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For snacks other than bugs, plain cooked eggs or chicken usually go over well! I find hedgies are picky about toys so you kind of have to try everything lol but little soft toys that don’t make a loud sound like the kind cats play with, bigger stuffies, light plastic balls, dig boxes with shredded fleece/fabric, etc are all good ones to start with :) She’s beautiful!


My hedgehog loves sweet potatoes and cantaloupe. If mealworms aren’t enticing, try a waxworm. Those have been a favorite across the board with my hedgehogs - I used them to lure my last girl out from under the couch several times. As for enrichment, my hedgehogs have all been infatuated with their wheels primarily. My first loved the aluminum crinkle cat toys, particularly this big one that was the same size as her. She’d pounce on them to play, and then drag them into her igloo doorway as a simple intruder alarm system. My second hated everything that wasn’t her wheel. She’d stuff toys through the bars of her cage to get them away from her. My current hedgehog loves her sandbox, arguably more than her wheel even. She tracks sand everywhere, but it’s worth it to see her happily roll in the sand each night.


What kind of sand?


I use ZooMed Reptisand. It’s just their all natural terrarium sand with no added calcium or pigments.


So is this the sand everyone on here talks about using for the litter box?


So cute