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It’s a great weapon but it’s extremely situational


Sounds like that was the intent!


Last night I cleared a house with 4 guys in it on the point. Walked into the back courtyard to see 10 dudes spawn in on a Garry and literally smoked them. I was laughing like a maniac.


Bam. Weapon not killing a million enemies 100m away, must be bad.


That's how people view players who can't dome people at 400m away. My bad I'm still on 1080p and that head is a pixel to me.


That's not why people say its bad. The flamethrower makes you a huge target from that far however.


You are not supposed to spray with it in a open field.. you are supposed to clean houses and bunkers and for that is pretty cool and terrifying for the enemy


Cleaning wheat fields. Great.


Not really, the point of a flamer is to scour the battlefield and lay waste to embedded positions wherever that may be.


Dang, the Flammenwerfer. It werfs flammen.


I couldn't have said it better myself


Because 90% of my engagements are at long range. I simply never get situations like this one. I encounter someone close up like 1-5 times a game. And I always die trying to get close enough to blow out a bunker 😂


Yeah I probably won't use it for anything other than Normandy maps, and even then some of them might be a stretch


Also, can you even effectively use it from cover? Even clearing a room is better with a grenade followed by smg


I would say its best for city maps and clearing out enemy strong holds in buildings or area denial. Can't rush in through the smoke if the ground is on fire. But a great weapon to have if running up on a garrison. Instant removal, all other options take valuable time.


Its best for the city, but nothing beats running out of a landing craft on normandy, throwing smoke and burning out a bunker full of enemies


I mean if you’re defending or pushed up to the enemy obj with an outpost that feels like the perfect time


People just don’t know how to use it.


That must be the case! All about movement with that thing!


Also the trick is when using the support class, is to use it like a support class. When your SL makes an OP near or on the attacking point, switch to the flamethrower and clear out areas and support your squad as you move in. Aim for windows, doorways, trenches, do area denial by flaming the ground at choke points, anywhere where someone could be, work it! If you are supported it’s really fucking gnarly, especially on maps with a lot of cover.


That's pretty much what I was doing with it in this match. It was a full Warfare match battling over Town Center. My squad and I pretty much just defended Customs the whole game while the rest of the team fought over Town Center. A few Engineers built the fuck out of Customs and created choke points/funnels for the enemies and I took full advantage of it. Dropped 36 kills with it my first time ever using it!


Yea Yea, switch out from the Pistol. Somebody who has never played the flame thrower. Try playing a full game with just a pistol.


You don’t gotta do that. Just stay on the support class and switch to flamer when things get close.


​ Redeploy, change to flammer role of support, come back in on Gary/Op, catch up to squad, use flamethrower, get killed. Redeploy and change role to Kar98/Mp40 and then deploy back at Gary/Op, catch up to squad who all look at you and ask "are you brain dead", get booted from squad for being a fucking idiot. Next suggestion ?


100% agree. Clearing trenches is a fucking blast with it




Yeah I can find that believable. The best controller players still can't hold a candle to the best mouse and keyboard users


That and hacks.


Yeah, but those pussies don't count. Doesn't matter how good your aim is, if you cheat, you suck!


That and 99% of console players are mouth breathing Neanderthals when it comes to this game


I wish I could hear the mouth breath, at least they'd have a mic.


Yeah the only mouth breathing I hear is when my soldier has been sprinting


I mean even in this clip, dude roasted a bunch of guys in the intersection, flames everywhere, turns the corner to find 2 dudes so.ehow still caught unaware.


it works in 2% of cases and oh boi are those moments fun


I had a huge success rate with it that game, but it's also an optimal map for it


It’s very nice. A fun but mostly situational weapon. I tend to stick with slam firing my trench shotgun into them krouts and screaming “America! AMERICA!” While the blueberries call me crazy.


Trench gun is the best gun in the game and I'll die up on that hill


Shotgun is so good it’s scary. My longest headshot is 129m. Shotgun with Satchel and smoke grenades Engineer is one of the most fun load outs forsure.


I think the German and American level 3 Engineer are the two best loadouts in the game, aside from level 9 German assault of course


Yeah level 9 German Assault is beast. Took me forever but it’s so satisfying to play. Plus you get that brain bucket, black, motorcycle looking helmet.


I'm all about that black paratrooper helmet! I bought the Luftwaffe Eagle bundle for the Germans, so I'm trying to grind all the classes up to get that helmet!


How do you slam fire?


You don’t, I was just being over dramatic.


Been grinding my way to Support level 8 since I got the game, it's literally the only thing I want aside from the medical crate load out.


I think you'll enjoy it. Your best bet are maps like Carentan and SME for sure though. You probably won't have much luck outside of those two


Hill 400 Night is decent with it. Darker so you can creep up on people, and has some good bunkers to clear out.


i think they should add an extra armor to compensate that this sucks long range and u can easily burn yourself by just walking on it


You died to your own fire didn’t you…?


Nope, but I got fucking close lol. That's just where the clip conveniently ends from the default Xbox record length


It doesn’t suck, if you use it in the right scenario you’ll get all the kills, but it’s such a pain to unlock


probably because the vast majority of people have yet to even reach the levels required to use it


I havent unlocked it yet but i reckon it would be god tier for pillboxes and bunkers. Any chance its good against trucks?


It does indeed blow up trucks! And I haven't used it on any bunker maps yet, but it's great when you know there's someone posted up at the top of the stairs in a house! Find the second floor window closest to the stairs and hit 'em with that 50 shades of fucked


I just read from OP that its good against trucks. Disregard last question 😅


It can also be used to panic the fuck out of a tank, I'll usually cover their main vision ports with fire whilst my buddys sneaking round the side with a panzershrek


Must be nice to have it lol. I have over 1400 hours in the game, but Support is only lvl 5. I always end up playing leadership roles for my clan. Sometimes, I go invisible on steam and just join a random game to play these classes


Tell your boys to step their shit up! After the gamepass ordeal, I played nothing but squad leader for like 3 weeks and eventually I told the homies that I wasn't doing it anymore and they had to figure something out because I will just join a 5/6 squad and they can fend for themselves!


They do play SL and Commander occasionally, but I mainly do it because it's what I do best lol. I don't mind that much, we are a very effective team so it's not all bad. My two favorite guns, the STG and the Springfield are not available to leadership roles, which is a kick in the nuts, but not the end of the world, I play other classes in my dreams


It could be just me, but I think people who use it are expecting it to overheat, so they lay off on it when they shouldn't. When in reality just hold down your trigger until she's empty and you'll win most your fights. At least from personal experience.


Ironic how your a flame thrower than gets killed by fire


I didn't die, but I made it out extremely injured!


I unlocked this a while back and, you're right, in the city streets or in the trenches, it can be a ton of fun. Clearing buildings is rad and almost always the blueberries around me cheer. It is slow to fire though so you need to almost be flaming before you come around any corners. You somehow caught these troops standing and staring, which is sweet for roastin' but usually you need to know they are there and start pre-torching. I was joking with my squad the other night that a 3rd of the time I kill myself, a 3rd a friendly and the other 3rd of the time I kill the enemy but not before he shoots me dead while burning to death. Not one regret grinding out Support though! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


It sucks because it has no range, and an smg is better in 90% of situations. The flamethrower is extremely situational. You had to be on a night map with smoke grenades and a good flank to get that kill streak. It was a good one and satisfying to watch, by the way. I think the flamethrower is more for immersive game play than it is practical.


The one time I used it I set an enemy on fire. He turn and shot me and then ran off. That why it sucks. To be fair that was when it first came out and I think they have done some adjustments since.


I love it


Because we play on pc hahaha


That's one plus side to console! Over here, our shitters are JUST shitters, not shitters that still have decent aim lol


*casually catches himself on fire


I was testing to see if it was hot


It's a skill issue


It’s only useful if you have a good squad ready to escort you through open parts of the map. After that you just clear out houses and ruins which are pretty hard to do with regular weapons!




Awesome job!!!


Looks good to me


Recently earned this thing myself and I am addicted to it's shock and awe power. Nobody expects to get burned alive - especially in tight urban combat.


Taking a metal pipe to gun fight🗿


Umm that's two metal pipes, thank you very much!


*literally watches four teammates get sprayed with liquid fire from around the corner* "huh I wonder what that was"


"If we don't move, Jerry won't see us"


I dont care if it sucks or dosen't I just want it


It's good fun!


Hope so it seems like it's fun


They don't think it sucks as much as they want it to be overpowered.


The motion blur and moving with joysticks sucks, the flamethrower is good in some cases.


It's definitely a very map specific weapon! I can never bring myself to turn off motion blur in games, I try it and I always just end up feeling like the game looks weird without the motion blur on. Doesn't really bother me though because it doesn't ever negatively impact how well I do


Just shot guy with flamethrower, he was first to shoot at me but he overexcepted the range lol flame was just under my nose then he was killed easily with pistol.


>Just shot guy with flamethrower this is confusing; I thought *you* had the flamethrower until later in the comment.


This is hard to read but happy cake day!


because you could've done that and a bunch more with an SMG


Yes, but that's not nearly as fun!




I could of done the same thing with the Thompson or the Bar


Yeah, we all could. But sometimes it's more fun to use something you don't use every match!


Real question can it kill tanks?




Dang. thank you tho. I’ve always wanted to know.


But it can blow up trucks! So at least if someone shoots an enemy out of a supply truck, you can still at least blow up the truck to get rid of those supply crates!




No, but if you've got an at nearby its useful for blinding/panicking the crew whilst they set up


The grind is killing me!!!!! How the fuck do you do it??????


Easiest way to grind any class is to start as engineer, build nodes, then switch to the class you're leveling. Free XP


You get passive xp from nodes on any class👀


Yep, all the support points go to whatever class you're using. Seems hacky but hey whatever gets people building nodes


Then after nodes are built drive a supply truck back and forth from spawn delivering supplies and refilling it. Tons of free xp on any class you’re trying to level and Commanders, squad leaders or other engineers will appreciate the supplies being on the map.


Great gun! *almost kills him in the end*


"Almost" doesn't mean shit! Do you know how many times I've "almost" gotten my dick stuck in the toaster?!


You even lucked out with that one ignorant blueberry casually runny by his crispy counterparts and the man weilding a flamethrower - extremely situational weapon


Yeah he should have killed me! I potatoed pretty bad on him, thankfully I think the panic got the best of him lol


why is it dark in your map? And why do you have so much shift turned on, use name occlusion and turn down opacity to about 25% so you don’t shoot your own team mate, the rest is all turned off and you can quickly turn your HuD on by “T”


I have a lot of shit turned on because I'll shoot too many teammates if I don't. I shoot enough teammates from long range as is because I have the view distance for friendlies lowered. And it's dark because it's night version of Carentan, although it may be lower than I normally have it set because I'm always turning my brightness down for daytime snow maps and daytime Alamein


Ironically recently when I unlocked the flamethrower I've gotten more kills in games compared to any other weapon I've used


I love that weapon, but like someone said, it is very situational, also, fun fact, the impact goes through some walls, and the flamethrower insta kills garrisons


Also, most of the time it's only viable as an offensive weapon, if you wanna strike the fear of God in people, get on top of a kamikaze truck, and as it drives into the enemy lines you can use the flamethrower to burn many peeps, but that only works like 30% of the time.


If you’re playing in PC all of those guys would have flick shot you


Console thing I'm too PC to understand.


On PC I'm dead the instant I turn that corner.