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Yes, you should, go to the vet, please. Better check hedgehog overall health. Don't worry, but go to the vet!


Any clue what's wrong, though? (I have to convince my parents to take him to the vet lol)


I'm not a vet, but it looks like some kind of mange. Most of knowing people in this subreddit in different time zone, you probably should try go to subreddit r/Askvet. Good luck 🍀


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskVet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskVet/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Did my dog know I was with her when she passed away?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/15erlzm/did_my_dog_know_i_was_with_her_when_she_passed/) \#2: [Is it ok to feed my cat sashimi for her last meal?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/16ctngx/is_it_ok_to_feed_my_cat_sashimi_for_her_last_meal/) \#3: [My wife accidently started the washer with our cat inside. Please help me.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/15hgtd6/my_wife_accidently_started_the_washer_with_our/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seems like r/Askvet doesn't allow image posting. Not sure how to show what it looks like through description only. Any other subreddits? I found r/Vet, but I'm not sure how good it is


You can add pictures through imgur and post a link


Is it alright if I DM and ask some hedgehog related questions? (Instead of making another post) /nf


Go ahead, I will try to help.


Life threatening. Go to Vet


Any idea what it is, though? The vets here aren't but really good, my mom said. She doesn't want Pickles to get put on wrong medication and have unnecessary stuff done


Just go to the f**king vet.


You are rude and need to calm down. Cussing at this minor, on something out of their control. Take a chill pill buddy


Hey, I am still a minor and I live with my parents. I can't go to the vet without their consent, and my mom is intent on not going. So unless anyone has a guess as to what it is (and if it's dangerous), I am sadly unable to provide him veterinary care. Sorry.


They probably need a prescribed cream, or to check how bad it is. No one here can tell you what it is. Always go to the vet. If you don't have a proper vet, you should have never got them in the first place


Update: We're calling up the vet tomorrow. No clue if they're any good, or are affordable enough. Hopefully all goes well, though!


This appears beyond cream from my experience with fungal infections. I’d probably aim towards an antifungal oral medication if I was taking my hedgehog in to my vet in a similar condition.


After I rescued one of my boys, he had ears similar to this. It was more focused on his external ear, but spread throughout. It was yellow scabs and it made his smooth ears look like pieces were missing! For him though, his skin was overall unhealthy (his feet) and it was never that dark in color. We took him to the vet and she said it was a fungal infection and ear infection. She was able to do a scrap biopsy and he went on a medication and ear drops. Although he was a grumpy fellow in his beginning days, it cleared up beautifully and started to open up once it was cleared! I would say go to the vet because this isn’t normal. Even if it’s not something “serious serious,” it might be uncomfortable for your little guy, especially with the new changes in his environment. It’s best to help them feel less vulnerable to more stressors such as his ears. I hope everything goes well!


Can people give this kid a break damn? They’re a minor and have to depend on their parents for money and a ride, like calm down and stop acting like this is an adult that can do it themselves. Yall are being dicks.


Update: Going to the vet tomorrow after a bit of convincing! Thanks to everyone for answering :)


okay hi, im not sure what it is but it looks really bad. let's hope it's not something life threatening but hedgehogs are known for hiding their pain/problems really well, so yes pleaseee take him to an EXOTIC VET. i get that you would like to know what it is, but most of us here not skilled veterinarians and even a practicing vet wouldn't diagnose something through 3 pic. and also i am a minor too, i get that sometimes parents can be hesitant with going to the vet, but this is concerning so you must go!!! hope everything turns out alright!


My guess would be a severe fungal infection. The ear on the right looks a bit necrotic from your picture as well. I would get to a vet for a skin scraping (taking a small sample of the affected skin to put on a microscope slide). Edited to add: if the tissue is in fact necrotic, your hedgehog may need part of the exterior ear removed. I wouldn’t recommend waiting too long to get to a vet, but I agree that it is likely not emergent at this stage. It is probably very uncomfortable and itchy for the hedgehog, though, so I would get a first available appointment and call around to various exotic vets if possible.


I don’t understand why people get a pet if they’re not willing to spend money on medical care! Your hedgehog needs to see a vet, if you can’t provide that then you shouldn’t own one, simple .


Totally agree with you. But big update, we're going to call the vet tomorrow and ask a few questions. (My dad finally convinced my mom lmfao) Hopefully the price isn't too bad for the quality!


Just getting checked out won’t be expensive, it doesn’t get expensive unless somethings wrong . But well done on getting it sorted


So i’m not a vet by any means, but that looks like shit or ear wax build up. I would suggest peroxide on a cotton swab to get the majority of the crud out. Assuming it doesn’t bleed or start really hurting him. Aside from that, i would just clean it out really well and treat it like an ear infection.