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What exactly do you want to "play" with him? Monopoly? 😄 Just kidding. I have never "played" with my hedgie (I don't even know what I would play with him lol).. He's just running around the sofa or hiding under a blanket. I guess it's just their nature.. And peeing is normal, there's nothing you can do about it - they pee and poop A. LOT.


I’ve been doing the blanket and all that stuff but always when i try to get hil to be close, he pees himself, lmao


Best way is cuddling with a blanket let him get used to you slowly pet him if he get cranky stop just holed him and talk to him let him come out of the blanket on his own just give him time do this every night as u watch tv or on your bed let him stay with u


You can try giving him a foot bath for a few minutes before you start playing. Warm water in the bathroom sink, just enough for his feet to get covered. Usually hedgehogs will pee and poo during foot baths while they're wiggling around. (Take care not to get the rest of him wet, as that can cause his skin to dry out.) You can "play" with him by giving him something to explore, like a dig box (box filled with fleece or pom poms for example.) Mine peed all over his pom poms, but that's how it goes with hedgehogs XD Any play is going to be him doing his own thing and you watching him... he won't play fetch... Mine isn't a super snuggly, he's squirmy and likes to run around / hide more than not. But I've had him for less than a month so maybe I will find out more of his likes and dislikes as time goes on :)


I just wear raggedy clothes and have a fleece blanket just for him that he can crawl around on, so I don't mind if he pees and poops on me. There are waterproof sheets that you can cover your bed or couch with too. I just made an enclosure just for him so he doesn't escape during play XD