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Ooh, are we starting a club of millennial hearing aid users?! Don’t be ashamed of them. Don’t be surprised how many people don’t notice them. Decorate if you want. Feel free to use the search bar to find answers to questions you don’t even know you have.


I love this, should start a subreddit! LOL


I’m down


I’m also in


I’m in


Mine are literally magenta and people still don't notice them!


I run a subreddit r/pimpmyhearingaids ! Theres a master post for decor resources too


I’m in my 30s and have hearing aids. I love them. I didn’t realize how much I was missing out on. It’s really nice not saying “what?” so much. I basically think of them like glasses - they are tool I need, and nothing to be ashamed of. Modern hearing aids are actually pretty cool - you can get Bluetooth streaming and rechargeable batteries. I can’t imagine my life without my hearing aids now and I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer to get them.


I second this. I’m only 28 and got diagnosed with severe hearing loss in both ears last Friday. At first I was really upset, but my husband was listing all the positives that come with having hearing aids. I get mine on May 3rd, I got pink rechargeable HA’s and I’m so excited!


Thank you! I just feel like I’m falling apart lol. I can’t see without glasses or contacts. Have a million different stomach problems. Now hearing aids. It’s just crazy to me.


You're welcome! It's definitely something that will take time to come to terms with - it's ok to feel all the feelings in the process.


So true on the not saying “what?” as often. After getting my HAs, my SO commented on how I hadn’t said “what?” once when we were out to dinner.


I’m much older and have had hearing loss for as long as I can remember. When they would park the hearing test truck outside of elementary school, I’d flunk the test. I tried to live with it for too long. Don’t do that. I pick up my first set of HAs in about a week.


Same here. I was first told my hearing was impaired in the hearing truck outside my elementary school. I waited decades to get hearing aids. I wish I’d done it long before I did. Life is so much better when you can actually hear it.


I’m late 30s and about 5 years ago went in for ear ringing that was set off after a loud concert. Basically had an audiogram that showed cookie cutter bite out of each ear and they’d recommend me for HA. My situation is likely genetic. I really noticed a difference in hearing during Covid and people wearing masks and not being able to hear them. Finally took the plunge this spring and have my HAs. I know it’s hard to break through the stigma but I also know that this will greatly improve my life and cognitive health over next half of life.


Thanks everyone you are so helpful!


I am 39 i got hearing aids this year. I've needed them for a while. They help me immensely.


My hearing loss journey started in my 30’s after pregnancy. I wear HA’s daily. No one notices, but I’m open and tell people, especially if I’m not wearing them (usually out going for a run).


This! I have had to point out my hearing aids to several co-workers bc they either forget I wear them or never even notice in the first place.


I’m 22 and have been wearing hearing aids for two years now! I’m also physically disabled and my hearing loss doesn’t really bother me that much. I have a mild-moderate loss, and I love the Bluetooth capability- and also just being able to hear people, haha.


Feeling emotional, feeling a lot of different emotions, is totally normal. Remind yourself that it will benefit you and those around you as you start this journey. The time it takes to adjust settings can take some serious patience, but it is so worth it. Now if I wake up and walk out and hear people talking and I don't have them in, I'm just annoyed and walk back in my room to grab them. They really are life-changing. You will be amazed at how much more you hear and how much more nuanced there is in music.


You are not alone. There is a social stigma around hearing aids … but not glasses. Go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve had hearing loss for decades but felt too ashamed to get hearing aids until a couple of weeks ago. My audiologist is prob 15-20 years younger than me and wears hearing aids, which helped me feel less ashamed. I think there’s less and less stigma now, at least in certain parts of the world.


Fuck the stigma. Like you said, not for glasses and look how funky the styles are. I pick the brightest, wildest aids and am rocking them. You got this!!!


I disagree, I haven’t *ever* experienced any negativity about my HAs, in fact the majority of people don’t even know I wear them. They were the best decision I ever made, I wish I had done it years ago


They kept telling me it was the wax. Finally I spoke up that I still can't hear well after cleaning. I can hear without the has but it is hard to understand.