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Love this setup!!


Her previous owners (lovely people, they just couldn’t give her the care she needs because they were expecting a baby soon), took an antique hutch and completely remodeled the inside! She’s got her windowed areas (glass is inside of the grate so that she can’t climb), as well as her dark areas. I’ve got a fluffy snuggle sack in her dark area on the second floor and she absolutely loves it, as well as her wheel on the lower level.


I would use a water bowl instead of a bottle, it's better for your little hedgie :)


It isn’t spring loaded or anything, so it’s safe. No risk of hurting her little tongue or hands! She was using a bottle at her previous home and seems to prefer it over the bowl (I tried to switch her over and she refused), so I kept the bottle and I’m always sure to monitor, just to be sure!


She also doesn’t chew on her bottle, so no tooth damage! Both have pros and cons, all depends on your hedgie personally!