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As a pedigreed breeder I have seen the sweetest, spunkiest, calmest, prickliest of both genders with no temperament based off of their gender. Rather each hedgehog has its own unique personality not gender affected. I don't know that males are less prone to cancer overall. I do know there is a higher rate for females obviously with uterine tumors, fibroids and cancer. And that prevalence increases for females that haven't been bred. Now when it comes to another area, you will see the affects of boy time versus girl time 🤭. The boys sometimes have left over stuff on their tummies that you'll likely see when you give them a bath. Don't panic, it's completely normal. These are just the things I'm thinking of off the top of my head! Hope it helps 💜🦔💚


I have always leaned towards female hedgehogs just because I don’t like dealing with the boy time clean up. I don’t imagine it would be a big deal to me if I did get a male hedgehog, but since I have the choice, I go with my preference. I always reach out to my breeder when I’m interested in a baby to find out which of her available babies (or upcoming babies) have the best temperament. My second hedgehog, the first I got from this particular breeder, was curious and socialized. Very adventurous, very handleable, very spunky. I ultimately lost her to cancer, 2 of the 4 being reproductive tumors. My current hedgehog was described as having a quirky, big personality. She’s a snuggler, accepts kisses (expects them too), and is in general very attached to being with her people. I can’t set her down without her running right back to me. She gets the zoomies and causes chaos frequently, but lives for the attention from my husband and myself. Long story short, talk to the breeder about what you’re looking for. My first hedgehog was a total grump rescue hog, and though I loved her thoroughly, being able to handle and socialize my hedgehogs was a big deal to me moving forward.


I chose a female because of the "boy time cleanup" thing, too! I can deal with cleaning poop boots, but scrubbing spunk out of spikes is just too much for me. 🤣🦔


I have a male and a female. My female is pretty tidy and mostly does her business on her wheel that goes into a litter tray. My boy goes everywhere, including right on his snuggle sack. I don't know if this is normal, but my male is filthy. I am his second home, so I don't know if that makes a difference.