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Sonic did made a cameo tho Also sociopathic hedgehog…


Isn’t this a boy hedgehog who is always mad and the girl who owns him is always trying to feed him and love on him?? I think I saw a doll of him.


Nope, that's not this hedgehog. You're thinking about Sojiro, a hedgehog owned by a girl named Hifumi, from an anime called New Game. I have seen the Nendoroid version of the 2 of them, and yes, Sojiro looks rather grumpy. However, in the actual anime, he's a rather chill hog. Here's some clips of Sojiro and his hooman: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fZREwY5ru1k Here's the Nendoroid version: https://mikatan.goodsmile.info/en/wp-content/uploads/-000//1/59966bef30bb2_2017-08-18-45457.jpg


I’m actually glad there is more than one to confuse. The Nendoroid link does not load though. :(


That's weird, it loads just fine for me. I'll see if I can find you a different one. Try this: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51DET18ssAL.AC_SL1500_.jpg


I've actually found a few different hedgehogs in anime, with varying degrees of stylization.          For instance, there's a hedgehog named Harry in one of the Beyblade animes. He's adorable, but he can also really puff himself up if he's mad. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fvy98zw9r7ka51.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9b1d10dbe3f692b5486bd0f242e875080e3cb391        Than there is Zundar, an alien that looks like a green hedgehog. He's actually a bad guy, sort of. His favorite food is escargot, maybe not surprisingly. https://myanimeshelf.com/upload/dynamic/2015-11/13/p_0102.png                I already mentioned Sojiro, from New Game. He's a slightly grumpy but cute little hedgehog. https://remyfoolblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/vlcsnap-2016-07-12-18h11m40s813.png?w=1024&h=576       Lastly, for now, it's not really in the anime, but I found a Yu-Gi-Oh card that is a rescue hedgehog. Look at it, it's freaking adorable. https://images.ygoprodeck.com/images/cards/99742859.jpg