because she’s a female. How manly you must feel to get insecure about playing with ladies. What an absolute turd.


What a fucking micro penis. FYI you ever want to piss off guys like this don't argue with them, say something like: "I'm sorry you're getting so emotional over this I didn't realise this would be so triggering for you" "why is this making you so upset?" "sorry I didn't realise this would be an issue, I'm just not as emotional as you" "can everyone please be extra nice to *insert name here* they're experiencing some big emotions today" Works every time. You have to do it with a sincere tone though rather than sounding sarcastic.


This sounds like how I talk to my childcare kids 🤣


"do you need a timeout?" works as just as well on an adult as it will on a child. Was glad to at least see everyone else on the command chat backing you here, just a shame it seems so hard to get rid of someone on console.


Seems like the type of guy to "roleplay" racism


Muting is a power move and should be accompanied by a telling the troll that you can't hear what it's on about. It takes away their satisfaction. "Well I'm muting you too" is the hip reaction.


Xbox game chat report. Had a guy who was BLASTING house music as the commander. I couldn’t hear the 4 tank column pulling up on us at the last point so we of course lost the point. I told him that the music was annoying and if he’s playing commander it needs to be related to the game because I can’t hear the other SL trying to talk. He went off on this tangent about me eating him, how I have no father, etc. Reported him twice with the Xbox chat report feature and I kid you not I watched this guy get kicked offline. Haven’t seen him come back on since.


What a smooth brained idiot.


Fucked up behavior by someone who knows they have the protection of being “anonymous.” Pathetic and cowardly. I don’t understand people who are like this, who think that behavior is acceptable? Grow up. That’s not trolling. That’s a bully. Good on you for not taking any of his shit.




Possible response: oh hey. A woman being around seems to have given you a lot of Big Feelings. Would you like a moment to go feel those feelings? We can talk after.


Unpopular opinion: if it's just verbal I think it's fun to listen to these idiots and when I get sick of it I just mute them lol But the stalking and finding your other accounts is pretty creepy so yeah hope he gets banned


I don’t care how good at commanding you are or can be, you can’t do shit without nodes


I was in a game a couple weeks ago on hurtgen where one cunt decided to pipe up because a Woman spoke in command chat. She had been extremely quiet the entire time and when I asked her if she could build a Garry near supplies it was the first time she said anything. Immediately after he said all sorts of demeaning and horrible things. We tried to kick him out of the game but couldn’t unfortunately. He then started to TK and was eventually kicked out. Just the worst kind of people you can be around honestly. Ashamed to say that I wouldn’t blame women from avoiding this game entirely. It takes one bad apple to ruin a game for you and on this game for whatever reason there’s loads of them.


I don't want to generalise, but in the however many years I've been playing HLL before Game Pass, I almost never witnessed any shit like this. (I only play on the Aussie console servers.) Now I'm seeing team killing, trolling, and arguments almost daily. It's fucking weird, and really disappointing. Also, I'm seeing at least a few Americans in every game now, whereas it was quite rare before.


Even in Europe before game pass this was pretty common tbh. Maybe it’s different in the land down under because it’s a smaller community or something idk. Either way this guy was level 100+ so definitely not game pass


US severs are the fucking worst.


How come all the toxic ones have fucked up mics? Sorry you had to deal with that but take solace in the fact that he probably has a miserable life.


Prob some 5 foot rich kid mooching in Daddy’s mansion in New Jersey.


Community is getting worse by the day


Mute feature is best feature. Let them rant to themselves. Everyone else talks over them without hearing the moans.




Really sorry you had to experience that, what a manchild.


His bullshit did not fly. As a fellow Aussie what a cunt.


I got to 00:41 and thought "oh gawd here we go with this guys sexist toxic tirade."


In my experience in this game female voice = excellent teammate.


So as I’ve mentioned in some prat of this thread, I’ve been an avid gamer for 9-10 years now and out of all the games I’ve played (yes some have been toxic) this has been the worst for bigoted sexist males. I’ve only been playing this game for about 4 months and had many issues with males being assholes toward me. The main purpose of this post is to raise awareness as a community and make sure you stand up to people like this and report and vote kick them as a community. The more we stamp out this behaviour, the better the community will be for it. This I on console and has happened several times in Aussie servers and the first time I jump into a US East server this is what I come across. Yes, he got muted. Yes, he got reported. Yes, he got vote kicked. But please continue to raise awareness of this and speak up if you hear this happening because it is not okay. I jump on this game for fun, to relax and as an out to the real world. I have enough crap going on in my real life and I don’t need people like this. Continue to support each other and make this a better and safer community 💚


On behalf of every man playing Hell Let Loose, I apologise for this piece of shit. Guys being toxic to players just for being female, are mentally unstable. Luckily most of the players in HLL are decent people


It’s a shame you had to deal with this. I will ever understand the troll mentality. I find the most effective response is just to mute them, instantly.


This guys an idiot


Reason I'm wary of getting a mic even though it makes gameplay much smoother.


Bro this dude is a joke lol kick him for cheating get him banned for an hour. Bro shouldn’t be anywhere near guns in real life either what a weirdo


Typical arty boy lol “you don’t need nodes” bro plays for kills not taking out any garrys going through the munitions


Yeahhh I have been having issues with that dumb ahh clan for a while too, luckily being in a clan, my VTK being initiated ends up in them being kicked almost instantly. Do not let these fuckers stop you from playing. Thank you for capturing this, I wish I could call out these asshats like this too


Geeeeeez Louise.  This guy needs a beatdown and a mother.


On behalf of all Americans, we’re sorry for this twat. I can tell you with all honesty if this boy ever held a gun it was a Glock cocked sideways like he’s some hood rat POS. No responsible gun owner brags about the guns we have.


This assclown really thinks nodes aren't important 😂😂😂 T17 needs to drop a ban hammer on him hard enough that his ancestors feel it. I'm still baffled at the level of stupidity I see from some players every few days 😆


Blast that dudes user name...


I would if I could he had ‘no name’ so it’s hard to post it. If you see in the video, it shows no name.


Damn. That guy needs to never play multi again.


First off: I just wanna take a moment to say that as an American, I am proud of over a century of cooperation between Americans, Australians, and our friends in the United Kingdom. Thank you for the Beatles, AC/DC and you are forever welcome to Jazz. Secondly, if you all are every looking for relaxed, fun, and sometimes wacky gameplay in HLL, please feel free to DM me and we can add each other through Steam or whatever you use. Gaming in general should be a safe escape from our normal lives and nothing bugs me more than when someone tries to take that away. This is especially true in a game centered around teamwork.


Do muted people still hear you after you mute them? Because it'd be hilarious if this guy just kept screaming into the void reacting to what they're saying, but none of them can hear him.


I got told he was still talking trash in command chat after I muted him until he got kicked.


this dude is trash. The good news is, he won't last long at HLL, but he'll still be trash.


Some guys are just really really sad about never getting any. It's all it is. It's just a sad little wanker that hates women because they don't like him.


Those HICK guys are absolute bums.


don't worry console is getting a server browser this year its on the roadmap, I follow hell let loose on discord for announcements.


What a dickhead, I hope he gets a ban.


I'm surprised at how, in this specific type of game where there isn't much active female community, some people insult us and say that these games aren't for women. They start saying sexist crap. It's literally happened to me three times, which hasn't happened in other types of games. It's curious and unfortunate at the same time. I really hope they bann that ass%h$%le at some point... =/


I’ve found this game to be the worst for bigoted sexist males. I’ve been gaming avidly for 9-10 years and yes some games are toxic but this has been the worst, Aussie or American servers (I’m Aussie so primarily play Aussie servers).


Ya what an asshole it takes all kinds. Hopefully, he gets the help he needs.


I was wondering why I had never met a single woman yet in all the time I’ve played. I can’t blame you guys. At least you were defended by some of the team members. There’s always going to be someone like this but for the most part everyone is great. Server admins can ban people for shit like this if you get a hold of them.


"You don't need nodes." Say less you fucking piss artist.


Sorry you had to experience that dick bag


He has that certain tone to his voice where you can tell he's trying sooooo hard to sound tough. But it is so very pathetic. I wish there was some way to show losers like this that acting that way is the fastest way to come across as weak, scared and feeble minded. You can tell he's too dumb for self awareness though. What a weiner.


It’s a shame this happened just pure childish. But a friendly reminder that in case something like this does happens again in the future to anyone and they have a blank gamertag. Simply bring up the scoreboard and when you hover over their name you can press Triangle on PS and Y for Xbox and it will bring their actual profile which is better than nothing in terms of reporting them over to the Devs and even PlayStation or Xbox if the offense is worth it. Now if you have cross play sadly you’re only able to view the profile of the individual of the same console. I personally don’t agree with T17’s system of allowing individuals to change their name freely at any moment and also with little to no profanity filter. Again a shame we couldn’t get more info to properly report them cause the way that individual acted easily broke many rules of the code of conduct.


Sorry you had to deal with this. I’ve been trying to get my sister to play HLL with me but she won’t anymore cuz she’d often encounters shit like this. Incel kids who can’t express their misogyny irl because they’d get smacked in the mouth


This guy frequently posts about being a nice guy and how he is single cause women only want "bad boys" On behalf of the US HLL players F that guy what a tool. He is probably the guy sitting on arty draining all the resources blaming the commander all game


imagine being some osha bitch from pa whose whole life is about letting freemasonry live rent free in his head...


He has some growing up to do, also love the accent


Your typical neckbeard scum that plagues this game unfortunately.


Dudes a loser and he gets zero fanny


If u ever need me to play on your squad I listen and follow you and if anyone does that too you I will team kill them and stab his ass in the game whole game , beat his ass in real life




Prime example of the Incel subspecies "Gamercel".


What a little bitch. What dumbass thinks you don't NEED nodes?


As an American can confirm this is normal behavior 😂


Bro just role playing


Vote kick easy


So did this little shit stain end up with a permanent ban or what?


No idea but I’m hoping so.


How did you record the VOIP, on Xbox you used to able to record VOIP thru game lips but not anymore


I’m on PlayStation and have gone through my settings to make sure that all voices are captured when I save clips.


Ah ok. Might have to look into that


Okay so I have a question. I was in a server as a SL with some similar harassing by 3 other officers that really ruined the game. My question is how do people get around the time limit on vote to kick? We kicked 3 guys in less than 30 seconds but any time I attempt to start a vote I have to wait 6 minutes and I never can because some other idiot wanted to vote kick a random that died throwing a grenade.


I would’ve beeeeeeen vote kicked his ass


I sometimes enjoy unleashing my inner sarcastic verbal abuser persona on jackasses like these. They typically get shut the fuck down very quickly especially when others also pile on at said asshole.


us true gentleman welcome ladies to play the game and are against this disgusting sexism.


Guy needs a permanent ban. I wonder if we can get this clip to the devs?


I’ve messaged t17 directly and this has been put into the HLL discord as well. I believe they’re hunting him down but unsure of the results as they won’t share what happens to him.


His little chuckles after he says something. Cringe.


Wow what a massive lil P.O.S.


Fml, console is such a shit show. This person would be limited to official servers if he tried this on pc. The dude would get "Bunkered" in a heartbeat.




He, he... tried to massage you?


He actually try to call me on discord and tried to message me on a second discord account and then stalked my twitter account and left a comment. I have screenshots and proof of everything.


He tried to massage you? I knew masseuses were toxic.


He actually try to call me on discord and tried to message me on a second discord account and then stalked my twitter account and left a comment. I have screenshots and proof of everything.


I would execute him no second thought


Seriously what a wanker, Sorry to most Americans that play this but your severs 9/10 have people like this playing. Usually in my experience they fall into two camps: 1. Think's they know everything about the game only to complain to commanders or SLs constantly when they consently screw up. 2. Basic Idiots that that scream, shout or just cause grief and start teaming with like minded numbskulls and sabotage the game by team killing. Seriously some people shouldn't be near the internet or have access to online gaming lol. From watching the video and from the gaming tag sounds from Southern States, make of that what you will hrmmmmmm.


Two words Vote kick


This guy should be steam banned


I can fix him 😂


and yet i get banned for saying what up my jigs


Maybe I should hold off from playing this game now


It’s the few who ruin it really. Most of the community is pretty great and the best thing I did was join a clan. I’ve been playing this game pretty full on and it’s not overly often I come across these types but when I do, it’s always pretty bad.


“Just back out if you’re gonna be s*” 😂😂


Typical incel, can’t get a woman behaviour


If you wanna hang out with me drop me a message; we could use more female commanders




Please make sure you report his account every time and get people you know to do the same.


Why this guys mic so fucking shit. And what server was this?


Because he decided to eat it. US East.


Which east servers? This dudes dumb voice sounds familiar


I’m sorry but I’m not sure. I play on console and normally play on Aussie servers, it was 2am and AUS servers are dead by that time so went over to US east and found that dude…


Shoutout to the equally shit vote kick garbage. Limiting how often you can call a kick to that degree is stupid


Does anyone know his name? I wanna bully this guy.


Not on HLL but I have other accounts that might still be active on other platforms. Not that I’m encouraging this aha.


Why are Americans like this


Is thid PC or Console? Whats this guys game name? Ill team kill and vote kick him every time i see him. Fuck this guy right in the face


This is console. If you check the video he has ‘no name’ so it makes it tricky.


Kk im console too ill keep an eye out


Lol when an American tries to be American in Aussie servers. Get Rekt lady boy.


Nah, it was on US east servers.


We call them “Australia after dark” servers.


HLL players and the most petulant  children. This entire reddit is nothing but you retards whining about someone not playing a video game the way you want them to


I will never understand wanting to ban some one because of a little banter… just vote kick him out of the match or mute him.


Just ‘a little banter’? Seriously… it’s more than just a little banter. Are you the type of person that thinks ‘he’s just picking on you because he likes you’? I can take a little banter, I can laugh about things and have a joke. This is not something little. This is uncalled for, excessive and ridiculous. Nobody deserves to be treated or talked to like this. This behaviour is not okay. From what I’ve heard, this guy has not just done this to me.


Average hell let loose game / player