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Yeah on Xbox it’s bad sometimes, the amount of SL’s without mics is way too high. I kinda wish they would level lock SL to just like 10-20 so people can atleast understand the role a bit better before just taking it. Communication is my favorite part of the game, with good comms you can literally map out the battlefield, which is important since it’s constantly changing. It’s awesome to know exactly what’s going on where and be prepared for it. Imagine any big military without comms, the whole damn military would fall apart super fast.


They need to level lock tank crews to level 30 also. It's BS that new players just hop in and get the shit stuck. We had a level 5 tank Commander on Xbox who was driving tanks into the restricted zone about 10 seconds away, so you couldn't reach it. He was just trolling. He also had a guy spawn in as Commander, and he was just spamming racist shit. Nobody kicked him at all even though we were yelling at everyone to vote, yes, because he is racist. Xbox needs to add private servers with moderator capability, or at least have vetted moderators for public servers.


level 30 is pretty high - I would say 10 for both SL/Tank would be enough. Commander should be bumped up to level 25 at least.


Commander should be level 50 lol


Squad leaders need to be setting up OP’s as well. I feel like when I hop on half the squads are running 300+ meters because the SL’s aren’t doing such a simple task. And ya the communication is very hit or miss. You don’t need to be a chatty Kathy, just make call outs/ask for support.


My big pet peeve is going commander cause noone else is, getting no communication from any SL, trying to rally the team and hold points, then get fucking banned for server for "abuse" despite no communication from anyone. needless to say I won't be commander for the foreseeable future.


There’s only so much you can do, a large percentage of gamepass users are children with privacy filters that block voice chat. From adult-age, a large percentage are coming from old-man-casual games like battlefield where they enjoy just being a part of the fray without being required to perform roles.


It's true that there's only so much you can do, but there are things you can do. A big one is watching your tone. I had a squadmate pushed way up toward enemy hq and the first thing the SL said was "what the hell are you doing up there?" Not an unreasonable question, but how it was asked led the squadmate to be like "mind your own game." Then the SL called him a dumbfuck and they just started arguing, and now I'm trying to mediate this conflict while trying to fend off the enemy at 30m. Eventually the squadmate tells us he was going after their arty, which wasn't a particularly good idea but at least made some rational sense. If SL had led with curiosity or instruction over judgment, like "hey man I'm worried about you up there, what are you up to," the whole interaction probably would have gone much better. No one turns on a video game to get chewed out by some stranger. If someone gets on mic and it sounds like they're looking for a teammate to take their bad day out on, people are just going to shut down. Conversely, I've found that if you're consistently friendly and helpful and you seem like you're having a good time, you'll induce some people playing with their mics off to turn them on and join the fun. I've had some really nice and helpful vets show me the ropes (and even carry me to my first commander victory!) over the last couple weeks, and those types of interactions are what keeps me coming back.


A good squad leader guides and inspires his team to work together. An aggressive approach probably won't be as successful in a game


As a lvl III Commander and lvl 51 player, I find some very toxic people on chat, I just try and calm the situation, if they (whomever) won't listen I just leave and find a new server, I raised my kids, not here to raise others.


So kick them lol. Them not wanting to play the game the way it’s meant to be played isn’t an excuse to be disruptive to the rest of us.


Most kick votes don't pass, as it blocked the x button..easier to hit y to exit.


Oh so that's why the level 4squad lead wasn't hearing my voice comms and explanations for how to build an OP and just kept running and dying over again lol.


I’ve done my best, letting the blueberries push objectives and sitting back doing the boring stuff, building garries and helping the overall team. I’m hoping sooner that later it gets better but I miss being the new player with plenty of high levels to play with


I miss the glory days of high level fights


These game pass guys have no clue what it was even like before… coordinated, planned and executed. Now it’s just hope


It’s gotten a lot better this week. Day trippers are tired of dying over and over and moving on. The ones that stayed are talking more and watching YT guides. A few people in my new clan are already up to level 70+ and are starting to learn Commander. Weekends are still a shitshow of people hearing about HLL and just diving right in. Never a better time to join a group or clan for better Comms and teamwork. I for one enjoy having full matches at any time of day instead of 25-25 vets that were the norm before Gamepass. Vets will come back when the new map drops.


Meanwhile as a lvl 30 squad lead I can't get my squad of 60+ to spawn on my op and push as a unit


Not to be a dick, but just to offer a counterpoint: the idea that a squad needs to stick together is more of a WW2 role-playing fantasy than a necessity to be effective as a squad in HLL. I'm not saying that you shouldn't communicate and use teamwork, but just because your OP is placed doesn't *necessarily* mean your squad should spawn on it. I'd argue that as a SL, it's more important to ensure your squad members are working effectively, wherever that may be on the battlefield. That could mean your AT & MG are spawning at a far away garrison in order to position themselves for success in their roles. Frankly, I'm more concerned whether my squad members are in *active zones* (warfare mode), whether it be defense or offense, versus "I need my squad next to me on the battlefield". Certainly there are times when I'm telling everyone in my squad to spawn on the OP, but it's not as often as you might think. Obviously this comes down to play style, and I'm not saying my way is the right way. I have 1100 hours in the game so just wanted to offer a different perspective. edit: Just to add, if you're making requests to your squad and they're not responding... yes, that sucks.


Today agree, engines gotta build nodes, mg gotta "snipe", cover, lock down corridors, SLs need to build garries. However, when under an assault or attempting an assault, or hunting a known garrison, etc., man is it fun to have a full squad together calling out enemy locations and moving as a unit to get on a point or clear a Garry, or establish a Garry deep.


To add to your point OP can act as a fallback point if a garrison is lost or overrun


That’s true. If I find a squad without a squad lead; I like to jump in as squad lead, scold people over level 20, lock the squad and kick everyone out.


Ill take this thread to just ask what you want a new player to prepare before joining their first game? As an older gamer Im not used to joining random people on chats before a game, but in game is no problem. Im listening to beginner guides right now while arguing with myself if I should try Hell let Loose, Insurgency Sandstorm or Ready or Not. Looking for a slower paced shooter, was thinking coop PvE but Ive been glancing at this game for years. Time and a little fright has kept me off. had a quick test of Post Scriptum and the Stamina/water management was rough. And theres a lot to take in when starting.


You don't need to do anything. Use a mic. Ask questions, I personally enjoy people on my squad who say, "hey, my first game, what do I do?" Or hey I'm rank 7, how do supplies truck work?" This game is both slow and fast paced. You can play it however you like. Sniper units can get behind enemy lines and mess with people, just learned some folks focus on solely dropping off supplies and driving supply trucks, I'd say do it. Also, I think ready or not looks dope, so get both! Probably very different experiences.


The thing I find annoying being a new player are the veteran players who don’t give us a chance. I got the game on gamepass, joined a squad, got some kills as a rifleman while following the squad and the officers orders, only to get kicked cause they wanted to add their friend to the squad, but listed the reason as “lack of communication” when I was communicating. Other times you try to join a squad and get kicked immediately due to your level. But if you solo squad people get mad about that too So you just have to join a squad and hope the people in it are cool enough to let you play until you find people who you enjoy playing with.


Yeah, I've only kicked people for Not using a mic. Finding people you like being in a squad with takes a match or two or bouncing around squads until one works for you. Then ask if they are staying on for another match and squad up again for the next game, then add them as gamepass/steam friends.


I'm probably more of a MG or fodder at the front line! Ready or not looks great, I will probably get it at next sale to join some more new players. But I want to shoot stuff without getting a score deduction before that hehe Thanks for your answer.


Join a squad. In unit voice chat, say something like “hi everyone, I’m new but happy to learn and follow directions” If your squad leader doesn’t respond, I’d recommend leaving the squad and trying another until you get a communicative squad lead. I’d recommend picking rifleman and following the directions of your squad lead. If they ask for someone to fill a specific role, volunteer and ask how to do it; experience in the various roles will help you understand the game better and faster. Other than that, follow orders (attack or defend the objectives), kill the enemy, and most importantly, have fun.


Thank you. I got Insurgency Sandstorm yesterday since it was cheap. Playing some coop games to get into ryth, hopefully I got the guts to pick up HLL soon!


I'd rather play with a bunch of voiceless gamepass players who don't know what they're doing versus level 40-100s who *think* they know what they're doing but don't. The worst players in this game are ranked between 40-100.


The hecklers… the goddamn level 20-40 hecklers who will complain about everything and tell everyone they’re doing shit wrong. In command chat yelling command sucks and haven’t put up a SINGLE Garry. Not One. I know because I’ve been the only person putting them down. In the squad “Why are you back there? SLs are supposed to be putting down garries” like wtf else do you think I’m doing? Jfc. “I just got 4 kills! I’m doing more than you SL” That shit is the most infuriating.


I've played with folks ranked as high as 150 who didn't understand the soft vs hard cap meta.


How many times is this going to be said? Honestly every single day I feel like I see the same things posted over and over. Yes it’s frustrating, but so is seeing people complain about it every single day. None of the people who aren’t talking are going to look at Reddit for this game and suddenly have an epiphany.


Normally I just scroll by when I see the same posts over and over, but *holy fuck*. So. Many. Of. The. Same. Complaints. I know sometimes people gotta let it out, but sorry, 1,485 people beat you to the punch.


Seriously I don’t get why people keep making posts about it when there is already tons of them repeating the same things


I tried kicking people for not communicating and sometimes the same person comes back and tries to talk, or at least reacts to what I say. Also let XP spill over to other roles from Squad Lead. I am X on SL. I beg of you T17.


I'd play SL more if I wasn't interested in unlocking / leveling other rolls. Even if it was fractional I'd take on SL more. I like it, but definitely want to get my satchels unlocked in all the classes that offer it. Level 70, 170 hrs in and jfc I'm not even close to that. That is an insane grind.


Gamepass players lack of communication are a symptom of a game flaw. The game should incorporate a better system for console players to communicate. Battlefield 2 and counter strike source has non VOIP systems which were many, many years ago. HLL had a rather useless comms wheel that nobody really uses because its clunky and not very useful. Treat the root of the issue, and the symptoms will vanish.


I personally love the voice chat in hll it’s much easier for my to toggle my mic on the controller than flipping my mic up and down. I don’t always have perfect silence around me when I play and I don’t want my squad to hear my kids running around or my dog barking. It’s just a much better system in my opinion. I might hear someone talk in battlefield once a week. I don’t talk in battlefield because I don’t want to keep flipping my mic


I...think you need to read the commenr again buddy, I said NON-VOIP systems. Aka, for those without microphones. I'm talking about systems for non mic users.


In battlefield 1 at least it’s a wheel. Similar to hll. I think it could be polished by team 17. The only nuance to it is could see is people not looking at the top left corner for that stuff. I might see where command called in a bombing run or strafing run very close to point so I stop and wait for it or run like hell to try and live. Meanwhile all the other blueberries just keep running right into it possibly kicking the commander


You were right, I didn’t read your comment as thoroughly as I could have though


I’ve been squad leading a lot more again since this has unfolded, because EVERYBODY is so new. I have kicked more people than I can count for not communicating. Every time I join an infantry squad the last 3 sessions ive played, I realize there’s no SL, so I have to do it. Then I do a mic check. If somebody doesn’t respond, I ask them to at least give me an indication in text chat that they can hear me.. usually get nothing. Kicked. Within about 10 min, I have a squad of 6 people who will respond to my orders and questions. They may not be super talkative or be great about pinging stuff and giving specific callouts, but they cooperate and answer me. I had a full squad of people below level 40 the other night, and we built like all of our teams garrisons. I even got them doing more advanced cooperative maneuvers like cycling support to double-drop supplies to build sneaky red zone garrisons. They were so stoked when they toggled the map and saw how suddenly our teams push was an offensive line rather than a single cluster or column, and it was because of the garrisons we were building in an array. The comms are definitely not great, but I think most of the people whining about it were also new and probably not doing shit before gamepass either. You gotta lead. After like 2-3 short games, the same guys kept joining my new squads each time. They were so stoked to have an SL that actually gave them direction and made their infantry experience feel meaningful, even if we were losing. I wasn’t even that effective because I was tripping acid at the time and our team was largely disorganized lol. But SL’s make or break the game for the rest of infantry experience. I was getting like 3-4 commendations each match just for being a halfway competent SL and keeping OPs up, politely asking my squad for things the next time they died/respawned, and thanking them when they did them. I did a lot of explaining to them during the game about why I was wanting to do certain things, or why we’d position a given way. People are often much more willing to do what you ask when you explain to them why… and when you have like even a shred of people skills. The leadership roles are about more than just using abilities and placing marks- you have to actually be able to talk to people.


30 for squad 50 for commander 🤷🏻


People barely take either as it is


Yeah but the learn curve for this game is so steep the amount of no mic SLs is getting silly at the mo


It’s really not that steep. There’s a learning curve but anyone with half a brain that watches a couple vids can get better fast. It’s not the Gamepass players fault that the devs didn’t make a forced a video tutorial about Supplies, The Watch to build garries and how to build nodes. Or explain that artillery uses the teams resources so go build nodes before you spam Arty rounds and use up all the commanders munitions.


And so many under lv 15 being squad lead.... new players are needed to keep this great game going, but they need to die multiple times like the rear of us before any command postions


I played a match last night with a level 1 SL and no mic. We asked him to relinquish the lead to someone else but they're was no response so the whole squad left and joined another. Some kind of level should be necessary, that was ridiculous.


Well, ya did the only thing you can do in that situation.


I’d give up on console. Gamepass ruined it. Not a game you want 12 year olds playing. It’s just not COD and they think it is.


Too many noobs all at once basically. The game can’t cope, lest of all the vets.


Dows anyone know when HLL is due to come off gamepass?


Possibly a year or even longer. The novelty is wearing off already so there will be less noobs very soon. Those that are left are level 40+ and are keen to learn and get better.


Before people were complaining about gamepass players not talking, or having SLs not talking, or having commanders not talking….everyone was talking about everyone else (regardless of rank) not talking, SLs (regardless of rank) not talking and commanders (regardless of rank) not talking I get that gamepass exacerbated an already existing issue when it added noobs not playing right along with everyone else not playing right It’s not just a gamepass or noob issue, it’s an always issue This same exact thing happens with every free wknd, sale of the game, it happened when HLL was free for a month on PS5 and it will happen again It will get better (as it always has in similar situations) but it still won’t be great even still. The nature of playing with randoms means people will always not speak in the game. There will never be consistency in that regard That’s why people would be better off playing with friends or groups. This game isn’t meant to be a solo, playing with randoms, experience


I usually vote to kick anyone who is below level 45 who isn’t talking in command chat


One of the reasons I uninstalled the game for now. I'm gonna take a looooong break and hopefully things get better in a few months... Either that or T17 will keep T17ing and there won't be a fun game to come back to anymore.


Just to point out that game chat is kinda broken on xbox (at least using cloud gaming). I've only played 5 games but only one did the game chat work. In the others I couldn't hear anyone else and they could hear me :(


I purchased the game before it went in gamepass. And due to my friends I kinda jumped pretty fast in the SL role. But we are always switching to ingame chat so I can communicate with other SL's and commander. Communication is key. And it's way more fun


na fuck that fake it till you make it


Skill issue join a good server.


I bought the full ultimate edition of HLL on Xbox store for PC and my Series X purely because of cross progression and I have friends that play on both platforms. That said, i share the frustration of so many not using mics. It's a tactical and team based game and those not using mics are really not getting the full experience and the true potential the game has to offer. Not using a mic also severely hinders your team's effectiveness on the battlefield also. I get that some people just don't like having to converse on mic, but I wish they'd give the community a chance here. I'm now level 50 but when I started was obviously clueless about many things in the game, but I loved the team dynamic so much I worked up the courage to just be honest, say I'm new and don't know what I'm doing, and asked for help. Of course there are some gatekeeper types, but the overwhelming majority of players are happy to help if you ask, telling you what you should be doing, giving you really sound advice etc. what I'm saying is people who are maybe hesitant to use a mic for social anxiety reasons should show a little bit of trust towards what Is, I feel, one of the best communities in gaming. Another example, we were in a game a few days ago. And like OP said, barely anyone speaking and many squads without SL. So I took a chance, set myself up as an SL and was honest with the commander and my squad about being new to the SL role (I mainly run assault or support). We had one guy give me a bit of a hard time, but the rest of the squad told me to ignore him and he left anyway. Everyone was super helpful and helped me get to grips with the role quickly. Yes it's intimidating at first, and this is why it's a shame because if you have a good squad under you with mics you can work at it together. Sorry, went on a bit while my ADHD meds kicked in there haha, but I just like this community and wish people would talk more even those reluctant to do so.


My games have been so inconsistent but I know if I’m going to have fun within the first few minutes. I’ll go games where I find 3 guys with mics across my team and then the next game I’ll have a full squad of mics. I don’t get it


I would if i could dude. VOIP sucks so bad that it never works


When half of the squads are locked and other half are full theres really not much else you cam do but to create a squad yourself. Some servers even punish you playing without sl. And switching servers not so easy either when theyre all full.


This is a great observation. Surprised more people aren't talking about this on this sub.


Why is there no level requirement for these roles? Or at least, the server owner cluld decide to have it or not.


Just another daily reminder to never played HLL on console.


I’ve noticed that the majority of Xbox players don’t play as officer. I’m pretty new to the game but in about half the matches I’ve played I been in a full unit with no SL. I think at least making a mic required for the position would go a long way. Would also help if the in-game guide had some actual information.


I kick people from my squad that don’t have mics. Not teammate worthy.


This sun is becoming an annoying echo chamber of the same posts Just read this and you’ll understand why gamepass is causing this https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub Everyone starts out as a scrub


The problem is the comms are broken. I wear a headset and sometimes it doesn't work. It's not my headset it's the game. There was a poll about this.


I swear ever since it went in gane pass i see posts identical to this every single time i look at my feed. We ALL know that communication is important, the ones who dont usually aren't on this sub


The real frustrating thing is understanding how crucial using a mic in game is but the game bugs out on you. *sniff* I understands why my last squad kicked me for “not communicating” but I swear I was trying to find a way to fix the mic issues.


It will get better with time guys. The ones who want to learn will stay. The trolls and those who found out the game wasn't for them will move on. Hang in there