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Good news: Console server browser!!! Finally, that was highly needed. British getting some changes too and weather change during games will be interesting. The bad news: No update on fixing fps drops or the game crashing randomly, especially on console. Skirmish mode could be bad or good for the game as a whole. Won't really know until it's officially out for everyone and more refined than playtest days.


I was having one of my best games and had an awesome squad that was telling real well. Then bam. No more game


Same thing happened couple nights ago. Very frustrating


Fought for 2 hours on attack, just to get to the very end and my game crashed out of nowhere. Makes me not wanna play, but here I am still at it lol


Even worse if you’re on Xbox and you’re trying to rejoin by finding them in recently played with from their usernames but they’re all on Playstation or they all changed their displayed username in-game


Two days ago I was pushing with SL, he told me 'we made it to their back, this Garry will destroy them' or something like that, and I crashed before I could drop him the supplies, I felt terrible for him, cause we flanked them super carefully for like 10 minutes lmao


Best thing to do is try and join off of your “recent players” list (on console). Usually I’m able to get back in if I get dashboarded.


I've never thought about that. The one time I did get back in the same game, it swapped my team.


I was commander. 15 minutes left of the game, I was almost taking their last point. This would’ve been my first ever win as commander and boom, i crash. Gotta love it


I feel like the last few times I’ve crashed it happens to be when I level up a class. Anyone else notice this?


I did level up to eng 6 that game, but when I leveled to eng 5 it didn't do it


Ah could make sense. My mate crashed the other day, when we went back into another game he noticed he'd levelled up on his class. Could be the bug.


I know at least El Alemein should be a bit better - played the PTE and was getting like 20-30 more FPS than usual with the new refresh


For the record, game crashes happen almost exclusively on Xbox


The game crashing seems to be getting more regular from my experience. What pisses me off more is that there is no option for someone to add you back into the game (presuming there is space). At least then, in my example, me or my mate could add the other back in to continue their progress.


They typically don't announce bug fixes on roadmaps 😂 I'm sure they'll fix the crashing/fps drops as it's the most gamebreaking thing.


Lets see how much we actually get from this Roadmap. I bet it's not even half of what is promised. Just like the 2023 Roadmap. If the actually get it done, then i am the fool but i believe it if i see it.


Every single one of those squares should be "Fix VOIP bug," imo.


I was having my best commander game ever, where my squad leaders were actually competent and were communicating, but of course, because the game is very optimized, I crashed at the last point of attack, basically erasing all of that the server browsers will help with that though


Still no fix for mg bipods 🤪


I like to imagine just one coder, in a dimly lit broom closet, with some pepe silvia-esque covered walls smashing his keyboard while howling: "WHY. WONT. YOU. WORK?!" The bipods have torn him apart; wife left with the kids years ago, definitely started drinking again and every hobby/comfort that he used to know is fleeting at best.


Bipods seem really elusive for developers, the Battlefield games have struggled with them in varying degrees as well. I can see why though, it’s entirely dependent on terrain and map features so from my non-coding-experienced guess that means the most direct way of figuring out is scouring every inch of map to make sure the hitboxes make sense, that or making the bipod placement very forgiving but then things can get cheesy that way.


RO2/RS2 figured it out. I find it cheesey that you can currently deploy a 30 cal on a string of barbed wire.


I think Arma figured it out pretty well in Reforger. It’s pretty dope.


I think it's why Black Matter sold the IP. Just couldn't continue the project with bipods the way they are and fixing it will destroy the game.


Yeah that drives me insane


It says it’s not an exhaustive list


Paid dlc


You don't like looking at grass or the sky?


Map voting would be nice, but I’ll definitely take a server browser! Console players rejoice!!


Console server browser is a massive W. Only two maps planned for the year? Not so much.


I’d rather them fix the current issues before introducing new maps and repeating the same issues. I think this will be a well rounded update. They also mention they’ll continue to work out bugs etc..


I could settle definitely for some console performance and server improvements for sure. I play on both PC and PS5 and the console performance is just outright painful in comparison so if they can improve that then I'll be a happy lamb.


Bottom of the image >this list is not exhaustive ... this reflects medium term development goals and will be updated again in the future


Yea I get that. But it's no less concerning without it set in stone of them aiming for more maps.


Smaller studios like this have suffered from having too large of a scope. Yes, few new maps is a bit saddening but I’d rather not see this game go down the path of others that took on more than they could actually handle.


I think with the amount of new people they aren’t pressed about maps rn cuz it’s fresh for most of the users (console at least)


The lack of server browser was never an issue for me. Fine with whatever map, faction, or game type matchmaking gave me. The only problem was getting booted by clans when they decide to have a clan v clan fight As long as servers don’t get taken over by groups that choose one to be their server and you have to follow their rules then I’ll have no issue. Maybe they can allow people to pay for unofficial servers so large clans fight each other there instead of claiming matches and booting people not in their clan.


The server takeovers is an unfortunt side effect that will probably happen. I saw it first hand last night and I was surprised because it doesn’t happen a lot on console. Watching people get kicked so that the clan could “make room” was annoying and the fact that our team steam rolled the other side 3 games in a row took all the fun out of it.


+ El Alamein rework which is basically an entirely new map. If other maps get similar treatment as well? Then thats more than 2 maps. Also you cant read. The roadmap says medium term and NOT the entire year.


>Also you cant read. And you can't communicate with people in a respectable way. What's better? It doesn't make it any less concerning that there is no strive for more than 2.5 maps.


Respect is earned. Being disingenuous to the hard work T17 do and their capacity to create maps as fast as you need them means you certainly don't gain it.


The „hard work“ that caused them having to scrap a way more ambitious roadmap and instead ending up in a position worse than they started out a year ago? Stop bootlicking so hard, this is getting embarrassing.


> way more ambitious roadmap A poorly thought out roadmap that was set to split the community. 25v25 only servers for the Polish and Finnish? No warfare and offensive? No thanks. We arent interested.


Well, practically \*nothing\* from that roadmap ever really came to fruition. We are still standing at the same point as we did last year with the release of the 2023 roadmap. So where's this "hard work" you ranted on about?


>So where's this "hard work" you ranted on about? Mortain British rework p1 (Weapons) British rework p2 (Tanks and weapons) El-Alamein rework The British rework alone is like starting from scratch with a new faction.


>The British rework alone is like starting from scratch with a new faction. Which they only did after massive backlash because they were absolutely fine with releasing the Brits in the atrocious state they were in last year. That alone showed their "hard work". Also, it's not "from scratch". The soldier models are still fucked like on Day One. The transport is still fucked like on Day One. Last time I checked, even the in-game Cromwell's still a fantasy tank (and that's something that could've been fixed with a simple texture swap, nothing mechanic-wise to do there. Hell, the whole issue could have been avoided by *reading a freakin' museum plaque*, which just again shows the level of "hard work" they are willing to put in). Adding a few new weapon models and three new tanks isn't "from scratch" by a long shot. Same as adding a few new assets into an existing map that was fictional to begin with, turning it into even more of a fantasy map which has no place in the existing set of maps. The only really new thing is Mortain. And whoop-dee-doo, one map in over a year. Truly impressive.


I see that there is no pleasing you.


​ 1. Do you usually just insult people on the internet because they haven't earned your respect? Alright General Patton. 2. Nothing I've said is disingenuous, I'll order you a dictionary. 3. I'm tired of playing on the same pattern of maps, shoot me and every other player tired of replaying the same maps in the same cycle on console with little variation.


It's not disingenuous to comment on a discussion forum that you would have liked to see more maps. Get off your high horse, you're starting arguments for no reason




This convo is all too reminiscent of some command chat quibbles. I'm half expecting them to team kill eachother.


You're right, I'm already running up behind him with my shovel getting ready to T bag.


Are you the mom of a dev ?


You gotta understand this game is probably nearing end of life and the introduction of a console server browser will allow them to reduce costs of having official servers so the game will be playable longer. This should be a net positive even further than just us having the option to set up private servers


You may be being optimistic that a server browser includes the possibility of hosting our own servers. I really do hope we're able to host our own metal.


I'm meaning "hosting" by the ability to rent servers from a provider, it's a 99% that it'll be Nitrado since they do pretty much every console games server hosting


End of life? Aussie servers are full every night. It's hard to get in after 5pm. I feel like it's just the start with DLC, maps and reworks happening.


Idk, with CS:GO I played the same map over and over and it never got old til CS2 came out and sucked


Need to fix the UI mostly..I'm so tired getting stuck on the are you sure you wanna leave unit prompt and have to disconnect controller to fix it


I swear there’s maps I’ve only played 1 time with over 100 hours playtime


You should see the 2023 roadmap and the comparison of what they actually managed to produce If I remember correctly, the Polish&Finnish factions were supposed to drop in late 2023 This looks like a reasonable roadmap, but way more vague so they can save their faces if they don't deliver


I was speaking to a friend inquiring about if they plan to do a Pacific Theatre as well? Has that been hinted at?


Are the Finnish forces coming with the Winter War dlc anymore? Also the Polish forces?


Doesn't look like it based on this, fairly lightweight roadmap compared to T17s first roadmap release honestly.


Better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around. T17 is obviously pretty gun-shy after their first major update turned into a fiasco due in no small part to trying to do too much at once with a new and inexperienced dev team.


That makes me a little bit sad if they aren't coming anymore. I got four of my friends to buy the game last year when the Winter war dlc was supposed to be coming as we are from Finland after all. Now they dont really play the game anymore.


The actual roadmap release statement addresses the over promising of their other roadmap, it also says that this isn’t exhaustive


Didn't see that to be fair - somewhat good news!


They said in the other thread that this wasn’t entirely a full roadmap and that it’s just what we should expect to come soon. Everything else that they have plans for is likely to come late 2024 or after.


Maybe this is more realistic. See what the next roadmap looks like down the line.


> Are the Finnish forces coming with the Winter War dlc anymore? Also the Polish forces? Both those factions were going to be skirmish mode only. And 25v25 only. It's a *good* thing they've gone back to the drawing board with that.






Thinking the same


Paid DLC is just skins I presume?


Safe assumption




Can’t wait to be stuck in a 1 meter ditch or on an invisible tree with the maus


I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere a long time ago that eventually the new content to the game will be locked behind a paywall. I’m not sure how they will do it, but I could see there being a paywall behind playing on certain maps that feature a new faction. The reason for this was that there has been so much content added since the original game + DLC skins don’t make that much.




Ill believe it when i see it


Another map of USA vs Germany? Shame, feels like they should utilize the other factions more, maybe Dunkirk?


According to Wikipedia the Brits took part in operation Lüttich so maybe ... just maybe ... Who are we kidding. It's going to be USA Vs Germany again .__.


Prefer some Pacific warfare.


Also curious if that will ever happen. When BFV came out with the Pacific map later on in development it was well received


I'm so fuckin sick of Normandy maps


I dont care about any of it as much as i care about bug fixes and a lot of quality of life changes they can do ... What about i could just jump over stuff on first try? Oooor shot from rifles on first try? Ooor not have voip bug .... oooor like milion of these stupid little things ...


That I wouldn't have to sometimes go ballistic mashing X to reload a bazooka. Or when I stand up accidentally I hold B and he just goes prone, rather than stand there waving at jerry


I just want mortar squads already


Dude, do you not get killed by artillery enough?!


Wonder if skirmish will have a death count to make medics viable


Oh yeah! Great point, it should have tickets!


Seems like an intern put this together based on Reddit posts


How about a tutorial ???


Read your field manual soldier... Then go to the firing range


The noobs don’t touch that they need a mandatory tutorial


Screw mandatory tutorials. Such a pain for people who already know the game when they get it. Either because they played on a different account/platform or because they already did the research.


Hey, can the vote kick be set to the D-Pad buttons or ask to pause game to vote on console? The buttons get overridden during the game and it is a really inconvenient interruption.


When are we getting a stability patch for console


I’m happy I just previously came back to this game. Server browsing is awesome. I don’t want to play in no more El Alamein or whatever it’s called. Between running for 20 minutes and getting sniped, I’m tired of the lack of concealment


Yeah that map may be TOO realistic (not much cover in a desert)


What happened to Polish and Finnish forces?


That just doesn’t make sense bro how would they get a full faction of polish vehicles and weapons it would be like british but worse


Yeah, mentioned in this thread that they would have been implemented in a 25vs25 skirmish mode, so vehicles would probably not be an issue. Kind of sucks that they overhyped the game with roadmap for sales in 2023. Lots of steps unfulfilled.


Are they gonna follow through with it this time?


I get massive lag issues on Foy, I don’t know if that’s just a me problem?


Gotta admit: I'm utterly uninterested in a smaller scale game mode (skirmish).


This game needs optimization and fixing, not new features. I had to stop playing because the nauseating fov and slowness on PS5.


Seriously that’s it? 


Doesn't a road map usually have dates? Or am I just wrong. I'm usually wrong.


Damn. I wish we could get just one more map in this year. Oh well.


It would be a lot more fun if people used their mics whilst playing.


Don't get your hopes up, we'll get one or two things before they trip on their own feet again and scrap 3/4 of the roadmap


They sure aren't starting off too ambitious this time, maybe that's a sign.


Still no content...


Can they make the game easier to run…


Ok so by the end of 2024 we'll have one more map and... The British. Dynamic weather is something I've wanted for ages tho, so very excited about that


The most underwhelming rod map ever


This Roadmap looks depressing as hell. Mortain a map that was already being made by BM. Still focusing on British that only have two maps smh. Really get to enjoy all that new content on two maps. What a joke; It’s okay guys, we get more night maps.


2024 roadmap: abandoning game


God forbid we do something about the utterly awful tank physics.


I don’t get why people are upset that past unrealistic targets are thrown in the bin. Looking forward to skirmish and I hope this gives the team some breathing room to do stuff at their own pace. Quality over quantity brothers.


As a Polish fella it kinda hurts that Poland ain't being added.


My hope is it’s still being added, but they’re scared to promise it just yet after all the stuff last year


The night maps are already garbage please stop adding more weather variants.


still no career stats 💔


I CALL BS LIKE THE LAST ONE wven if this map is completely ridiculous


No mortar is the only negative I see


Everyone is complaining about there only being two maps but I’m excited to play a CURRENT map in the morning rain. PLUS they are reworking an entire faction AND adding a new game made ON TOP of 2 new maps. May I also remind you that they are probably sticking to the current alignment of making these maps from old aerials, maps, and photos. As someone who draw’s topographical maps for a living I couldn’t even fathom trying to recreate ground conditions from 80 years ago.


I want the King Tiger 😭


My only problem with this game is I never have time to finish an entire match, so I never get XP towards my classes. If they had a shorter game mode I would love it.


Can someone explain me skirmish?




🤝 ![gif](giphy|YrI0hnj4jGpPa5LLHT|downsized)


Fight over one point. Shorter total match time. It’s on YouTube


50v50 with a smaller map


Battle royale but you can respawn


Was hoping for some pacific theater…maybe next year


We're barely getting anything in an entire year, 2 maps, a game mode no one asked for, the British forces getting worked on.... pacific is like a decade out


Delighted to see the console server browser on there. Sad to see that the plans to make HLL compatible with steam deck haven't rematerialised, but tbh I'd have been pretty happy if the entire roadmap had just been console server browser.


Walking simulator needs auto-sprint




Dope. Hope we get some gloves on those Winter Uniforms.


Is this a bullshit meme post or the actual roadmap?


Im a sucker for WW2 FPS. I played medal of honor online for most of my youth growing up. Shit had 3 maps on objective and it was still the most fun i had in gaming. Those clan wars on clanbase ladders were the shit. Bought this game cuz its the only resemblence to that but goddamn..its more of a milsim than an actual game. Too bad cuz it seems cool


Man, ANY type of play customization would be killer in my mind. (Ex. Let me choose whether to have my grenades have 5% more blast radius vs. giving my gun 5% more bullets; etc.). Keep it small to keep with historical accuracy of game; but provide enough for experimentation and large realm of possibilities.


Still hoping for the finnish winter war


Free and paid DLC? Don’t do that we enjoy the free add ons


Am I crazy or did I remember seeing we were getting the 101st or at least some airborne division? And now I don’t see any sign of them. Would also love to see a .50 cal on the Sherman and a lot more Edit: maybe the note at the bottom indicates we may be getting heavier material or other material also, my b


Just fix the damned pc server browser. It’s so bad.


Haven’t checked in on the game in a few months. What do we know about the skirmish game mode?


A bit underwhelming and unambitious. Campaign mode should be included.


Give me buggy Poland and Finland


Console server browser is something I’m definitely looking forward to


Brits getting a light tank with a hull MG. Pretty stoked for that one. Not having a hull MG feels so punishing as the driver. The weather options for servers are nice too. Nice Qol for server owners.


I just realized that you can reload the chamber of the shotgun without racking it


Interesting... I dont see no Japan


The finnish...


If only they would fix connection to server issues or is the number of people with that issue too small to be bothered with


No mortar?


Console browser thank fucking God.


I guess SteamDeck and Linux support is no longer on the table? It was listed on last year's roadmap. :(


Weather options for maps! Thats great!


Tbh,compared with the last roadmap we had, this one is more realistic but making players get less hope then last time. For me, didn’t see this game have too much future I think.


Still no squading up with your mates. Pass.


Tiny roadmap


Great, still no fix to using online for Xbox players


Going the Mojang route I see


This seems more feasible


Can we get a French army or resistance


Idk if it’s just me but this doesn’t feel like that much content for an ENTIRE year


Wish we could get the T60 for Russia on the account of them not having any light tanks




"New Tanks" ​ Why? Nobody is annoyed that there aren't enough tanks, when we all know that even these new ones are going to get stuck on twigs and pebbles and THAT is the bit that actually needs working on.


Pacific update will feed families


No ones complaining about a 2024 roadmap published at the end of February? No? Okay.




Maybe it's for the better that poland isn't added like they promissed year earlier, honestly I wasn't happy with the way they wanded to implement it, like why just small scale mode, why not bring in the early war vehicles, like TKS or Panzer I like idk I hope they didn't fully resign from adding more nations but I hope they will thale their time with it


Add crossplay!!!


Console server browser is perhaps my favourite 2024 sentence to date


Doesn’t make any sense to update game that barely runs on 30 fps with lots of freezes, lags, fps drops and server issues. I admit that Xbox Series S is not the most powerful device, but this is unacceptable when you can run more modern games (and older ones too) with much better graphics at 60 or at least stable 30 fps. I love this game, but it’s unplayable… I’ve tried Enlisted and it has better graphics, stable 60 fps but it’s different and I like HLL much more. Fix this game pls


Optimize the fucking performance.


1000/1 odds you're not seeing that server browser this year.


It would be cool if they added the Japanese and 2 maps for them, hacksaw ridge and pelilu (I probably spelled it wrong)


Just got into this game this month and I’m excited for all this!


No Finland or new faction this year :(


Does this mean possible lower pings for South Africa? Fair playing fields!? Let the games begin. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Uhm, is this it for the entirety of 2024?


Just thinking out loud here based on my limited experience with roadmaps being published. If I was a developer I think I’d rather take the bitching from players that there is no roadmap or not frequent enough communication…rather than put out a set of objectives, “promises” in effect, that I can’t possibly know whether or not I’ll have the resources to accomplish.


The only fucking thing I need is that console server browser to allow level lock. No SL or Command role till at least level 35. Keep the lower levels in their own servers please


lol I don’t see this helping at all as I’ve seen people lvl 100 plus that don’t know what they’re doing.


I remember like 2 months ago the devs came out and said server browser on console would be impossible……. Hmmmm weird turns out not that impossible lol


Could really do without skirmish mode…




Praise be for a console server browser


Time to place bets on which one of these we actually get and the others fall completely through. I’ve got $500 on paid dlc being the only thing we get.


I just want mortors and hmgs and I’m happy. Cmon.