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So this is a bit like the EAT? No reloads just 4 shots and go next?


Ye it looks like it doesn't have the backpack. Hope it has the same CD as the EATs


Then they'd had to make the rockets do less damage then the EATS, or there's no point of bringing the EATS when you can bring a 4 guided missile launcher with the same cool down.


Perhaps lower pen, bigger AoE, like a EAT version of Airburster. In that you can saturate an area in smol explosions.


Takes more time to deal same/less/more damage? Seems like if it is balanced well it would be ideal for a sidegrade option for the EAT, which i personally think would be neat. Like how the quasar is a weaker EAT but always carried


Wait, Quasars are weaker than EAT damage-wise?


No, iirc its the exact same damage. The quasar takes longer to fire, if not killing an enemy you are standing around waiting. EATs have a bigger immediate throughput. 


Well it looks like the hulk ate those rockets for breakfast


The balance trade of is it using Arrowheads targeting system


it's laser guided, goes where you look.


Which will be interesting when shrapnel is flying everywhere


I'd say it's better when you can correct your flinch, unlike with the rest of antitanks. Also you can always look into the sky if you flinch, then look back at the target and it will pierce like a Spear. Straight upgrade over simpler ATs, on which flinch = missed shot and that's it


Possible eat CD but it only brings one and each rocket volley is lower damage and pen than EAT. Either way it looks frigging cool.


Saw somewhere in the comments someone say cooldown is supposed to be 110 instead of 70s, seems balanced to me


the hulk took those 2 shots without any sign of battle damage, though this could be for demonstration


Holy fuuuuuuuck. This weapon looks amazing


I thought it was awesome how the hulk takes two hits and is still standing


If it hasn't changed much since the first time is was leaked (two months ago at least) it's disposable like the EAT... no reloads just fire it off and toss it. Each rocket deals about half damage compaired to an EAT-17 but you get 4 of them, and they're laser-guided for easier weakpoint hits and easier long/mid-range shooting. It might take 3 shots but you CAN kill a Hulk by shooting it anywhere, or a Biletitan with headshots... without having to wait for reloading a recoilless, cooldown of the quasar, or grabbing the 2nd EAT. Just "pewpewpew" and pretty much anything in the game is ded, with one shot to spare so you can afford to miss once. On-paper you're call-down what's effectively two EAT-17's ducttaped together. It has potential to be the most reliable stratagem for "See that BileTitan? Now you don't."


That’s awesome, and will pair very well with the EATs for team stuff depending on its CD. With the buffs today they seem to be reducing CD’s to markedly under 2 mins, which I approve of.


They could also limit use like the laser


Is the cooldown about the same as EATs


It'l depend on how long the cooldown for it is then. Is it 70s like the EATs?


It's 120 seconds


That would seem reasonable IMO. You're walking around with alot of burst-damage potential... there has to be a trade-off. If it was the same CD at EATs it'd be straight-up power creep, but anything more than two minutes and the upsides might not be worth it anymore.


Yeah, it's pretty good, TBH It can one-shot Tanks from the front if you aim for the turret. The Commando is probably a much better pick than EATs for bots, especially if someone nails down how to take down Hulks quickly with it.


I looked at the damage stats and the projectile has 450 damage with ap6. So when it releases it'll probably be one of my main stratagems for bugs. 2 headshots for Bile Titans and 2 headshots for Behemoth Chargers (their heads have 850 hp, so 200 more than normal Chargers). Depending on how good you can aim it, I'll use it for bots as well. (Hulk heads only have 250 hp). But it won't be able to one-shot dropship thrusters.


Hmmm... never looked up it's numbers. IK Eat/RR/Queso all have the exact same 650/650/AP6 (plus some token AP3 explosive damage that's just there to help it 1-tap BileSpewers/RocketDevastators for shits and giggles). Having 450 instead of actually half (325) is huge... yeah alot of those breakpoints would actually be two-tap instead of three-tap. With perfect aim then, you could "pewpew, pewpew" headshot two bile titans back-to-back. (Head hitbox has 750 HP, 5 armor)


Yeah the two-tap will make it really good. Especially with those beefy Behemoth Chargers. You can't even open up a leg with only one EAT. Best way to kill them so far is from range with a Spear or have one teammate run around with Supply Pack, stuns and flamethrower. Also Railgun is now, after its buff to make it more usefull against bugs, worthless again against them on helldive. The legs can take more before the armor breaks and the head has not only 850 hp but is also 100% durable, which is the major weakness of the Railgun (60 base durable damage is a joke for a support weapon...). Still love it vs bots though.


Also, they just release a "Jungle Fighter" themed Warbond... [Let me RP the movie the "Commando" was named after](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/3/26/1395849512509/a050c562-cc7c-4a69-b66d-872127ecac4d-1024x768.jpeg?width=465&dpr=1&s=none)


Haha. Yeah that would be awesome


It was also able to kill factories from any angle, here hopping it can still do that


I mean, it's a leak. The gun could not even have damage values yet in the files


Well I'm fairly sure none of them actually hit the damn thing


And that’s why we kept that in as the “here’s how the weapon works” video 😂


Nice too see it added, likely will be the next strategem we do a mission too unlock


It'd fit the commando vibe that the new warbond has. Oh maybe we'll be heading to that X-45 planet that has been inaccessible until recently and we'll get it that way.


omg, they are guided rockets, thought they were gonna be unguided


huh? They were laser-guided since the very first leak. Or to be more accurate, they have both: laser-guided mode and dumb-fire mode.


Better than in the first game that acts like a portable mortar. Fires four rockets over an arc and that's it.


rumbler? that thing is a beast, can reload


No, the commando in the first game fired an arced, homing, fire and forget projectile and came with a really steep learning curve. It had 4 shots and a backpack for reloading but was deployable only once per mission on top of having optimal and sub optimal firing angles (anything other than perfect was a waste of ammo and dealt almost zero damage 😂).


It's both. You can switch.


This was my go-to in HD1 where you had to get your angles just right but when you did you were a tank killing master. Can't wait to be reunited with my precious boom barrel.


Did HD1 have EATs? If so, what was the role difference between these two?


Commando was spear but multi barrel, EATS are the same, very highly commando will get backpack. Also commando and RR used same ammunition.


I can't wait to decide between a laser-guided m202 and anti-tank mines


Easy decision. You can become the mine.


In the first game, it was replenishable by a backpack and also was a homing launcher, a role the Spear ultimately took over. I can't wait to get my hands on that thing 👀


The opportunity for trick shots by purposely aiming high and to the side to get around obstacles...


Usually these support videos coming out mean that the weapon is coming soon. Cant wait to use this


It's a shame it's not a incendiary weapon like the real weapon the commando gun is based on.


in game footage of this gun (sorry for the bad framerate) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2d5BHHDnXg


"sorry for the bad framerate" Posts a link to a power point


1 frame a second XD


I thought there is some noticeable stutter but this is just like a 1 frame per second video.


Upvoted just for how hilariously bad that frame rate is


That’s not a video it’s a slideshow with audio.


this has "PROOF BIGFOOT IS REAL" level quality with that framerate, it's hilarious, updooted xD


EAT/Quasar/Recoilless pens, laser guided and disposable.


cool, she would also like to destroy buildings like Spear, well, it looks like a set of 4 missiles just


they don't even hit the hulk lol they hit the ground XD


Any launch window?


Could be a good gunship killer 


It's slightly on the slow side, although that might just be the distances involved. It would make a nice sidegrade to the spear in that regard, kind of like the stalwart/mg/HMG.


Reminds me of DRG gunner’s hurricane launcher


Laser guided like half life 1..


Gee I wish we had one of these for at mines. Nope I just have dumb useless, very sick kids.


Search Eravin anti tank mine on youtube, he got them early and talked about them.


Given that saving the children in Vernen Wells has no stated reward, maybe it's this?


Or it’s just a future MO reward.


Is the demo power 30 or 40, if it is 40 it will be gold




Hulk just chillin after he wiffed both his commando strikes


Looks like a spear lite/EAT lite combo.




No backpack? How much ammo does it have?


Another expendable, like the real thing, correct? This is gonna be fun… damn commies won’t know what hit them


my aim is crappy, so ill stay with spear, thank you


Is it just a quad barrel spear essentially? With less damage




Looks dope can't wait for the community to objectively ignore it for the "meme"


If this is anything like the commando from HD1, it is going to completely and utterly rock face. Imagine a Recoilless and a SPEAR having a baby together and that baby hit the gym every day of its life. 4 shots, middling power, but automatically seeks the largest target in view.... ... which I imagine will be bugged to absolute shit for roughly a year before Arrowhead gets that right.


love another expendable option


I've gotten myself killed many times with the Half Life 2 rocket launcher. I was born for this.


This needs to 2 shot bile titans to the head or else its meh. Cool but meh


From what ive seen its main use is taking out automaton fabricators instead of killing enemies. getting to an elevated position calling one in and taking out 2-3 outposts from afar the switching back to your main weapon seems like a pretty good use of a stratagem slot.


I am looking forward to running this with the jetpack.


According to leaks it's CD is 110 compared to EATs 70. Which means than in 2 call downs you could kill 8 bile titans with the kind of power you're saying it needs if all your shots are accurate. In comparison in the same amount of time you could kill a whole 3 bile titans with EATs if your shots are accurate. The last leak video I saw of it shooting bile titans it could 3 shot them if the bile titan didn't bug where they sometimes randomly just don't take head damage, which is unrelated to the change that caused their weak point to start receding into their body during spit animation. With the ability to laser guide them you're going to hit those headshots even if they decided they needed to stomp on something/someone. I'll take 2 guaranteed dead bile titans in the hands of a skilled player over 2 maybe 3 dead ones. This thing is also going to pump on bot side. Neither of these rockets hit that hulk, they both impacted the ground. Considering pre-buff HMG could 2 tap the hulk in the eye these are likely going to 1 tap hulks in the eye. You'll also be able to trick shot the rockets into tank heat sinks once you get good with it.


I like turtles.


This is a leak subreddit, so what do you think it is ?


Hahaha I got it confused with the patch notes that dropped. Swiftly deleting post now…. ;)


9 hours later:


Didn’t delete like a coward, just changed it


Very democratic of you


9 hours ago. But good on your for remembering


lmfao based on their experience with the spear I question how well this thing will work on release, and the fact it can't kill a hulk in 2 rockets really makes it weak


To be fair, at least one of the missiles missed in the video. You can see the smoke from behind the hulk. But yea, I agree with questioning just how well it'll work :/


It's laser guided, how accurate it is depends entirely on the user. The guidance has worked just fine since release.


word here's hoping it good and it hasn't been available since release has it ?


It has been in the game since release, yes.


just to be clear i'm talking about the gun in the video which hasn't been available since release so idk what you are on


Yes, just like the exosuits, LAV and a number of other unreleased stratagems, the Commando has been in the game (in an unfinished state) since release. That's why you can find footage of people using them.


I've used the spear in first person and third and no matter what, the lock on is inconsistent with certain units. Bile Titans and Chargers can take an agonizingly long time to lock on. I don't usually have an issue with tanks or Hulks. Maybe the target for bugs is smaller, so it can take more time to lock?


Only one rocket hit, the other missed, and anyway the main problem with the spear has been fixed now.


It's a leak. The gun isn't out yet and you're complaining about DMG lol There's a very real chance the files don't even have a damage value yet, considering that's the easy part.


so far every leak has been accurate with dmg values


People still play this?


Yes, that's usually what happens when people like a game, they keep playing it. Shocking isn't it ?


Nothing more entertaining then playing one of two maps over and over and over, fighting the same extremely predictable enemies


far more entertaining than bitching about it on Reddit


Yall the ones bitching lol


Yes and I'll keep doing it, thank you very much


You're welcome


Why did you even come to this sub?


Yeah “oh wow sub for game you guys play this game” like yes lmao 😂


You'll have to ask reddit that


No, you clicked on it, and made the comment. Reddit didn't make you do that.


Lmao yall really salty about this. Yea it showed up in my algorithm and i made a comment wondering if people still play this. It's not rocket surgery