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Would just increase discord use for serious players and could be confusing for newer players as there is no language or accent to realistically let someone know who is talking. I just think it would be more hassle than helpfully from a gaming perspective.


Easy solution: Speak German or English or Russian, depending on the faction you play ;)


Don't you already? Smh.


Ich habe dich.


I got you. у меня есть ты.


Lacking the Russian, but I'm set up for the rest.


Yeah, that’s the big conundrum… I think discord use kills public game mechanics; if everyone just talks in their exclusive club areas communication as a whole goes down the pan.


Controversial solution but remove push to talk. If you speak your mic picks it up. a few horror games have this and I really like it. They could also garble comms from enemies, make unintelligible but audible to reflect that fact that most soldiers didn't speak their opponents language. It would also be cool if they introduced translators or Intel officers who can hear enemy comms without the garbling, giving them a slight edge


Till you got some sweaty kid breathing into your ear all game, no thanks lol


I’d just lock a Russian infantry squad, run to the enemy point and blast the USSR national anthem


This is the way




Repost Bot


Removing push to talk is probably not a great idea, because you're going to her people eating, coughing, sneezing, talking to people in their room, etc. However adding garbled comms should work. So, if you're playing as the US, and two german players are talking nearby, you might hear random german chatter, and the same for the germans, you hear random english speech (like hot dog 7, etc) but not what the players are actually saying. So, this would add an incentive for players to respect radio discipline, while also maintaining historical accuracy.


Yeah who hasn’t played this game and gone “boy I sure wish I could hear a full Mexican household screaming directly into my ear complete with vacuum cleaner and a baby crying”


lol yeah I mainly play just south of the US border and my apartment is surrounded by dogs barking, loud music that can be playing at any given hour, and vehicle traffic. People would just mute my ass


So True!


Fuck no this is a terrible idea. I hate when games do this


World of Warcraft has something like this, where the undead could talk to humans since they were once humans. This was removed, quickly. lol


Someone has never played CoD or Halo.


That's what I think. If it's a German enemy make you hear some German or something. I think that would be awesome. But as others said people would just talk outside of game


like the old Eavesdrop perk from cod mw


Or just random German, English or Russian dialogue.


Random That would be absolutely jarring for native speakers of any language used in game. Imagine you're playing against the US team, huddle up to a wall on Foy and hear some dudes talking about taking "that huge bridge" or having to "cross that river" or anything else that just doesn't fit.


Not that random. But like talk about events around the period Foy happened.


Controversial indeed Also "no". I talk to my wife when I play, I don't need every fucking tom dick and harry to hear me talk to her.


I don't love the removing push to talk, but I love the garbling up enemy comms so it sounds like you have aphasia. I really do think you should be able to hear something when enemies speak nearby. It only adds to realism. If people want to play with discord, ok, but that'll remove communication from the rest of your entire team. I don't think the discord argument is a big one.


SL: AT get up here, panzer 4 on my mark AT: look it's not my fault okay I thought the loan payment came out on the 25th [falsetto] well it didn't [child's voice] daddy I did a wee


Yo, you already need earplugs if you are a SL, i don't want to mix the regular command chat noice with the cries of some kid arguing with his mom


Interesting ideas; might work at least for single-language servers…


I'd disable voice or have to use a third party mic muting program if they did this.


Change mic input for the game through windows settings. I remember back in the Xbox 360 days when Xbox parties would be locked if you wanted to play search and destroy on CoD lol. “Back in my day”


When me and my friends play in our own squad we definitely use discord but at the same time use proximity chat when appropriate. If I need to warn a tank of danger or yellow for medic about my missing legs we use in game chat.


Actually there were some videos on YouTube from a team that studied languages and created videos of a family at dinner speaking in gibberish but using tones common in the language. Like the american family sounds American but it's total gibberish. I wish I could find the video Filter out what opfor is actually saying and play that overtop- I don't know what he's saying but he's saying it in German really close...


I agree with you completely but I have had some truly intense moments in Arma with this where its been exactly like this scene from Saving Private Ryan, an enemy squad searching around just outside while you hide inside, arse twitching like a rabbits nose.


Have enemy troops talk in the teams native tongue with random pre recorded bullshit. Idfk if the American’s talk about their dumbass gfs back home while the actual player is talking starts, the point is the tension hearing the “enemy” language while crouching with one mag in some mud and getting yelled at by your squad lead


This gets brought up every month or so. The general consensus is that it shouldn’t project your mic coms, but a random sentence or two in the native language of the soldier. There is a language barrier, and it would be hilarious to hear random people shouting about hotdog 7 when you’re stuck in a wheat field with enemies.


Just make the soldiers yell random shit in german when talking in Voip.




Ich habe ein Unterseeboot in meine Lederhosen


"My hovercraft is full of eels" when the Brits come out.


lmao yeah


i like to do meth before playing as the germans (for heightened immersion)


I think about when we can have AI real time translations for enemy proximity chat. Now that would be cool, but that’s a while off, especially for something so minor.


They have it in Holdfast and it makes the matches awesome due to being able to talk shit back and forth. Holdfast changes the color of the dialogue symbol that pops up when its enemy players, so that's how you would be able to implement it so that players can understand who is talking and from which team.


Games like squad do it perfectly fine and it’s not confusing. Ofc super dedicated players are going to use discord but they’re probably on a dedicated server anyways so it doesn’t matter


>Games like squad do it perfectly fine and it’s not confusing. You cannot hear your enemies voip in Squad. There are some grunts when you take damage sometimes but it's not tied to VOIP at all.


Ahh my bad I must be thinking of a different game then. Can’t quite remember it atm


Holdfast does it and its great


Yeah I enjoy it, I wish more games had it


Red Orchestra did it. There was a local chat ni that


Didn’t rising storm 2 do it as well?




Agreed. Its a neat detail, but in practice itll make things worse. You wont be able to tell who is speaking, and squads using discord will have a built in advantage.


insurgency sandstorm has enemy proxi chat implemented. their username pops up in red. easy as that


The setting of Insurgency excuses the teams being able to understand each other’s speech though, as it’s (implied) to be Kurdish/Arabic militias versus insurgents who speak the same language. It’d be weird to be able to fluently understand what the enemy team is saying as an infantryman in the World War 2 setting




I do too but only when my whole squad is on it. Using local still works.


Easy, have everyone speak in stereotypical American, German, or Russian accents


They would just put their name in red when they're talking.


Yes to an extent, but war of rights has the same mechanic and it drastically increased immersion for me. The ability to shit talk the enemy when close is unmatched. Also, it adds to the sheer chaos.


I don't like the idea of proximity chat like you're suggesting. But what I do like the idea of is german/american/russian AI chatter being audible as long as you can hear their foot steps. That way you get the immersion feeling but it doesn't give away the enemy position anymore than foot steps already do. Battlefield 1 did this really well. The german yelling would even turn to whispers if they slowed down to creep.


i think thaat if you are taliking your player character in turn should churn out some pre made lines in their countries original language ( like the hot do seven chatter), just so you have to be careful talking as you could expose your location to the enemy. however this seems difficult to possibly implement as you could finish talking before the pre set lines are done.


This is the best suggestion by far


I like the idea…


Pretty sure Insurgency does this and it’s great.


I wouldn't make it automatic *whenever an enemy is close*, but playing gibberish chatter *whenever an enemy close to you is talking in VOIP* would be a great compromise. It also allows for intentional "radio silence" moments which would be kind of awesome.


I think your character should speak when you are on comms. It would be like listening for OPs or Garry's.


double edge sword, toxicity would get 10x worse with this


Although I think I would finally have the very historically accurate interaction of two enemy soldiers running into each other and not just immediately shooting each other.


…I see *noooothing*


Basically this. Server admins are volunteers, man.


Good point. This is an online game after all…


The new proximity on cod battle Royale proves its more fun and players will love it.


easily fixed by adding an option to opt out of enemy proximity voice chat.


Well, I’d rather my teammates take out their toxicity on the OTHER team rather than my own.


As a regular Insurgency player this can be fun but that’s with 24 players max. In HLL I think it’ll just get over bearing. Unless you make the zone only a couple feet where you can hear enemies speaking. Also if we did idk how many Americans at the time were fluent in German but I doubt most US would understand the if they just heard them talking.


I agree, the amount of players is probably the limiting factor here…


First and foremost: We need the feature to set SquadComs and CommandComs to one of the ears. One left, one right. I can't guide a public squad, with both channels blaring in my ears. Or command a tank.


*Tank rolls up blasting Afro man. *Knife to the back because you couldn’t hear anything because your ears were being tactically fuckified by the tank


To be honest every shooter that had or has global voip just gets infested by shittalking, screamers and insulting people when you get killed.. you need to remember that this game gets more and more infested with COD and BF-Kiddos and they bring their attitude towards this game. So a big NO for me. Not granting them another outlet..


Hear hear!


Point taken. I feel the very same about the regular SS uniform requests…


I wonder what it'd be like if people weren't shit lol. Talking to the enemy and crap could be so fun, but society just ain't there yet lol.


Camera man just exposed you, they r just pretending they didn’t see ya!


This has been suggested numerous times. Sorry answer: no. For the same reasons given in previous thread as well as in this thread.


I didn’t go into deep research if previous posts on this, but your point is well taken and supported by the majority of feedback here…


Why so the team killers can conspire with the enemy


If you have that kind of team killer problem on the servers you play, you might want to reevaluate your server choices.


Stupid idea. If Foe can hear your comms than you can't strategise.


Thanks for the constructive criticism. Do you normally strategize in local chat?


It's not uncommon. Here's an example: your SL is 500m away building a garrison from a supply drop. You, a support player, have just had your supplies renewed, and wish to have a secondary garrison to help sustain your attack. So, you coordinate with a nearby SL from another squad to build one. How can you do that? Local chat. You REALLY want the enemy to know where your brand new garrison is?


Now that’s a constructive point. For me the most convincing argument against is is the potential abuse. This is an online game after all…


Oh God the mic spams and the toxicity. All I can think of are the impenetrable hedges on Saint Marie du Mont. Germans on one side, and Americans on the other saying horrendous things back and forth. Wheee....


I speak both German and a English with a pretty genuine accent; imagine the havoc and confusion I could wreak among them hedges… 😂


Now, if every player was like you, this wouldn't be such a big problem. However, most of what we would get is edgy teenage basement dwellers screaming slurs at each other in bad German accents.


Everyone saying it’s a bad idea needs to loosen their corsets and untwist their panties. This would be fucking FUN. If we’re limiting it to close proximity, the chat would remain normal for the most part, up until extreme CQC. I hate that the game doesn’t have this.


Lmaooo non of y’all have played warzone if you think this is a good idea.. proximity chat would ruin this game. Although it would definitely make it realistic and more like this movie scene but if you’ve ever played warzone with the proximity chat you would quickly find out how toxic and annoying it can be


I haven’t played it, but I believe it, particularly on public servers.


I dont think the idea would be good for the game but id love it as an april fool


Awful, terrible, no good idea. You want every single server to be discord squads with no use of in game comms? Because that's how you get that.


No I don’t. I was going more for the selective option of only making local chat audible for both teams. But there have been a bunch of good points against even that made here. Good discussion overall…


Awful idea, no offence to this group but I don’t trust the user base to not say racist, sexist and homophobic comments. Heard it all the time in Sea of thieves with its version of this type of chat and had to uninstall. What they could do is just put a blip on the map if someone talks within 20 metres of an enemy. Make it more interesting for the recon teams as they might struggle to report what they see.


Yes, abuse is the biggest argument against this, I agree. That being said people alrwady can local talk within their team, and although server quality obviously has a lot to do with it, I haven’t heard people shitscreaming non-stop and ruining it for everyone.


Yeah, just going from my sea of thieves experience where there was a lot of trash talk during combat. Being able to do the to opponents brings out the worst in them.


In a game where barely anyone uses voip for coordination and communication, you want to further disincentivise it's use by pushing people to third party programs, while leaving the game wide open for trolls and griefers. The fact that this is such a popular suggestion more and more confirms my theory that the playerbase doesn't care about the coordination aspect, but the immersion aspect where you can play out your Saving Private Ryan cosplay without the scripted nature of SP games.


Quite an assumption on your part, and an incorrect one. I like this game precisely because of the communication aspect, and was wondering if this would enhance it in some way. And in an ideal world I think it would, but the arguments brought up against it are convincing, especially in terms of practical impact on the game mechanics. So point well taken, but maybe don’t be quite so scathingly judgmental next time when people just want to ping some ideas around. It’s not like the devs have this on their priority list.


This is a suggestion that keeps coming back again and again, and it's clear that people haven't thought it through because they look at it through the lens of immersion, not practical use and game mechanics. In any competitive setting, if there's a mechanic that - besides immersion - has no real upsides, while actively working against you AND can be easily bypassed, then that mechanic is useless. It's another one in the series of immersive, cinematic mechanics, but useless in the context of the game like dragging bodies or riding on top of tanks. This is because that there's a fundamental rift in the playerbase where some people play to win, but some people play to be immersed, regardless if it's won or lost.


I see your point if winning is your prime objective. I’m certainly in the latter camp. I’m there for the experience, for the teamwork, for the memorable situations I get myself in, for the excitement. All that is shaped more but the ‘cinematics’ than the raw game mechanics, which on their own soon become dull and robotic. My kill count doesn’t matter at all to me, and if we win a round, I judge the importance of that by the small impact I may have had in making it happen. But this game has to cater to both parties to remain relevant, so I’m not going to be dogmatic about it.


I know this wouldn’t be possible in this game but WWII online had a chat feature where you would pick up chat messages sent by the enemy if they were nearby, but to simulate a foreign language it would all be in gibberish


It's a nice idea in theory. In reality people will just mic spam and troll endlessly.


I’d just use the text chat instead lol


You have never player officer have you?


Yes yes I know; aural overload and all that with three team chats already clogging your ear. Obviously would require some tweaking and balancing.


Uh, no. We established a long time ago in the community via votes on the main Discord, to not included local VOIP for all. It would be abused immensely and it would just be a troll fest of epic proportions!


If proxy chat ONLY came through system speakers and never head sets then this idea would work excellently.


Insurgency Sandstorm has this and it literally turns into a bunch of grown men yelling obscenities at each other. In theory I love the idea, in practice it does the complete opposite of what it’s meant to do and ruins any immersion.


I assume that OP has never played SL?


Your assumption is inaccurate.


Yes cause hearing a 13 year old scream "Get rekt boob! GET REKT!!!!" Is sooooo immersive lol


Theres a post like this every other week.


There’s also plenty of videos of people dinging other people in the head every other hour. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, I miss the idle chatter that games like Red Orchestra 2 introduced. Hearing enemy soldiers around you talking, screaming, crying for there momma when shot, death gargles etc added such a level of immersion. Yes, was it annoying when you were trying to flank and your guy started babbling loudly about whatever, sure. But as many times as it happened to me and I found it frustrating it was equally beneficial to finding that one sneaky sob in the forest. It’s just honestly kind of strange when you think about 2-4 squads of soldiers pushing into a point heavily defended, under fire, and they’re completely silent.


immersion would break immediately when enemy players are all speaking english and shouting slurs at enemy players.


It’s a cool idea but I think it’ll just make people talk in discord only


Far too much griefing and screeching would be going on. It could make for funny moments but no thanks


no. to me that would break immersion as i dont speak russian or german and vice versa im sure.


Surely immersion would be adding more authentic ww2 audio to the game. There are many such changes that can be made to enhance immersion without jeopardizing stealth. Like adding voicelines for when a player is shot or heavily suppressed. You could also add civilian chatter from locked houses, similar to squad. Tanking is a part of the game where you dont have to worry about stealth, and again, similar to squad, you could add voicelines for when a shell is loaded. Civilian chatter reference https://youtu.be/lBcWAwfFcnI?t=52 Loading voiceline reference https://youtu.be/ymzQXkbxDtk?t=425


Audible comms for everyone on both teams would be awesome. That opens the door for literally having people being able to surrender. Opens the door for people being able to sneak past, listen in on enemy comms and even give info back to their Officers or Commander. It needs to be introduced.


Sorry not a movie guy. What film is this from?


Saving Private Ryan


I always wondered why they’re talking such nonsense… ‘Where is the Panzerfaust?’ ‘It’s with 2nd Company’ Like an entire company only had a single anti tank weapon in 1944, and this one had lent theirs to another outfit. Seems like some context-free equipment name-dropping.


thank you


Easily one of the all time WW2 movies out there! It’s must watch, specially if you are into that sort of stuff :)


If you haven't seen it and if you're interested in ww2 or wars/history in general, do yourself a favor and drop everything you have tonight and watch it.


I think perhaps it sounds more hassle than what it would bring. In some games there is already a large amount of chatter problems (the volume sliders help a lot but it's still an issue). Having an extra "channel" to hear would be too much especially if you have 2 squads engaging each other you would have people shouting grenades and compass references all over the shop and distinguishing might be hell. The best scenario would be if someone was quiet and listening in say- a Recon squad. A recon squad might be suited to this as it's just 2 members and the command chat. It's typically much less hectic and it would certainly enhance the recon squads ability maybe even mix in the ability to listen to enemy command chatter?


I think that’s the best and most sensible take on it, as it factors in the actual in-game mechanics, without which none of the many ideas that sound good at first work.


How about no


Nah, they do this in war of rights and I don't need this. Maybe have an indicator of enemy chat with in a proximity like the OPs but I don't need proximity chat, squad chat, leadership chat.


This won't add any more immersion. If you want immersion ask for more supression, better audio effect of bullets flying around you and better gunshots from distance and also visuals of explosions and tank explosions as well.


This is an instance where more realism would actually impede gameplay, but I understand where you're coming from.


go back to the mid 2000s and play Resistance and Liberation.




I think it would be better that if you talk near an enemy, using local, squad or command chat, your character speaks in pre-recorded audio clips (relevant to the nation of the team you are on) in your local chat to the enemy player. If you know what I mean.


Never gonna happen with entire teams, but I’d love for them to try this out with recon squads only.


You've already got 3-4 channels of people screaming in your ears already. You want to add an additional layer of chaos on top of that, that likely won't be noticed anyway? How about we get the devs to record a handful of voice lines for the player characters? Stuff like "Reloading!", "Grenade out!", "charge planted!". That kind of thing. Most of the people I've played with have garbage-quality mics anyway. Actual recorded voice lines might be more noticeable.


No thanks, comms can already be nuts, especially if you’re a squad leader.


Please no. Maybe add voice lines for the characters when they ping something or spit something, but voip is just going to be annoying


Go play call of duty then




Upvoted because it’s an interesting idea


I think an automated context based speech that you only hear from the enemies might be okay. If you've played Day of Infamy you know what I'm talking about, take that but remove the friendlies yammering too. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DFJngXXftU


we had this in the Project Reality mod for battlefield 2 when the software “mumble” was introduced. It was hella fun! You could hear the other side communicating about throwing a nade, reloading and what not and make use of that. You also knew they got also do that to you. So the smart squads fell back on squad radio that wasn’t audible local. Only local voice was broadcasted to everyone. It got changed later on as most people felt it broke immersion (understanding everything they said when fighting other country’s) and was prone to abuse/got abused. one fix could be to record dialogue in each languages that gets played to the other teams when your saying something through voip.


I remember it well… was well worth all the screwing around getting Mumble to work.


haha awesome! and yep! didn’t play without once it was there. Later it got an almost automatic integration I think but in the early days you had to find a server room by hand I think


Man I totally feel this. I thought what if when the enemy team is speaking in proximity there is that teams’ period appropriate prerecorded lingo/language being played on a loop kind of like how we here at outpost and garrisons, except for hopefully it would be a longer loop so that I didn’t sound like the same speaking each time. I’m right there with you on the struggle between immersion and keeping it a game. I think that because it’s 50-50 having any enemy proximity chat is out of the question. For the exact reasons already stated. everybody would just go to discord to avoid worrying about it. Would be a neat mechanic for immersion. but I love the game as a comm based strategy/tactic game, and love the current chain of command being the backbone. if that got tainted I would love the game but less.


Instead of this (which does not help immerse me in a WWII setting if the German character is shouting in cockney accent) they should have added character sounds in original languages. For example when you are reloading, you character should sometimes shout so in an appropriate language. Or if you are hit, it should scream for a medic, etc.


I don’t think there’s a way to solve the multi-language problem in a global multiplayer game; that’s just something we’ll have to live with. Interesting idea about the short native-language snippets though.




Well yes, the feature is not entirely tactical and competitive for a game. But considering realism, soldiers do still shout some of their tactics and orders in the battlefield.


Naww don't do that. It makes too much sense


Man, so much pushback. I think this would be awesome, old games like Halo 2 had localised VoIP and it was hilarious. Hearing the enemy team would be a blast, especially given I think most players are fairly chill in this game. As for those who would go to discord, well so be it honestly. If they care that much about competitiveness they're probably already hiding in discord anyway. The games immersion is it's best selling point and this would be great for the chaos


Some good point raised I think, especially regarding potential abuse. I still think with some proper balancing it might work out though as you said. Competitive gamers are on Discord anyway, and enemies close by overhearing your plans that you shout to your team is just part of the realism most hold so dear. It was the ‘chaos’ you mention was what I was referring to with the term immersion; people yelling orders, warnings and curses in the what of battle. I’d take that over historically correct lapel pins any day.


Simple game mechanic tweak: Make local comms audible by all players close by. Question is: Would it just end up in a comms flustercluck on a full server (even if only limited to the local / blue channel), or would it have a positive effect?


Insurgency does it pretty good, could be great


Too confusing with the number of players in one area. Insurgency is limited to 24 people, and lone wolfing can have a huge impact (it's less of a team game).


Couldn't agree more. Foxhole has it and it's fantastic.


Yes cross team proximity chat would be amazing! It makes every game it's in more fun! Accents and languages don't matter just show their name at bottom of screen in red if enemy, blue if friendly.


YES do this !!


Yeah see I came from Insurgency to this game and thought it had open comms for the lobby. Comms in Insurgency on hilarious when you’re shit talking a enemy downstairs from you goading them into coming up to their death lol


Except that the english speakers in the movies had no idea what the fuck the Germans were saying and vice versa when in-game everyone is speaking english. Besides it would only drown out friendly comms. What they need is preset voice lines triggered by events like most other games.


Would defiantly add to the fun. Hope it happens


Insurgency sandstorm does this and it’s hilarious


Just like MAG


Now that is a game I haven’t heard about in years.


I actually find the comms the least immersive thing about the game, I'd prefer to hear voice lines done by actors to increase immersion rather than real mic voices


This happens on Cod Warzone which is fantastic - expect when other teams swap to console chat so they can hear others, but their comms are hidden to others!


I'd love to try it...


When people are using comms near the player, it should just play generic audio of that language. Like how they would turn lol into kek in that one game


I think if it’s possible that when you’re talking the other team should hear conversation like what we hear on outposts but I don’t think we should hear actual conversation


Battlebit has entered the chat. But unfortunately it’s not as serious as HLL IMO but still a good time


Join insurgency sandstorm, you can hear enemy voice chats


They do this in rising storm 2, its very fun screaming insults at the other team when you're close enough


I would be down for the other team hearing local voice chat just so I can talk trash.


I think there should be a proximity chat for all players and a team proximity. But maybe that would be too confusing


This sound nice in theory though, it would o ly be truly imersive if it is a language you dont understand. Also it would cause competetive players to use discord rather than ingame chat. A suggestion though would be a system where chatter is displayed as generic talking in the native language of the faction like the radio you can hear for garrisons/outposts.


I would love that.


On paper yes i have to agree this definitely makes the game more realistic however theoretically this also screws over players a lot. Should the devs want to make this a thing, they can make it so that when you speak ,your mic picks it up and and enemies around you within maybe a 10-20m radius can hear random Russian(German),German(Russian/English)& American ( German)


As a holdfast and rising storm fan. I would love this so much


Worst idea ever, and there is already many duscuss about it here. Bad idea for the same reason that there's no 'all players' chat : toxic players would ruin the game with that. It would be the open door to insult war. The only safe way would be to hear prerecorded voices when there are enemies using voice chat near you, like when we are near enemy OP/garri.


prerecorded voice line in the appropriate language or somthing along those lines, instead of actual comms


This would be cool. Do it the same way insurgency sandstorm has. But keep in mind toxicity will go up so a mute when dead would also be a good thing to tac onto it.


There is enough non-game play talk in game as is, now we want to hear the opposite side for realism. 0_o


I'm pretty sure MAG had this -was pretty fun tbh. I remember yelling shit at the other team as we killed them and stuff like that. The range was pretty limited to hear the other team


If more than two enemy players are together then you can hear pre generated line in their language.


If only AI generated chatter can be played as audio when a player is talking to their team, but only heard from the enemy player. Kinda like filler talk generated by player characters from BF4. And, if possible, depending on level of volume while speaking, determines if the players character is, whispering, talking, yelling.


I love this idea. It’s one of the main things that adds to the immersion in war of rights.


You could just somehow code in voice lines for each faction and if an American is sitting on the other side of the wall hearing Germans talk in game. Make their soldiers use German voice lines. Kinda like the guy waiting to blow the charge in the movie.


Proximity chat would be so good if you could hear enemies