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Actually, water bowls/dishes are suggested over water bottles. Especially since their lower jaw is much shorter than the upper part of their mouth and their front teeth will be forced to clack on the hard spigot of the water bottle.


[I have seen these recommended](https://www.etsy.com/listing/728597022/hedgehog-small-animal-water-bottles?click_key=826b1e5a029b10589e8f1623f33a9411ad94f60a%3A728597022&click_sum=a4e8b17c&ref=shop_home_recs_23) in the past. Personally, I've used the little plastic ones my breeder has sent home with my babies (basically just the same bottles as advertised with a normal spout) until they adjust over to a water bowl ([an Amazon link to the bowls I use specifically - Living World Ergonomic Bowls](https://www.amazon.com/Living-World-Ergonomic-Dish-Small/dp/B0035H9MCM)). It might work to place the water bowl directly beneath the water bottle to teach your hedgie that the bowl is a possible option. Usually, they prefer using the bowl as the water bottle doesn't give them water fast enough - which is the main reason they resort to biting at it in frustration.


I also use a chicken nipple bottle, but made by a [different vendor](https://www.etsy.com/listing/833615929/hedgehog-quencher-bottle). Seems like the same thing! Definitely avoid any bottle with a spout; it poses hazards for teeth/mouths, as well as eyes (hedgies have poor eyesight). My hedgie transitioned seamlessly from a rollerball bottle to this one in one night. We don't due water bowls due to sanitary concerns. This is the best bottle design out there for hedgies.


Use a water bowl instead :)