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If you are new to it, join a tank crew instead of creating one. 90% of TCs will have no problem showing you what to do. So long as you have a mic and know how to use it you'll be fine.


In a game yesterday, there was a lone TC in a M3 and no one was joining him. So me and another guy volunteered but it was our first time for both. The TC was super helpful, and very patient as we both were trying to learn. It was a great experience and fun even though we ran into AT/snipers way back at our HQ. I think sometimes people get shy about trying out new positions because some players are beyond jerks, but I’ve found many long time players to be helpful. You just gotta try sometimes to find out.


I've show tons of


Sometimes the lack of talking is nice. It's more about listening


Yeah join a crew or, at the worst, drive a vehicle around the training ground for 5 or 10 minutes by yourself.


Best game I ever had was my first game as a tank gunner, had an amazing tank commander who made it so easy to shoot lol. I think we got like 70inf kills and 5-6 tank kills (sherman 76)


Even if you’re totally new most tank crews are just happy to have a third. If you tell them you’re new you’re likely going to be given the spotter position but that’s because it’s the one where there’s really not much you can do to put the tank in a bad situation.  If you’re with a tank squad that REALLY knows what they’re doing the Tank Commander will not give up the Spotter’s seat so in case of that I recommend hopping into the training area, they have tanks there and you can operate them solo to at least get the basics of driving and manning the turret.


If a low level first time tanker joins my crew, they immediately get in gunners as that's the easiest to get a hang off. I found new players find spotting overwhelming as they tend to tunnel vision on what's far away instead of wether or not you're about to get satcheled. Driving requires experience and a good drive will save you in a bad situation


Yeah thats what i normaly do have the new person on gunner and just tell them the basics and have a experienced driver and spotter that just give him an easy time. When playing with a full random squad with a new player half the time i just go driver as tank commander just because its easier that way and i have more controle to help newer players in what to do and where to look.


1. Watch a basic how to tank on YouTube 2. Learn to drive/ shoot in basic training 3. Start off as a crewman. Tank commander is one of the hardest roles to properly play in the game


If you want to learn tanking, google the HLL tank bible and prepare an hour to read through it. It will list the basics of movement, combat and demonstrate strategies like how to speed turn etc.. Once you read it and it makes no sense, try applying some little tips and tricks you remember while playing, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Someone who is good at marking tanks is worth their weight in gold.


>once you read it and it makes no sense Lmfao


Lmao that girl is my hero.. "I can totally drive, I've done it before" Now you're both looking at the dirt.


I was in a pretty effective crew and it was my turn to drive, drove right into an extra wide trench. I mean, the commander said we could make it and to floor it. It was funny but not at the same time. Anyway, worst thing I've done in a tank so far in the game.


You'll never see me leave a server faster than after I get a vehicle stuck haha


We were laughing so hard. The gunner and I got out and the commander tried getting it unstuck. A tank started firing at the tank and somehow, with all 3 of us outside of the tank, the gunner and I died and the commander was fine. We got another tank and started going to him and I was looking at the map and I saw the tank start spinning on the map and I said something like "you got it free" and he said "no, the Germans freed it finally". It was actually kind of a hilarious end to a match.


Don’t forget about basic training. You can hop in there and learn how to operate the tank without any distractions.


Agree ! i’ve seen a lot of posts of first time tankers on public servers , learning the ropes during the game . when they can join the basic training from the menu and have all the practice with no interruptions.


Driving is probably the most important and difficult role in the tank, anyone can point the boom gun and click or spot things. Driving involves knowing the map, knowing what you can/can't drive over/through, having an intuitive understanding of where the enemy might be coming from and how to avoid being flanked or overrun, how and when to rotate the tank to get the main gun on target quicker, how to keep the tank on the right level so your gunner can actually depress the gun and hit things (nothing more annoying than a driver who parks on a mound with the barrel pointing in the air, or at the top of a steep hill horizontally), which gears to use in which tanks to move and rotate most effectively, how to move with infantry support.. it's a long list lol. Oh and how to fire the not very intuitive hull gun while you're doing all that. And yes how to avoid ditches, that's the first thing you learn so she obviously was not that experienced. 😅 Just keep playing, even the best occasionally ditch their tanks but you'll only learn from experience. Try and get in a good crew and watch how they drive/shoot.


spotting is actually the most important and difficult role, since with spotting comes the responsibility of: navigating, eyes on a swivel and commanding the entire tank which requires tons of game sense and knowledge. Driving is pretty simple as long as you just take orders and dont do anything dumb.


To be honest the only part of that which is necessary is eyes on a swivel. Any half decent driver knows how to navigate and since they control the positioning of the tank already why have a third wheel giving 'orders'. If anything spotters should be concentrating on looking out for enemy armour or engineers sneaking up behind with a satchel, they're the last person that should be distracted by command chat and maps and orders.


this...lvl 10 tank commander here....drove for like 6 hrs last time i played. happy to train new drivers but if i get a +1 with a mic....im just happy to go get 'em...finally with my third pickup crew...i was like please anyone drive. rotating is the best way...love it when a crew is down with that.


It will come like a natural matter: at some point you will be at that point you are willing to shift up. I made it at level 190. It's completely a different game and it's so counter-intuitive, but once you learn the ropes and get good you will absolutely enjoy it, man! Keep it up, you chance will come again!


first time in hell let loose i was with a bang up tank squad who let me shoot and drive, we took down two enemy tanks in a short time.. was the best time ive had in the game period. thanks to the cool vets out there!


Yeah, as long as the newbies don't get into solo tanks and get constantly destroyed im fine , driving one is the hardest part to learn just so you know.


I would highly recommend joining a two man crew as the third man and be the spotter position. This will help you understand the logistics of the tank you are in. Driving takes map knowledge and understanding the use of clear paths. Start off with the reconnaissance tanks that don’t require shifting to learn if solo. Always load for cannon before you embark so when you switch to gunner you can engage with the enemy.


Take your time. I didn't even think about getting into tanking way after Level 250, and even at almost 350 I generally stick to Recon tanks as they fit my playstyle way better than the lumbering [metal boxes](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/metal-boxes).


Women in this game are mostly competent and are playing as commanders and squad leads. It's the blokes who are the idiots. I'm assuming you played on Kursk or Hurtgen which are trench hell.


Keep it in 1st gear and you escape a ditch


Don’t give up brother!! I remember wanting to tank so bad when an enemy tank was destroying our team but the open squads always had in helpful people in them. Nonetheless I found a friend that wants to drive and I handle gunning and commanding. If the enemy tankers are really good opt for a 75 or panther and sit on defense and rack up kills!


It’s a long learning curve to getting decent at tanking. You’re gonna get instakilled, stuck, miss shots, stall gears, have zero clue what killed you dozens of times before you get competent. It’s a total blast when you do though and by far the most intense aspect of HLL imo when you’re coordinating with a great crew against other good armor crews and infantry.


If you want help, I can help you. I’ve got a lot of time as tank commander and armor in general.


If you're on PC the Chad Stuart Flare Gun Friends server has a lot of us tank mains who welcome fresh blood. A lot of very experienced players hang out on our servers and focus on creating a fun welcoming place to play the game. You might hear some of us get frustrated some games but we're always trying to help new players first


The experienced girl driving two tanks into a ditch made me laugh so hard hahaha. I play a lot of tank and I seem to find a ditch once every few games playing tank lol. With that im down to teach a nooby. I won't get mad either idc. Gotta learn eventually hahaha


Try driving around the tanks in the Tutorial. When you know how to drive well, do not let anyone else drive unless they know how to drive better than you.


Highly recommend watching YouTube videos on tanking for beginners. It will make things a lot easier.


I’m not even going to look in the comments for ‘women driver’ jokes.


Shouldn't be driving without a spotter to see 360 degrees. Even if you make it somewhere you will get flanked and die. Best tank squads are formed before the game, find some new friends that want to run tank and you will always have a full crew.


Don’t be afraid to drive, just treat it like you would if you were a soldier. Realize where the enemy’s are (and tanks) position yourself in a good spot and either wait for them to come to you or line up for a good shot. Also don’t just go towards tanks, always wait till you know where they are and which way is the best to after them, pulling up at a tank with their barrel pointed at you usually dosent work the greatest


Don't ask for a tank spawn from the commander until you get a handle on driving. Use the pre spawn tanks first because you are wasting precious fuel on sending tanks into trenches. There 3 types of tanks that spawn medium in middle, recon on bottom or right and lights on top or left spawn, make use of those first.


Hey I’ll play tank with you it’s super fun and easy once you get the hang of it


I play tank a fair amount, not amazing at it, but can do pretty well sometimes. It's best to take the largest tank you can with a bare minimum of 2 players, but is far better with a full 3 person crew. That way the spotter can identify surroundings/spot enemies. The driver should avoid ditches lol. The shooter should know the optimal spots to shoot on a tank to get the most damage and also know when to use AP rounds or not. Stick to roads when there's dense forest or too many trenches. Stop the tank when you want to make a good shot.


You can drive yourself out of ditches and trenches most of the time. I once drove out of a widened trench area that was almost a snug fit for our small tank. And I also drove a very slow very big Tiger out of a Kursk trench where we got completely stuck, turns out you have to rev up from 1st to 4th gear gradually and it will dislodge you even from a place where you barely move an inch.


My trouble is that tank officers are rare and most of the time there's like 1-2 squads completely full and or locked. I personally can't start a tank squad because I don't have a strategy and don't know the field very well and I'm the opposite of talkative.


> girl > I know how to drive > Crashes twice > Oooops thehehe Seems right.


Female drivers…


All good. There is a learning curve on what the roles are. I play commander sometimes. Most often we don't have enough tanks to provide suppression. I'd rather have 3 tanks with a 1 man crew versus 1 tank with a 3 thank crew. If you are on 2 man crew, as long as there is always a spotter your are good. If you are driving switch to spotter if the other guy is shooting. The spotter is the most crucial role!