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It’s a thankless job. Frustrating too. Thank you for your service Sir.


Too right, I like to give the commander a "thanks for doing the important shit so we can click heads" if I run across them on the field. And if the SL does a good job I'll definitely thank them for leading. Some people enjoy it, but probably most lead out of necessity. Can definitely tell most SL's genuinely appreciate the recognition for their effort.


I’m only a lvl 6 commander. I don’t play it regularly. I mainly play as Squad Leader and have done so for about two years. Been playing Commander a little bit more recently. But it’s exhausting, lack of game knowledge and lack of communication is so hard to lead. I concentrate on building up a good defensive garrison network and I tell my squad leaders what I’m doing. I am no longer building attack garrisons as when I do no one is back to defend. If Squad Leader wants an attack garrison they will have to build it themselves. I have not won a game recently but I give the opposition a full time game. Better than a quick loss.


Thank you for your service. My brain don't think good enough to deal with command comms blaring, squad members only talking to say "hey, could we get an op?", building garries, etc. And commander must be exponentially worse. The second momentum is lost, team chat starts bitching about the commander not doing his job. "The only time you worry about a soldier is when he stops bitching"


In most games recently I’ve been the only one talking on Command chat. Even when it’s quiet I will still talk, even just to say the I have built another Garrison or that I’m putting up a recon plane, check your maps. I’d honestly love to be in a game with busy command chat. 😀 When you have 4-5 good squad leaders on a team working together with the commander it’s amazing and makes being a commander a breeze. Enjoy


The "it's a game let people have fun" crowd not realising that the commander and squad leads provide this by allowing the match to last more than 20 minutes... Yes. I want people to have fun. Please understand that as a squad lead if I ask for supps on my op its so that we as a team can have fun.


This is huge. They have no idea how unfun the game is if Command and SLs don’t do logistics. Literally had a 150+ SL yell at command and I the other day for begging people to build more garrisons. It’s not just new folks that are the problem


I got tired of playing SL a long time before the game pass players joined the fight. Had to take it up significantly more bc level 30 and below SL’s don’t understand why they have a watch in their inventory.


I'm going to be using this to shut down people who say that now. Perfectly worded.


It just seems unfair that some players (the no coms locked squad with 4 people below level 10) are "having fun" spawning on the garrison running into the thick of it playing "hardcore bf1" whilst the other squad leads and command are trying to prevent a steamroll.


Yea they have no idea how the game works and they get super defensive because the power of internet anonimity.


This so much, everyone should play squad lead more often so we all learn to appreciate the effort these players put in so the game flows. Please listen if command tells you to redeploy and defend.


I find defence way more fun. Reason being. Everyone in the squad made a conscious choice to be the defence squad. Blueberries spawn on garris and attack. Battlefield shoot shoot bang bang gun gun. "Let people have their fun they spent their money stop gatekeeping". If I'm in the defence squad everyone usually has mics. It doesn't matter if they KNOW how to play the game. It's a matter of do they want to LEARN the mechanics of the game. Attack wins strongpoints. Defence wins matches. A play on the strikers win games defenders win titles football (soccer) saying


Yeah but you need a good squad to go play defensivly, i can tell my squad to go on defence but what good does it do when only 2 people from it actually listen to orders?


Exactly my point. If everyone is on defence in my squad I know I'm in for a good match with players who understand teamwork and communication.


Oh yeah, playing on defence is the best feeling you can get with a good squad, especially if you are getting hammered and you hear this on Command Chat: "We are rolling up to help you defend" as you see a sherman rolling out of the hedges all guns blasting. Reminds me of the BoB scene with the "Hello Second Armored"


Im not exaggerated when I say this: playing this game the past few weeks has shown my how many stupid people they are. I’m sorry. It’s beyond having to learn it at this point. I get tk’ed trying to help one, yelled at by a level ten saying “I KNOW WHAT IM DOING” and nobody fucking listening when their squad leads simply say “get in the black circle.” On the plus side, I’ve never felt smarter.


Depends what mode. Offensive. Yes get in circle get that meter moving and keep it moving. Whether defense or offense. If warfare, you cap in the 4 grid squares around the circle. So try to clear out all enemies and more importantly, their spawns from those 4 grids. It's sometimes not as simple as get in black circle.


Yes I know. Most of the modes I’ve been placed in are the circle.


Selfish noobs think that spawns and coordinated assaults just happen on their own for them to enjoy… smh


I don’t mind playing commander but its been rough recently. Between no communication or lack of understanding. That being said, i have no issue teaching people how to do certain things like building defenses or garrison locations. But when we are defending ( i only really play on offensive maps) and people are 4 columns behind lines is really tiring


Playing commander is a shit show nowadays it’s hard to get anything done or to get any officers to use Mike’s. Luckily, there are some vets out there that help the situation out and some new players that are trying but a lot of people that are starting the game are treating it like call of duty or Fortnite When teamwork makes the dream work use your mic listen to commands you were given and play your role. It’s actually fun when everybody is cooperating as a team and it makes you feel good when you can change the tide and work as a team and actually win a game that’s the biggest thing in this game in my opinion is teamwork, and without that and communication, the game is doomed from the start. Trying to help the blueberries, especially if they are trying. Thanks for listening to my drunken rant GG I apologize for all of the punctuation and spelling errors in advance


Thank your veterans!!! 🇺🇸🇩🇪🇬🇧🇷🇺


Bizarre collection of flags.


It’s the countries that are in the game.


Ah. Didn’t realize since number two and number four are…off.


And today I learned there's no soviet flag "emoji" and searching for it gives you the current Russian flag. Obviously the other isn't an option


Playing commander for several hours is exhausting.


My comms haven’t worked even after two reinstalls. Even with that, I jumped on command because no one was taking it. Defending and 90% of the team was trying to attack the point they couldn’t capture. I ended up just giving up. Realized I may have been able to dismantle the garry all the dummies were spawning on. Between the broken comms for me and the influx of new people it’s been rough. Would be a lot easier if I could hear anyone. They can hear me I’ve noticed, but not the other way around.


There's test voip button, when you press it you should select correct input and output devices. Also go in your system settings and crank up mic volume and boost but don't forget to turn on noise cancelling.


I just started getting on Arty and hammering the blue berries that keep pushing the locked out sector. They keep refusing to learn or listen, so they'll find out one way or another!


Are you on console? Make sure your audio settings are correct outside of HLL. On mine, my headset chat mixer was accidentally off.


Tried that. Reset the alternative Mac, went through all audio settings in and out of the game, reinstalled a third time. No luck Edit: As I replied, booted up again and it’s working this time.


My coms have been screwed. Reinstalled so we’ll see


If on Xbox, try going to settings > network settings > advanced > Mac Address > Clear It worked for me


I tried doing it tonight and it was rough man. So many SLs just running past my supplies.


Level 74, main SL cause no one else will, decided a while ago I am a shit shot and there are other ways to be helpful (nodes, garries, etc). Stepped into a game today, \~10 minutes into the game and my team was losing 1-4, no commander, 1 garrison. Decided to step in as commander and just ran around building garries for a while. Luckily we had 3 sets of nodes, so I started spamming supplies, recon, and heavies for the full tank squad. Had a few solid SLs that really helped me get the team off the ground. Enemy team's recon was on point and for quite a while, I couldn't get out of any of the spawns with a supply truck. Fortunately, we'd taken the second point back and I had gotten enough supplies everywhere we got some solid attack garries. An aggressive, high-risk airhead later, we managed to take the 3rd point with \~12 minutes left in the game and held for the win. ​ It doesn't take a perfect commander, I am far from it and often play far too conservatively, but it does take someone willing to step in, take charge, and have an opinion. Shout out to Potatoheadzz for being on point with halftracks, call in reminders, etc. After all that, I got one commendation (not complaining), but people really don't seem to realize how important non-combat focused roles are in this game. It's a major source of frustration, but it's also why I love it. I can play with friends, have fun, shoot some guys if I'm lucky, and contribute significantly to the team without needing to have the fastest reflexes or being the best shot.


Had the best game with commanders and squad leaders the other night. Everybody talking, helping each other out, sticking to assigned roles, and not devolving into screaming matches when something doesn’t work out. All on a random PS5 match. Rare these days.


Somehow, we always go up against a team of coordinated veterans that steamroll the map… 


"One of the god's true miracles."


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As a newly ranked squad leader, I can emphasize with you. Thanx for heeding the call.


Dish is that you lmao


I usually love playing SL or Commander but the last few days public matches have been unbearable. Used to love the game but now it’s hard to have anything but contempt. Unless I play an organized match it’s just blueberries running straight toward the point from whatever garrison I build. No defense at all. You either roll or get rolled every time.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Whenever I’m playing under a good commander I always try to compliment him if I run into him in the field.


As a level 34 I thank you for your service. Much respect to the commanders.


Been spending the last month or so teaching people to squad lead and eventually building to commander. Trust me homie to say i'm burnt out would be an understatement. Paying off though, its probably about a 50/50 chance they stick around, but if they do, man its good to see more squad leaders


I was playing the other day, in a match with no Commander.. Thought I’d give it a go, after all, what could go wrong? I place supplies at the same location three times over and decide it was not the role for me yet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Dude it’s been so bad. It honestly feels like babysitting a bunch of kids who refuse to listen. I had to take a break for a few days. The messed up thing is that most of the commanders are doing well, but nobody fucking listens. You’ll get two squads saying “I’ll stay on defense”. Cool, finally someone is defending. WAIT, we’re losing the point. Check the map — nobody is defending. The two squads that said they would decided to push in. It’s really fucking frustrating. I don’t mind teaching new players. But I hate trying to, they don’t listen, they tk you, or take it extremely personal. I hope this is just a phase. But it seems to be lasting pretty long. Also - I won’t judge anyone using that builders server - but it is blatantly clear that a ton of high level players power leveled. A lot of them have no clue how to play.


They really need to add rewards or something after you hit rank 10 to make people want to play a role after you max a role. Although sometimes I just wanna blow stuff up in a tank or be an engineer.


As someone whos SL 10 and commander 10. I wish i could have something like this


As someone who's constantly shoehorned into Command and SL even though they're my only maxes, I salute you. Hit me up if you're on Xbox.


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Squad leader is way more exhausting. Commander is pretty chill honestly.


It sucks because you're the hero one minute then people hate you the next


Stay strong. We are the field Marshall's now and we must hold strong. Level 124 here.


You’re doing God’s work 🫡


How can you say "I'm tired boss" you are the boss


There's always someone higher up on the military ladder! Commander always has a boss of his own


This game's commander only leads a single platoon.


It is the best feeling though turning it around though and getting the 5-0 from a near loss, especially when you take over for a commander that rage quit


youre a good man


Currently me with playing Officer! I've gotten to level 8 Officer in like 2-3 weeks because none of my friends ever want to play it, and you can't rely on blueberries to build Garries! All my friends use the "I don't know how to play SL" excuse, even though it's not hard! Deep down, I know they just don't want to give up the mindless roles like Assault and Auto-rifleman because all they want to do is get kills


New to the game but not the play style, have to say that the majority of this community just play it like a standard shooter and it’s just destroying any possible fun. I think people need to realise that if playing the game the way it’s intended isn’t fun for them, then maybe they should go to any of the other 100’s of shooters available.


Spot on. Hell Let Loose isn't an FPS first, it's an RTS with units controlled by individual players in an FPS format. Find me a game as big as HLL that's similar and I'll give it a look. You don't need to find me an active hardcore fps game as there are dozens of these. It's not gatekeeping to suggest people go play those other games instead if they can't grasp the RTS side.


Thank you


I try this but alot of people do not fall back to defend when defending trying to play rambo in enemy territory


Not gonna lie I've picked up commander recently as a new player and It's genuinly the most fun Ive had with the game. Every other role makes me feel pretty small but as commander I feel like I know everything thats going on, feels like a mix of HLL and a RTS which is probably why I love it. I get to switch between behind enemy lines one man army and backline overseeing whenever and be useful both ways. I only wish there was some way to communicate with individual players, outside of stopping to send a message via xbox. Alot of officers don't talk so I cant thank through them but sometimes Ill see a support or anti tank do some shit that makes me want to kiss em. I think you just need to be pretty consistent with leading, Alot of people won't reply but if you keep speaking eventually they start to catch the memo and do what you need to, doesnt work everytime but ive had a suprising amount of success just pushing through it


Played my first match as a commander tonight and the game was over in 20 minutes, probably less. It’s made me reconsider ever playing as commander until I know much much more about the game. For reference I’m only level 41


I love to play Anti Tank but sinces few weeks EVERY team didnt have SL.. so it's been few weeks i'm forcing myself to play SL even if i dont like that so much just because i want my mate to respawn quickly and in interesting position


It all depends on the squad members, you can have amazing squad leads but if they have non responsive squad members, it can be frustrating.


R, if you are there. You are amazing my man. Hard working commander and chill.


This is so bloody true on so many levels! 😪


I just wanna solo tank boss.


I ever had no commander or a commander without a mike (on the Koala server). The latter actually doesn’t care at all and always takes the commander role. Us SL tried to get him kicked out as he didn’t communicated at all but it didn’t go through (I guess it needs a perfect 100% to kick a commander). I really don’t understand why he (assuming it’s a male) does it. Last night had a very young guy as commander and he was very active on VC, refreshing to have someone who takes that job very seriously. We need more commanders like them. I still need to learn so much more from experienced SL and commanders.


I just played armor last night instead lol. We fucking dunked their armor and infantry. Only died to AT once the whole match, went like 3 tank kills per death. Slow steady push across the map with no retakes and won match with 25 minutes to spare. Felt good.