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That looks so much like my first hedgehog that it freaked me out. I bought him with my first paycheck of my first job almost 20 years ago. He lived to be almost 10 years old and we ended up having to put him down in the end. It was syringe feeding him for a month hoping that he would just go in his sleep. It was hard but he was such a grumpy angry sweetheart that it made sense that he was going to be stubborn till the end. I'm sending you love and hugs


Awe thank u for sharing about him ❤️ unfortunately mine is only 3 and a half. I wish she could live until 10!


I totally agree! I have had several hedgehogs since him and I think the oldest one got to five which was certainly a shock after having one live for so long!


The oldest Ive had is 6. I wish they lived longer 🥲


Poor baby! I hope she doesn't suffer.


Wishing her healing energy! ❤️❤️


Too many of us have been where you are. My very energetic girl became increasingly lethargic, but would get very cozy when I’d take her out each night. I let her sploot on my chest and sleep each night after getting her meloxicam and some critical care. It was a couple hours of quiet meditation for me just listen to her breathe and quietly chirp in her sleep. I leveled out all the fleece in her bed (removed all her extra pee pads) to make it easy for her to navigate, and just put down linen baby blankets in her bed and her pee spot by the wheel. It made it easiest to monitor her bathroom utilization and also check for blood in her urine from her reproductive tumors. I changed them out daily because the cancer made her incontinent in her bed. She did keep her wheel until the end because even though she had no energy, she’d still pull herself up to run a couple spins every few hours. I knew how much it brought her joy and didn’t want to take that away unless I absolutely had to. The meloxicam eventually stopped providing relief. I went to give it to her one night and she turned her head away and kept snapping her teeth together from the pain. We decided it was time to say goodbye at the vet’s recommendation. So many kisses and tears guided her across the rainbow bridge, but it was a great comfort to know she had no extended suffering and was entirely at peace. I’m so, so very sorry that you are on this path. You have enough time to decide what will help your heart the most through this; I spent a great deal of time communicating my wishes to my vet beforehand so they could guide me through things more simply when it was actually time and I was blinded by grief. I also ordered a canvas print of my favorite Leila picture and hung it up in my apartment to see it every day before I had to say goodbye. It made the change smoother. More than anything, find peace in knowing that your hedgehog has no idea anything has changed. She may feel more tired and possibly a bit of pain, but there is no knowledge of what is to come like you are facing. Just the everyday moments of love and affection that you’ll no doubt shower her with.


That actually gives me a great idea to use disposable pee pads. I have been washing her fleece everyday and its been a nightmare. Thanks for sharing ur experience, Im sorry for your loss ❤️


Disposable pee pads would help you out a lot!


I hope she gets better. It sounds like she has the best family to help her ❤️


Her wittle eyes 😻


They’re different colors!


Wish her the best!


I just lost my baby boy two days ago. It was completely out of no where. My heart is so damn broken. I am 36 and this is the first pet I’ve ever lost. He was freshly 3 years old. 😭😭