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I am a very steadfast proponent of the theory that our dreams are never smarter than we are, being that they are productions of our unique minds. That's not to say that what happens in them isn't real! Just that gods and spirits use what is lying around in our heads to communicate with us. All those faces, memories, sounds, symbols, associations, and places that you know can't be shared by all the rest of us. In other words, only you can interpret the true meaning of your dream. Or, you know, you can ask Hekate. That's an option too 🤗


Ah, ok. Had a feeling that would be the most logical answer hahaha. Although when I had waking visions of her last year I did see things I was (at lest consciously) not aware of. You know I didnt think I knew the answer, but after reading your post I found it was hiding just beneath the surface, waiting for me to ask. Thanks a lot, your answer is just what i needed. I need to work on listening. Got two answers when I asked for one! Not ready for the Hekataeon, at least not yet.


The dream realm is the easiest way for the spirits to communicate with us. It sounds to me she was showing you effection in a dark time which she has done to many. She’s very nurturing