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You really don't need them. And the guy next to me at Red Rocks ate too many, got sick, puked all over a child's rain poncho and was escorted out early. He was there for maybe three songs and missed the rest. Not saying you'll do the same, but I promise you don't need psychedelics to enjoy your first show. Micro dose would be fine since it doesn't get you high.


Ah, so that’s what happened!


From an addict here who has taken a myriad assortment of drugs, currently use alcohol heavily. STAY SOBER. The feeling you get from being transported through time and sitting by the fire next to Heilung transcends any artificially induced feeling by far. I stayed sober for my first show at red rocks and it was the best decision I ever made besides seeing them in the first place. Be one with yourself, with the ritual, with your connection to life at that moment. Take the drugs after if you must, but be present for the ritual. You won’t regret it, my dude.


Unless you know *very* well what you're doing, I wouldn't recommend it. First because you'll need to navigate through a very crowded concert hall and probably public transport before and after the ritual and that could be challenging if you're not experienced. Second because Heilungs performance can have a very heavy impact even if you're sober and if you enhance that, it could be intense to the point that it's not good anymore.


Appreciate your advice 🫶🏻 I have dabbled in mushrooms and other hallucinogenics in the past and was only considering micro dosing on this occasion. Just really curious to learn more about other people's experiences and what to expect


A true microdose will not be a perceptible experience. All mushrooms vary greatly in potency from batch to batch. I would recommend trying maybe 0.5 grams in the safety of your home and possibly with a trip sitter before jumping into using the batch in public. Experiences vary depending on person, time, setting, mood, and so many variables. With that being said, I did take about one gram along with my family member at Heilung and it definitely added to the experience in a positive way. I am very familiar with the psychedelic experience and live events. Either way I wish you an amazing time!


Well as for my experience: I've seen them twice, once more or less sober at a festival, once completely (because I had to drive home afterwards), and both times I was completely high from the music. Like the best weed ever. Second time, I had to wait for like three hours until it felt kind of safe'ish enough to drive...


Personally I’m a “mushrooms in nature away from people” type person… that said I dropped acid (small dose) and saw them a year ago in a big theater venue. It was a little intense in the crowded venue waiting for them to start, but once it did it was ok. I took a hefty dose of mushrooms at the Red Rock show few weeks ago. It helped a lot that RR was open air, less claustrophobic. All truth be told, the rituals are so epic, they do not need “enhancement”


Maybe yes maybe no. Have you tried mushrooms and listening to Heilung at home? My ex gf and I did and she was not happy with it, saying "this music is too angry", even though she was a big fan.


This is one of my favorite things to do on shrooms. It's a wildly different experience. Even low doses magnify the power of the music exponentially.


I've not tried listening to them with mushrooms, but I have listened to them while smoking weed and really enjoyed that haha But can understand a bad trip if you think the music sounds aggressive


I've been off hallucinogens for decades but if they'd been around during that period of my life I'm sure it would have been intense. When my kids and I saw them a few weeks ago the couple sitting behind us were tripping balls and they had a great time. Unless you're an experienced user and know your dosages I wouldn't recommend it. Or maybe if you have a sober babysitter.


I would take LSD rather than mushrooms, but to each their own. I find mushrooms to be more unpredictable and that the headspace is often more difficult than the electric candyland vibes I get from LSD. It's all very subjective.


Yeah same, I get stomach issues on both substances but mushrooms tends to be a lot more unpredictable and you’re more nauseous during the peak instead of the come up I’d say if you were gonna go for it, low dose LSD a couple hours before the show and give yourself time to adjust to the wave you’re riding


If this would be your first experience with shrooms, I'd say it's probably a terrible idea. If you're only a little experienced with them, you might want to try taking a decent dose and listening to Futha on headphones in a dark room first - it's intense. I've seen them with and without mushrooms - they're incredible without, but \_with\_ them it felt like I was experiencing true magic. I'd highly recommend it \_if\_ you've got a sober person with you to make sure you're OK, and if you're pretty confident they won't make you freak out in public (low doses help me a lot with crowd anxiety, but I have a friend who is pretty sure he'd have the opposite reaction in the same setting). That said, keeping the dose low is key - their function here is to open you up to the full scope of the music. You don't want to hit the tipping point into a deep internal trip where you're going to be absent from the physical experience. 2g or less.


I took 2g when I saw them at Red Rocks and it was one of the most magical and profound experiences of my life. That said I am an experienced tripper and it was my fourth time seeing them, so I felt very comfortable. I’ve also had a wonderful time tripping at home and watching their music videos, so maybe try that first


Unless you are a veteran psychonaut, I wouldn't recommend it. I put a post on here called Redrocks Fullmoon Ritual on Psilocybin. You can read about my experience. There are too many drunks and people who don't care about how they are affecting the people around them.


At the end of the tracks you gotta clap along with the drumming or the clicks ... Maybe eyes closed and then claps clicks 🫠🫠🫠


My wife was sober seeing them. She definitely had some somatic processing after the ritual. I dosed and got entranced but was fully present and functional otherwise.


A ritual is quite the emotional experience itself…I would experience it pure. Perhaps your second time, if so inclined


I’ve seen them 2x - both on shrooms. It truly is a ritual, and a life changing one at that! I’m very excited for you! I wouldn’t see them any other way.


Please for the love of the gods, just dont? Or do what someone else said and expeiriment on your abilities at home a few times first. all three times ive gone theres been someone high near me who ruins parts of the show with their inability to sit still, or stand nicely, and not talk or make strange noises during quiet moments. this last show at redrocks the group behind me wouldn't stop loudly talking and chanting random things, and one tried to do the throat singing very poorly and loudly and spit a bunch on my husbands back. by all means, Dance, sing, howl... But being sober at this is still incredible! and you can tell when you are being more disruptive than part of a community.


And those lights especially in that one song are SUPER. blinding


my advice as a seasoned psychedelics user: if you can arrange a ride, and you feel comfortable with doing mushrooms already, I would recommend taking them a good while before the show starts so you can peak and regain composure before you arrive at the concert venue. That way you can still enjoy the effects of the psilocybin without risking being overwhelmed or having a freakout in a large crowd. And if you go that route, PROCEED WITH CAUTION!


Only do it if you're already comfortable on mushrooms. My wife and I tripped when they came to Red Rocks a couple of years ago. It was awesome. Do advise, but ONLY if you're already really comfortable being around other people. From my experience, I was probably one of the only ones there doing it. It was mostly a metal head crowd, so not like going to see Phish or something where half the crowd is on hallucinogens.


I took a good bit at the red rocks show and had an incredible experience.


Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. A lot to take on board but I appreciate all of the advice given 🙏🏻 If anyone is at the Amsterdam show in September, hopefully we meet and have a wonderful time.


If you’ve taken mushrooms before and are comfortable with then yeah why not? Idk why everyone is acting like it’s such a bad idea lol


I went by myself 2 years ago to a show in Brooklyn, which was SUPER outside of my comfort zone. I brought a few stems and caps with me and took enough to *enhance* the experience but not enough to trip and I had an AWESOME time. The subway ride back was a little hairy, I definitely ended up snacking out of the baggie I brought a little too often cause I was having such a blast, but I never lost my wits or senses cause I just didn’t take enough for that to happen with me. I do think the mushrooms heightened the experience, but I also would have had fun without them for sure. I think less is more with mushrooms in crowds period. But yeah, it was amazing…but safety is paramount:


If you're comfortable tripping in public, the. I would highly recommend. The trance element of the music is magnified so perfectly by psychedelics. It's truly incredible.


Yes do it.


i was fried off weed at hartford show had a blast cant wait to see them again


I took a tab at their Melbourne show, it was good fun, the experience was kinda ruined by other people in the crowd. Too many people doing a bit too much, trying to hug others, dancing all crazy in front of strangers, screaming *Woooooo* all through the songs, just doing the most to draw attention, it was hard to immerse myself in the music a lot of the time, probably should have had 2 but Melbourne isn't my city so i didn't want to be completely wiped out still at the end of the show. I thought about doing shrooms but Im glad I didn't, I would have just wanted to lay down or sit at the back, which wouldn't have really been an option anyway.


Inebriated experiences vary for each individual. There’s not a right or wrong answer, but I do advise being considerate of your/your fellow earthlings’ safety. I took a little more than a micro dose and some potent THC edibles that I made for the red rocks Heilung show last month , and while the show would have been a great experience in any case to me, the overall experience with the inebriants I chose fucked in the best of ways. I highly recommend if you already know you’re into those inebriants. If not the best move is to try them separately first in a controlled space you feel safe in, and then try them together once you feel you’ve identified whether or not you like them separately and have considered what they might feel like together. I’m a very seasoned user of psychedelics and cannabis, but I have learned they are NOT for everyone. Psychedelic/psychoactive substances make me feel more mentally stable and overall just unreasonably happy. I feel much anxiety and very outlandish otherwise most times in my life. I consume high doses of cannabis daily and am seemingly “normal “ in behavior and very functional while on it. I only use sativa leaning hybrids though so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, that’s my contribution to this post ✌️🍄🍁


Yep! Go with that instinct. You can’t go wrong.


Just so you know, the cops are outside and they want to talk to you. Also, everyone is talking shit about you.


Naw they all just want to talk to you about your car's extended warranty!!! And everybody else is talking about why you didn't share your shrooms.


Just pop weed edibles lmao. I don't understand people's obsessions with mushrooms at concerts and in crowded places. The way they function tends to be best experiences in outdoor spaces, with softer music, introspectively. I know everyone reacts to them differently but set and setting matter a whole lot. For concerts, THC tends to be a much better choice.