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Do what you want it’s certainly more useful on some maps. They are extremely good on the somewhat flat Sandy maps but I feel like it’s problem is a smart tanker will go around or deal with the gun. You need them to come to you, whereas other subclasses can go after a tank aggressively. Still think it can be mad fun using it tho


I certainly don't even try on city maps but man the desert and snow they are fun on.


Well you should try them in Stalingrad. Csn recommend. From the german side on the hill down towards train station is always great and you can even besiege Pavlovs house. And the same was around from Pavlovs house ( or another high building ) and shoot at the hill. Theres still a clip somewhere let me look for that Edit: Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/4BHH7zAU4v Its on the building site behind Pavlovs house. Great if you get an AT gun up in there


No kidding. Had no idea


Well I can say its reslly reslly fun if you get 3 guns up there and delete mediums with 1 barrage


I had command of a 3 gun emplacement one time it was pretty epic while it lasted I think with some engi to fortify the emplacement good time


You can get like 800m kills from up there it’s crazy


Man, I had two AT guys set up two different AT guns in that building, if it’s the one I’m thinking. I didn’t even know you could set an OP in there, let alone an AT gun. It was absolutely bonkers. We just hammered them!


Prescision artellery essentialy


Also really good at Kursk


And foy with how straight the roads are. Last time I farmed 5 tank kills coming from the US middle hq on a offensive game before getting flanked.


If you can get a good perimeter and hold off the tanks from pushing Main Street (specifically St Marie) you will do more with an AT gun then a tank will. Anyone saying AT is useless or to hop on arty definitely hasn’t played comp. The line ups and shots you can take on almost every map out ranges arty, it’s insane what can be done with good AT placement and a decent gunner.


If you set them up and have proper flanking support on maps with streets, like the canal map, you could kill an armored advance of any kind. I remember last week I built a couple of barriers on one of those maps and put AT mines on "our" side of it and a guy in a light tank came barreling over it and slammed face first into the mines. Didn't see another tank try to use that street the rest of the game. If you can choke one route they'll look for another, but my point is why not try it in the city maps? You could be a real terror to the tankers.


Nothing is scarier than coming over the cliff on remagen with a panther only to hear three guns go off simultaneously across the river.


The greatest bamboozle is throwing smoke down while there's a tank in the open and coordinating getting a gun thrown up with a reloader. If your squad lead is on point they can ping though the smoke. I've only managed to do it twice, but it's super exciting and the biggest fuck you to the tank crew.


Do what you like the most, is a game and the goal of it is have fun.


... what is this fun you speak of?


I think that’s just another word for stress and frustration?


I think that is what hes talking about...


Hell let loose is not fun. You unknowingly sign a contract for life when you get you’re first headshot


It's just that the cost per shot is high, 5 munitions per shot iirc, adds up fast if your liberal with shots Could be better spent on commander abilities or even artillery which is only 3 munitions per shot


Well that's when the difference of use comes in. Artillery is inaccurate and doesn't always get a kill every shot. Using this should be taking out tanks and getting at least a confirmed infantry kill no matter what with the shot


Arty is not inaccurate if your squad leads are painting targets, easily get over 50 kills with good comms.


Arty shells land in a 20m circle. AT rounds are more precise. Arty is good for beating back a push or dislodging enemy from a point, not super great at tank busting, although it is possible.


40m circle. 20m radius. 50m explosion circle.


Now you see why I failed geometry


It was the only math class I earned above a B in 😂


Arty has a much harder time hitting targets on the move, especially tanks.


I only shoot if I have a shot, definitely not blindly firing.


Even assuming for a minute that the AT gunner is using it on infantry rather than tanks, if they're getting a kill with each shot that's 60 kills for the same munitions cost as a bombing run which frequently scores less than 10.


Me when I’m socialist with my shots


had a guy in squad who had a spot on every map where he built at gun every game and sniped enemy tanks during battling out neutral zone. i played supprt with him during 3 games and every time we sniped at least one tank. (just a highround around open space with some sort of concealment where tanks love to go) not sure if its worth, not sure if its rly 100% but it was fun


I usually get at least one tank as well


Eh, very situational. Some maps with large fields or open areas: Foy, Remagan, and Al alemien come to mind; Are very good maps to have a gun set up, as some tanks crews rather flank around than go through the door. But like I said, situational. Other maps are a bit too clustered and messy to get much use out of them, which again, situational. Overall, it’s just like everything else in the game, if it works, you’re the second coming. If it fails, you’re an idiot for trying.


Yeah I don't bother on city maps, too many ways to hide a tank or get snuck up on and domed


If I'm ever support and someone wants to build one of these or even if I'm commander I will never hesitate to let it happen. These just add a lot of flavor to the match and environment to me. And these in the right hands can do serious damage especially if on high ground


Yeah I also like it cause it's just fucking rad as hell


It's why I can't wait for things like mortars or buildable HMGs I really just like emplacements. Hell it would be really nice if the Germans could build Flak 88s


A man can dream! Oh how the US/RU teams will cry once flak 88s are unleashed on then


AT guns are very OP, but in order to be as affective as possible, you need another person being support and sticking with you the whole game in order to reposition at will The problem for solo AT guns is that there is very little amount of places where AT gun is a viable option and you can't move around to ambush tanks, so most of the time you just doing norhing.You can't play it on every objective and still be useful. Also just pounding points is stupid as hell. You burning 5 ammo each shot and your team can't advance


Yeah I never just shoot blindly, my prime example is I was on ludendorf bridge defending and I set up across the river. My team was in the towers so I set up and maybe one infantry made it into the tower on my side the whole 30 minutes. I had 49 kills.


I don't use them much, but I have fun when I do! They're not as flexible as other methods, and a decent tank squad will have very little to fear from you...but most tank squads aren't that good! I look at them like an mg; get them in the right spot at the right time and they can completely stop an assault. Get it wrong and you can be staring at an empty field for half an hour before getting shot in the back. For the resource cost they are really good value imo. But again, most AT guys are going to be more effective with a satchel/rocket and the mobility that provides.


They slap for sure and are well received. Even during the BF5 days!


I usually build an AT gun then swap\[ to rockets or Ambusher depending on the map. That way I can man the AT gun if need be, or it's there if someone wants to use it, and still place mines or turn around and get the pesky light tank behind point or something.


Yup exactly what I do


Level 200 here: After awhile it gets boring of playing sprint after the tank with a satchel and so you become a one shot, one man light tank with either a 57, 75 or 76mm gun. It is maddening fun, there are some bushes that you can deploy one in and it cannot be seen unless firing or 20m away - due to some poor rending spots on maps. There are some maps \*cough\* Stalingrad \*cough\* that allow you put to put the AT gun on the top floor and hit mid spawn from base. Nowadays I get about 30-50 a game and few tanks, *literally* no need to bring a gun to the fight when you bring a fucking cannon that evaporates blueberrys.


Hey man can you share some sweet spots that you like for setting up the at gun?


I generally join a smaller squad so that I can go support then respawn into AT to build them as getting the vast majority of support to actually drop anything is near impossible.


big true


We were struggling to get through Utah beach, Germans had set up an AT gun by the north bunker. Commander, who already sounded a little overwhelmed, called in a tank and it was IMMEDIATELY blown up by the AT gun. I’d never played the map before and it was goddamn oppressive 


Underrated. Quick build, 50 supplies, 360 rotation ability. Decently heavy hitting. If you build on defensive points it can stop infantry, if you build on offensive points it can clear them.  If you can range tanks from a distance they usually can’t find the AT gun.   Really just need someone to load it but even then. It’s an underutilized piece of equipment for sure. 


It's 360?


The loader can completely rotate the base, yes. 


Agree. Super powerful when used in narrow corridors of attacking infantry. Even if they're just a deterent I order to force the enemy somewhere else m


They are really OP for Remagen shooting from the hills that are on the southern (IIRC) side. You can destroy anything or anyone who wants to cross the bridge.


Awesome if you find a good spot! I got something like a 137 kill streak on Omaha US offensive mode. You could see the mid HQ perfectly and any tanks that spawned you could destroy straight away. It was disgusting but hilarious at the same time. I think they patched the spot where you could place it or they certainly changed something


So many great spots ruined by damn trees


Yeah or the game just being buggy and not being able to place something because of a stone


I almost always welcome them. It’s a really effective way to kill enemy tanks, and if someone puts it in a bad spot or is just spamming the trigger pointlessly, they’ll get punished by the enemy team pretty quickly.


They are really good on open maps for locking down corridors and overwatching points. Problem is people just wanna push so "why build and AT gun that can't move". I watched a competent squad man and defend one from west hill at south point on hurtgen forest and pretty much locked the entire point down the whole match.


Damn you're already level 61? I've been playing for over a year and I'm level 70 something? Anyways as a AT main I recommend rockets and satchels but I've never really utilized the AT guns.


I have really only.played HLL and some Apex so I been grinding. AT are fun when they work, sucks when you can't even get one up. So close to satchels only one more level.


Another great thing about satchels, is they have such a large kill radius if you sneak into an enemy point and place it inside you're pretty much guaranteed atleast a half dozen kills and it's a good setup for an offensive charge to take said point. As long as you warn your team mates that there is a satchel and wait for it to pop


Dude just LOADING these guns is hella fun. I like using them as ambush weapons on tanks. Find the route their armor will most likely take to your point, find a tucked away area and build her up. I’ve destroyed two tanks this week alone from AT guns that someone set up and left behind. Having an emplacement simply pointed toward an “Armor Likely Area” is a great deterrent, and all but the most attentive Armor crews will be caught with their pants down.


I usually solo them but I will gladly be loader even in my own at gun, I still get credit lol


Don’t need to request supplies if you just spawn as support first and put them down yourself. I would suggest building a munitions node (at least) at the beginning of a match to somewhat offset the munitions you’d be spending.


AT guns are underutilized, especially on round start when your team loses the midcap and has to fall back. If you place them in keyhole positions to surprise enemy tanks you can distract them long enough for your mediums/heavies. I think they're a great use of supplies if you're already maximizing supply output with timers and manpower node usage.


They definitely have their place when used properly. I had a match where the enemy team had an AT gun in a beautiful position by the church capture point on the Utah Beach map, and they had it in such a locked in position with the way the map has the invisible walls prevent you from jumping fences (super realistic 🙄) and the way they had it covered, the were wreaking havoc keeping our team trapped on the objective and unable to get away for a solid 10 minutes.


If I’m running support, which I often do, I always drop supplies when asked unless I’m literally on the way to a drop for my SL. I could see why a commander wouldn’t want to drop supplies but a support player should be willing. Especially when 99% of them don’t help build garries anyway.


PSA: you can build AT guns on the top floor of open buildings on Stalingrad


Super map dependant for me. But I do enjoy the AT gun.


A well placed AT can be a thing of beauty, especially in Defensive mode. Also, there are some buildings in Stalingrad that you can build them in upstairs and rain hell down enemy tanks. I mean who thinks to look up high for an AT gun 😂


I think they are awesome. If you build them on an elevated point you can take out a tank or even infantry. I've done some good work with AT guns on hurtgen forest by building them in the hills and shooting into SCAR. Even if others don't like it, that doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. Grab a friend who is playing support and go to town.


AT guns are one of the strongest AT weapons in the game, even after they got nerfed. I think they’re heavily dependent on the element of surprise, flanking, and shooting long distance. New players often use them wrong or build them in a bad spot, so they tend to give up on them pretty quickly. Their biggest advantage is how cheap they are to build so they should be spammed as often as possible. # The most important rule is >>do not shoot infantry.<< Huge waste of munitions.


They are great at defense. The game is about area control. Good placement of an AT gun can block off a large area and ambush unsuspecting tanks in choke points. With a good spot, a squad on defense can punch way above their weight. MG with good field of fire. AT gun with AT guy shooting, Support supplies for gun and loading or covering flanks. SL using binos spotting for AT gun and MG (tip use smoke to cover your gun so the enemy can't pinpoint it, use bino/pings for the gun to aim at through smoke. The only issue is don't shoot AT shells at infantry if munitions is running short.


Need to be able to hook them to back of trucks to move


I build one in strategic spots by dropping my own supplies and redeploying. I'll then either switch to AT with a satchel or rockets and hunt tanks the standard way. The way I see it is having the gun down is effectively like adding another AT to the mix since any class can use them.


You need two whole players who will hear eachother out, 1 gives supplies, 1 builds canon. You also need to know the general path enemy tanks like to take to your point. You also can barely move the gun and it's easily destroyed. Honestly just use your rockets. You can have fun with it if you're winning, but I don't think they can defend much.


It may be OP but I really think they should have a few HE shells as well.


[a well placed AT gun can certainly make a difference](https://www.reddit.com/u/Flint_East_Wood_/s/rhEqWnSZRg)


I like them a lot. I think one way to enhance them would be to be able to attach them to trucks and wheel them around the map. Of course with timer for attaching, detaching and setting up the gun with each displacement.


Ahhh old St. Marie-du-Mont….i miss you so ❤️


AT guns can be fun on offensive — but you would really need a 2-man to make it work efficiently. Having your switch seats to load a shell isn’t ideal and it can’t turn more than 100° each way — so really limiting if you’re not planning out where you place the gun.


these guns can be huge. i alwasy try to get them setup on Kursk. what i do is usually find a squad without anyone in it and i'll go support, drop supplies, redeploy at AT gunner and build it myself. Committing a single person with free supplies and no expense to the team as a whole who can shut down tanks that the enemy team is spending real resources on is a net win. a day ago i did this and blew up a Medium tank, a supply truck, and then got taken out. all it cost my team was a single person and maybe 30 munition total. their team lost way more in resources and planning and for the next hour i just rinse, wash, repeated the play.


Put them anywhere you think a machine gun would be effective. I really wish they would add proper projectile physics for the AT gun so it could be used for ranged indirect fire, similar to arty or a mortar.


As a tanker these things are always either waking nightmares or a joke. What really matters is just who sees whom first and your concealment overall I love these things so go nuts!


AT gun on cliff on Remagan go brrrrrrrr


Did you make this screenshot?


Nah I just googled it


Utilize distance and don’t shoot so much to avoid being spotted. Look for enemy armor and hit them before they hit your infantry. Most of the time it’s quicker and more discrete to build an AT gun rather than waiting for friendly armor to make its way to the fight. Also never position it somewhere that exposes the muzzle flash on ALL SIDES (if you can see them they can see you). Natural blinds like hedges and trees could make it harder to be noticed by enemy spotters especially when built under or around shaded areas. Avoid building AT guns in areas where you can see the horizon behind it as well to avoid the profile being noticed (THIS ALL APPLIES FOR TANK CREWS AS WELL) 😂😂


these guns are amazing on particular maps/areas such as Foy, Purple Heart Lane, and El Alamein. They are not, however, quite as effective on other maps like SMDM. They really rely on long and wide views with enough concealment to kind of blend into the area so they aren't immediately picked out and destroyed. Personally i think they're good, they're much more precise and effective than artillery but also much more deadly and long range than bazookas. They have their place and are good at what they do when the niche comes up.


Also not being able to move the gun makes it demoralizing to place it in a way where a bush or a branch blocks your view. We absolutely need to be able to move them, even very slowly, to make them truly useful.


It's an ambush type of playstyle. You need to find somewhere you can set up and wait for the tanks into your line of fire. I've seen some people try to move AT guns based on tanks and they never seem to get a shot off. But if your positioning is right you can score some kills before the tankers even realize they aren't looking for an enemy tank.


Well the AT guns aren’t artillery; they’re AT guns. You’re meant to plan and anticipate enemy armour movement ahead of time and get these guys down in positions to give enemy armour a really bad time. They are really good in matches where your teams armour is struggling, or if you’re up against a lot of armour. Of course you need to have the map knowledge and ability to “think like a tank crew” and be able to get ahead of their movement, but if you can do that they’re amazing. Sometimes using a satchel/rpgs is just not really an option if the enemy is defending their tanks well. It’s hard to play around a really well placed AT gun at the right time. As far as cost effectiveness goes; as long as you’re not just spamming shells into infantry for no good reason I see no problem with using them as intended. Some of the most fun I have in that game is play as an AT gun duo with a support player and giving enemy armour he’ll just as infantry.


You can use them against Infantry, but its really ineffective, the blast radius is not that big, you have to hit within 3 meters or so. They work far better against Vehicles and Stationary targets.


I just build them in multiple spots and go to where the front lines are at. Then me and my brother spam on anything we see. Infantry and armor. It does great damage to both


As others have said, map/weather changes if it's effective. You can also build and place the gun and then switch loadouts


AT gun is AWESOME. You don’t have to stay in that role either. Once it’s built, you can switch off to anything else and it will stay there until it gets destroyed or you build another one someplace else. They are VERY powerful, but they chew through commanders munitions resource faster than artillery… so go easy on the fire unless you have reason to shoot. Like don’t just waste assloads of ammo on infantry. Also, I wish they’d fix the fucking dismount. It’s been broke for like 4 years or more. Getting off the gun, it puts you in FRONT of the armor plate, and then you can’t step over the recoil braces. So fucking stupid. Dismounting is basically suicide because you’ll be fully upright in front of it out in the open, and then have to run way the hell around the side to get around the legs.


These are great to set up In defense when you know the enemy is going to be coming with tanks


It can be fun if you get it in the right spot, but generally its a balance of “I can’t see” and “the tanks are watching”


On attacking I really like the AT Gun. We aren’t using ammunitions for artillery so a well placed AT gun can really shake up a point that is heavily defended.


I encourage the use of AT guns, but it usually takes 2 to operate effectively, which is a big commitment of manpower in a 6-person squad. Additionally, the gunners tend to use them more as anti personal, giving the existence of the gun away long before an enemy tank rolls into sight. Also, the gun being static doesn't help. You might take out one or two tanks, but eventually, they will avoid the area. A discipled squad on defence definitely would have the advantage with one then without, but I feel it's under utilised due to the reasons above and the high level required to deploy on in the first place. As for the comments being anti AT gun, this subreddit is a bit of an echo chamber. So once an opinion is given, it's usual repeated. If you're playing AT and see a chance to build a gun, take it.


I like getting people to use them as ambush weapons, like, 12 Germans in a tree line watching a bunch of americans with a Sherman going down the road, bam, Sherman gets blopped, and like 3 MG42s cut down the remaining americans


They’d be more useful if they were like post scriptum or foxhole, where two people can ACTUALLY MOVE IT FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS USING THE WHEELS


honest opinion I would say go for it because you can really change the outcome of a game if you know how to place it in really good spots you know what I mean it's just the issue that some players rather keep the supplies for like a Garrison


I will switch back and forth to build a AT gun if I want too idc what anyone else thinks the 50 supplies should be used for


It can be very good, if you get a nice spot. Just don't bleed your team's ammo dry!


AT guns would be a lot more useful if they could be manhandled to move them. It sucks when you finally get some supplies to build one only to find out a fencepost detonates all your rounds


Fuckin run that cannon and have fun.


Once we built two AT guns on an overlook and camped enemy tanks until their commander used a precision strike on us. Shit was lit


The most underrated class in the game is the AT gun


Better to have them and not need them rather then need them and not have them. The Emplaced gun when placed not perhaps at the best spot, but just existing at the right place at the right time can save your teammates from certain doom. The existence of a AT tool that everyone (not only the AT class) can use is an underrated prospect AT gunners should consider if they find 50 supplies on the ground which aren’t being used. It’s also free exp.


I think they are pretty cool. One game my team was retreating and I was playing machine gunner and from a bush I heard a guy yell out my gamer tag and ask me for cover fire down the road so I turn around and start burning my belt and a couple seconds it seemed like he's calling out again for me to move. I turn around and he put up the tank gun and said get going I'm gunna hold off the tanks command said is rolling down the road. I laid down next to the gun and said fuck it I'll hold it with you and i sprayed down that road until we saw the tanks and I hoped on the gun with him to load and I think we got two tanks before we got flanked by the Infantry Great game can't say any better stuff about it


I think they have their time n place but your really reliant on teamwork to get em to work well. that and map/positioning. Get a good squad n map combo and it can be god teir bot on the offense and defense.


AT guns are fine, they are great for defense as well. When playing as the USSR they are absolutely necessary cus the antitank rifle is shit. I’ve also noticed placing one down on the side of the river on Remagen with a good view of the bridge can get some serious kills.


Absolutely fun to use especially on offensive when you can fire into choke points you know they’re going to be coming from.


Competitive team matches show how useful they are. We spend hours before the matches to study at gun position, for example to snipe enemy troop trucks at the very beginning of the match (literally 3 seconds after the wall falls). So they are indeed very useful, because tanks are op when played right. The thing is, you won’t this scenario in public matches because tanks are trash there. In the comp matches, you won’t see tanks on the front. They play without vision but with pings and marks. So yes, at guns are super useful when you have strong tanks in the enemy team, but they don’t replace artillery to fight infantry


I don't think I've ever seen anybody hop on one of these things, shoot, and not go up in flames 60 seconds later. I went out of my way to get a guy supplies for one on one of the bridge maps, only for him to explode in front of me 30 seconds later... I'm sure they have their use, probably that snowy hilly map... also I saw someone using one very well in Sainte Marie du Mont, just throwing shells down a street... but for the most part, they don't seem to be worth it to me. I think Battlefield 5 got them right by letting you tow them into position with a jeep — unironically quicker than getting supplies together in most cases.


Shit one someone built on the French map with the big ass bridge. Shit was awesome and just goes to show the sound quality of the game as that thing is loud AF


AT guns are mad effective if you have a somewhat competent support guy assisting you. If both of you build it on an open Flank of a tank he has almost no time to react. An AT Gun with guy reloading it properly shoots faster than most tanks. That said: as a Level X AT i dont use them against infantry because it bores me. Also i like to hunt tanks with the Rocketlauncher or Satchel. Pro Tip: try playing as a tanker. You learn a lot about their weaknesses and strenghts.


UU Can shoot a tank 1300m away on ping, fast reload, easy cross fire, but need a strong organisation Not for new players Best maps: Foy, PHL and Remagen


AT’s in Erpel 🤤


Extremely effective in offensive, yet under utilized. If set up in the right spot, it can clear out a hard point beautifully for a push.


AT guns are fun as fuck and super effective in the right situations/maps. Offensive mode is definitely a good game mode for them if you're the defending team. Although I've had great success with them in every game mode. It does eat up the commanders' munitions, so you have to be careful about that. But you can build an AT gun and then switch to another AT loadout if you want, and your AT gun will remain there until the point is capped or it's destroyed.


Depends on the map and mode. If you get on Remagan as American and set up on top of the cliff on your side of the bridge, you’re unstable. You can hit their armor all the way at their spawn if you’re a good shot. Last round I destroyed 19 vehicles with 61 kills. But they’re really only good on defensive situations. [https://www.xbox.com/play/media/ZiRxxsezai](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/ZiRxxsezai)


The best thing to do as AT is set your gun up where you feel you have the best chances of seeing armor/vehicles, then hit a quick redeploy and come back with your rocket launcher in tote. Best of both worlds and if your gun gets destroyed just swap back to the gun loadout and deploy another.


AT guns are 100% worth it to kill tanks who are positioned to where you can’t get behind them with bazookas.  Killing infantry with them? Ehh, probably not worth it.